Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1033 Suicide

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

Pang Xiao looked a little complicated, "I don't think they will cause trouble. My people have found out the news in the city, and the people now seem to be thinking about how to let me go into the city to recuperate."

Returning to the tent while talking, Qin Yining sat down on the couch and looked up at Pang Xiao: "What Magistrate Cheng said to you must have had an effect."

"That's right." Speaking of Cheng Zhixian, Pang Xiao felt a little sad, "Cheng Zhixian should have been imprisoned now, waiting for Qiuhou to be executed. I don't know what he did when he learned that the emperor had not stopped building the imperial mausoleum. Thoughts, do you feel that everything is in vain?"

Qin Yining shook his head and said: "Actually, County Magistrate Cheng may not necessarily want to stop the construction of the imperial mausoleum immediately. What Wang Dashan said to me that day was that they were just trying to slow down the pace of the construction of the imperial mausoleum. They originally planned to take you Next, the Holy One will send someone else. But no one would have thought that the Holy One would choose Uncle Lu to take up this position nearby."

"Lu Hengduan will not give up the treasure. I am afraid that Magistrate Cheng's plan will definitely come to nothing."

"That's also a helpless thing."

Pang Xiao sent people to pay close attention to the movements in Huichuan County. He deliberately avoided it in order to give Lu Heng time and space to operate freely. He wanted to see what he was doing and how he arranged it, so that they could take countermeasures. Therefore, Pang Xiao and Qin Yining soon learned about the news that Lu Heng had gone to Emperor Shu again.

Just when Pang Xiao, Qin Yining, Xie Yue, and Xu Weizhi gathered to speculate on what Lu Heng was planning to do, Tang Xiu also brought back the information he had found.

"Your Majesty, Uncle Zhongyi reported the crime of dereliction of duty and corruption to the former supervisor of the Imperial Mausoleum. After careful investigation, he has confirmed that some of the granite stones used to build the Imperial Mausoleum were defective, and many of the timbers used for the foundation were also defective. There is a problem. If it continues to be built like this, I am afraid that the imperial mausoleum is not strong enough and will not last long in the future."

Pang Xiao smiled, "So? What did the Holy One say?"

"The Holy One approved Uncle Zhongyi's request to re-purchase the stones, and asked people to withdraw the money from the treasury. As for the original unqualified granites and staff, they were all handed over to Uncle Lu. The Holy One also issued an order to arrest the former The supervisor has escaped from his wife and children who have gone to the countryside. As for how to deal with it, although it is not stated clearly, it is not much better."

Everyone fell silent.

Qin Yining originally thought that Cheng Zhixian sacrificed himself to see if Li Qitian fell into the trap after all. It was only a matter of time before things developed according to Cheng Zhixian's ideas.

But the Holy Lord's decree was beyond her expectation, and she seemed to not care about her reputation at all.

Now there is no intention to stop the construction of the imperial mausoleum.

It is even allowed to dispose of unqualified stone and wood and replace everything with good ones.

The Holy Emperor is the Son of Heaven. Even though he was born in a grassroots family, he has now tasted the taste of glory and wealth. He feels that everything in the world should belong to him, and he has long forgotten why he rose up in rebellion that day. He once again used the treasury for the imperial mausoleum. This is completely contrary to what Cheng Zhixian originally imagined.

Qin Yining thought of Cheng Zhixian, sighed softly, and murmured: "This reality is so unbearable."

When Pang Xiao and Xie Yue heard this, they all sighed.


In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun has scattered into the sky, and the last touch of red is shyly hidden behind the mountains. The sunset that projected through the windows gradually faded away from the dark walls of the prison of the Criminal Department. All that was left in the prison was a dark silence, and the air was filled with the heavy breath of death.

The prisoners held here are all waiting for Qiuhou to be beheaded.

Cheng Zhixian was dressed in prison uniform and was imprisoned in a separate room with his hair disheveled. He listened to the squeaking of rats like other convicted inmates.

Suddenly, there was a clatter of chains shaking at the end of the dark corridor, and then a sound of footsteps approaching quickly. As the lights gradually moved, two figures on the dark mottled wall got closer and closer.

The candlelight flickered, and the jailer inserted a white paper lantern by the window and said solemnly: "Mr. Cheng, someone is visiting."

Cheng Zhixian raised his eyelids and looked outside the cell door, only to see a familiar person putting a piece of snowflake silver glistening with white frost into the hands of the jailer.

The jailer flipped the money, said "Hurry up" and turned away.

"Haolin, you're here."

The person who came was Liu Haolin, the trusted master of Cheng Zhi County.

Liu Haolin walked outside the cell door, clutching the wooden fence with both hands, looking at the people in the cell with tears in his eyes, "Sir!"

"Shh. How can I be called an adult now?" Cheng Zhixian stood up and walked slowly to the door with a smile on his face.

Liu Haolin looked ashamed, "Sir, I am really ashamed that I did not accompany you to the end that day."

"Don't mention this. It's normal for you to go that day. Is it right to wait for death with me?" Cheng Zhixian's smile also showed a bit of bitterness, "What's the situation outside? The people in my family..."

Liu Haolin wiped away his tears, choked and shook his head.

Cheng Zhixian understood everything.

How can the Cheng family have a good outcome despite the Holy Spirit's decree? There are no eggs left when the nest is overturned. Even if he makes what he considers to be the most comprehensive preparations in advance, he may end up extinct in the end.

Closing his eyes, Cheng Zhixian raised his head, raised the corners of his lips, and said in a deep voice: "Okay. Okay. I, Mr. Cheng, am worthy of heaven and earth, and I do all this for the stability of the great Zhou Dynasty. The people in my family are naturally the same as me." Together, we will go to see the King of Hell together under the Yellow Spring. I also have something to say. As long as the construction of the imperial mausoleum stops and the money remains, we can support the situation for a while when famine strikes. In this way, the country of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be stable, and my Cheng family will The whole family deserves to die!"

When Liu Haolin heard this, he didn't know what to say for a moment, and he hesitated for a long time before lowering his head.

There is a person who is about to die, so it is better not to let him know some things. In this way, Cheng Zhixian can wait confidently for Qiu Houwenzhan, at least he will feel that everything is worth it.

However, although Liu Haolin was silent, Cheng Zhixian could clearly see his expression through the weak light of the lantern.

After following him for many years, how could Cheng Zhixian not be able to distinguish the expressions of his capable subordinates?

"Haolin!" Cheng Zhixian's face was stiff, and the smile on his lips was a little ugly. He reached out with his right hand and grabbed Liu Hao's shoulder, "What happened outside?"

Liu Haolin smiled forcefully and said, "What's the matter? You..."

"Don't try to deceive me. We have been friends for many years. Can't I tell whether you are telling the truth or a lie?"

Liu Haolin froze when he heard this.

Seeing Liu Haolin react like this, Cheng Zhixian's relaxed smile disappeared, and the strength in his hands inevitably increased, "Quickly, what's going on?"

Looking at Cheng Zhixian, Liu Haolin choked up and said: "Sir, your plan, your plan has failed! Your Majesty has ordered Uncle Zhongyi to concurrently serve as the supervisor of the imperial mausoleum, and allowed the state treasury to allocate funds to repurchase the best granite and wood. Your Majesty The imperial tomb still needs to be repaired!"

Cheng Zhixian closed his eyes when he heard this, slapped his forehead fiercely, raised his head and let out a long sigh.

"Are you serious?"

"Sir, I wouldn't lie about something like this. I knew I was wrong, and I should have advised you properly from the beginning, but you..."

Where hasn't he persuaded me? It's just that Cheng Zhixian insisted on going his own way and refused to listen to his persuasion. Now all plans have come to nothing. Cheng Zhixian not only hooked up with himself, but even hooked up with his family, but got nothing in exchange. The emperor still didn't hesitate to build the imperial mausoleum.

As a subordinate, he felt sorry for him!

Cheng Zhixian put down his hand and looked at the lantern dragon opposite with dull eyes, his expression empty, as if his soul had left his body.

Liu Haolin was so frightened by his stunned look that he shouted loudly: "Sir, what's wrong with you? Wake up..."

"The foolish king missed the great Zhou Dynasty..." Cheng Zhixian suddenly muttered these words, which frightened Liu Haolin so much that he wanted to rush into the prison and cover Cheng Zhixian's mouth.

Cheng Zhixian's muscles all over his body were very stiff. He kept chanting, "The foolish king missed the great Zhou Dynasty." He suddenly raised his eyes, stared at the stone wall fiercely, and suddenly hit the wall with all his strength.

"My lord! My lord!" Liu Haolin was sobbing while holding the wooden fence with both hands. He watched as Cheng Zhixian's head hit something red and white, and his body fell limply on the moldy straw, frightening the rats that were running around and fled in all directions.


When the news of Cheng Zhixian's death reached Pang Xiao's ears, he and Qin Yining had been respectfully welcomed into the city by the people of Danfu County.

The heads of the three families specially packed up a two-story mansion for Pang Xiao to recover from his injuries.

Obviously, the people of Danford County have completely changed their impression of Pang Xiao, and the impression of Pang Xiao's magnanimity and loyalty has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Zhixian Cheng committed suicide in prison..."

"Yes. The Holy One was very angry when he found out. He thought that Magistrate Cheng was dissatisfied with the Holy One, so he hung him up outside the city gate to show the public."

Pang Xiao closed his eyes, finally sighed and pursed his lips in silence.

After Qin Yining found out, he was very upset.

Although Cheng Zhixian used tactics, he went too far. But after all, the starting point is still good, but in the end it ends up with such a result, which is very sad and feels like a rabbit dead and a fox sad.

Pang Xiao took Qin Yining's hand and shook it comfortingly.

The two looked at each other, their eyes met, and each other sighed.

Qin Yining was sad, so Pang Xiao took the initiative to change the subject, "The Holy One has given me permission to rest here. And because I was stabbed, I asked the Holy One to allow me to increase the number of royal guards. My people in the court also followed. Putting pressure on me. Regarding the Imperial Mausoleum of the Holy One, I was not sure that I would have any reaction, so I have been allowed to expand the palace’s bodyguards.”

"Your Majesty is already shameless for the sake of the imperial mausoleum, so I have to be more tolerant in your matter, so as not to be criticized everywhere." Qin Yining rubbed his brows, "Do you have any candidates to expand the palace's bodyguards?"

"I have already made arrangements. Now it just gives me the opportunity to grow. Once something goes wrong, I won't be short of manpower."

Qin Yining nodded, this was a blessing in disguise for them.

After living in Danford County again, Pang Xiao's "injury" was slowly recovering.

Because the people of Danford County were grateful to Pang Xiao, everyone in the palace, even the long-term workers who swept the yard, went out with more dignity than the ordinary long-term workers. Although there are three major families in Danfu County, the people's customs are simple when their interests are not involved. Qin Yining and Pang Xiao's life was extremely peaceful, almost giving people the illusion of peace and tranquility.

It was only about ten days after the good days that the palace received an unexpected guest.

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