Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1029 Purpose

Ji Zeyu's face remained expressionless after hearing this. He only lowered his eyes and looked at his soap boots, showing no opinion on the words of the Holy One. It was as if he hadn't seen Li Qitian panic just now.

Li Qitian naturally knows Ji Zeyu's temperament. He has always been indifferent to others. Even if he is loyal and loyal to the court, sometimes it is still not easy to hear something he likes from his mouth. His silence means that he does not care about this matter. , Although Li Qitian didn't want people to see him like that, Ji Zeyu's silent appearance was really unpleasant.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Li Qicai remembered what Ma Cheng had mentioned in his post, and his mood that had just relaxed became tense again with anger.

"It is neither treason nor rebellion. It seems that the people of Danfu County have suffered a great injustice." Li Qitian raised the corners of his lips coldly, "They will take Qiao to build my future mausoleum, but they will actually go there. Pang Zhixi came forward to petition. They are really good at choosing people."

Ji Zeyu frowned when he heard Li Qitian's words. This sentence sounds unimportant, but it has greatly expressed the displeasure of the Holy Emperor. He is already dissatisfied that the people are not willing to build the imperial tomb in peace, but he is even more dissatisfied when these people actually go to Pang Xiao to petition.

Obviously, Li Qitian has forgotten that Pang Xiao's official position of prime minister supervising the construction of the imperial mausoleum was granted to him. Since the main official supervising the construction of the imperial mausoleum was present, would the people still come to the capital to petition?

But Li Qitian is not happy with Pang Xiao, so naturally whatever Pang Xiao says is wrong.

Ji Zeyu wanted to say a few words to Pang Xiao, but after thinking about it, he swallowed the words to avoid arousing more suspicion from Li Qitian.

So Ji Zeyu fell silent again, and after a long time he finally said: "The people's petition to the Holy Emperor still needs to be considered."

Li Qitian felt quite bored when he saw Ji Zeyu like this. Sometimes these lumpy ministers were not even as good at talking as Xiong Jinshui who was serving him personally, and his words were soothing.

This is also why the emperor has somewhat complicated feelings for the eunuchs he serves around him. At least he has been with them day and night for a long time, and it is human nature to get closer to them.

Li Qitian said in a deep voice: "I will naturally consider it. It's just the unruly people who dare to push back on the matter of my imperial mausoleum. There are so many people in the Zhou Dynasty all over the world. Do they think that my imperial mausoleum has left them? Can’t it be built?”

Speaking of the atmosphere, Li Qitian slapped the table hard.

"Your Majesty, please calm down." Ji Zeyu and Xiong Jinshui both knelt down and saluted.


Cheng Zhixian knelt outside the camp for a whole day without seeing any news from Pang Xiao, so he knew that either the prince's injury was really critical, or what he had done had made the prince unhappy, and even if the prince woke up I don't want to see him anymore.

In fact, Magistrate Cheng was not as disdainful and hostile to Pang Xiao as other officials from the Lu faction. In his heart, the stability of the country was the most important thing, and Pang Zhixi played an indispensable role as a hero in opening up new territories. What's more, he has a good character and has no intention of sacrificing the people of Danford County.

He was willing to tell the local truth and did not hide all the difficulties during the construction of the imperial mausoleum, just because he wanted to take responsibility. His actions made Cheng Zhixian admire him very much.

I just don’t know how the emperor will decide on this matter.

However, he still plotted against others.

This was an indisputable fact, and he couldn't make Pang Xiao completely forget about it. If he was offended, he was offended. He didn't expect Pang Xiao's forgiveness.

Cheng Zhixian got up with difficulty in the evening.

I knelt for so long that my legs seemed to be artificial. Cheng Zhixian stood there for a long time before he staggered towards the county seat.

Many of the children of the three major families in the city were ordered to look around and investigate in front of the city gate. Seeing Magistrate Cheng limping back, everyone hurriedly helped him and went home to report the news.

The heads of the three families and their elders had been paying attention to the external situation for a long time. They thought that the magistrate would be punished by the prince, but unexpectedly the prince did not do that, and the magistrate came back safe and sound.

"Sir, what is the situation now? The imperial court has sent troops, but it is going to be detrimental to the people of Danford County?" The head of the Yu family asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

Cheng Zhixian smiled. His legs hurt badly, but he was still able to talk to the people leisurely.

"Have you seen those cavalry?" He turned around and pointed to a large newly added camp. The horses were uniformly managed by people from the fifth military camp. Looking from a distance, the scene of snow-white tents in the camp was scattered in the evening sun. It looks particularly spectacular under the light.

It was as if those soldiers and horses had already stepped on people's hearts before they even rushed forward.

The common people all had earth-colored faces, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"I saw it, I saw it. Sir, what should I do now?"

"Yes, sir. When we took the children and grandchildren of each family to the government office to seek an explanation from the prince, weren't we following your advice? You can't leave us alone now!"

As soon as someone mentioned this, everyone else stopped caring. They all talked about the matter.

Cheng Zhixian was a little dumbfounded.

All he did was for the stability of the Zhou Dynasty, but the people in front of him did not understand his actions at all, and they even felt resentful and wanted to drag him out to top the cylinder.

These fools!

Cheng Zhixian shook his head and said: "If this county really didn't care about your waiting, it would have left long ago. How could it be that it would kneel down and beg for mercy right now?"

The people who were still talking about each other immediately froze when they heard Cheng Zhixian's words. In great panic, they had selectively ignored some things. Now that they were reminded, they naturally knew that their complaints had not been made. reason.

They did listen to Cheng Zhixian's idea, but that idea was only figured out after they took the initiative to ask Cheng Zhixian when the heads of the three families and elders were present. Without their request, why would Cheng Zhixian, as an official of the imperial court, be like this?

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

Seeing this, County Magistrate Cheng softened his tone and said, "Don't worry, since I am a local official, I know how to do some things. I will meet with the Supreme Lord, state the facts, and ask the Supreme Lord to make a decision. That's it. Directly to Heaven, I believe that the founding king of our country will never let you down."

The heads of the three families, the elders, and the common people were all overjoyed when they heard this, and couldn't help but kneel down and kowtow to Magistrate Cheng.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

With Cheng Zhixian's guarantee, their chances of survival increased. If the Holy Emperor knew the inside story, he might understand their difficulties and not punish them for treason and assassinating the prince.

Cheng Zhixian returned to the Yamen and met his wife and Zongzi. Without much hesitation, he first ordered his servants to send his wife and children back to his hometown to serve his grandmother. He said goodbye with ease and ease amid the tears of his wife and Zongzi. When he returned, he picked up the lamp and wrote Chen A piece of love.

Zhizhi of Cheng Zhixian roughly wrote the truth of the incident, but the most important thing was to clearly express his request not to build the imperial mausoleum.

Cheng Zhixian knew that once this information was passed into the hands of the Holy Master, he would probably have no way out. But apart from the fear, there is more joy in the success of the plan.

Regardless of whether he is dead or not, as a normal king who wants to stabilize his country, he will not continue to build the imperial mausoleum if something like this happens, and he will have to survive this limelight. Once they have such an idea, they can use their limited money on the coming natural disaster. His plan was completely successful!

Cheng Zhixian was filled with joy and enthusiastically ordered people to give away the coupons.

Because the matter in Danford County was very important, the information quickly reached Li Qitian.

After Li Qitian saw it, he smashed all the blue and white porcelain bottles in the imperial study room on the spot. The internal prisoners headed by Xiong Jinshui were so frightened that they all knelt down and kowtowed, not daring to make any more noise.

"This useless thing! There are also those unruly people! They are persecuting me one by one! I am the king of a country. If I build a mausoleum at this age, I may not be able to build it well in ten thousand years. They are still pushing back. ! That Danfu County magistrate has failed in his governance and caused great chaos. He doesn’t know how to plead guilty. He even dares to beg me not to continue building the imperial mausoleum. He simply doesn’t take me seriously!"

"Your Majesty, calm down." Xiong Jinshui's voice was soft and cautious.

Li Qitian's chest rose and fell violently in anger, like a bellows being pressed, and he gasped for breath.

Li Qitian paced for a long time, and was about to draft an edict when another person outside the hall announced the message.

"Your Majesty, Prince Zhongshun's secret message."

Li Qitian's forehead was throbbing with veins. It took him a long time to calm down his anger and read Pang Xiao's so-called secret notes.

The story written above is more detailed than what Cheng Zhixian wrote. It also clearly describes the previous tragic situation of Danfu County residents being out of ten. It also explains that this time there are really extenuating circumstances. Please ask the Holy One to stabilize the country. Never punish people.

Li Qitian sneered, Pang Zhixi still had the same virtue.

Could it be that as an emperor, he wouldn't treat the people well? Can you take the lives of ordinary people with your own hands? Just to show that he, Pang Zhixi, has a heart of benevolence for all people?

Li Qitian turned around and drew up a decree, ordering people to be sent to Danford County quickly.

On the third day after Pang Xiao was "seriously injured" and recuperating, the internal prison guard next to the emperor came to Danfu County with the emperor's decree.

In the past few days, the people of Danfu County have been living in dire straits. They cannot eat well and cannot sleep. They are always on tenterhooks, fearing that the imperial court will issue an order in the blink of an eye and let the cavalry stationed outside the city rush directly. Come in. How can they resist then?

The panic made the air thicker, and the people were too desperate to go out. Even the rows of shops on the streets were closed, and the city was in a bleak scene.

There are also those who trust Cheng Zhixian and feel that the Zhixian will definitely ask for their orders.

But someone immediately told the disappointing truth: "In the eyes of the Holy Lord, Magistrate Cheng and we are all on the same side, right? If we can't protect him, he still thinks we are the soldiers used by Magistrate Cheng to plot against us!"

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