Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1081 Block (1)

Jingzhe lowered his head in response. He looked at Qin Yining with complicated eyes and hesitated to speak.

Qin Yining saw something strange about him and asked doubtfully, "What?"

Jingzhe said: "Master, you should take care of your own injury first and take a rest."

Those of them who followed Qin Yining saw with their own eyes how she was kidnapped and even injured. After being frightened, she didn't seem to be afraid at all and could react immediately. Although this kind of meticulousness and strength makes those who follow them feel reassured, it is still heartbreaking in the end.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "Thank you for your kindness, I will go to rest later."

Jingzhe responded and followed Qin Yining's instructions.

Qin Yining walked back to the camp with the others.

Xie Yue said: "It's true that the princess is very careful. When we returned, we didn't gather all the guards and manpower together, and it really worked this time. The reinforcements came in too time. Otherwise, if we take our original guards with us, I'm afraid You are really no match for Lu Heng!"

Qin Yining left people on the desert island to guard the treasures and ships. She didn't dare to bring back all of Pang Xiao's team of more than a thousand people. So she divided these people into several groups and scattered them everywhere, even though they were also heading to the capital. , but took a different route. As for Qin Yining, in order to avoid the big tree attracting the wind, he did not bring many people with him.

In this way, Pang Xiao's strength is preserved to prevent others from probing his details, and it can also remove some of the defenses of those who have been eyeing her for a long time. Just like how Lu Heng dared to kidnap someone in front of her today, it is nothing more than It was because Qin Yining had limited manpower, so he didn't bring many people.

(first release, domain name (please remember_three

If Qin Yining had exposed the truth from the beginning, I am afraid that if Lu Heng brought more people, it would not be so easy to escape today.

Qin Yining smiled bitterly and said: "How could I have expected this? It's just more preparation. Fortunately, God has blessed me and no big trouble has really happened."

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Everyone was tied up, not only injured, but also almost...

Is this not a big deal in Qin Yining's eyes?

It can only be said that the princess's heart is strong enough.

Qin Yining and Xie Yue chatted for a while and then returned to the tent. Ji Yun came in with medicine and carefully applied it to Qin Yining.

"Princess, how do you feel?" Seeing Qin Yining's silence, Ji Yun spoke carefully.

Qin Yining smiled and said, "It's okay. The wound will be healed in a few days after applying the medicine."

Ji Yun lowered his eyes and shook his head: "The wound I'm talking about is not your wound. This wound is a skin injury. No matter how serious the injury is, you can still use medicine. But you are not feeling well in your heart, but it cannot be cured with some golden sore medicine."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "You girl, you have learned to speak like this. It's nothing wrong with me, it's just a false alarm. I'm just thinking about the chaotic situation in the world today."

Ji Yun sighed: "Princess, please think more about yourself. Next time, you must ask the prince to arrange more manpower for you, but you must not let you suffer such a thing again. It happened once or twice, let alone your personal experience , even the servants watching from the side are almost scared out of their wits."

Qin Yining chuckled, "I know you girl is worried about me." She patted Ji Yun's hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you won't always be so unlucky. I can catch up with everything."

Ji Yun lowered his eyes and muttered: "Isn't it true that the princess has caught up too little? Every time you walk on the tip of a knife, if you are not careful, you may lose your life. The prince is also true, he puts you in danger every time .


"I will be careful in the future." Qin Yining knew that Ji Yun really cared about her, so he pulled her to sit down and said, "You have been by my side these few times, which has caused you to suffer a lot."

Ji Yun said: "The princess said these are heretics. Besides, I have never been able to help you. I can only watch you being taken away several times but can do nothing about it. If I get the chance, I will definitely become a master again." , learn martial arts well, otherwise you will be so powerless every time, it will be really painful."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded.

In fact, Ji Yun was like this. She could imagine how Pang Xiao would feel if he knew the news.

Fortunately, she has returned to the capital, and the time to meet Pang Xiao is closer.

Qin Yining changed her clothes and fell asleep tiredly.

Everyone in the entire camp was on high alert.

The next morning, Ji Yun trotted into the tent and said, "Princess, Jingzhe is back, and she brought someone with her."

Qin Yining was looking at the dowry with a mirror to see if the hairpin on the back of his head had slipped. Hearing this, he took off the mirror.

"Who are you bringing back?" Jingzhe acts in a measured manner and will not bring anyone here for no reason. There must be something going on in the city, or Pang Xiao has some orders!

With Pang Xiao's character, now that he knew she was back, Pang Xiao would be eager to come out to greet her.

Could it be that something happened in the city these days?

Qin Yining had no intention of continuing to dress up, and she and Ji Yun quickly came out to greet her.

"My subordinate, Zhu Yu, has met the princess."

Qin Yining knew this person looked familiar at first sight, and she often followed Pang Xiao. Although she couldn't name everyone, she knew this person was one of hers at first sight.

"Princess, my subordinates came here in person for the prince's instructions."

"Oh?" Qin Yining raised her eyebrows in confusion, "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

"Princess, the prince has said that now is not the right time for you to return to the capital. You should not come back for the time being, lest you encounter danger and be unable to escape."

Qin Yining pursed his lips and said after a moment: "What happened in the city? Why do you and the prince think there is danger in the city?"

Zhu Yu was stumped by this question.

He racked his brains and made a grimace. Knowing that the prince had ordered the princess not to enter the city because he was afraid that she would be in danger, he could only follow the prince's wishes and said: "The situation in the city is not bad. Natural and man-made disasters are unavoidable. , how many people have been displaced and are rushing to the capital. The city is very chaotic now. If the princess goes back now, she will inevitably run into trouble, and she may even encounter unexpected dangers. It is better to wait until things calm down, and the princess will come back. It’s not too late to come back.”

Zhu Yu spoke very slowly, as if he was still thinking while speaking.

Qin Yining squinted his eyes and looked at Zhu Yu.

Tao Hanshan ordered someone to assassinate her in the past, and Qin Yining could no longer completely trust Pang Xiao's people. This Zhu Yu spoke hesitantly and tried his best to persuade her not to return to the capital. Qin Yining felt that there must be fraud! Moreover, Pang Xiao is still in the city, and I wonder if he is in danger.

Qin Yining said: "I understand your good intentions. But since the situation in the city is not bad, and I have so many people to protect you, there are less chances of getting into trouble, so you don't need to worry."

Seeing that Qin Yining seemed determined to enter the city, Zhu Yu became more and more anxious, "Princess, you'd better wait for the news outside. This is the prince's wish."

Qin Yining sneered, took a few steps with his hands behind his hands, and suddenly turned back to glare at Zhu Yu: "It's already this time, and you're still talking nonsense! What happened to the prince, and what did he say? Why don't you tell the truth!"

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