Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1049 Fighting Scene

After today's confrontation with Pang Xiao, Li Qitian has dispelled some of his suspicions and knows that there may be something hidden about the treasure.

If Pang Xiao had not touched the treasure and was recuperating in Danfu County, he would naturally not have to worry about Long Yan's wrath, let alone hide his wife in advance to avoid being affected.

If Pang Zhixi knew that he was no longer welcome and would be liquidated one day sooner or later, then such signs had not been exposed once or twice. Ever since he was impeached on ten major crimes and continued to resist the decree, he should have This realization, but he did not hide Qin at that time, shows that he hopes that Qin will live and die with him and never be separated.

But now, Qin is hidden by him.

There must have been some change in Qin's body that made Pang Zhixi reluctant to let her live and die with him.

So the most likely possibility is that Qin is pregnant again.

A faint smile appeared on Li Qitian's lips, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes rose slightly.

"Someone is coming."

"Your Majesty."

Li Qitian gave the order, and immediately a black shadow flew down from the beam, knelt on one knee and bowed his head in salute.

"Go and arrange for people to check the whereabouts of Princess Zhongshun. If she is found, she will be placed under house arrest immediately. Remember, don't hurt your life."

"According to the order."

The secret guard held up his hands and retreated quickly.

Xiong Jinshui lowered his head, breaking out in a cold sweat from being frightened. He breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he had escaped. I just hope that the princess will be caught in the future, but don’t let anyone know that it was because of one of my words.

Pang Xiao developed a high fever that night.

After the imperial doctor diagnosed and treated him, he reported to Li Qitian tremblingly.

"Prince Zhongshun's injury has not healed, his energy and blood have been depleted, and new injuries have been added. This is the root cause. After Wei Chen prescribes a prescription, he will be carefully nursed back to health. He will be patient and do not work too hard, so that he can recover."

Li Qitian smiled and said kindly: "Come here."

The imperial doctor did not dare to disobey, so he approached the holy driver and heard several instructions. Got it

The imperial doctor's face turned pale with fright.

My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand.

"What? I ordered you to treat Prince Zhongshun well. Is it difficult?"

"Weichen, Weichen thinks, no, it's not difficult." There were thin beads of sweat on the imperial doctor's forehead.

Li Qitian smiled with satisfaction and said, "Very good. You have done your job carefully, and Liu Yuanjian has already gone to Shubei to govern. You have good medical skills, I think you can be of great use."

"Yes, I will treat Prince Zhongshun well and nurse him back to health."

"Yeah. As long as you understand." Li Qitian's smile deepened, and then he asked as if he remembered something, "I don't know your name yet."

"Weak minister Gao Yongnian."

"Okay, Gao Yongnian, I'll remember it. Let's go."

The clothes on Gao Yongnian's back were soaked with sweat, and he almost cried on the spot. He shivered and retreated, feeling the sweat in the corridor. Thinking of the whole family, he couldn't help but feel sad.

How did he get into such trouble? . It's true that everything is safe, but it cannot be prevented by fate. If he had known this, he would have gotten seriously ill and not traveled with the Holy One!

While Pang Xiao was recuperating from his injuries, Gao Yongnian's face was wrinkled into a bitter melon, as if he was aging before he was old.

It's just that the prince is very willful and refuses to drink the medicine. He refuses to cooperate when the medicine is given. He will hit people when he is angry. An injured tiger is still a tiger. Gao Yongnian is almost frightened by the prince.

"Bah, bah, bah! What the hell is this? Are you going to torture me to death?"

When Pang Xiao poured the third bowl of medicine directly on Gao Yongnian, and the temperature of the medicine seeped in through his robes, making Gao Yongnian shudder, he finally came to his senses.

The prince may not be willful, but just too smart...

Looking down at his body, Gao Yongnian had an idea and confessed repeatedly. When he turned around, his hands and body were burned with blisters. Before he could serve the prince, he was burned to the point of high fever by the prince's rage.

Li Qitian was very angry when he learned about it, and he couldn't argue with a small imperial physician. He didn't let more people know about it. Besides, he only brought this imperial physician with him, so he had to give up his plan for the time being. Then he told Xiong Jinshui:

"It's a good idea for you to serve the prince's food and drink."

Xiong Jinshui's heart skipped a beat and he nodded in agreement.

In the next few days, Prince Zhongshun suffered from a high fever due to the lack of diagnosis and treatment by the imperial physician. He had not eaten a grain of rice and could hardly feed him with water. The soldiers around him cried anxiously and knelt on the street in front of the Yamen. Cry and beg.

"Your Majesty, please have mercy on me and allow me to ask the doctor in the city to come and see our prince. He has been loyal to the country for many years and his body is already scarred. This attack is serious. Without a good doctor, I am afraid his life will not be saved." ah!"

Tang Xiu brought several elite tiger guards with him, and they burst into tears. His face was covered with runny nose and tears, and he looked miserable.

Their cries attracted passers-by to stop and watch. Someone among the crowd started talking again.

"Did you hear what they said? Is Prince Zhongshun about to die of illness?"

"Isn't it? It seems that the Holy One gave me a slap in the face, and then an old injury occurred. Now the people around the prince are begging the Holy One to call a doctor!"

"Hiss!" Someone took a breath of cold air and said in a low voice, "Why, the Holy One didn't call a doctor when he beat someone?"

The people did not dare to discuss loudly. But such rumors involving royal secrets spread quickly.

When Li Qitian heard what was going on outside, veins popped out on his forehead in anger, and he slapped the table hard, "These bunch of slaves! Aren't they trapping me in injustice?"

Xiong Jinshui knelt down tremblingly with the accompanying palace officials and guards.

Li Qitian gritted his teeth, knowing at this moment that he was afraid of being fooled.

Pang Zhixi must have been on guard against him, so he deliberately scalded Gao Yongnian, and also deliberately refused to touch the food he arranged by starving him of food and water, thus causing such a serious illness. If he really let something happen to him under his nose, I'm afraid he will be blamed for the murder of a loyal minister.

What a treacherous and cunning guy!

"Xiong Jinshui. Go, go out and take them to ask a doctor. Tell them that I didn't allow them to seek medical advice. Why did this happen?"

Xiong Jinshui immediately understood that the Holy Master had temporarily given up on the plan for the day, and immediately responded and rushed out.

However, several of Prince Zhongshun's entourage were kneeling at the yamen gate, crying heartbrokenly. The impact of that miserable scene could not be eliminated by Xiong Jinshui's casual explanation.

Just when Tang Xiu invited an old doctor from the city to re-treat Pang Xiao, the team led by Qin Yining also arrived at Jingang avoiding the crowd.

It is close to the sea, and the ports to Goguryeo and Japan are all here, and all the large and small warships from the Northern Hebei Kingdom also docked here.

Qin Yining had now changed into a smoky blue wide-sleeved Taoist robe, dressed as a suave young man, holding a folding fan and standing on the cliff near the sea, overlooking the warships on the endless sea.

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