Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1096 Timely Rain (1)

Qin Yining did not express his position immediately, but looked at the county magistrate with a slight frown on his face, his eyes full of inquiry.

Liang Xiancheng looked at Qin Yining without flinching. She was convinced that he was right and had no guilt at all. He was sure that he was looking for a way out for his brothers, and was even willing to offend powerful people like Princess Zhongshun in order to stand up for his brothers. .

With his appearance like this, how could Qin Yining not guess what he was thinking?

"Shut up!" Lu Weigui stood up angrily and said angrily, "Liang Qiuping! What do you mean by this! Do you want to surrender to the enemy?"

"Am I wrong? My lord, you don't care about the life or death of your brothers. At the critical moment, you can still ask the big guys to clear the way for you. No matter what, you have to find a way to survive! But so many brothers, are they all because of my lord's temporary actions? Is it possible to lose one’s life due to ignorance?”

Although he was speaking to Lu Weigui, Liang Xiancheng's eyes were always directed at Wang Qin Yining. He was obviously criticizing Sang and Huai, implying that Qin Yining would not care about the lives of others if he had a way out.

Lu Weigui was furious and shouted: "How can I ignore everyone's safety! If it is true, why not break out of the encirclement as soon as possible and wait until now!"

"Since your lord doesn't think so, why don't you think more about the people under your command?"

"It is because we have to consider it that we are discussing this matter here, and I have not made my own decision! But what are you talking about? Surrender to the Tatars, and then be the knife used by the Tatars to kill the people of Zhou Dynasty?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do! You nobles all have a way out, and we, the rest of us, deserve to die!"

Lu Weigui and Liang Xiancheng were so quarreling that their faces turned red and their necks thickened. They both had their own opinions, but they had made their respective ideas clear.

Lu Weigui wanted everyone to live, but he would never surrender to the Tatars to deal with Lu Heng. Even if Lu Heng was plotting rebellion, he was still from the Zhou Dynasty.

But Liangxian Cheng was even willing to betray Zhou in order to survive.

Qin Yining didn't want to comment on who was right or wrong between the two, but just said: "Both of you, listen to me first."

The two stared at each other like fighting cocks, and after a long time they looked at Qin Yining with lingering anger.

Qin Yining said, "None of us know exactly what the situation is outside the city now. Did the Tatars really attack? Is Duke Ding really incapable of fighting the Tatars, or is it Lu Heng's We don’t know now whether people can hold the city. We only have to make a decision after hearing a few words from people outside.

That would be too hasty. "

Lu Weigui took a deep breath and said in agreement: "What the princess said is true." Then he glared at Liang Xiancheng with disdain, "Now before the dust has settled and the city has been captured, Liang Xiancheng has already thought about surrendering to the enemy. , is this too early?"

"You!" Liang Qiuping was so angry that he couldn't find the words to refute.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Qin Yining frowned and said: "We haven't figured out the matter yet, and you two started fighting among yourself before you could think of a solution. Aren't you afraid of making people laugh? Isn't your decision right? too early?"

Lu Weigui was stunned for a moment, then gradually figured it out, and his face became embarrassed.

However, Liang Xian Cheng did not think like Lu Weigui. He was still filled with anger in his heart and said sarcastically: "Princess, it is really easy to stand and talk. You have a valuable status. Even if the city is destroyed, you will be able to find her when the time comes." The people who risked their lives to protect you when you left, but what about the brothers! If the court is in chaos or the Tatars advance again, what does it have to do with us! We are not the ones who usually enjoy life and wear gold and silver, but if something goes wrong, we are going to die!"

It has to be said that Liang Qiuping is very good at inciting emotions. During the quarrel, some of the officers who came with him felt the same. At this time, a few words aroused the emotions of the officers and slaves. No matter whether the treatment from the court is generous or not, people are greedy. After being given a little good, they still want more. They will only feel that Liang Xiancheng's words are reasonable and poke their thoughts.

Everyone was quiet at first, but after hearing what Liang County Cheng said, everyone became more and more excited.

It was really a terrible feeling to be facing death at the gates of the city. This kind of knife hanging above the head, the feeling of reaching the end of the road, was not something that people like them who were usually better than ordinary people could understand.

Qin Yining was robbed, but he was not angry at all.

Under the pressure of fear, people's hearts are inherently sensitive and impetuous. Even if she talks more at this time, it won't have any effect. Instead, it will make people firmer in their ideas.

Qin Yining said calmly: "I will not let anyone die in vain. Now that we are surrounded, we cannot know the real situation outside. It is not easy to know what their plans are. If you have doubts in your heart, It’s not inconvenient to make an immediate decision, you can just wait and see for a while before making a decision.”

Speaking of this, Qin Yining smiled mockingly: "You are not the people I brought here, and I have no qualifications to order you. If you feel that you can't find a way out by following me, you can do whatever you want. But there’s one thing I need to make clear first.”

Qin Yining looked around and saw that everyone's attention was on him, and then said: "The Tatars are not my race. They have lived in the border areas for many years and have done all kinds of evil to the border people, burning, killing and looting. They threshed grain and grass, and it was our people who were hurt. Face to face. If anyone wants to defect to such a jackal, I will never forgive him lightly."

The men couldn't help but fell silent for a while after hearing this.

Some people are reflecting, and some are not convinced.

"Princess, it's easy for you to say it. You are of noble birth and well-dressed, so how can you understand the sufferings of the people below? Duke Dingguo is a sworn brother of Prince Zhongshun. He will definitely come to save you at the critical moment," Liang County Cheng said mockingly, "You When you have a way out, you don't care about the life and death of your brothers? When you run away, how can you let us people survive? If we don't go to the Tatars, are we willing to die?"

Qin Yining simply didn't know why there were such people who could so confidently talk about collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country.

Qin Yining became more and more lazy to convince the other party, because dogs only focused on the bones in front of them, and pigs only looked at the things in the trough. They couldn't understand people talking to things that were not human.

Qin Yining waved his hand and said, "You can do what you want." After saying that, he turned and entered the back room.

Jingzhe, Jiyun and others immediately stood back to their original positions. After all, this was the government office and Lu Weigui's territory. It was not easy for them to see guests off, but their refusal to talk was already very obvious.

Lu Weigui only hated what Liang County Cheng said, so he strode to the study room after leaving the house.

Liang Xian Cheng had a few quiet conversations with his master, and then he called on his brothers to go back and guard.

Inside the house, Qin Yining told Jingzhe in a low voice: "Please arrange your manpower carefully and secretly protect the safety of Lu Zhi County. At such a critical moment of life and death, many people will do whatever it takes to survive."

Jingzhe nodded and whispered, "Do you suspect they will attack Magistrate Lu?"

"Maybe they won't kill Lu Zhixian, but they will kidnap people and use them as bargaining chips to negotiate with the Tatars. In fact, their best bargaining chip is not Lu Zhixian, but me."

Ji Yun thought of Qin Yining's energy when he was in Tatar, and the hairs on his back stood up.

"Princess, don't talk nonsense, you will never encounter that again. We will do our best to protect you and never let you fall into the hands of the Tatars."

Seeing Ji Yun being so nervous, Qin Yining couldn't help but patted her hand and said with a smile: "I know, so besides protecting Lu Weigui, you should also try to protect me."

Jingzhe said seriously: "Princess, don't worry, even if we risk our lives, we will protect you."

Qin Yining waved his hand, "Why do you want you to be like this? Besides, from now on, if there is no chance to break out, I will not go out, and it will be easier for you to protect me."

Jingzhe responded with a smile. Seeing that Qin Yining was still able to talk and laugh freely even when he was so nervous, he couldn't help but admire him. Even his own nervousness had eased a lot.

"Princess, do you think Duke Ding can win?" Jingzhe asked.

Qin Yining said: "There is no doubt about Duke Ding's talent. If there are any setbacks, he must have been caught by surprise. But as long as he takes a breath and gives Duke Ding time to adjust, he will definitely be able to hold on here. Not invaded by the Tatars.”

It is ridiculous to say that the people who were attacking Huichuan County outside the city a moment ago are now facing the Tatars directly.

Where did the Tatars come from? Did he disguise himself and enter the Great Zhou Dynasty, or did he directly advance his troops to achieve his goal? Or is there someone to help?

Qin Yining's face became more serious when he thought of this.

If there is really a mole, Ji Zeyu's actions will be difficult.

I wonder if Pang Xiao’s injury is getting better now? If he had not been injured, he would have taken her back by now.

Qin Yining was thinking wildly, and an hour passed before he knew it.

During this period, everyone was listening carefully to what Lu Heng's men said outside the wall. They found that they were not only worried, but Lu Heng's people were also worried about the Tatar invasion.

In the evening, the conversation outside changed again. Qin Yining

"Ding Guogong may be at the end of his game. He was just defeated by his former opponent. Didn't he sigh?"

"If Duke Dingguo comes with Longxiang's army, he will definitely beat the Tatars until they cry for father and mother!"

"But now that we are abandoned here, we are almost crying for our father and mother."

"I don't know what it's like outside the city now." Qin Yining frowned.

Ji Yun shook his head and was about to speak when suddenly the deep voice of the guard Dahan came from outside the door: "Who are you! This is the Huichuan County Yamen, how can it be a place where you can go in and out!"

The words were smooth, but Dahan was shocked to say: "It's you who are here! Please come in quickly."

The difference in attitude was so big that even Qin Yining felt confused.

Ji Yun went to lift the door curtain and saw a tall and thin figure walking through the door. He was holding a disguise mask as thin as cicada wings in his hand, with delicate features, it was Mu Jinghu! Thinking about it, he was questioned in front of the door just now, and his attitude suddenly changed because Mu Jinghu took off his disguise, which made people calm down.

Qin Yining said in surprise: "Why are you back? Why don't you spend more time at home with Boss Qiu and Brother Yan?"

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