Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1046 Quarrel

There has been a lot of noise in Huichuan County in recent days. The people actually didn't know what happened, but the sudden arrival of soldiers, horses and holy cavalry made them feel extremely nervous and panicked.

Nowadays, when some people queue up to buy rice on the street, they see the honor guard of Prince Zhongshun entering the city under the escort of soldiers and horses. Thinking that this prince was once the supervisor in charge of the construction of the imperial mausoleum, the common people feel better. guess.

This prince is probably also dragged down by the matter of the imperial mausoleum.

How many lives were lost for the sake of an imperial mausoleum?

There are also those who are better informed, or who happened to have been to the capital before Pang Xiao came to Huichuan County. They knew the message in the capital at that time, and they discussed it in secret and said insightfully: "What do you know? I can't say that the prince, the supervisor of the imperial mausoleum, Errands are arranged deliberately by thoughtful people!"

Pang Xiao didn't care about this at all, and came to the Yamen amidst everyone's discussion. Shi Shiran got off the carriage and went to the back Yamen courtyard accompanied by Xiong Jinshui and Ma Cheng.

Li Qitian was reading the report from the capital at this time.

"Reporting to your Majesty, Prince Zhongshun will bring you here."

Li Qitian's gaze stopped while browsing the memorial, and he put it down calmly, "Let him in."

"According to the order."

Not long after, Pang Xiao, who was wearing a silver-white brocade robe with arrow sleeves and a jade belt tied around his waist, entered the door accompanied by eight guards.

Li Qitian sat at the front seat and looked at Pang Xiao with slightly narrowed eyes. The man strode closer like a beautiful orchid tree. He was young and handsome, which made Li Qitian feel more and more panicked.

"I am here to see you, Your Majesty." Pang Xiao bowed respectfully.

Li Qitian did not answer, and his sizing eyes turned into scrutiny.

It seems that Pang Xiao's time in Danford County was much more nourishing than him.

While he was working hard for the country, Pang Xiao was relaxing and enjoying himself, and in the end, he stole his treasure effortlessly!

The anger that could have been suppressed suddenly erupted into flames. Li Qitian slammed the table and angrily shouted: "Pang Zhixi! Do you know your guilt?"

Pang Xiao saluted respectfully with his forehead: "Your Majesty, please calm down."

"Calm down your anger? You deceive and use me like this, and you want me to calm down!"

“I don’t understand what the Holy One means.

If I am wrong, please ask the Holy Spirit to make it clear. "

Li Qitian's chest heaved violently, and he laughed in anger: "Since you want me to tell you clearly, I will tell you clearly! Where do you hide the treasure? Tell me, and I can save you trouble."

Pang Xiao stood up in confusion, not even caring about the rule of not looking directly at Tianyan, and said in shock: "The Holy One said treasure? Is it the batch of treasures from the Yan Dynasty?"

This man is still pretending!

"Otherwise!" Li Qitian stood up angrily, strode to Pang Xiao, and said condescendingly, "I treat you as a brother and treat you well, but you have repeatedly violated the prohibition. This time, you know clearly that Dazhou needs these treasures. You still want to hide it in private, how can you act like this to live up to the sworn love you had back then!"

Pang Xiao seemed to be angered by Li Qitian's furious yelling. His eyebrows were furrowed, and a vertical line formed between his eyebrows.

"Why did the Holy Spirit say this! I have been recuperating in Danfu County and have never set foot outside Danfu. How could I know about the treasure?

"The Holy One said that the treasure was hidden by a humble minister. Where did you hear this nonsense? As a minister, my family is now extinct, and the food is enough for me, so why would I hide the treasure?

"Besides, the treasures of the Yan Dynasty must not be a small amount. If I touch the treasures, how can I not alarm others? Who told the Holy Emperor about this? Someone must have framed me!"

The more Pang Xiao argued, the louder his voice became, and finally he almost roared.

Li Qitian knew that Pang Xiao looked careless, but he was actually very cautious. Yelling in front of him had long been uncommon. Now that he would lose his composure because of this, it was obvious that he was very angry.

And does the reason why he is so angry mean that he has been wronged?

Li Qitian became a little suspicious of Lu Heng's words.

Lu Heng's every move that day was still as clear as before his eyes. Li Qitian thought about it carefully and found that Lu Heng seemed to be too calm at that time.

Compared with Pang Xiao's current gaffe, the performance of the two of them, and Pang Xiao's appearance made Li Qitian even more convinced.

However, Li Qitian was more willing to believe the facts said by Lu Heng.

"You still want to quibble! In consideration of our years of brotherhood, I refused to directly issue an order to arrest you. I only asked you to come and question you personally. You still refuse to tell the truth! Do you want me to open a trial? You, or you will be handed over to the Sanfa Division before you are willing to tell the truth!"

"Then, Your Majesty, just hand me over to the Three Law Departments!"

Pang Xiao scratched his neck and said with hurt, "I am loyal to the Holy One, and I still remember the friendship we had when we fought together. Although I serve the Holy One as my master, I regard the Holy One as my elder brother in my heart. I didn't expect that the Holy One would believe other people's lies." You are talking nonsense and accusing me without any basis! Why should I admit something that I have not done! What kind of treasure did you ask me to hand over? I didn’t hide it at all, so why should I hand it over!"

"Okay. Okay. You didn't hide it. You are wronged." Li Qitian sneered and turned around, strode back to the desk and sat down heavily. The hand with the jade ring clenched into a fist, "You are unwilling to tell the truth now, I I’ll let you go to the Sanfa Department and tell him!”

"Just go!" Pang Xiao stood up and said with a red face, "It's simply inexplicable. The Holy Spirit is still the eldest brother, so he is so suspicious of the younger brother? Even if he wants to be convicted, at least there will be someone to testify and material evidence, which is good , there is nothing, and you are forcing me to plead guilty. I have never seen any treasures, how can I plead guilty? How can I tell you the whereabouts! Your Majesty is simply baffled!"

"You!" Li Qitian was furious and slammed the table, "Do you still think of me as the emperor?"

"If you weren't the emperor, I would have beaten you long ago! Look at yourself, do you still have the air of being a big brother?"

"How presumptuous! Come here, pull this offender down, reward him with twenty sticks, and teach him what the rules are!"

The guards lined up inside and outside the house have long been frightened into silence. They have followed Li Qitian for many years, and this is the first time they have seen a minister dare to quarrel with the Lord. Now they have made such a fuss that the Lord is so angry that he wants to slap the prince!

They all felt embarrassed in their hearts. Prince Ren Zhongshun didn't say anything wrong. He relied on others without any evidence and even asked for the whereabouts of the treasure. What could others say? The Holy Spirit has been really worried about the treasure these days. I just don’t know if I have slapped the prince now. Will the Holy Master regret it when I look back?

If the prince holds a grudge against them, will he take revenge on Banzi in the future?

Several guards turned around and came forward, pressed Pang Xiao's arms and walked out.

Pang Xiao was still angry and yelled: "The Holy One has wronged the loyal minister! He condemned the minister's crime without any basis and evidence, and punished the loyal minister for no reason. I am not convinced!"

When Li Qitian saw that Pang Xiao had come to the yard and was still making noise, everyone knew about it. He couldn't help but become more angry: "Then I'll beat you until you convince! Beat me! Beat me hard!"

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