Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1085 Announcement (1)

"What is she going to Huichuan County for?" Pang Xiao was stunned.

Xie Yue looked around and saw that there was no one around him, so he whispered: "The princess heard that you were beaten by the Holy Master, and she was furious. She will vent her anger on you no matter what."

"Yes, the princess said that she was going... to destroy the imperial mausoleum." Xu Weizhi lowered his voice and said such treacherous words in the capital. If walls really have ears, these words would become a conspiracy. Contrary evidence.

Pang Xiao was silent for a moment: "Is she trying to vent her anger on me?"

"Yes." Xie Yue and Xu Wei both nodded and carefully observed Pang Xiao's expression.

The two of them were a little confused about Pang Xiao's thoughts. Why didn't they see the expected worry and anger? Even if the prince is not surprised at all, he must be at least a little shocked, right?

But they didn't know that at this moment, Pang Xiao felt as if his heart was wrapped in warm water, and the depression he had accumulated in the past few days had disappeared.

This is the woman he loves, who will do anything for him.

He had a feeling of being valued and cherished.

For so many years, he has always been tough and relied on. He is like a mountain, solid and reliable. But very few people care about whether this mountain is really tireless and whether there is a fragile side in his heart.

Only by Qin Yining's side could he let down his guard and feel that he had support and could rely on others. Even though Qin Yining is a weak woman that he always wants to protect under his wings, at certain specific moments, just like this, she will suddenly give him a sense of dependence.

"Your Majesty, what do you think should be done about this matter?" Xie Yue couldn't hold it back and said anxiously, "This matter is of great importance. If it is not handled well, the reputation of the Prince will fall to the bottom. The Prince is an upright person. For many years, He has always acted steadily, and has always left a good impression in the minds of the people, and has also established an image of loyalty and patriotism in the hearts of the officials. If the princess's incident becomes a big deal and someone with an intention to find a reason, wouldn't the prince's reputation be ruined for the rest of his life? !”

Xu Weizhi saw that Xie Yue was really worried, and his words became sharp. He was worried about hurting the friendship between master and servant, so he couldn't help but cough lightly as a reminder.

"Your Majesty, it's really rare for the princess to be dedicated to you. I'm just worried that the princess will act out of order under impulse. It's a trivial matter to expose the emperor to any evidence. If she really encounters any danger, it's not a joke. Places like the imperial mausoleum , must be tightly guarded. The Holy Emperor has promoted Lu Weigui to be the magistrate of Huichuan County. This person has always had a reputation for caution, and it is expected that there will be so many troubles in Huichuan. Lu Weigui will be strictly guarded after taking office. "

Xie Yue nodded, "That's right. If the princess makes a mistake, the army guarding the imperial mausoleum may confront the local government. If there is a real possibility, the consequences will be disastrous."

Pang Xiao had recovered from the deep shock at this time, and he had to pay attention to the analysis of the two think tanks.

"Now that the matter has come to this, it is important to immediately order people to catch up with Sister Yi. Tang Xiu, take your people and secretly leave the city to Huichuan, try to catch up with the princess and persuade her to come back."

Tang Xiu nodded in agreement and was about to leave immediately.

Xu Weizhi said: "My lord, in my old opinion, I am afraid that I cannot persuade the princess to return to you like this. The two of us have already spoken bitterly to the princess, but the princess is still unmoved, and she will definitely vent her anger on you. Even if Guard Tang goes, I'm afraid it won't help."

Pang Xiao said: "Actually, I also know that Sister Yi is stubborn. Now that she has made a decision, I am afraid there will be no room for turning back. If she can't persuade her to go back, she can only step up protection. She will go alone with her own people. She just didn’t want to tire me out before something happened. I also understand that she worked very hard. She just needs more manpower.

The chance of an incident happening will be smaller. "

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi finally understood that the prince could not be tough on the princess at all. The scene where the prince sends troops to capture the person as they imagined may not happen at all.

The two of them couldn't help but sigh at the same time.

Pang Xiao could see what they were thinking, but since he couldn't give Qin Yining a stable life like an ordinary woman, he had to give her enough space. It would be better to take a big step and face it together if something happened, rather than using force to break her heart.

Pang Xiao also knew that his thoughts were irrational, but that was what happened when he encountered Qin Yining. He enjoyed it and was happy with it.

When Tang Xiu was about to go out, a guard came quickly outside to report: "Your Majesty, Mr. Mu and his entourage are back."

Pang Xiao was overjoyed when he heard this, "Please come in quickly!"


Qin Yining and his party had a smooth journey. There were fewer people fleeing the disaster on the road to Huichuan County than those near the capital. Cars and horses did not need to consider avoiding people like this when traveling, so the speed would be a bit faster.

Huichuan was not far from Kyoto, so they dared to enter the city before the end of the month.

Because Qin Yining was a familiar face here, everyone simply changed their appearance before entering the city.

Qin Yining wore a dark green semi-old fine cotton gown, her hair was pulled up with a dark blue scarf, and she rubbed the special ointment Xie Yue gave her on her face, neck and hands. Her complexion turned dark yellow, even if she was an acquaintance standing in front of her. You may not recognize her.

The people around her were even more dressed up like this, becoming a family of brothers and sisters who were moving away.

When the group went to stay at the inn, they did not book a room across the courtyard like before. Instead, they chose three nearby rooms. Qin Yining and Ji Yun shared one room, and the other eight people shared one room.

There is not much business in the inn. There are constant natural and man-made disasters. In addition, Huichuan is a sensitive area. People who have fled are unwilling to come, and few outsiders come here. The shopkeeper saw that Qin Yining and his party had generously booked three rooms and served hot water. Dry food is very delicate.

After everyone took a short rest, Jingzhe and Liao Zhibing went to the city to inquire about the news. When they came back in the afternoon, they whispered about the current situation in Huichuan County.

"Luzhi County is a cautious person and acts very rigorously. Because of what happened to the imperial mausoleum and the stone quarry, they are now the targets of special protection. They are heavily guarded and no one can get close to them. If you want to take action, I'm afraid We need to take a long-term approach.”

Liao Zhibing sighed a little, the reality was different from what he imagined.

Qin Yining nodded and said: "This is also to be expected. The Holy Master values ​​the imperial mausoleum so much that Magistrate Lu has learned the lessons of the previous magistrates and has to do his best."

She rubbed her brows and was thinking of a countermeasure when she suddenly heard the sound of gongs ringing on the street.

Jiyun opened the window and looked downstairs, and saw many people flocking to the joint out of curiosity. The person who beat the gong was followed by more than a dozen men, and everyone pulled their necks and shouted:

"Everyone should go to the big square on the east side of the county immediately. The court has something important to announce!"

When the people heard that the imperial court was going to announce something, many of them backed down and resisted in their hearts and did not want to show up. However, they avoided anything that mentioned the word imperial court.

Ji Yun looked at Qin Yining worriedly: "Master, what should we do?"

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