Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1095 Unexpected

Lu Weigui knew that the princess was willing to ask him questions because she was respecting him. If she made up her mind and ordered him, he would do it according to his status. After all, this princess is no ordinary person. She is the wife of Prince Zhongshun, and Ji Zeyu, who is currently leading the army to attack the city, is Prince Zhongshun's sworn brother.

"The princess really praises the official." Lu Weigui sighed, "The official has no idea at this time. According to the official, it is a good thing to take advantage of the chaos outside to break out. However, there are heavy defenses outside the Yamen, but it is not that easy to break through. If there are any casualties, wouldn't it be a shame to my brothers?"

Qin Yining secretly told Lu Weigui that this was what she was thinking about now. The difficulties were all obvious in front of her.

But Qin Yining immediately understood Lu Weigui's thoughts and couldn't help but smile and shake his head. It is inevitable for these old people in the officialdom to act so cautiously. Qin Yining did not expect to embarrass others and said: "There are many people outside. Now Lu Heng doesn't want to use thunderous means, so we will be fine for the time being. Lord Dingguo, Commander-in-Chief I don’t know what the outcome of the army’s attack on the city will be, but if Lu Heng gets so angry that he kills us to vent his anger, or he wants to take us hostage, will we be able to defeat so many people outside with just our manpower?”

Lu Weigui shook his head and sighed: "This is the truth. If the other party uses fire, all of us will suffocate to death here. Princess, do you mean to give it a try?"

Qin Yining said, "There is no other way at the moment."

Everyone looked solemn, fearful of the current danger and the unknown future.

But they also understand that if they don't give it a try, they may die here.

Qin Yining observed the crowd and saw that everyone had calmed down and thought about the way forward. Then he slowly said: "We don't need to let our brothers fight for their lives. I don't want to sacrifice anyone. Let's listen carefully to what's going on outside. If the war is getting tense, , we may find an opportunity to rush out."

Lu Weigui agreed: "What the princess said is that when the fighting outside the city becomes most tense, Lu Hengxu will send reinforcements, and the defense here will naturally be relaxed."

The officers all nodded when they heard this, as if they had seen hope.

Qin Yining hesitated, fearing that the enemy would be injured or killed due to wrong judgment, so he could only say: "That may not be the case. If we people escape, Lu Heng will be attacked from both sides, which is equivalent to a fire in the backyard. He, When we are open to the outside world, we will ensure that there are no other hidden dangers.”

Having said this, Lu Weigui also felt that he was too naive in thinking about the problem.

"But if this is the case, wouldn't it be difficult for us to escape and reach the sky?" A policeman was deeply shocked and said involuntarily.

Qin Yining said: "Don't be nervous, everyone. It doesn't matter whether we can rush out or not. If it doesn't work, we can still stay here. We won't let everyone die in vain."

Everyone nodded, but it was unknown how many people believed what Qin Yining said. In everyone's mind, a person of noble birth like the princess will not take the lives of her subordinates seriously. When necessary, they will be the backers to die.

Qin Yining also knew that saying these things in vain was not enough to win others' trust. She did not force everyone to believe her, so she did not give any more explanations.

Everyone dispersed and returned to their respective locations to guard against Lu Heng's men attacking at any time.

Qin Yining and his party returned to the wing room in the outer courtyard that Lu Weigui had previously arranged for temporary renovations.

On this day, sounds often came from the city. In a small county, it was hard for them not to hear the cries of war. In addition, the people believed Lu Heng's words and were afraid that the people from the imperial court were coming to massacre the city, so they spontaneously went to help defend the city. As a result, each family arranged a few people to go, but there were no eyes on the battlefield, so Ji Zeyu ordered people to attack the city. At that time, some civilians were inadvertently injured by throwing stones. How could those families in the city be calm after receiving the news of the death of their children?

The entire Huichuan County was shrouded in the panic of war.

However, the rebels arranged by Lu Heng outside the Yamen still defended this place.

Jingzhe cautiously wanted to go out to investigate several times, but even with his extraordinary skills, he could not escape the eyes of everyone under the tight defense of two steps, one post, and ten steps.

"Now there is no other way but to break in?" Lu Weigui said in disbelief when he learned the result.

There was a gloomy atmosphere in the hospital.

Even though the servants and servants took turns to rest, the highly tense spirit still made everyone exhausted. They want to survive, but now they are trapped here like lambs to be slaughtered. Sooner or later, when there was not enough food to eat, Lu Heng also lost patience and ordered people to attack. Under such circumstances, waiting was a kind of torture. The torture made them physically and mentally exhausted. Those who were less able to bear it even thought, what if It would be better if the opponent attacks now. If you can't fight to the death, you won't wait for a knife to fall on your head like this.

Qin Yining would also walk around the yamen. Seeing that everyone was impatient and frightened, and the atmosphere was depressing and lacking in fighting spirit, he couldn't help but become worried.

"Princess." Lu Weigui invited Qin Yining to a deserted corner and discussed in a low voice: "Princess, why don't you organize someone to attack and try to go out now? What if we can escape? If we continue like this, we may not be able to succeed before we can. To break out of the siege, someone must surrender first."

Qin Yining is also worried about this.

If someone surrenders unprepared, open the yamen gate...

This situation is simply unthinkable.

"But if we want to rush out now, the chance of winning is really slim. I'm afraid some brothers will die for this." Qin Yining was helpless, "If we can't escape even after sacrificing our brothers, things will be even more difficult in the future."

Lu Weigui was so worried that he almost pulled his hair out, "It's really a dilemma!"

Qin Yining sighed, "It's not exactly a dilemma."

She came to destroy the imperial mausoleum. Although she didn't do it herself, she still achieved her goal and gave Pang Xiao a sigh of relief. But she didn't expect that Li Qitian would actually act according to the worst-case scenario she had guessed before.

For the sake of the imperial mausoleum, he can ignore the lives of the people under the current famine and still raise troops to start a war. Is such a person worthy of being a king?

They couldn't rush forward at this time, so they could only wait for the opportunity.

But before they had the chance to rush out, they heard the worried chatter of many people across the wall.

"How could this happen? Originally we were still well guarded, and Duke Dingguo couldn't do anything to us in Huichuan County for a moment, but the Tatars suddenly appeared!"

"Weren't all the Tatars beaten to submission by Lord Dingguo? They suddenly came here now. They must have had a premeditated plan."

"Ding Guo Gong no longer cares about attacking the city. He concentrates on dealing with the Tatars, which is a good thing."

"What's so good! Are you thinking too much? If the Tatars defeat Duke Dingguo, we will be the next to face the Tatars in Huichuan County. Do you think we have the ability to fight against the Tatars?"

As soon as these words came out, the discussion outside the wall suddenly stopped, and the atmosphere suddenly froze.

Qin Yining and others couldn't help but become nervous when they heard this.

Back in the wing, Qin Yining paced back and forth with his hands behind his hands.

How could the situation become so complicated?

This is Huichuan County, not far from the capital. Although the emperor in the previous dynasty guarded the country and only said that the capital would be in the northern capital, for many years, there has never been a situation where the Tatars have marched straight in!

If the Tatars appear here, will all the cities north of Huichuan County fall into the hands of the Tatars?

If the Tatars attack this place, then the Tatars will be able to reach the capital in less than a day and march to the city!

At that time, even if Li Qitian holds the tiger talisman, he will not be able to shrink to an inch and let the Tiger Ben Army, Long Xiang Army and Ping Nan Army rush over in the blink of an eye, right?

Qin Yining doesn't care at all about Li Qitian's throne. What she cares about is the people!

If the Tatars really trample them with iron hooves, how can the people still survive? After years of wars, natural and man-made disasters, the famine has not yet been resolved. If the Tatars attack again, burn, kill and loot, it would be too...

Qin Yining was so anxious that blisters formed at the corners of his mouth.

Not only Qin Yining was anxious, but everyone inside and outside the Yamen courtyard was also worried. Even if they stand in different camps, they are all the great Zhou Erlang after all. How can they want to see the mountains and rivers shattered?

But they all have different identities and missions, and they can only stand there and worry.

"Sir, why don't we just rush out! If we fight to the death, our brothers will admit it! Just waiting here to die, either being killed by the rebels or the Tatars, this is too torturous!"

"Yes, sir, when you give the order, everyone will fight out immediately without any hesitation!"

Lu Weigui was equally anxious. On an October day, his nose and temples were covered in hot sweat, and his collar and skirt were soaked with sweat.

With so many people waiting for his orders, he really couldn't bear the pressure.

"We will make a decision after discussing with Princess Zhongshun." Lu Weigui wiped his face and said: "Prince Zhongshun has a noble status after all. I guess she has some unique insights. No matter what happens, it will be easier to survive if you follow her closely. .”

"Okay." Many people agreed.

The master and the local magistrate looked at each other, and then followed Lu Weigui to the wing where Qin Yining lived.

After hearing Lu Weigui's intention and looking at the anxious-looking officers Lu Weigui brought, Qin Yining knew that people's hearts would not be able to calm down immediately.

She was also having a headache over this matter. She was trapped here, and even if she had thousands of ways, she couldn't do it.

Liao Zhibing, Jingzhe and others stayed by Qin Yining's side, looking at the people in front of them without leaving any trace.

No matter how tense the situation is, their first priority is to protect the safety of the princess.

Just when the situation was tense, the county magistrate suddenly spoke, "If the Tatars attack, we have only one way to survive if we want to survive."

Qin Yining and Lu Weigui looked at this person suddenly at the same time.

Lu Weigui said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

The county magistrate said: "If Duke Ding is defeated, do we have any other option besides surrendering?"

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