Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1030 Kind words

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

"Ah? If that's the case, how can we survive?"

Everyone was immediately panicking, and even the timid ones were covering their faces and crying on the spot.

"How could things become like this? We only went to petition the prince after listening to Magistrate Cheng's suggestion."

"But Magistrate Cheng has already interceded on our behalf. There is such a big thing happening in the city right now. The magistrate himself can't even protect himself. How can he still take care of us?"

"Which turtle was responsible for hurting the prince! Capture this person and hand him over, maybe we can escape!"

"It was so chaotic at the time, no one could see who it was!"

"Let's have a hard time looking for them. Maybe they were the ones who were closest to the prince at that time! Alas! Come forward and identify who they are, don't wait for others to find out!"

The people were in great chaos, and before they could do anything, internal strife broke out.

They were really panicked, especially since they had gone to participate in the volunteering that day, but had not been close to the people inside, and they felt their wishes growing more and more.

A woman heard the commotion here and gathered around, crying: "We women and children didn't go to petition that day, how can we be implicated?"

"You think this is too young? Besieging the Yamen and stabbing the only king with a different surname in the dynasty. If the Holy One thinks that we are going to rebel, tell us whether the crime is big or small! I'm afraid the whole family will be involved. Go and behead!”

"Huh? No, it can't be..."

"Why not? If we are all beheaded, the blood will not be washed away even if the river pours in!"

This statement was so shocking that all the people were shivering. The women cried louder in fear. The men's hands and feet were also so cold.

"Let's go back and clean up quickly, and escape with our families immediately!"

"That's right, run away quickly!"

Some people turned around and asked the family to clean up their belongings.

But the elders who were leading the group, who had been silent for a long time, said: "It's useless. If it's really a crime of rebellion, even if you run away to the whole world, it won't be of any use. When the time comes, the Holy One will send someone to arrest you.

Can you escape for the rest of your life? "

These elders are all highly respected people and are quite dignified in front of everyone. Hearing what he said, everyone was desperate.

"No, we are wronged! We have to ask Magistrate Cheng to reason with us! The idea the magistrate gave us at the beginning might kill all of us now. Isn't the magistrate irresponsible? He said Can you send us away just by asking for mercy?"

In desperation, people immediately followed suit.

Others murmured in a low voice, "Who knows whether he went to Shu to beg for mercy? Maybe he was begging for mercy for himself."

"The county magistrate's wife and children haven't been seen for a long time..."

"The sister-in-law of my third wife's eldest niece said that there aren't many people in the government office now, and the county magistrate's wife has long since left."

"What! He really can keep his composure, his wife and children escaped! Let us top the tank here!"

"Let's go find him!"

"Yes, go find him!"

In desperation, the people gathered at the Yamen just like when they went to petition Pang Xiao that day.

Knowing that they were looking for an explanation from Magistrate Cheng, more and more people joined the team. Not long after, the yamen gate was surrounded by people.

Compared with the last time, the people did not do anything with their hands this time, but their grievances were obviously heavier than the last time.

Cheng Zhixian heard the news and rushed to the door.

Seeing a crowd of people in front of the door surrounding him, he couldn't help but frown: "What do you mean by this?"

"Sir, after all these days, is there any news from the Holy One?"

"Yes, we have been on tenterhooks all day. We can't eat or sleep, just waiting for the boss's message."

"Didn't Your Excellency say that you should beg for mercy for us? Why hasn't the Holy One issued a decree to forgive us?"

Looking at the anxious, resentful and dissatisfied faces, Cheng Zhixian felt helpless from the bottom of his heart.

This is what ordinary people think about their own interests first and foremost, and do not consider the overall situation. They are also very easily incited. Although they have some brains, they are no match for selfishness.

Cheng Zhixian's silence made all the people excited, and the grumpy young man in the crowd was already cursing.

Cheng Zhixian had mixed feelings about being scolded. He thought of the three thousand cavalry who were stopped by Pang Xiao outside the city. It is said that the money that was eaten by people in the past few days was Pang Xiao's own pocket, and he was stabbed by the common people. He did not think of revenge. I am also willing to explain to Governor Ma.

The most important thing is that Magistrate Cheng knows that Pang Xiao has gone to Shu to intercede for the people.

He was reluctant to smear someone with such an upright character and caring for the people behind his back.

In order to achieve great things that day, he incited the emotions of the people and gradually planted seeds in the minds of the people, making everyone think that Prince Zhongshun was a mediocre person who killed people without blinking an eye.

But now, Cheng Zhixian actually feels a little regretful.

If there were two or three such generals in the court to check and balance each other, why would the Zhou dynasty be in danger?

It’s just that Cheng Zhixian knows that he will never see such a scene in the future. He didn't know whether the Holy Spirit would listen to Pang Xiao's advice. But he knew that he would not survive.

Xu is a man who speaks well when he is about to die. Cheng Zhixian couldn't help but said: "This county has sent a letter to explain the situation on that day. Even if the Holy lord blames it, it will only be blamed on one person in this county. It will not involve you. Also, according to what I know As you know, Prince Zhongshun had already explained the situation of that day to Commander Ma of the Three Thousand Battalion. Commander Ma and Prince Zhongshun also went to Shusheng together to explain that they were not treasonous that day. Prince Zhongshun and Jin were sworn brothers, even if If you don’t believe the words of this county, your Majesty will certainly believe the words of the prince.”

Everyone was surprised.

"Sir, you said that Prince Zhongshun also went to Shusheng to intercede for us?"

"Sir, please don't lie to us!"

Seeing that all the people were shocked, Cheng Zhixian shook his head and said: "How can this county talk nonsense about such a big matter?"

Some people whispered below: "It seems that Prince Zhongshun is not a bad person after all!"

"We had bad feelings towards him before, but we really misunderstood him!"

Seeing that everyone was no longer so hostile, Cheng Zhixian took two steps forward and said slowly: "Think about it, everyone misunderstood that the rebellion was because of the siege of the county government, right? Now that you are doing this, is it still true? Want to add another layer of guilt?”

When the people heard this, they felt excited.

Isn't it? They petitioned to surround the Yamen that day, and now they are still surrounding the Yamen. Prince Zhongshun has explained clearly what happened that day, but what happened today has nothing to do with it. If the Holy One finds out about it, will they become "conspirators again"?

The dignified elders shouted loudly: "Quickly, let's all disperse. Stop standing around here!"

"Yes, yes, it's time to leave. Don't cause people to misunderstand!"

The people turned around and dispersed.

At this moment, a fast horse suddenly came from the end of the street. Behind the fast horse were more than ten men who also came on horseback. They looked a bit like people from the Fifth Army Camp.

The people's voices were noisy, covering up the sound of horses' hooves hitting the ground.

But Cheng Zhixian stood on Danqi and saw the fast horse approaching quickly, and the knight on the horse was still wearing an iron-gray sunflower shirt. He immediately knew that someone from the palace was coming!

Although Cheng Zhixian had already been mentally prepared, when he saw someone coming into the palace, his heart still skipped a beat, and his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, almost jumping out of his chest.

But even so, Cheng Zhixian was still very calm on the surface.

As the sound of horse hooves gradually approached, Cheng Zhixian straightened his back.

The common people also noticed the person coming. As soon as they saw the clothes on the person's body and the baggage on his back, they all retreated in silence and gave up the open space in front of the Yamen.

The eunuch got off his horse and walked quickly to the Yamen gate. The men from the fifth military camp behind him also dismounted and lined up in two rows aggressively.

The eunuch shouted loudly: "Where is Mr. Cheng!"

Seeing this attitude, the people's hearts froze.

Cheng Zhixian said calmly: "I will lower my official rank to Mr. Cheng."

The eunuch raised his eyebrows and glanced at him. When he took out the imperial edict, it would not give Magistrate Cheng time to change his clothes and burn incense to set up a case. He unfolded the edict and read loudly:

"Cheng Jun accepts the order!"

"I accept the order." Cheng Jun lifted his clothes and knelt down.

The soldiers from the fifth military camp all knelt down, and the common people also knelt down on the ground.

The eunuch said: "The Emperor is destined to be blessed by heaven, and the edict is: The county magistrate Cheng Jun is incapable of governing, has ulterior motives, and has a disobedient heart! He will be stripped of all official positions and handed over to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. He will be executed after the fall! His family members will be punished without mercy. I work as an official slave, and my servants are sold by others, I admire this!"

There was silence in front of the Yamen. The people were all frightened.

The Holy Emperor did not even try him, but just arrested Cheng Zhixian and executed Qiu Houwen!

What about them? Don’t they all share the same fate?

When Cheng Zhixian heard the word "wenzhan", he felt as if he had finally received the second shoe. Although he was afraid, he was more excited and relieved that the plan had succeeded.

"The guilty minister obeys the decree." Cheng Zhixian kowtowed calmly.

Seeing that he was so calm and didn't look panicked, the inmate couldn't help but admire him.

The men from the fifth military camp swarmed up and arrested Cheng Zhixian. Immediately afterwards, someone rushed into the yamen to arrest someone.

The internal prison officer directly ordered people to take Magistrate Cheng into the Yamen and lock him up.

The people watched with fear as the eunuch and others pressed Magistrate Cheng into the yamen. The door of the yamen was slammed shut in front of their eyes, and everyone was stunned.

"This... Magistrate Cheng is going to be beheaded, let's..."

"Your Majesty, are you going to let us go?"

The people were all in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

There were even those with shallow eye sockets who cried with joy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for not remembering the faults of others!" An elderly man wiped the tears from his eyes with emotion.

"The prince begged us for mercy, so the Holy See spared us for his sake."

"The prince was hurt by us, but he was still willing to tell the truth and did not take the opportunity to retaliate against us. We may have misunderstood Prince Zhongshun in the past. He is obviously an upright and upright man!"

The people in front of the Yamen all dispersed happily, eager to go home and tell their families the good news.

There were a few plainly dressed men in the crowd who took advantage of the chaos and quietly hid in the dark alley, quietly heading out of the city.

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