Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1061 Hirazawa

Adachi Manyo smiled and said: "These are all easy to handle. I am the most important samurai around the daimyo. As you can see, everyone here recognizes me. If I can help you say a few words, you want to do business." Not a problem.”

Qin Yining smiled and nodded, but did not answer immediately. Seeing the strong desire and calculation in his eyes, Qin Yining lowered his eyes and thought quickly, and then replied ambiguously: "Mr. Adachi is really a warm and hospitable person."

Adachi Manyo was a little disappointed when he didn't see the other party flattering and begging for him. But then I thought about it, if this woman was really someone who could be obtained easily, she wouldn't feel precious anymore.

Qin Yining already smiled and said: "I am new to your country and I don't know much about the customs and customs here. I would like to hear about the strange things here. I wonder if Mr. Adachi would be willing to explain it to the little girl?"

In order to show that he was well-informed, Adachi Manyo immediately started talking to Qin Yining.

Here, the tavern owner came with his daughter holding a tray, and the dishes, drinks, tableware and other items were placed properly one by one.

Ji Yun knelt down behind Qin Yining worriedly, worried that the food was poisonous. Especially when he saw Qin Yining raising the ceramic cup generously and taking a sip of the contents, he was so frightened that his whole body tensed up.

When Adachi Manyo saw that Qin Yining was very confident about his diet and did not take much precautions, he became even more certain that the other party was just an ordinary businessman, and the topics in his conversation were all about business. Now he completely believed Qin Yining. identity of.

Adachi Manyo talked a lot about the local customs and drank a lot of wine. After a while, he talked about the heroic deeds of the daimyo and how he looked down on other countries. At the same time, he took the opportunity to brag about his status as the number one samurai beside the Ming Dynasty and how he had done it. of bravery.

He felt that Mrs. Yao's husband might be a typical thin and weak man from Nanyan. How could such a man satisfy such a beautiful woman? She should like a mighty man like him.

So Adachi Manyo boasted about the several battles he had participated in in the past, and finally said: "The former number one ninja beside Ishikawa Daimyo was defeated in just three moves by me."

Hearing this, Qin Yining's heart skipped a beat, and he asked calmly: "In this case, the first ninja is just an ordinary person, how can he be worthy of staying with the daimyo."

"Yes. So that guy Sakurai was later exiled by the daimyo. Haha!" Adachi Manyo laughed proudly.

It turned out to be Sakurai.

Qin Yining blinked curiously, "Exile?"


At that time..." Adachi Man'o's tone paused, and then returned to normal, "Sakurai ignored the daimyo's orders and went to assassinate the daimyo of the Turkish ally in private, which almost caused a war between the two countries. Ishikawa daimyo secretly took this secret in anger. The action guy was tied to a wooden plank and exiled to the sea. After so many years, he may have fed the fish long ago, hahaha! "

Adachi Manyo's voice became louder and louder after drinking wine, and his laughter spread wildly through the wooden walls to the street.

Qin Yining lowered his eyes to hide his thoughts. Just as he was about to compliment Adachi Manyo in the hope that this person could reveal more, he heard a sneer coming from outside the door, and then saw a thin young man with high hair tied in a semi-revealed shirt. Wearing a gray-blue robe and wearing wooden clogs, he walked in slowly.

When the young man walked, he exposed his strong and thin calves under the robe, with wooden clogs between his toes. Every step showed lightness. The long hair tied behind his head swayed gently as he walked. Two slender knives, one long and one short, were held firmly by his arms.

As soon as Qin Yining saw this young man, he couldn't help but think of Sakurai.

Perhaps many years ago, when Sakurai was still very important under Ishikawa Mibuo and very healthy, he looked like this thin but full of strength and vitality. He naturally carried a kind of aloofness and arrogance, handsome and cold.

The young man looked at Adachi Manyo and said a long list of words in a mocking tone that Qin Yining couldn't understand.

Gao Delai, who was behind Qin Yining, pursed his lips anxiously, as if he wanted to get closer to Qin Yining but did not dare to approach immediately.

Adachi Man'o was still feeling proud, but when he heard what the young man said, he immediately became furious, stood up in a hurry, and exchanged a few words with the young man in the Japanese language.

The young man's tone was always sarcastic, but Adachi Manyo became more and more irritable.

Qin Yining couldn't understand what they were arguing about, and she couldn't help but feel a little impatient, but suddenly, she heard a familiar pronunciation from the young man's mouth.

"Silly cry!" That's Sakurai's name.

Even if she could remember everything wrong, she could remember the pronunciation and writing of Sakurai's name.

Does this person recognize Sakurai?

Qin Yining looked back at Gao Delai behind him with questioning eyes.

The two did not communicate verbally, but Gao Delai immediately understood what Qin Yining meant and nodded without any trace.

Qin Yining knew it immediately.

The person who quarreled with Adachi Manyo should be Sakurai's good friend Hirasawa Na. He is also the ninja next to Ishikawa Daimyo, and is very famous here.

Qin Yining lowered his eyes and suppressed his thoughts.

However, Adachi Manyo and Hirasawa have developed to the point where they are almost ready to draw their swords.

The tavern owner and the owner's daughter were so frightened that they hid in the corner, looking like they wanted to persuade but didn't dare.

Qin Yining's thoughts whirled and he suddenly laughed, "Mr. Adachi, please calm down and don't ruin today's elegance because of someone you don't know."

She suddenly spoke up, breaking the tense atmosphere between the two.

Adachi Manyo and Heizana all looked at Qin Yining.

At this time, Taira Sena also saw Gao Delai behind Qin Yining at a glance, and her expression changed.

He was about to speak, but he immediately reacted, pursed his lips tightly, and then looked at Qin Yining, who was dressed up.

Qin Yining looked at Adachi Manyo and said with a smile, "Sir, don't you want to have a drink with the little girl?"

Adachi Manyo gritted his teeth. He still had thoughts about the beauty, but he really didn't want to lose his dignity in front of others. He couldn't beat that guy Hirasawa. If he really made a move and lost face, how could he restore his dignity in the future?

Thinking of this, Adachi Manyo sat down magnanimously, waved his hand, and said something to Hirasawa.

Originally, he felt that Hirazawa would not give up. Every time they met, Hirazawa was like a mad dog, determined to challenge him to a duel. If he didn't accept the move, the other party would never give up.

But when he said this today, Hirasawa snorted and turned around and walked away.

Adachi Manyo was very surprised, but secretly grateful.

Qin Yining held a sleeve with one hand and a pot with the other, refilling Adachi Manyo's glass of wine.

"Mr. Adachi, who is that unreasonable person just now? Why did he come to trouble you for no reason?"

Adachi Manyo was holding the wine poured by the beauty. He was so excited for a moment that he drank it all in one gulp and felt the fragrance lingering on his lips and teeth.

"Mrs. Yao still remembers the exiled guy I mentioned, right? He is that guy's friend. Because he has always been jealous of my status around the daimyo, he always finds trouble with me when he sees me. He always wants to compare with me."

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