Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1041 Double Happiness

Bian Ruohan could feel that the aura of Sheng Shang when he came this time was wrong. He was obviously suppressing his anger. With so many soldiers and horses in the mansion, she and Lu Heng were imprisoned together again...

The more Bian Ruohan thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he almost cried on the spot.

In the study, Lu Heng knelt down and saluted solemnly, "Your Majesty is here in person, and I cannot greet you from afar. Please forgive me for my sins."

Li Qitian sneered when he heard this, "Oh? Is Uncle Zhongyi's only crime like this?"

Lu Heng is so smart. He has been locked up for an entire afternoon since he committed the crime. He has already figured out the cause and effect, and naturally also figured out the countermeasures.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report to you."

Li Qitian glanced sideways at Lu Heng, looking at him with an expression that said, "I just want to see how you act." He said in a long voice: "Play."

"Yes. I learned yesterday that Prince Zhongshun had already known the whereabouts of the treasures that His Majesty was looking for. He hid the treasures in stones and lured me to transport them, and then the treasures were stolen. I devoted myself to preparing the stones to build the emperor's palace. Ling, I never thought that Prince Zhongshun would take advantage of the situation, so I let him take advantage of it."

Li Qitian narrowed his eyes, obviously not fully believing what Lu Heng said.

But if it is said that Pang Xiao will participate in it, and there is Pang Xiao's plan, Li Qitian believes it.

Although Pang Zhixi pretends to be a benevolent and righteous person on the surface, in fact only one who has suffered a lot of secret losses from him knows how insidious this person really is, and how good he is at pretending to be a good person in front of civil and military officials and ignorant people.

He has always been good at doing things. When he does good deeds, he publicizes them widely, but when he does evil deeds, he keeps it secret. Even if his secret is discovered, he has the ability to make people think that he has suffered great grievances and has to do so.

He is also good at fighting, and he is indeed a god in using troops. As many soldiers and horses as there are in the entire Zhou Dynasty, there are as many stupid rough guys who blindly worship Pang Zhixi! This is what annoys Li Qitian the most.

Now that Lu Heng said this, how could he arrest the person and interrogate him properly?

Anyway, now he is determined to get the treasure. Even if Lu Heng lied to get Pang Zhixi, he can use this to get rid of a serious problem in his heart!

Thinking about this, Li Qitian had made up his mind and said in a deep voice: "Do you know that what you are reporting involves the only prince of a different surname in this dynasty? It is a serious crime to falsely accuse the prince."

Lu Heng's mind turned and he understood Li Qitian's intention. He kowtowed solemnly and said, "Go back to the Holy One.

Everything I said is true, and I did not know anything about it. When I first discovered this matter, it was not confirmed, so I could not report it directly to the Holy One. When I wanted to investigate the matter clearly, the Holy One had already come here in person. I can only report it in person. "

"Oh?" Li Qitian hummed, "Didn't you learn the whereabouts of the treasure and plan to keep it all to yourself, and then after I found out, you tried to steal it from others?"

"Going back to your Majesty, the Chen family has been running for hundreds of years. Although I can't say how much money I have, money is indeed not the most important thing to me and my family. Besides, it is not easy to stabilize the country of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I wish I could work hard to reimburse the court and repay the favor. How can you covet treasures when the Holy One has given you such grace?"

Lu Heng's words successfully reminded Li Qitian of the Lu family's support for his army at the beginning of the founding of the dynasty.

And what Lu Heng said makes sense. Such a large family is indeed not short of money. There is no need for Lu Heng to risk his career for the treasure.

So, is everything really what Pang Zhixi did?

When Li Qitian thought about this, he suddenly felt very happy. He had been thinking about doing something with Pang Zhixi for a long time, but he had been struggling to find a suitable reason. It can only be reduced a little bit. Now that Lu Heng has given him a perfect reason, Li Qitian feels that this is a double happiness!

"Very good. I have always known that you have the intention to serve the country, but the incident happened suddenly and involved a wide range of things. I am willing to believe you, but I must also investigate the matter clearly. I cannot favor any party or frame anyone."

Lu Heng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was right in guessing Li Qitian's thoughts. Li Qitian wanted the treasure and wanted to eradicate the gangsters who threatened his status. Regardless of whether the reason he gave was true or not, Li Qitian still wanted the treasure. I hope it's true. After all, compared to Pang Xiao, his existential threat is much smaller on the surface.

But, if he is not leading the troops, is there really no threat?

Lu Heng sarcastically thought, this situation was exactly what he wanted anyway, Pang Zhixi had already been blamed. He really wanted to see this violent scene.

"Let me ask you. Are there any treasures hidden in the other stones?" Li Qitian asked instead.

Lu Heng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Back to Your Majesty, I really don't know. If there is a treasure, Prince Zhongshun would not be able to reveal the information to me. Please investigate carefully, Your Majesty."

Of course he knew which roads contained treasures, but he just didn't want Li Qitian to get there happily. Although he knew that he would not be able to get the treasure, it did not stop him from adding more wood to the fire, making the Holy Emperor hate Pang Zhixi even more during the trouble of finding the treasure.

Li Qitian sneered: "Of course I will check it out."

Standing up and looking down at Lu Heng who was kneeling on the ground, Li Qitian said in a deep voice, "You can rest here these days. You cannot leave the city at will without my instructions."

"Yes. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Lu Heng saluted respectfully.

Li Qitian immediately hurried out and told Xiong Jinshui, "Go to Danfu County and tell Prince Zhongshun to come see me immediately."

Ma Cheng, who was standing by the side, saw something wrong with Li Qitian's face and felt a little trembling in his heart. Knowing that the Holy One was going to summon Pang Xiao, he knew that there must be nothing good going on. He didn't dare to show any concern for Pang Xiao, so he just stood with his head bowed.

Xiong Jinshui immediately responded and retreated.


Danford County.

Pang Xiao has already received the news from the spies.

"The Holy One is here in person. He must have come here specially after knowing about the treasure." Xie Yue said with emotion, "I never expected that Tao Hanshan could switch to Qian Ying's command, and Qian Ying could trust Tao Hanshan so much."

Xu Wei said: "This is what Tao Hanshan is capable of."

Pang Xiao knew that Qin Yining had been unhappy because of the Sakurai incident in the past few days. He held his breath when he heard Tao Hanshan's name, so he did not continue the topic and instead said:

"What's surprising is that the Holy One did not do anything to Uncle Zhongyi. It is said that Uncle Zhongyi and his wife were under house arrest in Huichuan County. They could leave the house but could not leave the county gate. I don't know how he calmed down the Holy One's wrath. It is really curious. Very."

Xu Weizhi said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I always feel that things are not simple. Uncle Zhongyi may have put the blame on you."

Qin Yining, who had been silent, nodded and said: "I think so too. Uncle Zhongyi is a smart man. Since the Holy Lord is here in person, he knows that he can't get the treasure. Since he can't get the treasure, he naturally has to make the most of it. You can take advantage of the Holy Spirit's hostility towards you and protect yourself. This is killing two birds with one stone."

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