Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1032 Persistence

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining's expressions suddenly changed!

They never imagined that Li Qitian would be so obsessed with building the imperial mausoleum! If there was such a big scene, no matter who was sitting in Li Qitian's seat, they would all stop for the time being. Even if we want to continue to build the imperial mausoleum, we have to wait until the current limelight has passed and the people have completely forgotten about it.

But Li Qitian actually gave the governor's errands directly to Lu Heng!

People now know that heavy rains in the south have resulted in no harvest. Although there are granaries in many places in the Zhou Dynasty, which can be used for relief at critical moments, those rice grains are simply a drop in the bucket for the hungry mouths in the world.

How much money is needed to feed the people? Qin Yining, who is ordering shopkeeper Zhong to provide relief in the south, has the most say.

After sending away the internal prisoner who delivered the oral instructions, Qin Yining couldn't help but say:

"If the rain doesn't stop and the people can't be self-sufficient, I'm afraid all my family assets will be wiped out in one breath. The rice relief from the court has been delayed, and the Holy Spirit has no money left for disaster relief, but insists on repairing the emperor. Ling, does he care about his posthumous affairs, while Ping doesn’t care about reputation at all?”

Pang Xiaojian's eyebrows were furrowed, the word "Sichuan" was squeezed between his eyebrows, and anger could be seen on his handsome face.

"Such behavior is really disgusting! He doesn't even bother to appease the people now, he only cares about himself! Doesn't he just think that once he has secured this position, he doesn't need to consider the people's feelings?"

"Nowadays, the feelings of the people are secondary. The most important thing is what to do once a natural disaster comes. There is already such a trend. The Holy One will not be completely ignorant, right?"

Pang Xiao thought about Li Qitian's behavior and actions. He sat on the crossbar with a golden sword and tilted his head back. He said helplessly: "I'm afraid your Majesty is just lucky. After all, the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River is a land of wealth." land."

"But after these years of war, even the land of plenty has been completely destroyed. The drought in Dayan in the early years has claimed many lives. Later, it caught up with the earth dragon and turned around. Now If the heavy rain does not stop, famine has taken shape, and sooner or later a greater disaster will break out. What will the Holy Spirit do when it arrives? If there is no money, there will be no rice. What will the people eat?"

Even Pang Xiao couldn't answer this question. Because he couldn't find a way for a while, and he couldn't understand why Li Qitian did it so brilliantly.

"I thought that the situation set up by Cheng Zhixian at the expense of his life would at least lead to a worthy death. But now it seems that it is a waste of time."

Qin Yining couldn't think of the right words to comfort her.

There are many things in this world that cannot be calculated too carefully. Is Cheng Zhixian’s plan perfect? But His Majesty did not follow common sense at all. Is Wang Dashanren’s plan to take revenge on Danford County perfect? But he worked hard, and in the end he just used Sakurai to kill people, and ended up killing Sakurai.

It seems that God has already made a decision, and no one can control it at all.

After Lu Heng accepted the order, he naturally became more focused on finding ways to transport the treasure.

Lu Wenru was a little worried.

Seeing that the focus of all Lu Heng's actions was on the treasure, he couldn't help but remind Lu Heng when he was in a good mood.

"Uncle, with the Holy Spirit's decree, will there be no money left for disaster relief in the future?"

Lu Heng glanced at Lu Wenru in surprise, raised an eyebrow half-smilingly, picked up the white porcelain tea bowl with gold embroidery and took a sip.

Lu Wenru's heart suddenly lifted, and he hurriedly lowered his head and bowed, "Uncle, please forgive me, it was a villain who overstepped his bounds."

Lu Heng smiled, took another sip of tea, and put down the tureen with a loud sound, "You have been following me for a long time. You care about me and ask questions when I do things. This is not a sin. Your Majesty does things." , of course there is a reason for it. I think the Holy Spirit has already understood the situation in the south and must have been prepared. Dayan was originally a prosperous land, and now even if it faces natural disasters, I think it can still raise surplus food."

Lu Wenru responded hurriedly and respectfully: "My uncle said yes."

But he didn't think so in his heart.

It is true that Dayan is a prosperous place, but I don't think about it. In the past, Dayan was in power and caused harm to the people for how many years? Later, wars and disasters, natural and man-made disasters continued, and this prosperous land was emptied out.

Floods in the south are now much more serious than in the north, but the court has not taken any greater action.

As the saying goes, "After a long drought, there will be a flood." Do you think that after a long drought, famine and plague will also rage?

But the court is now peaceful, and the courtiers are secretly competing with each other in their own factions. The Holy Emperor does not seem to pay much attention to state affairs. Instead, he is busy dealing with the heroes and building tombs.

Lu Wenru couldn't help but sigh secretly when he thought of this. It was just that the other person was speaking softly, and it was already inappropriate to say more just now, and he didn't dare to say any more words of advice next time.

Lu Heng didn't care what Lu Wenru thought.

In his opinion, the Zhou Dynasty was so big that it could not even cope with natural disasters. Even if there were natural disasters, there would naturally be saints to make arrangements. Why should he worry about it? If you worry about others, you may be killed several times.

Now that the time is ripe, the reckless man is gone, and he has the final say in the entire Huichuan. The matter of building the imperial mausoleum is done by him from top to bottom, and he can do whatever he says.

If you miss such an excellent opportunity, you may never see it again.

Lu Heng thought about this, made up his mind, and sorted out the recent plans in his mind. He ordered Lu Wenru to grind the book, and the letter was sent to the capital quickly.

A few days later, Liao Zhibing arranged for everyone to go to the Japanese country. Pang Xiao immediately selected a few elite tiger guards with quick reactions and superb martial arts to accompany them.

Qin Yining wiped the white porcelain urn clean, carefully wrapped it in silk cloth, and put it into a wooden box. He carefully stuffed the gaps with soft cloth, and then wrapped the wooden box with furoshiki.

She did all this without the help of others. Pang Xiao, Ji Yun and others just watched silently.

Jiyun's injuries are getting better, but he still can't do heavy work. He still needs to be raised for more than a month to recover. Looking at the wooden box that Qin Yining packed tightly, he couldn't help but sigh: "Now I don't know whether I should be angry with him for stabbing him." There are a few of us.”

Jingzhe and others fought the hardest that day and were injured more seriously than Jiuyun. The only one who was unharmed was Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue lost track of Sakurai that day, and was led to another road by the traces Sakurai deliberately left. When she came back, Qin Yining had been taken away.

Originally, he was completely annoyed by Sakurai, but now he was as complicated as sending a cloud, and finally said: "No matter what, I should thank him."

Jiyun also nodded in agreement.

Qin Yining solemnly handed the package to Liao Zhibing, "Mr. Liao, please."

Liao Zhibing said: "Princess, please rest assured. I will definitely get things done."

The group sent Liao Zhibing and others away from the camp. Qin Yining watched them go away and then sighed quietly.

Pang Xiao stopped her shoulder and said, "Go back."

Qin Yining nodded and saw from the corner of his eye that there seemed to be more people at the city gate than usual. He asked worriedly: "Do you want to arrange for someone to go and find out? Don't let those people make trouble again."

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