Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1028 Reassurance

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi naturally knew that Ma Cheng was right, and they nodded tacitly.

"It is also appropriate for the Governor to report back to His Majesty. Things like mobilizing troops and horses are inherently complicated. The Governor is dedicated to serving the country. He rushed over when he heard there was chaos. This is a sincere heart, and His Majesty will definitely understand."

"Yes, Governor Yi Bo Yuntian, I really admire him."

Xie Yue and Xu Wei sang in unison and put a high hat on Ma Cheng.

Ma Cheng was a red-faced man. When he heard this, he waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is the duty of a general."

Although he was transferred rashly, he would run the risk of using troops without permission, but he knew Pang Xiao's character and responsibility, and there was a reason for this incident. He believed that after reporting it back to the Holy One, the misunderstanding would be solved.

Therefore, Ma Cheng didn't have much emotion. He only ordered three thousand soldiers and horses to set up camp nearby. He followed Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi into the camp to rest temporarily. He could prepare a memorial to Shangshu first, or he could pay a visit to the prince later.

Cheng Zhixian had been kneeling not far away, seeing and hearing everything clearly. He couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that despite the high reward, the prince still asked the counselors to come and explain clearly to the soldiers, without any intention of angering the people of Danfu County.

I never expected that such a man with a reputation for conquering the battlefield would have such a kind side. Such a person really has to be admired.


Capital City, Imperial Palace.

In the imperial study room, Li Qitian was dressed in a dark-gold, wide-sleeved uniform, with a purple gold crown on his head and a gold and jade belt around his waist. He was pacing in front of the bookcase covered with a bright yellow tablecloth with his hands behind his back. The bright red carpet on the ground was soft and thick, so Li Qitian's every step was silent. Even if his steps were heavier due to anxiety and anger, he didn't make the slightest sound.

Ji Zeyu was wearing a red brocade robe with arrow sleeves. His fair and handsome face was expressionless, and his back was as straight as a javelin. He lowered his eyes and looked at the embroidered pattern of the bright yellow tablecloth on the table without saying a word.

"This Pang Zhixi doesn't intend to let me live in peace wherever he goes! Why did he mobilize his troops privately! That Macheng is so brave that he dared to go immediately without me! Could it be that someone named Pang wants to It’s impossible to do the opposite!”

A dark look flashed across Ji Zeyu's bright eyes, which was perfectly covered by him, and he comforted him: "Your Majesty, please be patient, maybe that's not the case."

"No?" Li Qitian's nose flapped and he took a few breaths before gritting his teeth and said, "If he didn't have any objections, why would I be like this? I also know that it was just that the time was not ripe before, so he didn't take any action. Now it's happened. When things like this happen, do you still want me to remain indifferent? I never fight an unprepared battle, Ji Lan."

"I'm here."

"If you are really ordered to lead the Three Thousand Battalion, the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion to quell the chaos, how confident are you?"

Ji Zeyu said expressionlessly: "Your Majesty, Prince Zhongshunqi has at most three thousand troops..."

"I can also mobilize both the Hu Ben Army and the Long Xiang Army to fight against you. I just ask you, how confident are you that you can defeat Pang Zhixi with more?"

Li Qitian's expression was too serious, and Ji Zeyu knew that he was serious this time. Smooth or not, yes or no, these choices have gone through Ji Zeyu's mind countless times. Emotionally it is one thing, and intellectually it is another thing. For long-term planning, after all, he cannot just face-to-face with him. Li Qitian caused discord.

"Go back to the Holy Spirit,

If it is someone else, I can say that I have elites in hand, and if we are fighting against the few, I will be 99% sure. But if the opponent is Prince Zhongshun, I will only be 50% sure. The outcome between me and Pang Zhixi is 50-50. "

"You!" Li Qitian was anxious and angry, and couldn't help but raise his voice: "Given you several times his troops, you still dare not say that you have confidence in the whole province?"

"Your Majesty, I cannot deceive you. On the battlefield, fighting with less against more is always wise. And Pang Zhixi is like a god in using soldiers and is good at using deceit. Your Majesty has long known that I can give you a guarantee against anyone, but I am really not sure about Pang Zhixi."

So Pang Xiao is a difficult opponent.

Li Qitian almost burst into tears after hearing Ji Zeyu's objective analysis.

As the emperor, he has devoted a lot to this country, and he is really worried about it. But how many of the courtiers up and down can really appreciate and understand him?

Pang Zhixi now has a good reputation, and there are many unscrupulous rumors among the people. They all talk about how he, as the emperor, hides everything, as if Pang Zhixi has been greatly wronged! How could he not be worried when the public voice was so loud?

Unexpectedly, Pang Zhixi didn't know how to behave himself. He disappeared from Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple for many days. It's not known what he did in private. Now he secretly mobilized the cavalry of the fifth military camp. He didn't even have a tiger talisman, so he sent the troops away with just one sentence. Got it!

For Li Qitian, this was actually more unbearable than a slap in the face.

As a minister, Pang Xiao didn't know how to avoid suspicion. Can he be blamed for being too worried?

What a surprise that guy is so good at using troops!

Ji Zeyu was also a talented general, and he didn't dare to guarantee it in front of Pang Zhixi. Unable to defeat him head-on, if he wanted to protect himself, he had to find other ways.

Li Qitian gritted his teeth and said for a long time: "Perhaps this battle is unavoidable. If we have to defend the country by then, I'm afraid I will have to rely on you, Alan."

Ji Zeyu lowered his eyes, there was no emotion on his handsome face.

Li Qitian had become accustomed to Ji Zeyu's calm appearance, and said quietly: "You and I, three brothers, never expected that we would end up in such trouble. But now I am riding a tiger and it's hard to get off. Ah Lan, you should understand me, right?"

Ji Zeyu lowered his head, cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Li Qitian nodded with some relief, and just as he was about to speak, a high-pitched yet slightly shrill voice from outside the hall said: "Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from Danfu County!"

"Send it up." Li Qitian looked straight, walked around the table and sat down on the dragon chair.

The great eunuch Xiong Jinshui walked in quickly with the letter in both hands, bowed at the waist and walked quickly towards it, presenting it to him.

Li Qitian opened the letter a little eagerly, but after reading it carefully, he raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Xiong Jinshui had gone to stand in a corner, his whole body seemed to be integrated with the furnishings of the royal study.

Ji Zeyu was a little surprised by Li Qitian's expression.

Li Qitian threw the letter in front of Ji Zeyu, "You should also take a look."

"I obey the order." Ji Zeyu bowed his hands in agreement, leaned over to pick up the letter that fell on the ground, unfolded it and read it carefully, and then said in a calm voice: "Not treason? This is a good thing."

Li Qitian raised his eyebrows, "Do you believe it now?"

Ji Zeyu said, "Ma Cheng is an upright man, so this news should be true."

This statement is quite artistic. Although it is to excuse Pang Xiao, it does not directly talk about Pang Xiao as a person, but talks about the upright Ma Cheng.

After all, Li Qitian was also the founding emperor. He had experienced many large and small battles, and he also knew some about some of the generals in the court.

Hearing this, I thought of Ma Cheng's reckless man, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

But he was so frightened just now, as if he was frightened by the possibility of Pang Xiao's rebellion. Ji Zeyu looked at this ugly behavior, and Li Qitian felt quite embarrassed.

"I really hope he rebels, so that I can have a chance to put an end to the chaos and get rid of the scourge." Li Qitian curled his lips.

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