Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1082 Block (2)

Zhu Yu has always known that the princess is a powerful woman. Although she looks weak and weak, she has a very strong temper. In the past, he only heard about it and did not experience it personally. Now that he has truly seen it, he understands that women are not as powerful as men. .

"Princess, calm down." Zhu Yu saluted cautiously, "My subordinates have no other intentions. They are just following the prince's instructions and delivering messages for the prince. I only know those things about the city. The prince is fine and is in the mansion. I think so. Is there something urgent that needs to be done to make the princess wait? Or maybe there is something else going on in the city that my subordinates don’t know about.”

Qin Yining looked at Zhu Yu up and down, and raised a slight smile on his lips, "It seems that you are unwilling to tell the truth to me."

Qin Yining's tone was quite gentle and he was still smiling, but Zhu Yu's hair stood up immediately.

Xu Weizhi and Xie Yue had been waiting outside the tent for a long time. When they heard about the situation inside, they hurriedly came in to smooth things over.

(first release, domain name (please remember_three

"Why bother to make the princess unhappy? The prince and the princess have a deep love. There is nothing that can't be said in front of the princess."

"Exactly, although the prince has orders, you can just follow the instructions and deliver the message. When the princess asks questions, you should answer what is necessary."

Xu Weizhi and Xie Yue each said one sentence. Although they didn't say much, they were enough for Zhu Yu to understand.

A sentence of "deep love" was enough to make him understand that if he offended the princess now, he might not live a comfortable life in front of the prince in the future.

What's more, even if he didn't say anything about the prince, the princess was already in front of the city gate. If someone went to the city to inquire about it, they would know the news. The reason why the prince kept it secret from the princess was probably for the sake of the man's family's face. ?

After thinking about this, Zhu Yu finally lowered his head, saluted and whispered: "Princess, please calm down. It's not that the subordinates deliberately deceived the princess. In fact, it was the prince's instructions that the subordinates had to listen to. In fact, the prince was injured, and he was afraid that the princess would see it." You are worried, so you ask your subordinates to tell you that now is not the best time to enter the city.

"In fact, the city is indeed very nervous and flustered right now, and none of the reports from my subordinates are false. Now there are hungry people all over the place. Those who are close to the capital are coming to the capital. Those who are farther away are all huddled together. We went to besiege big cities in various places. Everyone just wanted a bite to eat and to survive. There are many reasons why there are so many victims, but the most important thing is the attitude of the Holy One."

Speaking of this, Zhu Yu's expression became more and more serious, with anger hidden in his eyes.

"Your Majesty is acting less and less like this now. He gave the prince a beating before returning to the capital this time. The treasure was obviously hidden by Lu Heng, but at first he insisted on saying that it was the prince who was responsible for the matter. made."

Qin Yining and Xie Yue knew as soon as they heard that Zhu Yu didn't know the inside story. They didn't say much and just listened to Zhu Yu's details.

"Later, when we returned to the city gate, the Holy One went out with great fanfare and failed to find the treasure. Perhaps he felt disappointed. The prince was kind enough to come up with an idea. Only then did the Holy One find an excuse to go out incognito to inspect the imperial mausoleum privately. .The face is beautiful.

"But the ministers welcomed the Holy One back to the capital, thinking that the Holy One would have to consider the disaster to some extent, but the Holy One still only focused on the treasures and repairing the imperial mausoleum, and did not consider the current situation of the people at all. The prince has made many suggestions, and all He was rejected by the Holy One. Another time, the prince was reprimanded by the Holy One for persuading the Holy One. He said that the prince had a "transcendental heart" and "can you be an emperor better than me?" These words were not heard by just one person, subordinate. After hearing this, everyone felt aggrieved for the prince."

Zhu Yu touched his face and said: "I think that time, the Holy One already hated the prince for his 'transgression'. In recent days, the disaster has gradually worsened, and people everywhere have been displaced.

Countless ordinary people starve to death every day. The court has no money and cannot provide relief. The people see no hope. Many people gather in various states and capitals to cause trouble. For example, those who have turned into bandits have already been settled, and there are even many states. The government rose up.

"After seeing this situation, the Holy Spirit finally paid attention to this matter. Last month, he arrested officials from multiple overseas locations and charged them with unfavorable control.

"Previously, there was a county called Yangxian near the old capital of Yan. The people were so hungry that they had no way to survive, so some people gathered to make trouble, preached rebellion against the imperial court, and cursed the incompetence of the Holy One. Somehow these words were spread to the Holy One. His Majesty immediately brought the local magistrate of Li County to trial, and even implicated the magistrate of the old capital, Mr. Gong."

Qin Yining was stunned, "Are you talking about Master Gong Zhongtang?"

"Yes, does the princess know this person?"

Qin Yining nodded, "When the earth dragon came back, I went to the old capital with the prince to provide disaster relief, and worked with Mr. Gong and Li Zhixian of Yang County. These two people have noble character and serve the people wholeheartedly. How will the Holy Lord govern them? Their sin?”

When Zhu Yu heard this, he said angrily: "You don't know, Magistrate Li has been beheaded, and the Holy Lord wants to kill Magistrate Gong. The prince stepped forward to persuade him, and finally managed to calm the Holy Lord's anger. But later, news came from the old capital. , it was said that local people besieged the government office in the old capital, causing many official casualties. The area in the old capital of the Yan Dynasty was already sensitive, and the Holy See felt that the locals had rebellious intentions, so he wanted to bring Magistrate Gong to trial and punish him. All the family members of Magistrate Gong in the capital were arrested.

"The prince once again interceded for Magistrate Gong at the court meeting. The emperor was furious. The prince quarreled with the prince and rebuked the prince for being disloyal. The prince was beaten fifty times in front of all the civil and military officials. . Magistrate Gong and his family were not spared either. Magistrate Gong was sentenced to beheading, the women in his family were made official prostitutes, all the men over the age of fourteen were beheaded, and the men under the age of fourteen were exiled to the bitter cold in the north and never allowed to return to the capital."

Zhu Yu's words made everyone angry.

Qin Yining was so angry that he said, "His Majesty actually ordered someone to beat the prince again!"

"Yes." Zhu Yu lowered his head and said helplessly and angrily: "I was beaten twenty times last time. The injury has not healed yet, so I was beaten fifty again. The prince is currently recuperating in the mansion, and there are still refugees pouring into the city, both inside and outside. It’s all very messy.”

That's why Pang Xiao doesn't want Qin Yining to enter the city now.

One reason is that she is worried that the Holy Emperor's anger is still lingering, and she will be used to attack her when she returns.

Secondly, it would be terrible to look at the bottom of a man under fifty feet!

The dignified Prince Zhongshun was regarded as the God of War by the army, but he was beaten up and had to lie on the couch all day to recover from his injuries. Qin Yining had never seen such a miserable state, and Pang Xiao did not want Qin Yining to see it.

Qin Yining was already furious when he thought about the scene where Pang Xiao was held down in front of the palace to beat the crowd! Li Qitian didn't hit Pang Xiao's body at all, he hit him on his face!

Aren’t there many people who respect Pang Xiao? Aren’t there many people who have named him the God of War? Li Qitian just wanted everyone to see that even if he was the God of War, he would always hit him on the ground and kill him whenever he asked if he was unhappy!

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