Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1026 Worry

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

But understanding does not mean agreement.

"It can only be said that everyone has his own ambitions." Xu Weizhi sighed.

Xie Yue also shook his head. I once worked with Pang Xiao, and after all, it was a friendship of fighting side by side. It would be a lie to say that I have no regrets in my heart.

But as Xu Weizhi said, everyone has their own ambitions, so there is no need to dwell on this.

"It seems that although Tao Hanshan has left the prince, he still wants to continue to do something for the prince. Or..." Xie Yue paused for a moment and smiled bitterly, "Maybe the old man's description is not accurate. Although he has left the prince, he still wants to Do something for the prince’s imperial hegemony.”

Only by pushing Pang Xiao to that position can he change his family in one fell swoop. This was not always the case for the founding nobles of the past dynasties.

Pang Xiao sneered, "Following the power of the dragon? But why does he, Tao Hanshan, think that after he hunts down and kills the king's legitimate wife, the king will continue to trust him?"

Standing up suddenly, Pang Xiao suppressed his anger and said: "I know what he is thinking in his heart. If what he wants is not excessive, I will acquiesce to it. But he thinks he is right and wants to kill my wife and then blame others. Forcing this king to act according to his ideas. How is he different from my enemies in doing this? What he wants is not a person who can be loyally followed, nor does he want someone who can follow the dragon. What he wants is someone who can A puppet at his mercy!"

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi stood up and said, "Your Majesty, please calm down."

As counselors, they are not exempt from customs and have certain expectations. But they know the boundaries and the bottom line, and they also know where the prince's bottom line is.

Pang Xiao realized that his anger would have an impact on Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi, so he suppressed his anger and said: "Two gentlemen, please don't worry. I have no other intentions. It's just that Sister Yi was almost killed this time. Although she She didn't lose her life, but she saw someone die in front of her to protect her, which hurt her a lot."

"The princess is a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty. I have heard about that young man's story. The prince still needs to understand the princess more."

"Yes. The young man has been buried. The prince should ask the princess sideways how to put him to rest."

Pang Xiao felt heartbroken when he thought that Qin Yining would cry over this, and said helplessly: "Don't worry, gentlemen, I will persuade Sister Yi."

When Pang Xiao returned to the tent, Qin Yining was sleeping peacefully. In her sleep, she frowned and curled up into a ball, like a frightened little animal.

My heart feels sour,

Pang Xiao felt distressed and pitiful at the same time. He quietly came to the wooden bed and sat down gently.

The bed board made a slight sound, and the original sound was not obvious, but Qin Yining opened his eyes with a start, his hoarse voice showing a bit of panic.


"It's me, be good, don't be afraid." Seeing her such a big reaction, Pang Xiao quickly hugged her and kissed her cheek and forehead carefully, "Don't be afraid, did I wake you up?"

Qin Yining smelled the familiar scent of Pang Xiao and felt a little relieved, then he felt his heart pounding in his chest.

She felt a little uncomfortable.

Maybe it's because I've been running around a lot these days and I've been frightened, so I haven't had a good rest yet.

Pang Xiao took off his boots and robe, climbed onto the couch wearing a snow-white coat and silk trousers, lay down behind her, and hugged her tightly.

Her body was soft and her body temperature was low. After sleeping for such a while, her hands and feet were still cold.

Pang Xiao's distressed big hands held her soft and boneless little hands, and he held her cold feet between his calves to warm her with his body temperature.

"Be good, go to sleep, have a good sleep, I will take care of everything."

Qin Yining turned over, buried his face in Pang Xiao's arms, and responded vaguely: "Yes."

Pang Xiao kissed her forehead, pulled the quilt up, and wrapped Qin Yining tightly.

After sleeping all night, Pang Xiao woke up according to his daily habits early the next morning, but did not wake Qin Yining. He still kept his posture motionless and hugged her quietly.

Qin Yining had an uneasy sleep last night. She woke up several times and was not completely awake. Every time she gasped and opened her eyes, Pang Xiao would wake up immediately, hugging her and coaxing her to sleep. After struggling like this until dawn, she finally fell asleep. Pang Xiao was naturally reluctant to get up for fear of waking her up, so he simply hugged her and thought about the current situation and how to deal with it.

Xu Weizhi and Xie Yuezi got up early. Seeing that there was no movement in the prince's tent, Tang Xiu did not dare to disturb him. If he had anything to do, he went to ask the two gentlemen first.

"The Cheng County magistrate is still kneeling upright outside the camp. You two gentlemen are watching, what should we do?"

Although the county magistrate is small, he is also an official of the imperial court. No matter how old the prince is, how many pairs of eyes are watching him? The prince behaves magnanimously, but Tang Xiu is worried that he will be picked on for this matter and accused of abusing his private power and corporally punishing the court officials.

Xu Weizhi thought for a while and said: "That Magistrate Cheng is a wonderful man, and his actions are interesting and tight. You don't have to worry, the prince will naturally make a decision."

Knowing that this was Pang Xiao's arrangement, Tang Xiu felt relieved and no longer dwelled on the matter.

Cheng Zhixian was kneeling down outside the camp. There were people walking back and forth in the camp, so naturally he could be seen, but no one came forward.

The camp stationed here is actually not far from the city gate of Danford County. You can vaguely see the outline of the city gate. Something big happened in the city yesterday. Although the people were afraid and wanted to hide, the three major families in the county were also worried about the outside world. After all, they arranged for people to come out to investigate, and from a distance they saw people kneeling in front of the camp.

Cheng Zhixian was also well-known in the local area. Now that the prince was stabbed, the magistrate made him kneel outside the prince's temporary camp. The news spread throughout Danfu County.

The heads of the Liu family, Yuan family and Yu family gathered together nervously to discuss countermeasures.

"How can this be good? Yesterday, I don't know whose descendant's hand was not accurate, and actually injured Prince Zhongshun. Prince Zhongshun is a popular man in front of the Holy Father. If there is something, what should we do? ? If by then we are labeled as a treasonist, everyone in our family will be dead."

"Brother Liu, don't be anxious." The head of the Yuan family patted the head of the Liu family comfortingly, and then smoothed his gray beard, "Although the prince's situation is dangerous, there is a saying that one should not blame everyone, and in the end he should not be blamed. What do we do? We are in a embarrassment and what we asked for has not been successful. The Holy Lord will definitely come to us to recruit husbands when he builds the imperial mausoleum. At that time, the younger generations of our family will continue to suffer. "

Everyone sighed in unison.

The thing was not done, the goal was not achieved, and the prince was injured.

The county magistrates were all punished to kneel down, and ordinary people like them didn't know what they were going to face.

The heads of the three families felt numb when they thought of this.

In fear, the old men felt sad when they thought about the young and strong members of the tribe who were killed by the "wolf cubs" when they surrounded the government office yesterday. I was saddened by the tragic death of the younger member of the family, but also worried that the Holy Spirit would punish me.

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