Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1027 Panic

Just as the heads of the three families and the elders were racking their brains to discuss countermeasures, there was suddenly a rush of footsteps outside.

A tall and strong young man rushed in. He was panting and holding on to the door frame. He didn't bother to greet him and pointed nervously in the direction outside the city.

"No, it's not good! There is an army, there is an army, it's coming!"

"What!" The heads of the three families were shocked.

"You mean, an army is coming to us?"

The young junior nodded and said with a pale face: "They are from the army. There are thousands of men, all of them are cavalry. What I saw from a distance in front of the city gate just now is a large group of people from Wuyang Wuyang. ! These people are coming straight to our Danford County town, maybe..."

To quell civil unrest and punish rebellion.

These eight characters flashed through everyone's minds, making the patriarchs and elders of the three families turn pale.

"It's over, it's over. We accidentally injured the prince, and we can't find out which bastard did it. We also besieged the Yamen yesterday. The matter is so big that I'm afraid there is no room for us to defend ourselves. The imperial court is sending troops. Here comes the suppression!”

"Send troops to suppress, suppress, how to suppress." The young man was frightened and stammered.

"How else can we suppress it? What will the court do to those who rebel?"

Everyone was so scared that their faces turned pale.

From this point of view, the imperial court sent troops so quickly to destroy them!

"There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. It is not us who did this. It was not us who stabbed the prince!" The young man couldn't hold back his anger. "It was agreed from the beginning that we came to ask the prince to write to us. This is a guarantee, and it’s not to assassinate the prince. Which bastard did such a thing? Isn’t it going to kill everyone in our town!”

"Nothing can solve all the problems at this time. The key is how to calm the prince's anger."

"But the prince doesn't know what's going on at this time."

Everyone was in chaos. Even the heads and elders of each family were ordinary people after all. Since ancient times, people have not fought with the officials. This time they were forced to have no choice but to petition and write a letter of guarantee. When I came up with the idea, I wanted to get everyone in the county together, so I didn’t believe that the prince wouldn’t agree.

But the advantages of having more people are now coming with disadvantages. Gathering a crowd to petition and gathering for rebellion are two completely different meanings.

Everyone was in a panic and arranged for young people from each family to go outside the city to inquire about the situation.

After a while, another junior came back out of breath.

"Patriarch, those soldiers are now stopped by the people in the prince's tent. At this moment, those people are stopped outside the city and have no intention of getting close for the time being."

"Could it be that these people are planning to attack our county?"

"It's hard to say. Magistrate Cheng is still kneeling outside the prince's camp right now. Maybe that's the case."

"That's a good idea! If they really attack us, we, the peasants, are no match for the soldiers. It is said that the people who came this time are all from the Fifth Army Camp. These people usually protect the important places in the capital.

They are all the most powerful of the Holy One, and this time it is really..."

Afterwards, several people could no longer speak.

However, the common people wanted to inquire about the news but could not get close, so they did not understand the details outside the camp at this time.

The East Route Governor who led the East Route Army of the Fifth Army Camp was once Pang Xiao's subordinate. He was thirty-two years old, his surname was Ma, and his last name was Cheng. He had a particularly fiery and bold personality.

Ma Cheng led 3,000 Eastern Route Army cavalry outside Danfu County, and immediately wanted to attack Danfu County with an overwhelming advantage, but they were stopped in time by Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi.

Xu Weizhi and Xie Yue were Pang Xiao's counselors. Ma Cheng had worked with Pang Xiao and naturally met them many times. Now that he saw these two people, Ma Cheng naturally would not neglect them and greeted each other with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xie, after the general heard about the prince's request for help, he immediately ordered three thousand soldiers and horses to rush day and night to quell the chaos. He also left a letter to report the matter to the emperor, asking someone to report it on his behalf." Ma presented a little pill. In the direction of Fu County City Gate, he said in a deep voice: "But there is someone plotting rebellion in this city?"

Xie Yue secretly scolded Tao Hanshan for causing trouble, but he couldn't show it on his face. He solemnly said: "Thank you very much, Commander, for coming in time. Brothers, you have worked really hard."

"Don't dare, don't dare. What's the situation in the city now? Where is the prince?"

Ma Cheng admired and respected Pang Xiao very much. He didn't see Pang Xiao coming out at this time, so he felt a little worried.

Xu Weizhi smiled bitterly and said: "The governor doesn't know something. What happened in the city is not a conspiracy. It is not simple. It can't be explained clearly in a few words. The prince and the prince were seriously injured. At this time, they took the medicine prescribed by the doctor and were sleeping soundly. .”

"The prince was injured?" Ma Cheng was shocked, "A person as powerful as the prince could be injured. What kind of powerful person dares to do this! I really want to fight for a while!"

"No, no, the governor misunderstood." Xie Yue sighed, "This matter is really complicated. To put it simply, when Huichuan County was building the imperial mausoleum, civilians from Danfu County were requisitioned. But after these civilians left, But not even one out of ten was saved, and countless people died of exhaustion and starvation.”

Xu Weizhi also sighed with compassion and continued, "Due to what happened in the past, every family in Danfu County was extremely afraid of the construction of the imperial tomb and did not dare to let their young men go, so the civilians have not reported to Huichuan County for a long time. The prince came here to investigate the cause of the matter, and the people knew that there was a way to redress their grievances, so they immediately surrounded the prince's hotel and them."

"Yes, the people are petitioning and begging the prince to write a guarantee that the people of Danfu County will not be requisitioned to build the imperial mausoleum in the future. But the prince is the superintendent of the imperial mausoleum construction, and it is difficult for him to make such a decision at once. When they were surrounded and arguing, they were stabbed by a sickle brought by someone unknown.”

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi complemented each other and made the whole story of the future clear. The helplessness of the people was also expressed vividly, leaving no chance for people to misunderstand that the people of Danfu County wanted to rebel.

When Ma Cheng heard this, his brows knitted together, "But that's not what the prince said when he asked for help. The general is here with three thousand cavalry in order to quickly resolve the rebellion here."

"It's nothing." Xie Yue waved his hand and said helplessly and apologetically, "The situation was urgent and we were all surrounded. We didn't know what to do for a while, so we asked my subordinates to take the time to write a letter asking for help. The monkey who wrote the letter did not speak clearly and caused such a big misunderstanding. It is really a sin!"

Although Ma Cheng seems to be a reckless man, he naturally has his own meticulousness in his behavior. He said that someone wrote a wrong letter for help and expressed it clearly. Even if he were to kill him, he would not believe it.

There must be something hidden in this.

But Ma Cheng is a smart man. He knows that there are some things that he should not know, so he should not ask more questions. Asking too many questions can easily make you angry.

"This...but now that the troops and horses are here, there is still such a hidden secret in this matter. If it is not handled properly, it will become a private deployment of troops. This matter will eventually have to be reported to the Holy One."

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