Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1037 Letter

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

From Huichuan County to Wuningba, it would take even three or four days for a fast horse to arrive, but driving an ox cart to transport extremely heavy goods such as granite would be extremely slow.

The journey was very smooth.

Certain people in the team who received special instructions from Lu Heng slowly relaxed their vigilance.

Seven days later, the team finally came to a small village that was only one day away from Wuning Dam to rest temporarily. After everyone ate and drank enough, leaving someone to keep watch, they fell asleep relaxedly. There was still one day left for Wuningba. After delivering the goods, their mission ended safely.

The next day, the team set off again. But no one noticed that two of the cars had been replaced.

When Pang Xiao received the news from Jinghu Guard, he was finally able to relax.

He separated some of the elite tiger guards he brought with him and ordered them to protect the safety of the "cargo" until it reached the designated location.

In the next half month, six more teams set off in different directions from the Huichuan County Stone Factory.

Pang Xiao still used this method and successfully replaced the other two batches of treasures.

"Everything went so smoothly, didn't Uncle Lu realize that the stones that were shipped had been replaced?" Qin Yining said lazily while leaning on a soft bamboo pillow, shaking a begonia-shaped plain fan in his hand.

Pang Xiao inserted a piece of honeydew melon with a bamboo skewer and brought it to Qin Yining's mouth. He smiled and said: "He is such a meticulous person. He has been preparing for several months. He must be very calm. When he is sure that there is nothing wrong, Abnormal, the treasure will be brought to light only after the limelight has passed. It is precisely because I guessed his thoughts that I was able to use this method to subvert one's strengths and weaknesses."

Qin Yining chuckled, picked up the tea bowl and rinsed his mouth, "It can be seen that being too cautious about some things will delay important events."

"Yes. Excessive caution is indecisive. If this happens on the battlefield, you may miss the opportunity. And winning or losing on the battlefield involves human lives."

"That's why you developed the temperament to kill decisively." Qin Yining put down his fan, sat up, and put his arms on Pang Xiao's shoulders and neck.

When he got closer, the elegant fragrance of her body surrounded him.

Pang Xiao smiled and held her slender waist, and kissed her lips that still had the sweet scent of honeydew melon. He smiled and said: "I can't even remember how many times I did it because of quick sex." People who made decisions and escaped disaster. Therefore, they understand the importance of decisiveness even more.

However, the premise is that you must think things through clearly and not make decisions casually. That would be arbitrary and may cost the lives of your brothers and harm others and yourself. "

Qin Yining nodded obediently, her slender fingers entangled with Pang Xiao's strands of hair hanging on her shoulders, her eyes full of tenderness.

Pang Xiao's body and mind almost melted under her gentle gaze. He slowly approached like a man possessed, and his low voice was slightly hoarse, "If someone comes to stab me right now, I don't even want to hide away."

Qin Yining laughed when he heard this.

Just as their lips were close to each other, Ji Yun's slightly anxious voice suddenly came from outside.

"Your Majesty, Princess, there is a message from Tang Xiu. Mr. Xie asked you to inform your Majesty as soon as possible."

Pang Xiao paused and let out a disappointed sigh.

Qin Yining said: "Go quickly, it must be something urgent if you are in such a hurry."

Pull him up and straighten his clothes.

Pang Xiao said: "You come with me to see it. It's boring to be idle in the house."

Qin Yining thought about it. All the clothes had been cut, and two pairs of shoes had been made. There was nothing urgent for needlework. She just read some miscellaneous books in her free time.

"Okay." Qin Yining agreed and called Jiyun to come in and serve her, dressed up.

The two hurried to the front.

When Tang Xiu saw Pang Xiao coming, he cupped his hands hastily without caring about etiquette, and took out a letter from his arms.

"Your Majesty, when I left the city today, a little beggar gave this to my subordinate. The subordinate was suspicious, so he opened it and looked at it. Who knew that it was a letter within a letter, and the note inside said You must hand it over to the prince. It is a matter of life and death. My subordinates did not dare to delay and came back in a hurry."

While talking, Pang Xiao had already taken the envelope, and there was indeed a smaller envelope inside.

When he saw the familiar handwriting on the letter paper, Pang Xiao frowned.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi also gathered here. They were very curious when they saw what was happening. They wanted to take a closer look, but they were worried that they had gone beyond the rules.

"Gentlemen, please read this." Pang Xiao seemed to understand their thoughts and handed the letter to Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi.

Facing Qin Yining's questioning look, Pang Xiao said, "This is the letter Tao Hanshan wrote to me. In addition to saying hello, he also told me an important piece of information."

"Important information?" Qin Yining asked doubtfully, "Mr. Tao left you a letter when he left earlier, saying that no matter where he goes to the end of the world, he will always do his best for the prince's great cause."

"Yes. Tao Hanshan said that we should not touch the last batch of goods. He has informed the Lord about this, and the Lord will definitely rush to Huichuan."


Qin Yining's eyes widened in shock.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi also handed the letter back to Pang Xiao with complicated expressions.

"This last batch of things is going to Wanzhou Town. We have arranged everything. What if we stop at this time?" Xie Yue frowned, and the wrinkles on his face were all tangled because of him. Squeeze out more expressions.

Xu Weizhi said: "Based on many years of working together, although Tao Hanshan is a bit paranoid and unscrupulous in his work, he is really good at controlling the overall situation and has high expectations for the prince. This time he should be indeed Did it.”

Xu Weizhi had reservations about his words, but he was obedient. He had made it clear that Tao Hanshan must have informed the emperor that the treasure was about to be transported to Wanzhou Town as written in the letter.

With Li Qitian's suspicious temperament and his emphasis on treasures, he will definitely come here in a hurry this time.

Even the treasures that have been successfully robbed by Pang Xiao are likely to be taken care of by Li Qitian.

Pang Xiao said: "Tao Hanshan's assassination of Sister Yi is really abominable. But I have known his temperament for many years. This time, as Mr. Xu said, this letter should be true. His desire for power is great, and I am afraid that he will continue to do so. Hope is pinned on me, so he thinks of the best way to assist me."

After pondering for a while, he added, "I believe that Tao Hanshan's ability is worthy of recognition, and his ambition for power means that he will not betray me for the time being. Therefore, we'd better wait and see in secret for this batch of goods shipped to Wanzhou Town. .”

Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi, and Tang Xiu all nodded.

Xie Yue said with admiration: "Your Majesty knows people well, has a broad mind, and is so tolerant to the traitor Tao Hanshan. It is really admirable."

Pang Xiao waved his hands and said, "It's not that I am lenient, but that I understand Tao Hanshan better now."

"But I'm a little worried about the chaos in the world." Qin Yining frowned and said, "With the Holy Spirit's temperament, he will come as soon as possible. He values ​​the treasure so much, and then the news that the Holy Spirit left the capital for the treasure will spread like wildfire. Walk."

Qin Yining took a breath and said a little heavily: "The news from my people is that although the water in the south has stopped now, the food in various places is really not enough. The people dig wild vegetables and peel the bark of the trees to satisfy their hunger. At this time, the imperial court The relief has not yet arrived, but the Holy One is making a big fuss about the treasure. Who knows what will happen to people who are interested?

"Those people are hungry and see that a greater famine is about to break out. The emperor still does not provide them with relief. He only wants to build the imperial tomb and dig for treasures. He does not think about the people. If the crowd gets excited, he will go against what he should do. What should we do? By then, the world will really be in chaos, and the world has just calmed down not long ago."

Qin Yining's analysis made perfect sense, and several people couldn't help but feel heavy in their hearts.

Xie Yue said after a moment: "The princess is right. Because of this, everything we did to get the treasure was right. In fact, it is said that these treasures were obtained by the foolish king of Yan Dynasty who plundered the people. If it can be taken from the people and used by the people, it can be considered a good thing.”

"That's right." Pang Xiao said, "Now that things are complicated, we have to take it one step at a time. Tao Hanshan informed the emperor of this matter, and he may not have the intention of stimulating the emperor to take drastic actions. Let's just wait and see what happens. If the emperor doesn't If you come, we can get it, but if you come, we will have to make long-term plans."

"Otherwise." Qin Yining shook his head, "I'm afraid if the Holy One really comes, we won't have time to discuss it in the long term."

As soon as Qin Yining reminded him, Pang Xiao understood immediately and suddenly said: "If the Holy One is suspicious, he will only doubt me. What's worse, Lu Heng will get involved with me."

"Exactly. So the prince had better sit down and prepare in advance."

After the plan was decided, Qin Yining did not stay any longer, so as not to disturb Pang Xiao and his advisers in discussing other matters, and returned to the inner house alone.

Ji Yun was instructing the little girls to clean the yard. When he saw Qin Yining coming back, he smiled and came forward to greet her, "Princess, you are back."

"Yes. Have you found out what I asked you to inquire about?"

Ji Yun nodded and followed Qin Yining into the house. He went to the Eight Immortals table to pour a bowl of tea and put it in her hand. Then he said: "Everything in the Wang family seems to be as usual. There are still not many people waiting in the house, but I heard rumors from some people that Wang Dashan seems to be suffering from hysteria."

"Oh?" Qin Yining picked up the tea bowl for a moment, then smiled coldly, "That's not enough for him."

Ji Yun looked at Qin Yining doubtfully.

Qin Yining said: "He hates the Yue family for taking away his property, and hates his wife for being unlucky, thus angering the people of the entire Danfu County. Because most of the people in Danfu County come from three families, and the three big families influence each other. , the common people were too pedantic to follow any family motto and did not care about the laws. He was being tried to take away his family property. Even if the people of Danford County knew about it, no one would stand up for him because he was a foreigner.

"He has always wanted to take revenge, and what he did as the governor of the county was his idea behind his back. He wished that the general would kill all the people in Danford County to vent his anger. In the early years, he betrayed Sakurai, and later he used Sakurai. Now that his goal has not been achieved, I think he was stimulated."

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