Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1044 Departure

Xiong Jinshui thought so, but he didn't dare to say more. The Holy One rules everything, and he is a small servant. It is already difficult for him to do his job and save his life. He has no time to care about other things. No matter what Prince Zhongshun thinks and what arrangements he makes, he doesn't care too much as he seems to be doing well on the surface. As long as Prince Zhongshun goes back to Huichuan County with him so that he can do business.

As for Prince Zhongshun, if he doesn't leak a single word, there is no guarantee that he won't be resented if something happens in the future.

Or just reveal a little bit without affecting the errand?

Thinking of this, Xiong Jinshui's smile became more sincere: "Your Majesty, the Holy One wants to ask you something. The Holy One has always put the prince in high regard, so he may arrange some errands for you."

Pang Xiao has been in the government and the public for many years, so he naturally understands the meaning of Xiong Jinshui's words.

It seemed that his judgment was correct. The Holy Emperor really wanted to ask him about the treasure. As for arranging errands for him, it was all based on self-examination in front of the internal prison, because he knew that Uncle Zhongyi was under house arrest.

I gave him this hope because I was afraid that he would not go back to Huichuan County.

Pang Xiao is very funny. He is worthy of being the great companion of the Holy Sage. He always acts cautiously.

"So that's it. Since the Holy One has given the order, let's set off as soon as possible to prevent the Holy One from waiting for a long time."

Xiong Jinshui's brows were filled with joy when he heard this, he smiled and saluted, "Your Majesty is so loyal to His Majesty, it's admirable!"

"No way. It's admirable that Eunuch Xiong works hard by His Majesty's side all day long."

The two complimented each other politely, and Pang Xiao ordered Tang Xiu to tell the honor guard to prepare for departure.

Of course, Xiong Jinshui hoped to reach Huichuan County as soon as possible to make an appointment, so he did not consider the problem of getting late - even if it was getting late, he could just sleep with the sky as his bed all night.

However, when the group of people got ready and set off, Xiong Jinshui discovered that Pang Xiao did not bring his family with him.

"Your Majesty? Why don't you see the princess accompanying you?" Xiong Jinshui wanted to ask cautiously.

Pang Xiao said: "It's really unfortunate. A few days ago, the King of Japan's health improved and he had nothing to do. Mrs. Qin took her servants out to play. Eunuch Xiong must also have heard of her temper. She has never been idle. At this time I don’t know where she went with her people.”

"This..." Xiong Jinshui hesitated.

He naturally knew that Princess Zhongshun was different from ordinary ladies.

But if I don’t take the princess back now, I wonder if the Holy Father will blame her.

After all, Xiong Jinshui knew very well why the Holy One summoned the prince urgently.

He couldn't help but have some uneasy suspicions: Could it be that the prince knew that the situation was not optimistic when he returned this time and deliberately did not take the princess with him?

After all, Prince Zhongshun's regard for the princess is well known to everyone in the government and the public. The couple now has no other relatives, and they depend on each other. If Prince Zhongshun really knows something, it is possible for the princess to escape quickly. .

But Xiong Jinshui had hundreds of guesses rolling around in his mind, but in the end he just dared to think about it in his mind, not daring to ask questions.

Who is Prince Zhongshun? He is a ruthless character who kills people without batting an eye and eats people without spitting out their bones. No matter what he is, he is nothing more than an internal prisoner. How can a servant dare to question the prince?

What's more, with Prince Zhongshun's status, being willing to speak out and explain to him is enough to give him face, but he doesn't dare to be shameless.

Although my heart goes back and forth a thousand times, it only lasts for a breath.

Seeing Xiong Jinshui's behavior, Pang Xiao asked in a deep voice: "Actually, I don't trust the princess, so why are you so anxious to find me? If you are not anxious, I will send someone out to look for you. Then we and I will It would be nice to meet the driver together."

Xiong Jinshui was so frightened that his whole body trembled. If the search takes a long time and delays serious business, the Holy Spirit will not eat him alive!

"Your Majesty, Saint Uehara also asked the Prince to go and meet him. This servant is just worried that the Princess will not find the Prince when she comes back from a trip."

"I see, I have misunderstood." Pang Xiao said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I have left the maid to look after the house. The princess will naturally know when she comes back."

"Your Majesty is thoughtful, but this servant is thinking too much. Your Majesty, how about setting off now?" Xiong Jinshui didn't want to offend this villain, so he had to finish his errands quickly.

Pang Xiao immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, let's set off."

Xiong Jinshui immediately nodded and said hello to the dozens of sergeants from the Fifth Army Camp who came with him. Then he led Pang Xiao towards the carriage outside the door.

The prince's ceremonial procession was the same as when entering the city, and a long procession had already formed in great momentum.

After hearing the news, the people of Danford County gathered around and had fun. At this time, the roadside and street corners were crowded with people.

Seeing the prince being helped out by a lieutenant, the people couldn't help but whisper. And the dumbfounded Qing asked in a loud voice: "My lord, are you going back to the capital?"

One person asked, and others immediately echoed: "Is the prince going back to run an errand for the Holy One?"

"Your Majesty is leaving now? Will you return to Danford County?"

The people asked sincerely, and they really couldn't bear to cheat. Compared with Qin Yining's secret investigation of this place, the people now treated Pang Xiao's siblings as if they were their parents and officials.

The love these people had for Pang Xiao made Xiong Jinshui's heart skip a beat.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, Prince Zhongshun could make the people of Danford County respect him so much. This is really a skill.

Xiong Jinshui did not dare to neglect Pang Xiao anymore. Prince Zhongshun had that kind of convincing temperament, which was sometimes unmatched by the emperor.

As soon as this dangerous thought came up, Xiong Jinshui quickly gave up his thoughts.

After Pang Xiao waved goodbye to the people, he helped Pang Xiao get into the carriage.

Immediately, the long guard of honor slowly left the county, escorted by dozens of cavalry from the Fifth Army Camp.

People lined the streets to see them off. Because of Pang Xiao's generosity and protection, they were spared punishment. Pang Xiao was their benefactor, and his benefactor was about to leave. Many people spontaneously came to see them off, and some people came to see them off. Shoes, socks, dry food, pickles and other items were forced from their own homes to the generals in the team.

Such a lively scene shocked Ling Xiong Jinshui deeply and attracted the attention of many people.

Just as Pang Xiao's team left the city gate, Qin Yining, Ji Yun, Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi and others also brought several people from the Qingtian League, as well as the guards that Pang Xiao left with Qin Yining, and disguised themselves. He quietly left the palace through the alley from Houmen, walked in the opposite direction, and exited Danfu County through the city gate on the other side.

"Madam, where are we going now?" Ji Yun was wearing a dark green muslin and half-worn armor. His skin tone was a little darker, and there were two clusters of red on his cheeks. He was dressed like a girl from the countryside.

Qin Yining wore a dark blue fine cotton gown and eight skirts of the same color. Her hair was combed into a simple bun. The cream given by Xie Yue was used on her face, neck and hands. Her complexion turned sallow, and her face looked sick. They were two completely different people before.

"Let's go southwest now, and go to Jingang first."

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