Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1056 Meet the

Li Qitian's good mood lasted all day. When we set up camp at night, we were in a good mood and ate four pancakes with meat. We also talked to Xiong Jinshui about the days when he led troops to fight and didn't even have to drink hot water. Xiong Jinshui sighed with emotion after hearing this. It is not easy for the Holy Father to found a country.

But when he was awakened by a burst of heat in the middle of the night, his good mood disappeared.

An orange fire outside the tent had ignited a corner of the snow-white tent, and the air was filled with the scorching gas of burning. Li Qitian rolled over and sat up, grabbed the riding whip and sword and rushed towards Zhang Pen.

"It's broken! Come to the rescue!" In front of the tent, Xiong Jinshui didn't even notice that the Holy Master had gotten up. He was still calling for help at the top of his lungs, and his sharp voice was hoarse.

Li Qitian kicked Xiong Jinshui on the butt: "Stop screaming. Follow me out." Then he picked up Xiong Jinshui's collar and took him out directly.

After all, he was the founding emperor who immediately conquered the country. Compared with those weak emperors who had been sitting firmly in the country for many years, he was naturally different. A small misfire could not scare him at all.

The air outside the tent was not much fresher, and the entire tent was on fire. The fire frightened the horses. The horses were tied and unable to escape. Each of the horses was braying crazily.

Some soldiers were in a hurry to save their horses, while others were in a panic to get water to put out the fire.

In front of Li Qitian's tent, Pang Xiao limped and led the people to direct the fire fighting. With his back to Li Qitian, he naturally couldn't see that the person had broken out. He took the copper basin of cold water brought by Ma Cheng and poured it on his head. , turned around and wanted to rush out of the tent, but ended up bumping into Li Qitian, almost knocking him into the tent.

Li Qitian was hit in the chest by Pang Xiao, and he couldn't breathe for a moment. His vision went black. If Xiong Jinshui hadn't pushed him from behind, he almost lay down.

Pang Xiao looked up, his wet hair was still dripping with water. When he saw that Li Qitian was fine, he immediately shouted happily: "Brother! Are you okay?"

In desperation, the Holy Father actually stopped calling and called eldest brother directly.

Seeing that Pang Xiao was still wearing white pajamas, dripping wet, and so embarrassed, but he rushed in to save him, he felt confused. Did he think too much, and did Pang Xiao have no intention of rebelling at all? Heart? Especially his "big brother" brought back so many past events. They supported each other and saved each other's lives to achieve today's prosperity and wealth. After so many difficulties, why can't we share the wealth now?

Li Qitian sighed with emotion and stood up straight with the help of Xiong Jinshui and Pang Xiao.

"I'm fine.


"Great!" Ma Cheng cheered, and then said: "The fire suddenly started just now. The prince's tent was burned, and he rushed out to save him. Fortunately, the saints, auspicious people and heavenly ministers are blessed by heaven. It's just that the fire came from It’s really strange.”

There was chaos in the camp. Some soldiers rushed to save the horses, while some went to the stream to get water to put out the fire. Some even took off their coats to carry water to put out the fire. The guy doesn't have enough things to do, so he can only make do with it like this.

Li Qitian clutched the sword and riding whip, and there were people protecting him on the left and right, feeling much more at ease.

Thinking of the legend of the fire dragon in Jingang, and seeing that a large area of ​​the camp was now shrouded in a sea of ​​fire and thick smoke, I felt a sense of dismay in my heart.

He is the Son of Heaven and is blessed by God. Naturally, this fire will not be caused by him. Any warning from God is simply nonsense!

"Someone must have set the fire on fire!" Li Qitian said gloomily, "Give me a job!"

"Yes!" Ma Cheng responded with clasped fists.

Tang Xiu took a robe and put it on Pang Xiao: "My lord, your injury is not healed yet. You still have a fever on the road. Please take care of yourself."

Pang Xiao was soaked all over and shivering from the cold, but he held on with dignity: "It's okay."

Li Qitian felt soft in his heart when he thought of the friendship back then, "Zhixi, go change your clothes first."

"Your Majesty, I am fine. I am strong and healthy."

Li Qitian frowned, "If you fall ill, who will protect you? You won't listen to my will?"

Pang Xiao frowned and wanted to argue, but in the end he shut up unconvinced and went to follow Tang Xiu to find some clothes to change into.

Li Qitian couldn't help but think of the day when Pang Xiao was jumping high in front of him and arguing with him. At that time, he was so disrespectful and looked disgusting. Today, he is still suspected of resisting the order, but it makes him unable to get angry. .

Maybe he really thought too much?

Thinking about it carefully, it was all because of that Tianjizi's comment that he felt a grudge and gradually alienated Pang Xiao.

However, when I think about the evaluation of Pang Xiao by the people, and the love and respect that the people have for Pang Xiao mentioned in the secret report, the most important thing is to think about the admiration of many men in the imperial army for Pang Xiao. Li Qitian felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

If Pang Xiao had a rebellious intention, he would not need the tiger talisman to dispatch troops and horses. He would stand in front of the camp and shout, and a hundred responses would come to him. In the past, only the Huben Army was like this, but now the Pingnan Army was also subdued by him.

For such a powerful and popular person, his voice is even higher than his own.

Regardless of whether he is disloyal or not, as long as this person exists, he will always be a threat to his throne.

Thinking of this, Li Qitian's heart, which had just been a little moved after being rescued, hardened again.

If a man does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. He is just trying to preserve the throne and is afraid of sworn brothers. It is not like those brothers in the previous dynasty who killed each other. What is wrong with him?

While he was meditating, Li Qitian had been escorted to a spacious and quiet place by the stream.

Pang Xiao also changed his clothes, but because the fire was too strong, all the luggage he brought was burned to ashes. At this time, he was wearing a short brown cloth borrowed from a soldier at random.

Pang Xiao's followers and guards were holding their horses and standing in the distance. The frightened horses were even slightly manic.

Li Qitian looked at Pang Xiao's appearance, then looked around for Lu Heng.

"Where's Uncle Zhongyi?"

Pang Xiao was stunned when he was asked, "Your Majesty, I didn't see Uncle Zhongyi."

"Back to the Holy Lord, I have never seen Uncle Zhongyi." Xiong Jinshui and Pang Xiao said in unison.

Li Qitian frowned.

Ma Cheng immediately asked: "Could it be that... Uncle Zhongyi and his wife didn't escape?"

Now Ma Cheng panicked. He immediately led the people and rushed to Lu Heng's tent.

However, the tent had been burned to ashes at this time, but no body was seen inside, and Uncle Zhongyi and his family members were not seen in the crowd.

Ma Cheng's face darkened immediately, and he reported the matter to Li Qitian.

Li Qitian felt angry and said in a deep voice: "The carriage and horses that went to see Uncle Zhongyi are still there!"

Ma Cheng obeyed the order and immediately discovered that Uncle Zhongyi's carriage was still there, but the horse pulling the carriage was no longer there, and Uncle Zhongyi's entourage and family members were no longer here.

Li Qitian gritted his teeth and sneered: "What a Lu Heng!"

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