Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1040 Treasure Hunt

Lu Heng was finally a little panicked, but he was born in a noble family and had been trained by Ting Ting since childhood. It was not like he had never seen big storms before. Lu Heng quickly calmed down. Even though he was dressed a little casually, his temperament was still dignified.

"Since Your Majesty has asked you to 'protect' me, this will trouble you all. As for Madam, she naturally wants to stay with me. There are many empty rooms in the house, so you can do as you wish."

After saying that, Lu Heng turned around and walked towards the study. He twisted his shoulders a few times in displeasure at the big hands that reached out to his shoulders. The soldiers naturally let go of him because of his majesty.

Ma Cheng was also alerted by Lu Heng's words.

If the Holy Spirit really wanted to punish Uncle Zhongyi, I'm afraid he wouldn't have sent someone to guard him, but would have directly ransacked his house. Uncle Zhongyi came from a Lu family. The Lu family had a deep foundation, and his connections in the court were also intricate. He could just deal with the errands of the emperor, and there was no need to be aggressive.

Thinking of this, Ma Cheng smiled and cupped his hands: "Uncle, I understand the righteousness well. I am just doing errands according to orders. Many of them are unavoidable, so I ask for your understanding."

Seeing that Ma Cheng's attitude had changed, Lu Heng's face softened slightly, he said "hmm" and entered the study.

Bian Ruohan naturally avoided the fate of being pushed and followed him into the study with an angry and aggrieved face.

The rest of the Lu family, including Lu Wenru, were closely guarded in the East Cross Courtyard. Ma Cheng sat under the shade of a tree and drank a large bowl of tea, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Qitian led a thousand cavalry on this side and rushed straight towards Wanzhou Town. In just one stick of incense, he caught up with the caravan transporting the big rocks.

"Quick, intercept this team for me!"


The cavalry of the Fifth Army Camp were well-trained, and with Li Qitian's order, everyone left quickly.

The guards and bodyguards accompanying the caravan were all frightened by the sudden change. Before they could catch the enemy, they were swarmed by the cavalry and captured alive.

Li Qitian stepped forward quickly and said loudly: "Check the stone!"

Jumong immediately led a dozen people to inspect the bullock carts one by one.

More than ten bullock carts were untied one by one, and everyone took their scabbards and beat on the stones until they heard different sounds from the stones.

"Your Majesty!" Jumong pointed to a carriage in the middle.

"Please take a look!"

When the Holy Emperor called out, the suppressed expressions and Lu Heng's cronies felt their hearts go cold.

Li Qitian hurried forward, knocked the scabbard himself, and finally said excitedly: "This is it! Hurry!"

After receiving the order, everyone became more and more enthusiastic. Soon, all the "stone boxes" hidden in ten vehicles were searched.

After struggling to find the gap, he opened the thin layer of stone, and the golden gold bars, emerald masters, and agate gemstones shone brightly under the scorching sun.

Li Qitian's eyes shone with excitement. Ben stepped forward and grabbed a string of pearls, then a handful of gems, and finally checked the gold bar, filled with relief, found it, found it!

It seems that he is indeed the right one, and he has found all the treasures coveted by many people! What Tianjizi's calculations are not worth mentioning at all!

Li Qitian was overjoyed and immediately ordered people to return to the city to prepare ordinary cages and carriages. He led his troops to stay in place.

As for the escort who was transporting the stones, they all wished they were blind. If they saw something as secret as today's world, they would probably be silenced, right?

Transporting boxes and cages, counting treasures, and writing books. By the time they were done, it was already the evening when the sky was filled with colorful clouds.

Li Qitian looked at the treasures packed in two large camphor wood boxes and couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

"Although they are all genuine treasures, this is a little too little."

Everyone lowered their eyes and fell silent.

Is this still less?

Just one or two items here and there are enough to feed a family for ten or twenty years, isn't that enough?

Zhu Meng knew what Li Qitian was thinking and said at the right time: "Your Majesty, it is said that the granite transported by Uncle Zhongyi went to more than ten places."

Li Qitian was stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes lit up and his heart brightened.


So many treasures have been found in this place. With Lu Heng's shrewdness, it is impossible to put all the treasures together. There must be treasures hidden among these ten roads!

What a great Lu Heng!

I found the treasure and wanted to keep it to myself! How dare you play tricks on me!

When Li Qitian thought of Lu Heng's deception, he immediately became angry and ordered everyone in a deep voice to take the two boxes of treasures to the capital first. If any were missed, they would all be executed.

How dare everyone be so lazy? In order for the whole family to watch each other and not let anything go wrong with the treasure.

After allocating manpower to transport the treasure, Li Qitian led his people back to Huichuan County.

When Xu is approaching, the city gate will be closed soon. Li Qitian and his men rushed over quickly. As soon as they saw the bright yellow figure, everyone in front of the city gate knelt down to greet him.

Even the people on the street knelt down when they heard the cry of "Long Live the Mountain".

Darling, this is incredible. The emperor actually came to Huichuan County. Is it to inspect the imperial mausoleum?

It was strange that so many cavalry came at noon, and soldiers and horses surrounded the entire Huichuan County. Now they know the reason!

Li Qitian quickly rushed to Lu's house and dismounted without waiting for the horse to stand firm.

He has also been fighting in the army for many years, but the eight years of pampering have made his previous efforts wasted. When he dismounted, he almost lost his waist.

He stood there holding the riding crop for a while to catch his breath, and then glanced at the eunuch Xiong Jinshui who was following closely beside him.

Xiong Jinshui immediately understood and passed the message inside.

"The Holy One has arrived!"

The entire Lu family was excited.

Ma Cheng immediately led his troops out to greet him. The well-trained soldiers of the fifth military camp knelt down one after another. The sound of "Long Live the Mountain" shook the air, and even the surrounding people were alarmed.

Li Qitian calmed down and slowly raised his hand: "No courtesy."

Seeing that Lu Heng was not among the crowd, Li Qitian raised his eyebrows and asked Ma Cheng after entering the door: "Where is Uncle Zhongyi?"

"Back to the Holy Father, Uncle Zhongyi is in the study room in the outer courtyard. I ordered people to guard him."

As long as no one runs away, that's fine.

Li Qitian breathed a sigh of relief and walked steadily towards the study.

Ma Cheng ordered someone to open the study door. Li Qitian looked inside the room and saw Lu Heng and Bian kneeling on the ground one behind the other.

"Welcoming ministers respectfully welcome the Holy Master."

"My wife, please see your Majesty."

Lu Heng had changed into a silver-white wide robe embroidered with bamboo. His hair was neatly pulled up and fixed with a green jade bamboo hairpin. He looked calm and relaxed, with no sign of any guilt at all.

Li Qitian lowered his face and sneered, walked slowly into the room and sat down, waving his hand, "Mr. Bian, step back."

Bian Ruohan was afraid of the emperor, so he naturally did not dare to show any slightness. He hurriedly saluted as expected, bowed his head respectfully and retreated. When the imperial guards closed the door, he looked at Lu Heng's back and frowned worriedly.

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