Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1047 Board

Pang Xiao was held up by two guards, one on his left and one on his right. In fact, if his kung fu was to be considered, he could easily break free of the restraints. However, even though he shouted "not convinced", he did not struggle at all.

When the imperial guards saw him like this, they couldn't help but sigh. Prince Zhongshun is indeed loyal to the Holy One. They knew that they could not match up with the prince, but the prince was willing to be controlled by them. It can only be said that although he did not accept the emperor's reward, he had no intention of disobedience.

The Holy One is simply crazy for the treasure.

While everyone was sighing inwardly, the eunuch had already moved a stool tremblingly, and the guards pushed Pang Xiao to lie down in embarrassment, holding down his legs.

Pang Xiao still did not struggle, but raised his neck and said loudly: "The Holy One falsely accused the loyal minister, and even ignored the brotherhood for the treasure. The minister was loyal to the country and risked his life, but the Holy One listened to the villain's slander without any basis. I'm going to beat you up because I don't know anything about the treasure. Even if the Holy Spirit beat me to death today, I can't tell you where the treasure is hidden!"

Pang Xiao shouted loudly, as if he was incoherent due to anger.

But the meaning of these words is very clear.

In order to find the treasure, the Holy One listened to someone's slander and thought that Prince Zhongshun hid the treasure. Now, regardless of the sworn relationship and Prince Zhongshun's numerous achievements, he actually wanted to make a slander in front of everyone!

The prince was held down and slapped. Such humiliation was simply unheard of!

Pang Xiao's angry roar could be heard very far away, even by the defenders standing guard outside the Yamen and the occasional pedestrians passing by.

Li Qitian angrily scolded: "Why don't I shut his mouth!"

The imperial guard did not dare to disobey, so he had to stuff Pang Xiao's mouth with a clean handkerchief.

The chamberlain in charge of the execution brought the board and stood on one side, one on the left and the other on the right, looking at the Holy Master with weak hands and feet.

"Hit! Hit hard!" Li Qitian shouted.

"According to the order." The servant did not dare to neglect, gritted his teeth and picked up the board.

Then there was a crackling sound of boards.

The servant didn't dare to hurt the prince's life, so he didn't use any secret force. Such a board hit his buttocks, and soon blood burst out on Pang Xiao's silver robe. It looked really shocking, but in fact it didn't hurt him. Organs and bones. In this way, they can communicate with each other without really offending the prince.

But in the eyes of others, such bloody injuries,

I really feel a little frustrated.

This prince who sacrificed his life and blood for the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, destroyed the Northern Hebei and defeated the Great Yan, and made those who were enemies of the Great Zhou tremble when he thought of it, the God of War was imprisoned for an unfounded crime. Playing with the board...

This made everyone feel a little cold, and also made everyone see clearly the coldness of the Holy One: even if they have been loyal to the Holy One for many years and are sworn brothers with the Holy One, anything that involves interests will be blocked. People like them Woolen cloth?

Li Qitian watched condescendingly as the board fell on Pang Xiao, and when he saw that his outer robe was stained with blood, he felt unprecedentedly comfortable in his heart.

How about the Ziwei Emperor Star calculated by Tianjizi? Aren't you going to bow down to him? Isn’t it possible that just one word from him can affect his life or death?

So what if he is loved by the people and respected by the soldiers? He can hold him down and beat him with just one word. If he wants him to live, he can live. If he wants him to die, he can take off his head with just one word!

He is the real emperor! What’s the point of the random calculations made up by those who are deceiving the public with their monstrous words!

Li Qitian's furious mood was replaced by pride. He felt so refreshed at this moment. He had never been so happy in recent years. He couldn't help but think that if he had known that giving Pang Xiao a good beating would relieve the depression accumulated in his heart, he would have given him a good beating. Got it!

The sound of the board hitting the buttocks stopped after a moment.

Pang Xiao was lying on the bench, his head hanging feebly, his long hair falling to the ground, his arms drooped, he had already lost consciousness, and the large blood stains on the clothes on his buttocks were really dazzling!

The situation was so miserable that the guards on the side felt sad in their hearts - the God of War, who frightened the enemies on the battlefield, would actually end up in such a situation.

Li Qitian walked up to him coldly, folded his arms and looked at Pang Xiao's helpless appearance, "Do you know you are wrong?"

Pang Xiao lowered his head and showed no reaction.

Li Qitian didn't think that Pang Xiao would be knocked unconscious by twenty planks. In the past, on the battlefield, he could break off two arrows and continue to fight. Now that he was only beaten by twenty planks, how serious would he be?

"Pang Zhixi!" Li Qitian raised his voice.

But Pang Xiao remained motionless.

The guard on the side hurriedly knelt down to lift up Pang Xiao's drooped head, and took off the gagged gauze from his mouth. Only then did he realize that his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and the gauze was stained with blood. He had fainted. passed.

"Your Majesty, the prince has fainted."

Li Qitian was suspicious, lowered his head and lifted up Pang Xiao's face to check. The guards on the side frowned at the rude action.

"Did he really faint?" Li Qitian frowned suspiciously, and then said in a deep voice: "Please ask the imperial doctor to treat him. Carry him down."


The guards carried Pang Xiao out with a stool in a hurry.

Seeing the prince being carried out like this, the imperial guards had mixed feelings in their hearts. The blood-stained robe really hurt people's eyes.

Tang Xiu and other Jinghu guards who had followed Pang Xiao back were kept outside the door. When they saw Pang Xiao being carried out, they rushed forward one by one, shouting with tears in their eyes, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please wake up." The scene was so miserable that it made people's noses sore after looking at it.

Li Qitian felt disappointed. He didn't find out the whereabouts of the treasure he wanted to ask about, but Pang Xiao was so irritated that he couldn't hold back his anger and gave him a slap in the face. But having the opportunity to control Pang Xiao is a good thing.

Sitting behind the desk, Li Qitian clasped his hands and gradually calmed down.

Lu Heng or Pang Xiao, which one of them is telling the truth?

Was the treasure hidden, or was it still mixed in with the stones from other roads?

Li Qitian has already ordered his cronies to trace the stones in the remaining nine directions. But the mountains are high and the roads are far away, so it is not possible to get the news all at once. He is really impatient! Seeing that the treasure that he had been looking for was finally found, but the fat meat in front of him was missing, he was not only anxious but also angry. .

While Li Qitian was frowning and thinking, the news that Prince Zhongshun had been beaten for no reason had been spread without a trace.

For a time, there was a rumbling sound in the city.

First, Huichuan County was surrounded by soldiers and horses, and then the county magistrate was placed under house arrest. Then the prince was escorted into the city and was beaten in the blink of an eye.

The Holy One is here to make a big move. What exactly does the old man want to do?

The queue to buy food stretched out four lines and snaked across two streets.

"The price of rice has gone up again today. Does the Holy Father care about it? How can a loyal minister like Prince Zhongshun be punished?" The man carrying a burlap bag muttered in a low voice.

"There has been a lot of rain this year, and no grain is produced in the south. I heard that a large part of the grain we eat now was shipped by Prince Zhongshun through his connections."

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