Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1045: Split up

With the experience of going out in disguise many times, Qin Yining dressed up as a sick woman this time and went to Jingang to seek medical advice.

One of Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi dressed up as an accountant, the other as a housekeeper, and the rest of the guards were dressed as servants, coachmen, and nurses. They left the jurisdiction of Danfu County all the way, but still did not dare to slack off.

"Woman, it's been confirmed that there is no tail." Jingzhe came closer and said.

Qin Yining felt relieved, nodded and said, "It's getting late. Today we will find a place to camp nearby, repair it, and make sure no one is following us. Then we will turn to the southeast."

"Madam, please be cautious." Xie Yue said with a smile, "To go to Jingang, we should go southwest first. Even if someone is following us, we won't know our direction for a while."

"You have to be careful." Qin Yining moved his stiff legs and feet as he moved in the car. It was already the beginning of night, and the last ray of sunlight slowly disappeared behind the horizon.

The Jinghu Guards, Qingtian Alliance and Silver-faced Secret Agents were busy setting up stoves and fires and setting up tents. Qin Yining walked to one side with Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi to talk.

"To be honest, I thought at first that my wife would not agree to the master's arrangement. She would definitely go with the master." Xu Weizhi sighed.

Qin Yining smiled and said, "I do want to follow him. But thinking is one thing, reality is another. At critical moments, I can't act on impulse. He values ​​my thoughts very much. I am very emotional. It may affect his judgment."

Stopping, Qin Yining sighed softly: "Although this is already the case for me, I don't want to become his weakness."

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi were both moved when they heard this.

Ji Yun looked at Qin Yining's back, but felt a little sore in his nose.

She had followed Qin Yining over the years and watched with her own eyes the ups and downs between her and the prince until today. Their relationship moved her, but she also knew that the princess, who looked glamorous to outsiders, had actually suffered a lot and experienced a lot. There were too many strong winds and waves. The suffering she endured and the suffering she endured are things that many people have never seen in their entire lives.

Such a princess deserves the best treatment, and these servants are so useless...

Xie Yue sighed: "What Madam said is true. Your emotions can indeed influence the prince's decision. Not only your emotions, but your safety and your thoughts can also influence the prince."

"That's why Tao Hanshan wanted to kill me. Because I'm a prostitute,

But it became an uncertain factor on the prince's road to success. "

Qin Yining laughed to himself and remembered what Tianjizi said when he brought people to intercept and kill her.

Tianjizi has always said that her existence is the biggest variable, and many things she has clearly planned have changed because of her existence. It was too ironic for her to say such words this time.

Xie Yue comforted: "Tao Hanshan is too paranoid. Madam, please don't take his words to heart. The fact that you can decisively take us away from the master this time shows that Tao Hanshan is wrong."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "What's the point of dying with him? What I want is for everyone to live."

Turning around and walking towards the bonfire, Qin Yining said with high spirits: "After I take the person outside to develop, I will be able to suppress that person, so that the master will have more chances of safety. A short separation is nothing, how can you only focus on the present when doing things?"

She said this smoothly, because she had been telling herself this all the way, reminding herself over and over again, not wanting to let the emotions of separation affect herself, nor the morale of those around her.

What's more, if Pang Xiao was really killed, would her wife just die for her love for him? Who will avenge him? Who will take care of his relatives and their children? Death is the easiest. When you close your eyes, you don't have to worry about anything. Living and shouldering the responsibility of living is what she should do.

As for the day of separation, she believed that Pang Xiao would be willing to wait for her.

What's more, they are all doing their best to prevent such a tragedy from happening.

Qin Yining picked up a branch and fiddled with the campfire, changing the topic to a more relaxed direction. When the atmosphere in the entire camp became lively, Qin Yining told Liao Zhibing, "This time we need a lot of people who know how to sail a boat. We went back to Golden Port. , contact the local brothers and take note.”

Liao Zhibing smiled and nodded, "I understand, leader."

Just as Qin Yining and his party successfully detoured towards Jingang, Pang Xiao's guard of honor also arrived at Huichuan County as quickly as possible.

Xiong Jinshui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Huichuan County from a distance.

God knows how afraid he was of Pang Xiao suddenly escaping halfway up the mountain!

The Holy One didn't skin him alive!

But from this point of view, it is unlikely that the prince has hidden the treasure. Otherwise, with the prince's martial arts skills, there would be many opportunities to escape.

Xiong Jinshui ordered people to pass the news in front of the city gate, and the soldiers surrounding Huichuan County also saw the prince's guard of honor.

Many of the cavalrymen had followed Ma Cheng to Danfu County last time, and many of them regarded Pang Xiao as the God of War in their hearts. Therefore, everyone was very excited when they heard that Prince Zhongshun had arrived on orders. However, due to the order, everyone stood still and did not dare to move.

Pang Xiao raised the car curtain, looked at the county town getting closer and closer, and ordered the team to speed up the pace.

At this moment, a group of cavalry suddenly emerged from the city gate, splitting into two columns and rushing towards his direction.

Pang Xiao was stunned and immediately ordered the team to stop.

Dust swirled under the horses' hooves, and soon the entire group was surrounded by cavalry.

When the horse came closer, he saw Pang Xiao in the carriage. He felt complicated and guilty, and had no choice but to obey the imperial edict. He turned over and dismounted, raised his hands and saluted: "The general is here to take the prince into the city according to the order."

"There is Governor Rauma."

Pang Xiao couldn't see his embarrassment and immediately signaled to Tang Xiu with a smile.

Tang Xiu immediately stepped forward and gave Ma Cheng a hand.

When Ma Cheng saw that the prince had no resentment towards him, his heart suddenly warmed up and he said with mixed emotions: "Your Majesty, your Majesty is at the Yamen. Please invite the prince into the city."

"Lead the way."


It was obviously "escorting", but after Pang Xiao met Ma Cheng, he quietly led the escort.

Although on the surface it looked like Pang Xiao entered the city surrounded by the cavalry of the fifth military camp, Xiong Jinshui who was inside could naturally see the difference.

He is indeed loyal to the Holy One, but who dares to offend such a loyal and obedient prince?

He believed that even now, if Prince Zhongshun really killed him, the Holy One would never say a word. Even if the Holy One was willing to stand up for him, how could he be resurrected after losing his life?

Xiong Jinshui immediately thought about where he should stand. I also had some concerns about what I had to say back to the Holy Emperor.

When Pang Xiao's team entered the city gate, it immediately aroused discussion among the soldiers from the five military camps surrounding the city, and also aroused discussion among the people of Huichuan County.

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