Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1088 Interrogation

"The earth is shaking! The earth dragon is turning over!!"

"Don't panic, it's the imperial mausoleum, and the imperial mausoleum is going to collapse!"

Faced with a real disaster, the people who had just craned their necks to watch the excitement now became anxious and retreated in panic.

Qin Yining was pushed back by the crowd, staggering and almost falling. Ji Yun held her arm and managed to stabilize the two of them.

The shaking on the ground continued, and then there was the sound of collapse at the entrance to the imperial mausoleum. Over the years, Li Qitian regarded the imperial mausoleum as a career and invested a lot of manpower and material resources to build it. However, it gradually collapsed in a short time, and even the originally flat ground nearby showed signs of cracking and sinking.

The people were finally frightened, and everyone ran away in panic, fearing that they would be trapped in the ruins of the imperial mausoleum and no one would be left alive.

Qin Yining was collided by the chaotic crowd. If it weren't for the protection of someone around him, he might have fallen and been trampled by others.

While he was running away in panic, Qin Yining saw Lu Heng surrounded by guards through the gap in the crowd.

Lu Heng's expression was calm, as if he was not responsible for all the chaos in front of him, and as if he had nothing to do with the ground collapsing and burying the people alive. His eyes were cold and indifferent that Qin Yining had never seen before. He seemed to be outside the world, watching this farce of life and death with indifferent eyes. Nothing could affect his emotions.

Qin Yining pursed her lips, looked away when Lu Heng didn't notice her, took Ji Yun's hand and ran away quickly.

The moment she turned around, Lu Heng looked in her direction as if feeling something.

The back figure is tall and slender, and the figure is wrapped in coarse cloth. Beauty is in the bones, and Qin Yining has such a trait. Lu Heng's heart skipped a beat. Seeing how many people fell into the pit as the ground sank, he didn't show any emotion at all. But at this moment, his heart beat faster, and he couldn't help but take two steps to catch up.

"Master?" The guards around him were about to take him out of here, but were suddenly led astray by Lu Heng and hurriedly pulled him back.

Lu Heng stared in one direction, but still lost the trace of that person in the surging crowd.

Is it her?

He won't admit his mistake!

Although he was surprised that someone who was in the capital a while ago would actually come to the imperial mausoleum at this time, Lu Heng had no doubt at all.

Perhaps, this is a perfect opportunity for him to get her forever and keep her by his side completely!

"Order people to surround this place quickly! Don't let anyone escape." Lu Heng quickened his pace and ordered in a deep voice, "The situation is special at this time. I don't know how many people are in the crowd. If the news leaks out, you and I may not be able to save our lives. "

Upon hearing this, the subordinates became more aware of the seriousness of the matter and immediately passed on Lu Heng's instructions.

Qin Yining and his party were approaching the edge of the square, and Jingzhe immediately saw the men surrounding them holding weapons.

"Master, what should I do?" Jingzhe did not dare to act rashly, and retreated to Qin Yining when many people came up to question and push him.

Qin Yining pursed his lips and said: "It seems that luring everyone to see the destruction of the imperial mausoleum was just a teaser. What he really wants to do is to gather the people of the whole county here."

"What are you doing with so many people gathering here?" Ji Yun asked anxiously.

Qin Yining smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes. "Since he is plotting rebellion, he naturally wants to occupy this place. Only by gathering people here to screen them and silence the suspicious people can he ensure his own safety."

Liao Zhibing pursed his lips with a serious expression, and the corners of his lowered lips deepened his nasolabial folds.

"Alliance leader,

If so, we may not be able to escape easily. "33 novels first published

Naturally, it would be difficult for them to escape, because they were suspicious people to Lu Heng.

Qin Yining bit her lower lip lightly with her teeth, and Qiao Zhuang's pale lips became a little bloodier, "We can only act according to the situation and kill out when necessary."

What she came to do was preempted by Lu Heng before she could do it herself. If he caught her again and used it as a bargaining chip to threaten Pang Xiao, then this trip would be a failure.

At this moment, Xiaoxue turned her head in confusion and said, "I really want to hear the sound of horse hooves."

"I heard it too." Jingzhe also said.

The surroundings were noisy and the people were shouting. Qin Yining couldn't hear the sounds outside at all, but she naturally believed what Xiaoxue and Jingzhe said. 33 novel first releases

"Let's wait for the opportunity here. It seems that Lu Heng's soldiers and horses have come for reinforcements. There are so many people in Huichuan County, and he thinks that the screening cannot be completed in a short time. Let's take the opportunity to escape." (first release) , domain name (please remember_three


Several people nodded in agreement.

While he was talking, soldiers and horses surged over like a rising tide, blocking the roads back to the city.

The people were already panicking, and many relatives and friends had died when the imperial mausoleum collapsed. At this time, everyone was frightened to see the sudden arrival of soldiers and horses.

Lu Heng had arrived at the periphery at this time, still standing at a high place, and said loudly: "Fellow folks, don't panic. The release of Cai Cai was just an accident, and no one could have predicted it. If I destroy the imperial mausoleum, I will definitely offend the Hunjun! I I know that the fellow villagers are all righteous people, chivalrous and courageous, but there is no guarantee that one of you will not be the lackey of the unlucky king, so we queue up quietly and pass the inspection one by one. As long as we can prove our identities to each other, we can go home. From now on, I We won’t let anyone disturb the lives of the villagers, and everyone can continue to live their lives as usual!”

After Lu Heng said this, someone immediately blended into the crowd and repeated what he meant loudly.

The situation is stronger than the people, and the people are almost scared out of their wits. At this time, the sword is in the hands of others. What else can they do besides being obedient?

On the way back, checkpoints had been set up, and everyone rushed forward to prove their identities to each other.

Lu Heng's men recorded it.

Some people who have no relatives or friends around them will not be allowed to go. Standing together in one place.

Some people are full of worries, but others are full of anger and refuse to give in. When the cross-examination comes, they stubbornly ask: "Who do you think you are! You are treason! I am a native of Zhou Dynasty, and I will never listen to the mercy of the rebels!"

As soon as these words came out, both Lu Heng's men and the people around him turned pale.

Lu Heng also heard the man's question and said in a deep voice: "This man must be the lackey of the Hunjun! He is the accomplice of the Hunjun who preys on the common people. Kill him!"

After the order was given, the person who resisted was stabbed in the neck before he could even say a few words for himself.

Blood jumped into the sky with a pop, and the people were so frightened that they couldn't even make a sound, and all they could do was to retreat.

This silent scene made Lu Heng very satisfied, and he said in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, I killed all the lackeys of the Hunjun. As long as you can prove each other's innocence, I will never attack anyone. So please The villagers are willing to cooperate for their own sake, but don’t learn the wrong way.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand to indicate that the interrogation should continue.

Qin Yining looked at the people around him, and they all looked nervous. They are foreigners now, and no one can prove their innocence except each other. Coupled with Qin Yining and Lu Heng's familiarity, they may have been exposed too much!

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