Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1060 Login

Qin Yining's watery eyes flashed, and then she smiled and said, "In this case, I would also like to thank Mr. Adachi. I would also like to ask Mr. Adachi to honor me and allow me to treat you to a simple meal."

Adachi Manyo was elated and nodded repeatedly: "Mrs. Yao has come all the way, so it's my turn to treat you. You can leave your guys here to carry the goods. Come with me for a walk."

In desperation, Adachi Manyo's tone became tough and domineering, and he even asked for "take a stroll".

If there were not urgent matters to attend to, and Qin Yining knew how to prioritize, she would have long ago ignored a domineering and inexplicably confident person like Adachi Manyo.

But coming to a strange place and meeting a person with weaknesses, isn't this a blessing?

Qin Yining smiled slightly and said, "Since you invited me, sir, I also want to visit your country."

Adachi Manyo was filled with joy, secretly thinking that this beauty might also be somewhat interested in him? Did you fall in love with his tallness and might? His back straightened even more.

Qin Yining turned around and told Liao Zhibing: "Shopkeeper Liao, please take the people here to move the goods." He pointed at Gao Delai, Jingzhe, Ji Dashun and Jiyun, "You guys can go and take a walk while I'm here."

If there were no outsiders, Liao Zhibing would definitely stop Qin Yining and not let her go to the city without worry. However, now that Qin Yining had made up his mind, he had no choice but to have a mother-in-law, so as not to arouse the suspicion of Adachi Manyo.

Shopkeeper Liao smiled honestly and nodded: "Don't worry, boss." Then he directed Qin Yining, the elite tiger guards and the other silver-faced spies he had brought, "Guys, the boss ordered us to unload the goods, everyone. Get busy!”

Everyone had no choice but to agree and go carry the goods.

While admiring the beauties, Adachi Manyo did not forget to observe carefully. Seeing that everyone was busy and busy, his doubts about the group of people in front of him were much reduced.

Qin Yining, accompanied by Ji Yun and Gao Delai, followed Adachi Manyo out of the dock.

Following Adachi Manyo's instructions, the Mizusawa soldiers on the dock also returned to the bonfire to continue drinking and barbecuing, but the topic changed to the young woman who followed Adachi-sama just now, and the goods on the dock.

Far from the seaside, after walking through a winding mountain road, I saw a large field and neat villages. A slightly majestic building can be seen vaguely on a low hill at the end of the village. There are soldiers guarding the low hill.

“This is Shuize Country.

"Adachi Manyo said proudly, "This large field belongs to us. Pointing to where the houses are gathered, he said, "That's the market." "

Qin Yining was amazed with his eyes, but he was cursing in his heart. This place is not as big as Huichuan County, so it can be called a country? It seems that what Mr. Liao said last time was indeed no exaggeration.

Adachi Manyo led Qin Yining in front, followed by Ji Yun and others, and behind them were the entourage brought by Adachi Manyo. The group of people, dressed in luxurious clothes, walked slowly down the gentle slope and along the path beside the fields towards the market, attracting the attention of many people working in the fields.

Qin Yining noticed that most of the people working in the fields here were women wearing cross-collar robes. They pulled up their hair with cloth towels, tied their wide sleeves and hems with long cloth strips, exposing their strong arms and calves, and their bare feet were bent. The waist is busy in the fields. Most of the children have no clothes to wear. Only a few have waistcoats. Each of them, with their naked and tanned bodies, helps the family with what they can.

The air was filled with the fragrance of green grass, and she could vaguely hear people talking in a language she couldn't understand. From this point of view, everything here is quiet and beautiful.

This is Sakurai's hometown.

Sure enough, whether in the Zhou Dynasty or here, the simple people are lovely regardless of the ambitious people in power.

Qin Yining looked at the peaceful scene around him with a smile, while Adachi Manyo looked at Qin Yining more and more boldly. Seeing her peaceful smile, he couldn't help but ask: "Does Mrs. Yao like it here?"

Qin Yining smiled and said: "Your country is very good."

Adachi Manyo laughed happily, "This is just the countryside. You will see better things when you get to the market later."

Qin Yining only smiled and nodded.

Someone heard Adachi Manyo's laughter, and some of the nearby people bowed down to salute. When they saw the strange and luxuriously dressed strange woman next to Adachi Manyo, they thought that this might be the daimyo's distinguished guest, so they all bowed their heads deeply.

Even though Qin Yining is a princess, she is not used to receiving such great gifts from the elderly, and she shows her discomfort.

This made Adachi Manyo even more certain that the woman in front of him was indeed just a wealthy businessman and not a noble of Nanyan. If they are not nobles, they will not have anything to do with Nanyan's country, and they can more safely accept their people to do business in Shuize Country.

The market place is indeed more lively. The architectural style here is different from that in Dazhou. Most of the lattice doors are horizontal sliding doors. But apart from the different languages ​​​​of those doing business on the roadside, Qin Yining didn't think there was much difference.

Adachi Manyo led Qin Yining to the largest tavern. He lifted up the short dark blue curtain first, turned around and asked Qin Yining with a smile: "Mrs. Yao, please come in."

Qin Yining nodded with a smile and followed him through the door.

Adachi Manyo took off his clogs, stepped on the wooden floor and walked inside to wait for Qin Yining.

Qin Yining thought for a while and explained with a smile: "Mr. Adachi, please forgive me. According to our Nanyan custom, women cannot take off their embroidered shoes at will when outside."

Adachi Manyo naturally knew this rule. Although he was a little regretful, he waved his hand and said, "Mrs. Yao is a guest, just do what you want."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded, and led Jiyun and others into the tavern.

Gao Delai, Jingzhe and Adachi Manyo's followers stood on one side of the hall, while Ji Yun followed Qin Yining closely.

When the boss saw that the visitor was Adachi Manyo, he immediately came forward to greet him with a very humble attitude. Adachi Manyo chatted with him for a few words, and the other guests in the tavern were invited away one after another without any complaints. Soon, the hall became quiet.

Qin Yining came to a prescription table in front of the window and knelt down. Adachi Manyo said a few more words to the tavern owner. The owner responded one by one, knelt down, saluted and quickly withdrew.

Adachi Manyo sat cross-legged across from Qin Yining and said with a smile: "I ordered a few side dishes and made the decision for Mrs. Yao privately. You don't care, do you?"

Are you asking now that you have already made your decision?

Qin Yining smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I have just eaten. I came here just to take a look with Mr. Adachi." Seeing Adachi Manyo's eyes brighten, Qin Yining secretly sarcastically put on the face of a businessman and said, "I wonder where in the market you can buy fabrics and tea, and where can you buy rouge, gouache, etc.?"

Adachi Manyo was a little disappointed. It turned out that she was still doing business, not walking around with him.

However, since this woman is a businessman and has desires, he still has a chance to win the heart of a beautiful woman.

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