Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1077 Ambush

Qin Yining was startled by the sudden roar and stood up suddenly. Jiyun and Jingzhe hurriedly surrounded Qin Yining, holding their weapons vigilantly and paying attention to the movement in front of the door and window.

Not long after, Ji Dashun walked in quickly and said with cupped hands: "Princess, just now a figure flashed past the back door. The subordinates didn't have time to see clearly what he looked like. I guess it was a spy from some party who was spying on your whereabouts." You know."

Ji Dashun was actually a little annoyed. At such a critical time, these elite tiger guards boasted their strong martial arts skills, but they could not find the other party. It was obvious that their skills were inferior to others.

Seeing Ji Dashun's depression, Qin Yining smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. If you can find the other party's traces, you can take precautions in advance."

"It seems that someone has noticed Jingang." Xie Yue said in a deep voice.

"We did it secretly that the princess went to sea. No one should know about it," Xu Weizhi lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "I think it must be a coincidence."

"But we still have to prepare for the worst in everything." Qin Yining thought for a moment and said, "Let's keep an eye out on the way back to Beijing. It's not a bad thing to be more prepared."

Everyone nodded.

Qin Yining was eager to return home. After making some arrangements, he took a group of people and set off towards the capital. What I see along the way is all heart-wrenching. The refugees are in ragged clothes and walking in groups with dull eyes. Whenever they encounter a relatively intact big tree, they want to go up and peel off a piece of bark to eat. There were no streams or rivers along the way, and there were a lot of things to eat in the muddy water, not to mention wild vegetables and game, which you couldn't see along the way.

That is to say, Qin Yining's team was outnumbered and heavily guarded, and everyone was in a posture with a dazzling sword. The victims were frightened and did not dare to approach. Otherwise, their group would have encountered bandits long ago. They were the ones who brought them. The horses are also the most delicious food in the eyes of the victims.

Seeing them like this, Qin Yining felt pity for them and helped those who encountered orphans and widowed mothers traveling alone. But you don’t dare to park easily when there are many people. She didn't want people to starve to death, but if she stopped, she would be robbed, and she might not even be able to return to the capital.

In desperation, Qin Yining had no choice but to protect himself first so that he could have enough energy to help others.

The journey from Jinggang to the city is not far, but the manager's time on the way is very long. After finally arriving near the capital, Qin Yining and his party found a deserted forest to camp next to, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"If we drive for half a day, we will be able to see the city gate at noon tomorrow."

"Yeah. Good thing everything went smoothly."

Xie Yue talked about what he had just learned from the Master on the road, "It is said that the Holy Master returned to the capital more than a month ago. He did not enter the city gate immediately, but stationed outside the city and was greeted by hundreds of officials. There were also people among the common people. He said that His Majesty went out on patrol incognito."

"Yes." Xu Weizhi smiled, "But many people are saying that the Holy Spirit has the intention to go on patrol in disguise and has the spare capacity to build the imperial tomb, but he has no money to help the people. Everyone's public grievances have been backlogged, and sooner or later they will explode. .”

Qin Yining didn't know what to say for a while. Li Qitian's behavior has become more and more erratic in recent years. He used to be willing to show off, but now he is too lazy to cover up. The people suffered from natural disasters, but the emperor only focused on building mausoleums and ignored the people's disasters. This approach would hardly avoid the people's resistance.

What's more, the people didn't know why the emperor did this. In the eyes of ordinary people, the emperor was rich all over the world and was the richest person in the dynasty.

A wealthy emperor was so stingy and didn't even care about his people.

Li Qitian's actions will arouse public anger sooner or later.

"We will return to the capital tomorrow. The rest of the matter will be as it was before with the prince." Qin Yining smiled, "Our trip went smoothly and we didn't waste much time. We can leave it to the prince to find a solution in time." .”

Xie Yue laughed and said, "It's rare to see the princess waiting for the prince to do it when she has a problem. If there is any difficult problem on weekdays, the princess will do it by herself before the prince reaches out."

"Yes." Xu Weizhi also laughed. He wanted to make a joke, but he was worried that Qin Yining was thin-skinned, so he said no more.

Someone brought out the dry food and other things that had been prepared, and everyone shared the hot water that had just been boiled. Everyone ate the dry food with the hot water.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi saw that Qin Yining did not dislike the dry buns at all, and they naturally admired them. Sometimes they were tired from the journey, but they were very happy that every time they saw Qin Yining, she was always smiling and energetic. She ate They really admired him for not complaining to anyone even though he was suffering, and for being so approachable.

(first release, domain name (please remember_three

After eating, everyone began to rest, leaving only a few people on duty around.

Ji Yun lives in Qin Yining's tent. Outside the tent, Jingzhe, Liao Zhibing, Ji Dashun and others are on duty respectively, and the defense is very tight.

After most of the night, it was obvious that tonight was safe, and everyone relaxed their vigilance slightly.

Jingzhe and others changed shifts, leaving Xiaoxue on duty outside.

Just when Xiaoxue was too tired to open her eyes, relying solely on her willpower to stay awake, she suddenly heard a burst of hurried footsteps.

Xiaoxue suddenly woke up and jumped up from the fire, "Get up! Look!"

Xiaoxue's voice was not high-pitched, but everyone stood up instantly and looked alert. Even if they were too sleepy to open their eyes, they all worked hard to observe their surroundings.

After waiting for a cup of tea, everyone breathed a sigh of relief without seeing any movement.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a group of ragged farmers were suddenly seen rushing over.

Qin Yining couldn't see clearly under the moonlight. When the people got closer, Qin Yining suddenly realized that these people were probably not refugees.

Because although their clothes were ragged, she had seen a lot along the way and knew what those real refugees would do.

The people dressed as refugees in front of me are all tall and tall. Although they are not very fat, they are all of standard appearance. They don't look like they have suffered from hunger or cold at all, just look at their complexions and overall temperament.

When they were about to arrive, Xu Weizhi and Xie Yue nervously ordered people to get up: "Protect the master!"

This voice straightened everyone's minds.

Qin Yining said in a deep voice: "Since these people are planning to hit an egg with a stone, they might as well take a look."

As soon as everyone was on guard, a group of people from the other side quickly came towards the capital in groups. They shouted one by one: "The Dog Emperor has stolen wealth and food!"

Everyone was a little nervous. Seeing that the other party was about to approach, Qin Yining ordered in a deep voice: "Stand up and wait. If you can catch them, capture them alive. If you can't, you must strictly abide by the rules and don't let these people escape."

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