Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1089 Chase and Escape

Faced with such a situation, Qin Yining could not help but look solemn.

Lu Heng was not an ordinary person. He had other thoughts about her, so he naturally paid more attention to her. Qin Yining didn't know anyone else. Anyway, if she faced someone she cared about, no matter how disguised the other person was, she would be able to recognize him immediately even if he only saw his back. (first release, domain name (please remember_three

She pinched her fingers nervously.

This time she only darkened her skin a bit, making it not as unrecognizable as when Xie Yue disguised herself for her. She didn't dare to take risks in front of Lu Heng, because if Lu Heng had the chance, he would kidnap her again. Wouldn't it be difficult to deal with Pang Xiao?

"Master, what should we do?" Ji Yun's low voice was very tight.

Qin Yining pursed her lips and said softly: "Look for an opportunity to escape."

The people gradually approached the place of interrogation. Neighbors and relatives were hurriedly testifying for each other. Even those people who had passed the interrogation and had proved themselves did not leave immediately, but stood not far away and watched. So as not to leave anyone behind.

Most of the people were so obedient, but a few people were still unconvinced.

Even after the other party killed others as a warning, some knowledgeable and courageous people still asked: "What are you doing? How much better are you than Northern Hebei Hunjun by doing this?"

"Are you disregarding the safety of the people in the world and trying to usurp the throne?"

There was also the one who was loyal to Zhou and refused to give in. He held his neck and shouted: "Lu, if you act like this, you will not be afraid of being laughed at for generations to come!"

Lu Heng stood still at a high place and couldn't help but chuckle after hearing these words, "Generations of descendants? The Lu family has been so harmed by the Hunjun, how can we still have descendants to pass on to the next generation? I think you are a spy around the Hunjun! Catch me !”

"Yes." Lu Heng's soldiers and horses were well-trained and shouted in unison upon hearing the sound. He tied up the person who spoke and took him aside.

Seeing that Lu Heng stopped killing people, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Yining's expression became even more solemn.

Lu Hengruo went on a killing spree when he came up, which meant that he was just seeking revenge for the Lu family and may not have any rebellious intentions, but now Qin Yining was even more sure that he might have more intentions! Otherwise, he would not immediately change his image among the people after establishing his authority.

From this point of view, there is no use in waiting any longer.

Qin Yining ordered the people around him to rush out as soon as there was a chance.

Just when Liao Zhibing and Jingzhe were carefully observing and looking for opportunities, a burst of noise came from the direction of the city.

Qin Yining clearly saw Lu Heng, who was standing high up, his face stiffened for a moment after listening to the report. Immediately afterwards, Jingzhe and the others discovered that the soldiers and horses guarding the peripheral positions that were not very important were quietly retreating, seemingly heading towards the city.

Qin Yining's heart moved and she immediately said: "Now!"

Liao Zhibing and several brothers from the Qingtian League reacted quickly and immediately shouted: "We can't just let it go. The man named Lu is clearly trying to kill us! Folks, run away!"

The people were already worried. Regardless of whether they could fully understand what Lu Heng had done and the situation they were in, one thing was clear at the moment. Lu Heng did not know how to massacre civilians. He killed people and planted a more powerful person at will. With convincing accusations, who can guarantee that these people will not be liquidated?

Someone took the lead, and then someone followed suit, and the people who had been waiting for questioning started making trouble again. People rushed out, pushing and shoving.

Qin Yining and others took advantage of the situation and got into it.

He also rushed out in panic.

Some of Lu Heng's men were sent away, and the siege was not as tight as it was at the beginning. Qin Yining and his party chose the weakest point to attack, and soon broke out of the siege and fled with other people.

The people were in such chaos that Lu Heng felt very anxious and hurriedly ordered people to stop them. But you can't order someone to kill you.

Killing a few individuals can serve as a deterrent, but if he goes on a killing spree, wouldn't all the people of Huichuan County become his enemies in the future? That would be difficult to control.

So Lu Heng had no choice but to tell people: "Catch people as much as possible without hurting their lives."

With this sentence, Qin Yining and his party faced the opponent's soldiers who could not kill. In addition, Qin Yining led all elites, but the opponent's abilities were mixed. They quickly took advantage of the opportunity and escaped. 33 novel first releases

Lu Heng turned back to look at where the crowd was commotion, and saw the familiar figure running out wrapped in a group of people.

A clever idea came to his mind, and he hurriedly shouted to the people around him: "Chase! Chase that woman back to me!"

The people below immediately responded and rushed in the direction of Lu Heng's finger, leaving only a few people to continue the investigation.

Although the people were in large numbers, after Lu Heng once again ordered people to kill two people to shock the scene, the people who were afraid of death did not dare to take the lead again. They were not "suspicious people", but It's to prove each other's identities, so let's do the interrogation.

Everyone cooperated patiently.

The commotion quickly subsided, and the scene was still satisfactory to Lu Heng, but the figure he had glanced at just now always appeared in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was Qin Yining.

Just when Lu Heng was frowning and thinking about sending more manpower to arrest Qin Yining, Qin Yining and his party had met head-on with the pursuers sent by Lu Heng.

Lu Heng's men were not mediocre. Jingzhe, Liao Zhibing and others protected Qin Yining from escaping, and they did not want Qin Yining to get hurt. Therefore, the journey was very difficult, running around in the alleys in remote parts of the county, almost indistinguishable. The direction from which it came.

Qin Yining was breathing heavily from exhaustion. Jingzhe and the others were worried when they saw this, and whispered: "Master, we are like headless flies and I'm afraid we will be caught soon. We have to find a way out. If we are caught If he arrests you, I'm afraid it will be difficult for my subordinates to protect you."

"Look for horses as much as possible. Once you have horses, you can leave this place. You can't defeat the pursuers with just your legs."

Everyone agreed and headed towards the inn with more effort, partly because the distance was relatively close, and partly because the horses they had brought with them when they came were still in the hay shed in the backyard of the inn.

The soldiers and horses sent by Lu Heng to pursue the robbery became more and more suspicious when they saw that the opponent's small team had such superb kung fu and incredible escape ability, and they pursued them even harder.

The opponent has a large number of people. Even if Qin Yining brings elites, how many nails can a piece of good iron crush? Everyone soon realized that they would not be able to escape smoothly due to the crushing numbers of the other party. If you want to go to the inn and snatch the horses, it will be even more difficult to reach the sky. 33 novels are updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

Jingzhe, Liao Zhibing and others had to protect Qin Yining, and they had to scramble left and right to find a way out. They were already exhausted.

Qin Yining naturally thought of the scene when Sakurai stood in front of her and died for her, and her heart suddenly felt excited.

No, we can't go on like this! She can no longer harm the lives of those around her because of her decisions!

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