Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1050 Golden Port

"Sir, look over there." Ji Yun pretended to be a handsome book boy and pointed at the workers who were busy working on the dock. "Are they dismantling the ships? It's such a pity for these good ships. Your Majesty must not have seen it with your own eyes. I have seen these former warships, otherwise I would be reluctant to dismantle them." Ji Yun bared his teeth in pain.

Qin Yining sighed: "Yes, in the Northern Hebei Kingdom, I don't know how much manpower and material resources were used to build these warships. At that time, the Northern Hebei Navy was the overlord of the sea. It drove the barbarians overseas so that they did not dare to invade the people along the coast. . Who would have thought that in just a hundred years, these warships that have made great efforts to defend the people will be dismantled to build the imperial tomb."

Qin Yining really didn't expect that Li Qitian could be so stupid as to kill the goose and retrieve the eggs.

She didn't think Li Qitian was stupid before, but now he has become like this. Could it be that when some people reach this position, their thoughts are no longer the same as at the beginning, and they only consider their own power and interests?

I only pity the people of Zhou Dynasty.

The sea breeze blew against his face, bringing with it the fishy smell unique to the coast. Qin Yining's robe was blown away, and the headband used to hold up his hair also made a slight sound.

Xu Weizhi behind him smiled and said: "Master, let's go into the city first. It's cold here and it's not suitable to stand for a long time."


Qin Yining turned around with a smile and led everyone slowly down the cliff in a detour to the town not far away.

As a large city close to the pier, Jinggang not only covers a large area, but even the streets show a prosperous atmosphere that is completely different from what they saw along the way. It seems that the lack of food after consecutive days of heavy rain has not had a great impact on this place. .

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi followed Qin Yining from left to right and whispered: "People say that people depend on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water. People here are close to the sea and can at least fish to feed themselves. Even those who don't have big ships can't go to sea. Yes, if you go to sea, you can pick up some seafood and eat it back. The spirit of the people here is different after all."

Qin Yining nodded and said with a smile: "Just like when I was in Liangcheng, I relied on the mountains to live on. Even if there was war and chaos outside, I could still find a place in the mountains. I could also hunt, collect herbs, and pick wild vegetables according to the seasons. You can also farm, and as long as you don’t yearn for the prosperity outside, you can live a good life alone.”

Everyone knows about Qin Yining's early experiences. At this time, she mentioned it with a smile, which showed that she did not take those hardships seriously, but when others heard about it, they felt both admiration and sadness.

In fact, their princess, like the prince, has suffered a lot over the years.



At this time, Pang Xiao arranged for the elite tiger guards who were following Qin Yining to come forward and whispered: "The code was found."

Qin Yining's smile did not change and he asked in a low voice: "Are you sure it was our people who stayed behind?"


"Okay, you first order someone to investigate in the direction pointed by the code, and then return to the Fulai Inn in the city to reply."


Jinghuwei agreed and quietly left the team.

Qin Yining still took people around the city. After he had found out the local customs, heard all the rumors, and found out where Lu Yun lived now, he took people with him. Went to the inn and booked a hotel across the courtyard.

"I didn't expect that a big man like Mr. Lu would settle down by the sea." Xie Yue couldn't help but sigh.

Qin Yining smiled and asked everyone to take a seat, "Mr. Lu has been here a long time ago. I think he wanted to see the warships from the closest distance, so he settled down by the sea. However, the sea breeze here is not strong, so Mr. Lu must live there." Not very comfortable.”

"It shows how much Mr. Lu attaches great importance to these warships of the previous dynasty." Xu Weizhi shook his head and sighed, "Mr. Lu is a sensible person, but it is a pity that the Lu family does not have the same status as the Lu family. Although Mr. Lu is aloof, in the But you may not be able to speak to your Majesty."

"Yes." Qin Yining sighed, "That's why he begged the prince."

Qin Yining turned to look at Liao Zhibing, "Mr. Liao, have you found all the people who are good at sailing ships that I asked you to pay attention to earlier?"

"We have already found them. They are all placed outside the city at this time."

"That's good. Thanks to Mr. Liao, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do with these things. I really should thank Mr. Liao." Naturally, the things that the people of the Qingtian League are good at are not what the Jinghu Guards are good at. Liao Zhibing and Meng Qin really put in a lot of effort by following Qin Yining during this period.

Liao Zhibing blushed with gratitude and waved his hands quickly: "It is an honor for me to trust you, the leader of the alliance. Why should I be so polite again? We are all our brothers."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Yes, they are all brothers. I was too polite."

A few people joked again, and then Jingzhe walked in quickly.

"Princess, there is news."

Qin Yining was refreshed and couldn't help but sit up straight, looking at Jingzhe questioningly.

Jingzhe said: "Our people found out that the prince went to Huichuan County and was escorted into the city by the people of the Holy Sage. The Holy Sage also beat the prince. After the prince was seriously injured, he received new injuries. The situation is not good. "

When Jingzhe said this, he carefully observed Qin Yining's expression and saw that she just frowned and showed no other expression, so he continued, "It is said that the guards around the prince knelt down and begged the Holy One for permission to go to the city to ask for a doctor. Many of them Everyone says that the prince is terminally ill."

There was silence in the house,

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi both had heavy faces.

Ji Yun gritted his teeth and said, "Could it be that your Majesty doesn't even invite the prince to be an imperial physician, but still wants the prince's people to kneel down and beg?"

"This is not certain." Jingzhe said bluntly, "Princess, this news has already passed through the ears of many people before it was spread here. It is unclear whether it is accurate or not. Princess, there is no need to take it too seriously."

When Qin Yining heard this, he looked outside the door and saw Xiaoxue and others standing guard outside, making sure that no one could hear what they said. Then he said, "I understand."

Xie Yue's face turned red with anger.

"Your Majesty has made great contributions to the country and the country, so why are you being humiliated like this now!"

"The dignified Prince Zhongshun was beaten down!" Xu Weizhi's hands were shaking. "I don't think that the prince is as heroic as he was. He has never been so seriously injured despite being injured in front of the two armies. This time he must have been beaten. The Holy One was so humiliated that he was so angry that he acted like this."

Ji Yun's tears welled up in his eyes, "It's too much to bully others! It's simply too much to bully others!"

Qin Yining knew that when Pang Xiao went to Huichuan County, he would definitely not be facing a good situation. But she didn't expect that Li Qitian would hit someone directly.

I don’t know how injured Pang Xiao is now.

I don’t even know how Pang Xiao is feeling now.

After all, they were able to find out the news about this board in Jingang, and all the civil and military officials who came to Kyoto also knew about it.

"Princess, what should we do now? Do you want me to rush to Huichuan to see the prince's condition?" Jingzhe asked in a low voice.

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