Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1038 Life experience

(First release, domain name (please remember _3 is the best)

Qin Yining thought that Wang Dashan felt somewhat guilty for Sakurai. If he had a clear conscience, he would not have saved them both for Sakurai's sake that day, and would have told her the truth.

It's just that this guilt is too little and cannot offset his hatred. He couldn't resist his vicious intention of wanting to bury the entire people of Danford County. Sakurai killed more than a hundred people in Danford County because of his idea that day. Wasn't Wang Dashan not a little happy in his heart?

Even though Sakurai died, he didn't feel any guilt or regret at all?

It's useless to say anything now. It is really ironic that everyone calls him a despicable person like Wang Dashanren.

Two days later, no news from Huichuan County came, but an unexpected person came back from the mansion.

Qin Yining got the news and immediately went to the front hall.

I saw Liao Zhibing and Meng Qin sitting in the front hall with the other two brothers from the Blue Sky Alliance, as well as the elite tiger guards arranged by Pang Xiao. They looked very embarrassed and seemed to be injured.

Qin Yining said in shock: "Mr. Liao, everyone, what's wrong with you? Didn't you go to Chengwa? What happened on the way?"

Liao Zhibing waved his hand and pointed to the wooden box placed on the side table.

Those were Sakurai's ashes, or the way they were when Qin Yining wrapped them when he left.

"Alliance leader, we set out from Jinggang and arrived at the Japanese country very quickly. I used to think that the Japanese country was very far away from us, but now that I have been there, I know that to reach the land closest to us in the Japanese country, it would take only a few days after the big ship we took set sail. It’s here.”

"Now that we have found the Japanese country, why have we made such a fuss? Did we encounter water bandits?"

Qin Yining picked up the white porcelain teapot and poured a cup for Liao Zhibing.

Liao Zhibing stood up hurriedly, took it with both hands, thanked him and drank it down in one gulp, then shook his head and said: "Actually, things are going well. We thought it would take a year and a half to find out about Sakurai. Unexpectedly, after arriving in Japan, a little inquiry revealed that Sakurai was exiled from the Mizusawa Country where we landed."

"Shuize Kingdom? Exile?" Qin Yining sat at the top.

Meng Qin was young and impatient, and said quickly: "Don't you know, the leader, the Japanese country is in chaos now, and we don't know how they did it. There are many 'lords and kings' in various places, and they are called 'Daming' generals' Yes. A few hundred people form a big village, and they dare to say that they are a country. A dozen or twenty Japanese people wear a crotch cloth,

If they get together with bamboo sticks and fight, it's easy to say it's a battle. "

Seeing what Meng Qin said was unreasonable, Liao Zhibing coughed and said: "Leader, this is indeed the case. This Shui Ze country is close to the seaside, which is where we landed. The village is smaller than Danfu County, with only one main trunk. Tao. The people mainly engage in fishing and farming to support about two hundred local sergeants. Those sergeants are all loyal to the local daimyo, named Ishikawa Miio. Sakurai is a ninja who is loyal to Ishikawa daimyo."

"When we arrived at the local area and inquired about the news from the people, we found that the local people had a very bad opinion of Sakurai. It is said that Sakurai betrayed Daimyo Ishikawa. The Daimyo was kind and did not kill him immediately. The person who betrayed the Daimyo was Lian. You are not qualified to commit seppuku."

Qin Yining asked doubtfully: "Have you found out how Sakurai came to us?"

"It is said that Sakurai was tied to a template at the order of Daimyo Ishikawa and thrown directly into the sea. I guess Sakurai was lucky enough to float here. It is also possible that he met a kind-hearted person along the way and threw him into the sea. Maybe he can be saved." Liao Zhibing shook his head and sighed.

"I heard that we brought Sakurai's ashes back and wanted to bury him in our hometown. The local people were very opposed to it and despised those who betrayed the daimyo. They even beat us with sticks. We can't really do it. Kill someone." A Jinghu Guard said aggrievedly.

Meng Qin also said, "But maybe it was because there was so much noise. When we were stationed in the middle of the night, a Japanese man actually came. What was that man's name?" Meng Qin shrugged and touched the brother next to him.

That was a member of the Qingtian League who knew Japanese. His name was Gao Delai. He was in his early thirties, with dark skin, thick hands and feet, and was very strong.

Gao Delai smiled shyly and said, "Leader, that person's name is Hirazawa Na, and he was Sakurai's best friend in the past. He also worked under Daimyo Ishikawa, and I heard he was a ninja with a very good reputation."

Qin Yining was confused, "Ninja?"

"Some are like silver-faced spies around the alliance leader. Most of them are highly skilled in martial arts and are good at spying on assassinations, collecting intelligence, and confusing the enemy. Sakurai used to be a very famous ninja around Daimyo Ishikawa." Liao Zhibing added, " Hirazawa Na said that Sakurai was actually betrayed by Daimyo Ishikawa. They had a battle with a certain country, and Sakurai was sent to assassinate a certain big shot. As a result, Daimyo Ishikawa temporarily betrayed him and was charged with destruction. The big hat of national friendship has been completely banished."

"The common people are naturally afraid of war. Sakurai secretly assassinated important figures in other countries and destroyed the peace. The common people despised him. Only a few people knew the truth, but they were unwilling to stand up and say a word for Sakurai. Hirasawa As a good friend of Sakurai, Nai also gave in due to hesitation at the time, but regretted it later when it was too late."

Qin Yining lowered his eyes and remained silent after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, things turned out to be like this.

Sakurai was betrayed by her former master. After wandering away, she was rescued by Wang Dashan. However, she was betrayed again and finally sacrificed herself to save her life.

"Leader, you don't know. When I look at that Hirazawa, I feel that he is very similar to Sakurai. Maybe they ninjas have bad tempers, right? They are very accepting of death. That Hirazawa also said that he failed to clear Sakurai's name. Even if he commits seppuku, he is not qualified. He did not stand up and speak a word of justice for Sakurai, and he was not exiled with Sakurai. He blamed himself very much and has been living in regret." Meng Qin also said with some regret, "I just feel that their people seem to pay special attention to commitment, loyalty and perseverance."

Qin Yining now understood more clearly why Sakurai had been depressed for so many years after being betrayed by Wang Dashan, and even had one of his arms and legs destroyed. As she had guessed, his faith had collapsed and he had no goal.

And then he worked hard to protect her. Maybe he once thought about repaying her kindness and recognizing her as his master?

Otherwise, Qin Yining couldn't think of any reason for a ninja to sacrifice his life for an unrelated person.

The sight of the bloody sky in the dark night came to mind again. Sakurai's thin body blocked her persistently, resisting the injuries for her. He would rather block the knife with his body than let her get hurt at all. .

Thinking of this, Qin Yining burst out with strong anger in his heart. He hated Tao Hanshan for planning the interception, hated Wang Dashanren for betraying Sakurai, and even hated the Daimyo Ishikawa who had never met him and asked his subordinates to top the cylinder!

Seeing Qin Yining's expression changing again and again, her eyebrows raised and her eyes filled with authority, everyone knew that the princess was really angry.

Even Meng Qin, who loves to talk the most, was as silent as a cicada at this time.

Qin Yining asked: "That Ishikawa daimyo spread the word about Sakurai's guilt, which made the people of Mizusawa unwilling to accept him, and didn't even want him to be buried in his hometown? And he beat you out?"

"Yes." Liao Zhibing nodded.

Qin Yining gritted his teeth and slapped the table hard for a while, "It's really too much!"

"Alliance leader, calm down."

"Princess, calm down."

Everyone stood up and stood with their heads bowed.

Qin Yining took a few deep breaths and felt that he had gone too far. I shouldn't let my mood swings affect the people in front of me, so I couldn't help but stand up and apologize: "I'm sorry. I'm really grateful for all the hardships I've gone through across the ocean. It was just that I was too angry and couldn't control my emotions. .”

Originally, their status was different, but as a princess, Qin Yining could not blame them for their poor performance, but she did not expect that she would apologize for this.

Everyone was a little moved and hurriedly saluted and bowed.

"Princess, what you said is wrong."

"Yes, the alliance leader is a temperamental person, and it is human nature to get angry over this matter."

After the two sides were polite, Liao Zhibingcai said: "Leader, we were unable to bury Sakurai this time. How do you plan to dispose of his ashes? Or you can go find a place with good feng shui and let Sakurai be buried. It's so chaotic. Being homeless is really hard.”

Qin Yining nodded and said, "Let's find a good place for burial first. In the future, I must ask for an explanation from that Ishikawa Daimyo. It makes no sense that he has harmed people, and he can continue to be the Daimyo of Mizusawa." ! There is no such truth in the world."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly felt proud in their hearts. They never imagined that across the sea, Qin Yining would be willing to seek justice for those who sacrificed their lives for her. They were even more grateful for their decision to follow Qin Yining. Qin Yining was so loyal to Sakurai, whom she had not known for a few days, let alone the brothers in the alliance who had followed her through life and death.

Several people nodded, and even the elite tiger guards were excited. They all said that if they want to settle accounts with the Ishikawa Daimyo in the future, they must bring their brothers with them.

Qin Yining politely thanked them, arranged accommodation for them, and found a doctor to look at their injuries. Fortunately, they all had some superficial injuries and were not serious.

Sakurai's ashes were temporarily placed in an empty room by Qin Yining, where he would pay incense in the morning and evening.


Three thousand cavalry galloped rapidly on the official road, their horses flying with hooves, and a cloud of dust was raised behind them.

At the head of a maroon horse, Li Qitian, dressed in black attire and a bright yellow cloak, was whipping the horse and turning around to urge the people behind him to follow quickly.

Li Qitian was extremely anxious at this time.

Qian Ying followed him to conquer the country, and was later awarded the title of earl, serving as an official in the Ministry of Science and Engineering. He has always been loyal to him. So the news he sent must be correct.

Unexpectedly, I never expected that Lu Heng's fool would be so bold and want to take the treasure for himself!

"Your Majesty, we can already see the county seat of Huichuan County."

Li Qitian shouted: "Surround Huichuan County immediately!"

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