Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1078 Kidnapped (1)

"Yes!" Everyone immediately responded loudly, tensing their nerves and preparing for the attack.

The group of "disaster victims" rushed forward in a hurry as they approached, but they bypassed the carriage with luggage and baggage behind them and headed straight for Qin Yining.

At this point, what else don’t you understand?

Jingzhe and Ji Dashun shouted loudly: "Protect the master!" Then they picked up the guy and led the crowd to charge forward.

Qin Yining was closely protected by Ji Yun and Xiao Xue, and Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi were also protected by elite tiger guards in the middle. The assassins could not get close to them for a moment.

However, nearly a hundred assassins were approaching with great force, and they had clearly understood the terrain around them. It was extremely difficult for Qin Yining to escape even if he wanted to.

The scene became anxious for a moment.

Qin Yining was protected by Ji Yun and Xiao Xue, dodging to the left and to the right. Her vision was also blocked under the night, but Qin Yining was still calm. She had encountered countless crises, big and small, over the years. Maybe she had experienced too many, so she Feeling numb?

"Princess, I will escort you to the corner first." Ji Yun stabbed one person with his soft sword and pulled Qin Yining to retreat quickly.

Qin Yining said nothing, only nodded and followed Ji Yun and Xiao Xue's steps to gradually break out of the encirclement and stay away from the battle group.

The clanging sound of fighting and the clash of weapons made Qin Yining realize what a battlefield was. She couldn't help but think that Pang Xiao had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and the scenes he had seen were only more tragic than this, and nothing less.

Xiaoxue and Jiiyun finally managed to cut a bloody path and protected Qin Yining as they approached the woods. Everyone felt relieved for the time being.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi were also escorted later, but before they could even breathe a sigh of relief, there was sudden movement in the forest.

(first release, domain name (please remember_three

"Princess! Be careful!" Xiaoxue reacted the fastest. When she heard a "whoop" coming from above her head, she immediately rushed forward and blocked Qin Yining from under her.

A big net fell from the sky, tied Qin Yining and Xiaoxue tightly, and dragged them away into the forest!

The Jinghu Guards beside Ji Yun, Xie and Xu reacted quickly and chased after them with a roar. The rest of the people, who were being held back by assassins dressed as victims, realized at this time that they had fallen into the trap of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, so they dropped their hands and chased in the direction of Qin Yining.

The rope net was tied tightly, and Qin Yining and Xiaoxue were forced to stick together. Not to mention the movements of their hands, they could barely open their eyes.

There were grass and shrubs in the forest, and they were dragged for a while and then scratched.

Xiaoxue was furious and tried her best to protect Qin Yining from being hurt, but she was still powerless. She could only yell: "You are so insidious, ambushing and arresting people and hurting women, what are your abilities! If you have the ability, you can stand up and we can fight alone. fight!"

The answer to Xiaoxue was silence.

Qin Yining was dragged for another period. The clothes on his back were scratched by branches through the big net, and there was a sharp pain in his shoulder blades.

Xiaoxue's five senses were sharp and she immediately smelled the smell of blood.

"Master! You are injured!"

Qin Yining was trapped in the net, his posture was awkward, and he said with difficulty: "It's okay."

Without waiting for Qin Yining to say another word, the dragging stopped immediately. She only felt a spin, and she and Xiaoxue were thrown into the carriage. Someone drove the carriage quickly towards the official road, and several knights followed closely around the carriage. Leave quickly.

At this time, although Ji Yun and his party struggled to catch up, the strength of human feet was naturally inferior to the speed of horses. Moreover, after a chaotic battle, everyone's physical strength was being consumed.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi are old,

Panting, it took a lot of effort to push him back up.

"Where's the princess!"

Ji Yun's eyes were about to burst, "The princess and Xiaoxue were caught on the carriage!"

Xu Weizhi stamped his feet, "Oh! How can I explain this to the prince? We are already in the capital!"

"The person who captured the princess must have been with us, and took advantage of the fact that we were about to arrive tomorrow and felt a little relaxed before taking action." Xie Yue analyzed.

Xu Weizhi also said: "Yes, and the other party is obviously trying to capture the princess alive. At this time, I can think of many people who may have kidnapped the princess. There are too many suspects."

"At this moment, we can only act separately. Some people will follow the direction of the carriage, and the other people will wait until the city gate opens tomorrow morning to deliver a message to the prince."

"The ruts of the carriage are easy to chase, but you can't beat the speed!" The corners of Jingzhe's mouth suddenly turned into bubbles. He gritted his teeth and said, "I hope the other party will not hurt the princess. Otherwise, if you really have that intention, we will never be able to catch up!"

The whole group was in a very depressed mood. Act separately according to what Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi said.

At this time, Qin Yining and Xiaoxue were lifted out of the carriage again and carried away directly.

Qin Yining had gradually recovered from his panic and calmed down to analyze the current situation.

Since he has been captured alive, panicking is useless. It is only right to think of a countermeasure now.

She and Pang Xiao have many enemies. There may be many people targeting her.

But this time, instead of assassinating her, they captured her alive.

Since they were captured alive, they must be kept alive and useful. In the current situation, the only thing Qin Yining could think of was the treasure.

What Li Qitian knew was that the treasure was hidden by Lu Heng. Therefore, Li Qitian must have kidnapped her to threaten Pang Xiao and for some other purpose. She had not been in the capital for such a long time, so she didn't know the deep meaning behind it.

Therefore, Qin Yining suspected that the person who kidnapped her this time was probably Lu Heng's people.

The treasure that Lu Heng was transporting was stolen, and the Holy Spirit didn't find it. Lu Heng also lost everything at the same time.

The Lu family's century-old royal family was targeted by Li Qitian, and it was only a matter of time before it collapsed.

How could Lu Heng not hate her and Pang Xiao when such a big thing happened?

Qin Yining speculated for a long time and came to the conclusion that the other party was definitely someone sent by Lu Heng. Qin Yining thought that maybe he would have to get close if necessary.

Qin Yining and Xiaoxue didn't see the surrounding scenery clearly. They only saw the grass and trees around them. She struggled to hold on to the hem of her skirt. Unfortunately, she had no space or chance to move her arms at this time.

The men carrying Qin Yining and Xiaoxue had walked for a long time and were already very tired. However, after a while, their pace slowed down and they put the big net on the ground.

"Master, fortunately you have lived up to your command." The men stepped forward and saluted neatly.

Then, Qin Yining heard a voice that made her unbelievable. "Let go, Princess."

"Uncle Lu?" Qin Yining's voice came out with difficulty.

As the rope was loosened, Qin Yining's nerves became more and more tense, "Uncle Lu, what on earth are you going to do?"

Lu Heng was dressed in a green shirt and dressed as an ordinary scholar, but he couldn't help but exude an aura of dignity and dignity.

Lu Heng traced Qin Yining's every move and frown with his eyes almost greedily. It took him a long time to come back to his senses and said: "What do I do? Where do I have the capital to do anything? I just want to know, this paragraph It just depends on whether your life is good or not."

Qin Yining frowned. She didn't believe a word of Lu Heng's words!

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