Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1086 Announcement (2)

Qin Yining narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly said: "Look at those men who are beating gongs and singing, they don't seem like people from the yamen."

Ji Yun was stunned and quickly leaned out to take a look.

"It's true as you said, it's very strange to look at." Ji Yun was suspicious and inexplicably nervous.

After all, they had lived in Huichuan County for a few months. Pang Xiao had a special status and naturally had a lot of contact with the yamen. Even if the officers in the yamen did not recognize each of them, they were all very familiar, but these people in front of him were very familiar. They were all very strange, and they were not wearing official uniforms, but they kept saying that they wanted to spread the word of the imperial court.

Qin Yining said: "In that case, let's take no action for the time being and listen to the news quietly. No one should act rashly."

"Yes, don't worry." Liao Zhibing and others nodded, their hearts rising.

This time when I came to Huichuan, there was an indescribable weirdness everywhere in the county.

The few people were ready to leave at any time, so they stayed quietly in Qin Yining and Ji Yun's room, waiting for news. At this time, it is naturally safer to get together.

Not long after, someone beat a gong and shouted loudly on the street: "Let's all gather in the big square on the east side. The court has announced something important. All the folks should go! No one can delay!"

Qin Yining looked at each other and said, "If there is any news from the imperial court, it won't be so grand. When the announcement is posted, people will naturally read it, and some people who are literate will read it out loud. But this time, it seems that they are working hard." It’s like asking everyone in the county to go to the East Square.”

"What you're saying is that I feel the same way. How about we wait a little longer?"

"I'm afraid if we don't go, someone will come to check in the end. If it is found out that we are unwilling to go, it will attract attention."

Everyone couldn't make up their minds for a moment, Qin Yining didn't say anything, and everyone didn't make any move.

When people on the street beat gongs and shouted again, and began to force some women and children who were unwilling to be seen in public to go to the square, Qin Yining stood up and said: "We are afraid that we can't escape, so we will take advantage of this moment to watch." Look."

Everyone knew that this was impossible to avoid, so they had no choice but to follow Qin Yining downstairs.

As soon as they arrived on the street, the group of people blended perfectly into the group of ordinary people heading east. Fortunately, they had made sufficient preparations before coming. They pretended to be ordinary people and none of them stood out, so they could perfectly blend into the crowd.

Not long after, a group of people followed the crowd and came to the square.

Looking around, at least half of the people in the county are here.

Behind them, there seemed to be many women and children being urged to go this way.

Qin Yining said doubtfully: "I really didn't see a single officer."

"Yes." Jingzhe whispered, "Master, this situation doesn't seem right."

Liao Zhibing also said: "It seems that someone has controlled the people in the yamen and called all the people over to do something."

After all, Huichuan County is where the imperial mausoleum is located, and the location is too sensitive. Anyone who wants to target Li Qitian cannot touch Li Qitian himself. Considering that Li Qitian cherishes the imperial mausoleum so much, who wouldn't? Will you be interested in the imperial mausoleum?

Qin Yining said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, let's not act rashly yet. Just hide in the crowd for now."

The people who came consciously had already filled the square with water. And many of those who came later were reluctant, and some were cursing the court in a low voice for making trouble again. Why didn't they think about how to feed the people when they had spare time. There are also people who are scolding those who go to spread the message for being too cruel and treating people too harshly.

Qin Yining felt like he had fallen into a bee's nest,

There was a buzz all around.

But soon, she had no time to care about this.

Because she saw a familiar figure boarding a temporary high platform in front of the square from a distance.

The people around her naturally saw it, and Ji Yun lowered his voice: "It's Lu Heng!"

Qin Yining's expression suddenly became serious.

Lu Heng is no longer the local magistrate. In the name of the imperial court, he is worried about what the people should do here!

After all, Lu Heng also served as the magistrate of Huichuan County. Many people among the people recognized him. Not only the people around Qin Yining were surprised, but the people were also confused by Monk Zhang Er for a moment.

"Master Lu doesn't want to be the county magistrate anymore. How come you don't see Master Lu when he announces the affairs of the court?"

When the first person had a question, there was a second one, and then a third one. Such discussions were like ripples in circles, and many people whispered among themselves, guessing what the imperial court had to do.

Without knowing it, I just assumed that Lu Heng was arranged by the Holy Emperor to work elsewhere.

But Qin Yining and others felt heavy.

This time, Lu Heng was afraid that he would have a showdown with Li Qitian.

In recent days, the Lu family has been weakened to pieces. Although Lu Heng took away the main backbone of the Lu family when he escaped, a huge family was always being stepped on at this time. How could Lu Heng Can you be willing?

Qin Yining, combined with Lu Heng's temperament, what he had done in recent days and the situation of the victims everywhere, felt his heart tremble and murmured:

"He's afraid he's going to rebel."

Jiyun and Jingzhe, who were beside them, heard it most clearly. They felt their hands and feet were cold for a moment, and they didn't know how to react.

Back then, they had witnessed the demise of a dynasty in Dayan, and they knew even more that back then, a faint king was in power, and few people among the people rose up and ended in failure.

Ordinary people act haphazardly, but Lu Heng, a wily and well-versed military man, has a different look. What he wants to do in Huichuan County is clearly laid out in front of him.

"Fellow folks. Dear folks!" At this time, Lu Heng, who was standing on the high platform, said loudly with all his strength, "It was Lu's idea to summon the folks here today. I have wasted everyone's time, and Lu really I’m really sorry.” (first release, domain name (please remember_三

"However, Lu's family has suffered unjust injustice and abuse, and they must take this opportunity to redress their injustice. Please listen to my words, fellow villagers."

Although there were many people in the square, they were all focused on Lu Heng at this time. Lu Heng's sentence "the Lu family's unfair injustice" successfully aroused their curiosity, and everyone calmed down to listen to Lu Heng's words.

"As we all know, our Lu family has been a prominent family for hundreds of years. Going back to the time when Northern Hebei Kingdom had not yet established its dynasty, our Lu family has been a prominent local family.

"Over the past few years, the world has been in chaos and the people have been living in dire straits. The reason why the Lu family is loyal to the Holy One is to end the chaos and give all the people a stable life.

"But look, everyone, what did the Holy One do with the money our Lu family supported?

"I don't want to think of ways to sell grain to the people when I have money, but I only want to build the imperial mausoleum! In the heart of the Holy Emperor, his own honor after death is even more important than the lives of the people in the world!"

Lu Heng took a deep breath and continued loudly: "I really can't stand what the Holy One has done. My persuasion has been fruitless. The Holy One is so stubborn that he even killed all the children in my family in a rage! The Lu family is so big, and now, There are barely many people left!”

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