Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1076 Changes

Qin Yining naturally knew that the future would be bumpy, but now that things had happened, she also felt like she was returning home. It is true that Pang Xiao has outstanding abilities, but Qin Yining is still worried about his safety. He was beaten, but he didn't know the underlying meaning of it. Qin Yining really didn't know what his current situation was.

"Mr. Xu is right. We still have a long way to go."

Qin Yining's team stayed at the port for two days. The people of Shuize Kingdom were already enveloped in a tense atmosphere of changing weather. The troops and warships stationed at the port were even more of a threat to them. Therefore, the purchase of fresh water and food went more smoothly than expected.

Before leaving, Qin Yining once again brought his entourage to Sakurai's grave.

She lowered her eyes and looked at Sakurai's tombstone, and finally let out a long, faint sigh, "Sakurai, I'm leaving."

The grass and trees made a pleasant rustling sound, as if Sakurai was smiling in response to her words.

Qin Yining took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and finally showed a relieved smile.

People live forever, and grass and trees fall. The dead people have passed away, and the living people will continue. She still has many important things to do, because she has never regarded herself as a woman who must be cared for. His burden is never less than that of Pang Xiao.

"Let's go." With one last look at the tombstone, Qin Yining led the crowd to leave, returned to the dock and immediately ordered to break camp.

The guards were well-trained and boarded the ship one after another to lift anchor.

Qin Yining stood on the bow of the big ship and looked back at the shore.

A thin figure stood on the dock, waving his arms to say goodbye to them.

Qin Yining looked at the thin figure and couldn't help but think of Sakurai.

"It's Hirazawa." Qin Yining also waved to Hirazawa.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi stood on the left and right behind Qin Yining, and waved goodbye to Hirazawa.

"What does the princess think of the future of Shuize Country?"

Qin Yining shook his head, "Who could have predicted it."

"Actually, judging from Hiira Sena's performance that day, I feel that he has listened to what you said that day."

(first release, domain name (please remember_three

"If this is true, it will be considered lucky for the people of Shuize Country."

When Qin Yining's team sailed toward Jingang day and night, the government and the public were already in chaos.

The many people Li Qitian arranged to track down the treasure really had no results. The emperor Long Yan was furious and searched everywhere for Lu Heng's whereabouts. The Lu family in the court was suppressed like never before. Even Zhuang Concubine was demoted to the position of a selected servant and was randomly assigned to a remote corner to end her remaining life. Not to mention What will happen to the Bian family?

Lu Heng deceived the emperor and embezzled the treasure in order to rebel. How can Lu Heng's Yue family be so innocent?

Pang Xiao saw that Li Qitian was focusing on these things all day long, and that refugees from the south were about to come to the capital without asking any questions, and he felt a fire in his heart.

However, he is not trusted now, and his suggestions will not be accepted. Even Li Qitian does not want to see him. He can only ask his people to help shopkeeper Zhong Da who is responsible for disaster relief as much as possible.

"Your Majesty, the Lu family has been liquidated like this. It seems that the Holy One hates the Lu family. Otherwise, he would not be so merciless and deal with all the people related to the Lu family one by one with great fanfare."

Pang Xiao just smiled after hearing Tang Xiu's words.

In the day when the dynasty was established, the aristocratic families headed by the Lu family were of great help to Li Qitian. Now because of the treasure matter, Li Qitian's heavy hand on the Lu family will definitely make other aristocratic families wary. Once people's hearts are scattered,

It will be difficult to win over them again. In Pang Xiao's view, Li Qitian's behavior is tantamount to killing the goose that lays the egg.

But he is also being suspected now, and no one is willing to pay attention to anything he says. Even if he tells Li Qitian his thoughts, Li Qitian will only guess whether he has ulterior motives, and will not focus all his energy on natural disasters. .

Pang Xiao shook his head and sighed again, then asked: "Is there any news from the person you arranged?"

Tang Xiu said with a smile: "Your Majesty has already asked once today. Our people have been waiting near Golden Port to pick up the Princess, avoiding the eyes and ears of others. I think there will be news immediately when the Princess comes back."

Pang Xiao said: "I can't leave the capital now, otherwise I will have to pick people up in person. Not only are there ambushes along the way, but there is also a high possibility of encountering a 'hero'. After all, many refugees are coming to the capital now. If people are forced to If you are anxious, you will do anything to survive.”

"Fortunately, the princess has enough people around her. The prince doesn't have to worry too much."

How could Pang Xiao not be worried? It's just that there is no better way at the moment.

Before Qin Yining landed in Jingang, he arranged the ship containing the treasure and the other warships on an uninhabited island. Pang Xiao's men who had been trained as royal guards were also scattered in pieces.

When they arrived at Jingang, bypassing the pier that was destroyed by the fire, and landing at the temporary pier, Qin Yining was left with only Xu Weizhi, Xie Yue and a few people who usually followed her.

Everyone pretended to be ordinary merchants, and as soon as they landed, they found that the atmosphere in Jinggang was completely different from when they left.

The people in the city looked worried, the wine shops and teahouses were closed, the markets were sparsely populated, and there was a depressed scene everywhere.

Xie Yue frowned and whispered: "Princess, this situation doesn't look right."

Qin Yining pursed his lips and nodded, and said solemnly: "It seems that during our absence, major events happened in the court, which have affected the lives of ordinary people."

After walking around the street for a long time without seeing many people, Qin Yining said: "Let's go to the passenger station to settle down first. Today we will buy a carriage and prepare dry food for departure. We can also take the opportunity to inquire about the situation in the DPRK."

Qin Yining vaguely felt that the matter was related to the fire in Jingang.

But the news he found out made Qin Yining feel excited.

"You mean, famine has broken out?"

"Yes." Jingzhe said worriedly, "Now that the famine is serious in the south, many victims have gone to the capital together to find a way out. Jinggang is right on the seaside, so there is more or less sea food to eat, and it is not the only way to go to the capital. , it looks only slightly different. If we were in the south, I’m afraid every household would have a white silk scarf, and everywhere there would be people who were as thin as firewood due to hunger and exhaustion.”

Ji Yun frowned and said, "Guidao just went to discuss the banquet with the store. The store looked embarrassed. Even the japonica rice porridge is more than five times more expensive than usual."

"At least we can still eat with some money. But the refugees in the south have no money to do anything about. With no way to survive at home, people naturally flock to look for a place where they can continue to live. Your Majesty must be exhausted at this time. Yes." Xie Yue said.

Qin Yining shook his head, "I feel sorry for those people."

Xie Yue and Xu Wei both sighed with emotion.

Just as everyone was discussing the matter across the courtyard of the inn, a figure suddenly flashed past the back window.

Ji Dashun, who was on duty, was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly asked in a low voice: "Who is it?"

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