Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1055 Departure

Pang Xiao's injury from the board has not healed. When Xiong Jinshui was there, he naturally had to hold on for the sake of face. As soon as Xiong Jinshui walked out of the door, Pang Xiao threw away his robe, hissed, and carefully turned over and lay down with both hands. He held the big pillow in his arms and breathed a sigh of relief.

"How can we not go back? If we refuse to obey the order now, we will be more sure of His Majesty's thoughts on me, and more and more convinced that the treasure is hidden by me. My Majesty is sensitive and suspicious, and I know his temperament very well. ." Pang Xiao's voice was lazy, "So the more this happens, the more we have to do the opposite. Your Majesty has his own reasons for doubting me, but I also have my own methods."

Even if he did it, he would find a way out.

Now that his wife and children are separated, he misses Sister Yi every day, his two children and his family. Doesn't he still know who is the culprit of this situation?

Tang Xiu frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly enlightened, nodded and said: "The prince is right. In that case, my subordinates will prepare their luggage and hitch the carriage, ready to follow the Holy Driver back to the capital at any time."

Pang Xiao nodded, "Ask the guards to get ready. After departure, send half of the guards to guard the Holy Driver."

Tang Xiu was stunned, "My lord, are you afraid that someone will assassinate the king?"

"That's not the case. But you have to be prepared for anything on the way back to Beijing."

Now that the Great Zhou Dynasty is in turmoil, Li Qitian still needs to be alive to calm the situation. At least the world can be stabilized and the people can get through this situation safely for the time being.

Thinking of the report from the south, most of the granaries were in crisis, and the people were already eating grass roots and bark to satisfy their hunger. Then looking at the luxurious life of the nobles in the capital, and the emperor's every move that focused on the treasure, Pang Xiao originally thought My still happy mood turned heavy.

Although he had property, he still had an army to support, and it was only because of Qiu Feishan's independence that he could balance his expenses.

Sister Yi also spent most of her money on disaster relief.

Besides, feeding the people of the world shouldn’t be someone’s business. This was originally what Li Qitian should consider.

Now that the treasure has just been obtained, if he wants to use it, he must avoid the limelight. He wants to use the treasure to save more people. This is a good intention, but he will not put himself in danger because of this. Otherwise, wouldn’t those who follow him be exposed? Tired?

With so many people under his command, they must have their own reasons for following him, but none of them would accept losing their lives for no reason.

Pang Xiao closed his eyes and fell asleep,

In my heart, I was calculating how to take the future.

Xiong Jinshui had already arrived at the Lu Mansion and repeated the Holy Sage's oral instructions, and Lu Heng agreed happily.

After all, this is a holy journey, so a lot of preparations are required.

As soon as Li Qitian got excited, he led his soldiers and horses out to look for the treasure. Even if someone deliberately planned to murder, his whereabouts would not be known immediately, but the road was relatively safe.

But he has stayed in Huichuan County for many days. It will not be easy to return to Beijing without anyone noticing.

Therefore, this greatly increases the risk of Li Qitian returning to Beijing.

The guards protecting the Holy Driver were inevitably nervous at this time.

Especially Ma Cheng, when he learned that Shengjia was about to return to Beijing, he immediately started making arrangements. He didn't have a chance to close his eyes and rest for two consecutive days, and a handful of his hair fell out from worry.

He escorted the holy driver to come out safely, and he had to take everyone back with all his strength. If something happened under his nose, I'm afraid that the loss of money and the lives of his entire family would not be enough to pay for the crime.

After intensive preparations, early the next morning, soldiers, horses and honor guards lined up in order on the street in front of the Yamen.

The cavalry from the Fifth Army Camp sat on their horses and guarded both sides of the guard of honor and the carriage, blocking the onlookers from approaching.

The common people were waiting around curiously that day, craning their necks to see what the current saint looked like. Is he as square-faced, broad-eared, with eyes like copper bells, and nine feet tall as the storyteller said? , With his sturdy back and strong waist, he doesn’t look like a mortal at first sight.

Not long after, the gate of the government office opened, and the chatter and discussion of the people suddenly stopped. Several guards came out carrying a pair of door panels. On top of it lay a tall, long-legged man who looked very weak.

The news that Prince Zhongshun was beaten was known to the people, and everyone was grateful to Pang Xiao for trying to prepare rice for the people and teach some people about terrace farming. It's just that the person who gave the order to slap the prince is the current emperor, and everyone only dares to talk behind his back. At this time, everyone feels pity and emotion, but no one dares to speak to his face.

Immediately, a handsome young man in a brocade robe came out, followed by a gorgeous young woman.

Some people didn't recognize him and asked the people around him in a low voice: "Who is that? He is so handsome. Is he the Holy Emperor's brother or nephew?"

The person in question clicked his tongue twice in disdain: "That is the magistrate of Lu County, the loyal and righteous uncle of the current dynasty, what do you think? You are your nephew."

It is said that the Holy Emperor only has one prince now, but he has brothers and nephews, but no one has been favored by the Holy Emperor. Today's people are very worried about things like whether they will seize power if they are in charge of affairs in the court with the clan.

The people nearby who heard it started talking in low voices.

"I never thought Uncle Zhongyi could be so handsome."

"That's not true. Uncle Zhongyi is the head of the Lu family. What kind of family is the Lu family? Of course they marry the most beautiful and talented ones, so the children they give birth to will certainly be good."

The people were talking one after another, and not long after, they saw a bright yellow figure walking slowly out of the yamen.

Seeing the eunuch behind him and the ceremonial guard composed of the yellow luogai umbrella and eunuchs held high, the people's comments stopped abruptly. Everyone was originally curious to see what Shengjia looked like, but now they didn't even have the courage to look directly at Tianyan, and they all knelt down and shouted long live the mountain.

For a time, the sound of shouting "Long Live the Mountain" could be heard in front of the door.

When Li Qitian saw his entourage and the people in front of the door, they all knelt down and kowtowed. Even Pang Xiao, who was lying on the door panel, felt the same, feeling very happy.

This is the sense of accomplishment that can only be enjoyed after unifying the country. This sense of accomplishment cannot be brought by anything else.

Li Qitian got on the carriage, then raised his hand and waved it outside, signaling the people to get up.

The common people could not understand and continued to kneel where they were.

Li Qitian didn't care. When Xiong Jinshui jogged over to tell Uncle Zhongyi and Prince Zhongshun that they had boarded the carriage, Li Qitian responded: "Let's set off." Then he leaned back leisurely on the large soft pillow laid on the carriage.

Xiong Jinshui sang loudly: "The Holy One has a decree, let's set off!"

"Let's set off!" The accompanying cavalrymen of the Fifth Army Camp immediately shouted in response.

The uniform roar resounded through the sky, and the momentum was overwhelming. Ordinary people who had never seen fighting on the battlefield felt the momentum of the cavalry of the Fifth Army Camp. The people immediately shouted: "Long live the Holy One!"

As the long procession moved towards the east gate of Huichuan County, the people stood up and gradually gathered around. Some people smacked their lips and said, "I don't even see what the Holy Father looks like." These words expressed everyone's thoughts, and everyone dispersed without a chance to see clearly.

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