Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1034 Warship (1)

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

The person who came was an elderly man who looked to be no more than sixty years old, but everyone who knew him well knew that he was already an old man.

This person's name is Lu Yun, and he has experienced three dynasties in the Northern Hebei Kingdom.

The Lu family is a literary family that has been inherited for more than 300 years. Its descendants are knowledgeable and talented. However, the number of descendants in the Lu family is very small, which is why the Lu family is now in depression and decline.

But even so, Lu Yun's influence among officials in the court cannot be underestimated.

When Li Qitian first came to practice Zuo, he also regarded Lu Yun as a benchmark for the cultural inheritance of Northern Hebei. To show his attitude, he personally visited the Lu family as the emperor and had a long talk with Lu Yun, which has since become a good story.

With Lu Yun's background, she naturally has good relations with the Lu family. Like the Lu family, she has a very important say in the old ministers of the Northern Hebei Kingdom.

Since Lu Heng's grandfather entered the cabinet, Lu Yun has become even closer to the Lu family. She seems to follow the Lu family's lead and attach herself to the Lu family.

Now that the head of the Lu family has been replaced by Lu Heng, the relationship between Lu Yun and the Lu family is still very close.

Therefore, when this elder, who everyone knew was from the Lu family and had a transcendent status, appeared in Prince Zhongshun's home, Pang Xiao and Qin Yining were shocked.

"Lv Gong's personal visit must have something to do with the Lu family's affairs." Qin Yining said worriedly, "It's not convenient for me to be there. You go out and see me. If there is anything urgent, ask someone to come and tell me quietly, and I will also It’s better to prepare in advance.”

Pang Xiao smiled and pinched Qin Yining's cheek, "Don't be so nervous. Mr. Lu has a light temperament and never cares about fame and fortune in officialdom. He refuses to be an official despite his high prestige. What he came to talk about may not be about officialdom. Come to think of it, There will be other things.”

"It's the inability to guess his purpose that makes people worried."

Qin Yining accompanied Pang Xiao out of the main room of the inner house. He stood on the corridor and watched Pang Xiao's back gradually disappear from sight. Then he sighed worriedly and called Ji Yun back: "Go and inquire quietly. If you have anything, come and tell me immediately."

"This slave knows." Ji Yun looked serious and walked out quickly.

Pang Xiao came to the front hall for entertaining guests, straightened his clothes before entering, and then entered with a smile on his face.

"Lü Gong came from afar and failed to welcome you from afar. I am ashamed and ashamed." Pang Xiao bowed his hands in salute.

Lu Yun returned the courtesy with a smile, her manners were chic and elegant, and she was quite elegant.

"Prince Zhongshun, you don't have to be like this. It's an old man who has the temerity to disturb you."

"Where, you are such a distinguished guest, I can't even ask for it. Please take a seat." Pang Xiao smiled and made an invitation gesture.

Lu Yun immediately waved her hand, "I am an old man with a white body. How can I support you? I invite the prince to take a seat."

The two made concessions, and Lu Yun finally took the second seat.

Pang Xiao ordered his servants to serve some good tea, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Lu is here, but what are your orders?"

As if he didn't expect Pang Xiao to ask directly, Lu Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, stroking his long beard, "The prince is indeed a cheerful person. In this case, I will get straight to the point."

"Please speak."

Lu Yun looked around, and then said in a serious voice in a low voice: "I came here today actually to ask for the prince's help."

"Oh?" Pang Xiao raised his eyebrows, looking very confused.

In fact, he was really confused. Lu Yun was from the Lu family, but she came to him to ask for help. Pang Xiao suspected that this was a trap.

Lu Yun seemed to know what Pang Xiao was thinking, and smiled faintly, and said: "Actually, the prince has a sharp ear and eyes, so he should have guessed what I am asking for. The prince should know that there is something wrong with the stone and wood used by the emperor to build the imperial mausoleum, right?" "

Pang Xiao smiled and nodded: "I have heard something."

"The prince is recuperating in Danfu County, and he may have known about the affairs of the imperial court later. Uncle Zhongyi is looking for sources of granite for the construction of the imperial mausoleum, and buys it from others, and the wood used for the construction of the imperial mausoleum has that Ignorant of things, I actually suggested that the Holy One use wood from the abandoned warships of the previous dynasty!"

At this point, Lu Yun's calm and elegant image disappeared. The birthday girl's eyebrows were pulled into a ball, and his beard trembled in anger.

"During the period of the Northern Hebei Kingdom, there were several naval battles. When the country was strong, the navy defeated Goguryeo and the Japanese Kingdom. Later, the Northern Hebei gradually declined, and the national treasury was empty. It could not meet the expenses of the army all year round. The navy was laid off several times, and in the end the navy was completely abandoned. Hundreds of warships of various sizes were also completely abandoned.

"This time when the imperial mausoleum was being built, there was a shortage of wood. Someone actually suggested to the Holy One to dismantle the warships left behind by the previous dynasty! The wood on the warships has not rotted after being in the sea for more than a hundred years and is extremely strong, which shows how good the wood is. The Holy Spirit listened to the proposal and actually agreed."

Lu Yun was panting, with an angry look on his face, and after a long while he managed to say: "This is simply stupid!"

Pang Xiao listened to Zhiya and understood the key. Since Lu Yun was willing to speak out, he did not hide it and asked directly: "The person who made the suggestion should have a close relationship with Uncle Zhongyi."

Lu Yun nodded, "Prince Zhongshun is really transparent."

Pang Xiao smiled: "Based on the relationship between Duke Lu and Uncle Zhongyi, if the person who raised this matter was not a member of Uncle Zhongyi, Gong Lu could have discussed it with Uncle Zhongyi, and he would not have approached me."

And the shady nature of this is also very obvious.

Li Qitian did not hesitate to pay any price in order to build the imperial mausoleum. In addition, the north and south are now peaceful. Although there are natural disasters, the natural disasters will pass sooner or later. The country will still be stable and the world will be peaceful. Li Qitian must be full of confidence after winning the battle. Even the Tatars have surrendered. The Khan took people to the capital to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday and presented tributes. In Li Qitian's eyes, Goguryeo and the Japanese were no longer worth mentioning. .

So it didn't matter to him whether the warship stayed or not. What he wanted to do was to repair the imperial mausoleum as soon as possible.

It is possible that Li Qitian just casually said, "If you want to use warships, just dismantle as many as you can."

But with such good wood in front of them, many officials from the mainland faction must have seen benefits from it.

Ten ships will be demolished and hundreds of ships will be demolished. A casual reply to the Holy Emperor will be used in the imperial mausoleum. Could it be that the Holy One can still go and check?

Whose pocket will the benefits of this go into?

Lu Heng thought he didn't like the money. He had his eyes fixed on the treasure.

But as a superior person, when his subordinates have a way to make profits, it is normal for Lu Heng to let his subordinates make some profits. Besides, the oil and water are not his.

Therefore, Pang Xiao understands Lu Yun's current feelings very well.

This elder understood the importance of warships to the coastal defense of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He didn't want the navy to disappear completely, and he couldn't ask for Lu Heng, so he came to him.

Lu Yun sighed: "To be honest, these warships, no matter how much effort they put into the Northern Hebei Kingdom, even the shipbuilding skills are about to be lost. I am worried that this time the warships will be harmed by villains. What if the Zhou Dynasty wants to strengthen its coastal defense in the future, but cannot find a complete warship, and cannot find a living shipbuilder among the people? This is really stupid! "

Pang Xiao smiled, "I understand what Mr. Lu means. But look at me now." He spread his hands and said, "Now that I will be raised here, I don't know when I can continue to do errands for the Holy Master. I There is nothing we can do to be afraid of this matter.”

—\\\u003e㈢/㈢`小《`说`网 м.彡\\彡\\x\\s.c/ó—M mobile terminal (sansanxiaoshuowang

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