Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1035 Warship (2)

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

When Lu Yun heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "Your Majesty is a sworn brother of His Majesty. If Your Majesty is willing to nod, this matter will surely come true!"

Pang Xiao smiled bitterly and waved his hand, "Lv Gong is a sensible person. Don't you know my king's situation clearly?"

After saying this, Pang Xiao pondered for a moment and said bluntly: "I have been a marshal of soldiers and horses, a bachelor of Wuying Palace, and now I am idle here. Although I am still a cabinet minister, I may not have had any contact with the affairs of the court for a long time. Except for a prince with a different surname. Now that I have the title, what capital do you think I have left? And what method can I use to convince the Holy One?"

Lu Yun knew that Pang Xiao was telling the truth, but she was also surprised that Pang Xiao could speak so bluntly. But now when I look at the court, the only one who can stand a chance is Pang Xiao. I think Pang Xiao has been fighting for the country for many years. Various past experiences also show that he has a benevolent heart. He is by no means an ignorant and reckless man, and he will not collude with those people. .

Even though he is in the camp of the Lu family because of his birth and other reasons, he still trusts Pang Xiao's character and ability.

Lu Yun said in a deep voice: "My lord, listen to me. How many years has it been since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty? Now it seems that the world is unified, but in fact there are many hidden dangers. Sooner or later there will be a war, this is one of them.

"On the other hand, when the dynasty is gradually becoming more stable and prosperous, is it still wandering in the circle we have defined? Don't you want to go overseas to see it? I have studied carefully for many years and know the things overseas. There is a saying that 'three people must travel together' With my teacher, we in the Zhou Dynasty can also learn from some of the cultural customs of the barbarians! By then, won’t we need to use ships?

"The most important thing is to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Who can guarantee that people overseas will not have other thoughts about me, Da Zhou? If barbarians come by boat, how can I, Da Zhou Erlang, I can only stand on the shore to resist, and let people approach my sea area at will? Let me starve to death even the fishermen? The importance of this warship is already obvious."

When Lu Yun got excited, her voice became louder, "We are not mediocre, so we can understand it naturally. However, after years of war, many inheritances have been cut off. If there are descendants of people who are good at shipbuilding, we will need to use ships in the future." Then we can have it at our fingertips, and I won’t be so anxious about breaking up the ship.”

"The prince is ambitious, and the country needs to inherit the prince to be stable. This protection of the warships is to leave a fire for the reconstruction of the navy, and to prepare for the stability of our coastal defense. This matter is so big, I personally think More important than the construction of the imperial mausoleum!" Lu Yun bowed her hands towards Pang Xiao and said: "Please give me a helping hand, I would be very grateful!"

Pang Xiao hurriedly stood up to avoid the gift, and supported Lu Yun's arms with both hands to help him stand up.

"I really admire Mr. Lu for his foresight and dedication to serving the country. Naturally, I also hope that the country's maritime borders can be protected from intrusion. But..."

"I know the prince's difficult situation very well.

But I still come here to request, and ask the prince to consider the people along the coast of Great Zhou and the stability of the country of Great Zhou! "

"...Okay, let me think about it."

The two of them sat back down, Pang Xiao turning the lid on the tea bowl in his hand and looking down in deep thought.

Lu Yun picked up the tea bowl and took several sips to moisten her throat, then looked at Pang Xiao expectantly.

The house was quiet, the self-ringing clock standing in the corner was ticking, and the birds outside the green window screen were singing crisply on the flower trees outside the window.

After waiting for a long time, Pang Xiao's deep magnetic voice broke the silence in the room.

"Lü Gong, I have thought of a way to retain some of the warships. But I also have a condition."

When Lu Yun heard this, she felt relieved. If Pang Xiao didn't mention any conditions, he would feel abnormal.

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Pang Xiao said: "As for the retention of the warship, I ask Lu Gong to listen to my opinion and cooperate with my actions. You cannot make decisions privately. And I also ask Lu Gong not to say anything about what I want to do."

Lu Yun Shouxing's wise eyes narrowed slightly under his long eyebrows, as if he was thinking about the pros and cons of what Pang Xiao said and himself.

After a while, Lu Yun said: "Can the prince guarantee to keep the warship?"

Pang Xiao said bluntly: "There is no guarantee that all of it will be kept, but it is possible to keep some of the fire for future generations to study when building ships."

Isn't this exactly what Lu Yun wants?

Thinking of this, Mr. Lu Yuncang clapped his hands on the armchair and said, "Okay. Your Majesty, please give me your instructions."

"Please also ask Lu Gong to come over."

Pang Xiao and Lu Yun approached each other, and Pang Xiao whispered.

Lu Yun's expression changed several times, and she said after a while: "As expected of the decisive and decisive God of War, Prince, he is brave enough to come up with such a method! Okay. You don't need anyone else to do this, and the risk of leakage will be greater if there are too many people. , the old man can do it."

Pang Xiao cupped his hands and said, "Lü Gong is really devoted to the country and understands the righteousness. He is really a role model for our juniors."

Lu Yun waved her hands, her expression a little tired, as if she had taken off the shackles and put on new ones.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to praise Lao Chen so much. Although Lao Chen is old and does not participate in court affairs, he is not a stupid person. Your Majesty, it is good for you to take care of yourself and think more about the people. This is the blessing of the world." Standing up, Lu Yun said to Pang Xiao bowed his hands and said, "Please keep your promise to protect the warship."

Pang Xiao stood up and returned the courtesy, "Don't worry, Mr. Lu. I keep my word and will never break my word."

"Okay, the old man will go to Jingang first and wait for news from the prince. Say goodbye."

Pang Xiao personally escorted Lu Yun to the gate. Lu Yun stopped Pang Xiao in time and left the palace alone.

Pang Xiao returned to the inner house and informed Qin Yining of the matter.

Qin Yining didn't turn a page of "Zuo Zhuan" in his hand for a long time. He slowly put it down for a long time and said softly: "It's also difficult for that great scholar. He has been hiding from the world for half his life, but in the end he wants to get involved in the court."

"Being born in this world, even if you want to avoid the tedium, how can you get everything you want?" Pang Xiao sat next to Qin Yining, stretched out his long arms and hugged her on his lap, wrapped his arms around her arms, and rubbed his cheek Her neck, "Now that you and I can have the opportunity to rest here peacefully without having to participate in external affairs for the time being, we are extremely lucky."

"Yes. I will take advantage of this time to make some more clothes for you."

"Just ask someone else to do it. Be careful and your eyes will be tired."

"Do you want to wear underwear made by others?" Qin Yining smiled and pinched Pang Xiao's arm. Taking advantage of his surprise, she turned away from his arms. She stood up and took out a bundle from the mahogany cabinet. She looked back and smiled, "Let's try it on and see if it's the right size. If there's anything that doesn't fit, I can change it."

Pang Xiao stood up and looked directly into Qin Yining's big, sharp eyes. His slender fingers with clear joints slowly undressed and untied his clothes, gradually revealing his snow-white underwear and strong chest.

Qin Yining looked away in panic, and then felt a hot body pressing against her back.

"Sister Yi, don't you want me to try it on?"

Qin Yining's cheeks glowed, and he snorted, took out a middle coat, shook it open, and turned around to help him put it on.

"Just make trouble. Be careful and I'll hide a needle inside and prick you."

Pang Xiao obediently stretched out his arms and raised his neck. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing, "If this is true, wouldn't you be the first one to feel distressed?"

Qin Yining rolled her eyes at him angrily and spat: "How shameless."

The days of recuperation in Danford County were very comfortable. The two of them only accepted the news from all parties and analyzed the situation. Pang Xiao and Qin Yining really recovered well.

Pang Xiao has been fighting all year round and has suffered numerous major and minor injuries. Now that he is young and strong, it is no problem. However, Qin Yining is also worried that diseases will come to him when he is old, so he asked a reliable doctor to take care of Pang Xiao.

Her own physical condition was also good, but she had suffered a lot from wandering around and working hard. Now that she had some free time, Qin Yining followed the medicinal recipes left by Bingtang. She also learned boxing from Pang Xiao every day and practiced riding and shooting. She lived a good life. He was so carefree and at ease, even his face was rosier than before.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qin Yining received a letter from Bingtang.

After Qin Yining read the letter, the good mood that had been relaxing for more than a month disappeared and turned into worry.

Pang Xiao was sitting opposite her studying the military book. Seeing her delicate brows furrowed, he asked worriedly: "What's wrong? What did Bingtang say?"

Qin Yining handed the letter to Pang Xiao, "Boss Qiu turned out to be misunderstood by quack doctors. After Bingtang read it, he said that Boss Qiu did not have malaria, but with her medical skills, she could not tell what kind of illness Boss Qiu had. Now Qiu The boss has a headache all day long and can’t sleep because of the pain. I think this symptom is no better than malaria.”

Pang Xiao quickly browsed the letter and became worried, "I don't know how anxious Mu Mu is. I just hope that Boss Qiu is fine."

"They are a family of three, and they stay together less and more apart for our sake. Brother Yan is still young, and boys can do better by following their male elders. I think if there is nothing serious, it would be better to let Mr. Mu stay at home."

Pang Xiao smiled and nodded, "Okay. It's all up to you."

Qin Yining also laughed.

At this time, there was only silence around the two of them, and neither of them wanted to mention those troublesome things, because some things would still come even if they were not mentioned.

A few days later, news came from Pang Xiao's people. Pang Xiao invited Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi to the main hall of the inner house and called Qin Yining to discuss important matters together.

"Your Majesty, is there any news from Uncle Zhongyi?" As soon as he sat down, Xie Yue went straight in.

Pang Xiao nodded, "Uncle Zhongyi is finally about to take action."

Xu Weizhi put down the tea bowl. He had been a bit cold these past two days, and his voice was always hoarse when he spoke.

"In these days, I heard that Uncle Zhongyi was purchasing new materials and looking for buyers to replace the defective products that were no longer needed. I think the Lord is not very rich, so it is a good thing to be able to cash in the defective products. "

Hearing the sarcasm in Xu Weizhi's words, everyone couldn't help but raise the corners of their lips.

Just thinking about the current situation of the Zhou Dynasty, everyone can't laugh anymore.

It's the autumn harvest season, but heavy rains have continued in the south for two seasons. It's unclear whether the granaries in various places are full or how long they can last.

Qin Yining thought the same as everyone else.

Perhaps what Cheng Zhixian is worried about is coming step by step.

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