Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1097 Timely Rain (2)

When Mu Jinghu heard this, the smile on his face was unnatural for a moment, and he only said: "Speaking of it, we are both in front and behind. You had just set off when Huzi, Bingtang, and I returned to Beijing. Panghu knew that you were coming to Huichuan, so he was worried Because of your safety, I came to check on you."

He shook the thin mask on his hand and said with a smile: "I originally wanted to sneak in quietly, but Mr. .”

Qin Yining smiled and nodded, vaguely aware that Mu Jinghu was deliberately avoiding the topic of Qiu Feishan and Brother Yan.

But there were so many people at this time that it was not the time to ask carefully.

Ji Yun heard that Bingtang and Huzi had returned to Beijing, and said happily: "Bingtang has gone back?"

"Yes, because he was worried that I would be in danger, the prince left them in the capital. I came here on my own."

Ji Yun nodded repeatedly: "My lord, you have thought carefully. This place is indeed dangerous. But with Mr. Mu here, the princess's safety can be guaranteed."

Mu Jinghu's abilities were known to both the silver-faced spies and the people of the Blue Sky Alliance. As soon as he arrived, everyone immediately felt paralyzed, as if there were thousands of troops outside and they could no longer be afraid.

"This is great. With Mr. Mu here, we can just cooperate and we will be able to protect the princess and break out safely!" Jingzhe said happily.

Liao Zhibing, Meng Qin and others also looked like they let out a long sigh.

Qin Yining felt relieved for a while. After having someone make tea, everyone sat down separately.

Qin Yining asked: "How did you sneak in without being discovered? What is the situation outside? We have been trapped here. We can only hear people talking about the war outside the wall. It seems that the situation is not optimistic. But what is the situation of Duke Ding and who is it? I don’t know either. Is Duke Dingguo really defeated like a mountain?"

Mu Jinghu smiled and said: "It is easy to sneak in here. The situation outside is tense, but it is not a total defeat. Before entering the city, I went to Duke Dingguo's camp. Although the Tatars suddenly appeared, they took advantage of the situation. When Dingguo Gong attacked the city, he was behind the scenes, catching him off guard and losing many soldiers, but after all, he had experienced hundreds of battles and responded in time, so he was still capable of fighting the Tatars."

Qin Yining couldn't help but let out a long breath after hearing this.

Even if you don't like Li Qitian's various actions, Dazhou is Dazhou after all, and the people are innocent. The last thing Qin Yining wanted to see was for the Tatar cavalry to step into the Zhou Dynasty, trample on their land wantonly, and destroy the lives of the people.

“I just don’t know how the Tatars came to Huichuan County.

You must know that although this place is located in the north, it is still far from the border. "

"Ding Guogong didn't investigate clearly either." Mu Jinghu said, "I went to his place and just took a look. Since I wasn't very familiar with him, I was afraid that I might be spying on military intelligence, so I didn't ask him in detail."

Qin Yining nodded understandingly: "Ding Guo Gong is very strict in running the army. If you can find out this information, you will have already defeated the strength of nine cows and two tigers. As long as Ding Guo Gong still has the strength to fight, it is a good thing. In this situation, Ding The Duke's army is stationed outside the city, and the Tatars and Lu Heng's troops in Huichuan County are attacking him from both sides. I think we might as well find a way to solve the crisis in Huichuan County and let the Duke's people enter. It’s good to come to the city.”

Everyone was silent for a while.

"The princess's idea is good, but the matter is not easy to handle. Lu Heng was trying to win people's hearts in Huichuan County, and when Ding Guo Gong attacked the city, he accidentally injured many people who went to help defend the city. I think even if we let Ding Guo Gong go, When we enter the city, the people don't agree, and they still want to do things behind our backs."

After listening to Liao Zhibing's analysis, everyone present could not help but sigh. When it comes to their own interests, people's emotions are most easily incited. Without harming the lives of his own family, most people only saw their own benefits. Lu Heng smashed up the big houses in the city, distributed the money to the people, and successfully bought people's hearts. Then he designed a plan to get the people to participate in the defense. City, it was equivalent to asking them to die, but the lie of "The Holy One wants to kill them" made these people go willingly. Some of them were accidentally killed by Ji Zeyu, which deepened their previous understanding of the imperial court.

Under such a situation, it would not be difficult for Qin Yining to unite with Ji Zeyu inside and outside. With Mu Jinghu here, I believe that the soldiers and horses of Lu Heng guarding outside the yamen are no match for them, but how to appease the emotions of the people?

Just as Lu Heng and Ji Zeyu had to watch the yamen closely when engaging in offensive and defensive battles, for fear that they would come out and stab them in the back. When Ji Zeyu led his army to defend the city against the Tatars, what he feared most was that the common people would stab him.

Qin Yining sighed, "I came here with anger. First I lost my cool and didn't notice anything strange in the city. It was like I stepped step by step into the trap that Lu Heng had planned for a long time. He had laid such a big trap A bureau, just to trigger a war.”

"Yes. He destroyed the imperial mausoleum, incited the people's emotions, and attracted the people of the Holy Spirit to come to suppress it..." Liao Zhibing said here, suddenly said, "Princess, the time when the Tatars arrived here is too coincidental. Do you think it's possible that... Lu Heng deliberately attracted the Tatars?"

Qin Yining was also thinking about this, "If the cities in the north are good, then that's okay. If not..."

Then Lu Heng is the sinner who colluded with foreign enemies!

Qin Yining and Lu Heng had different ideas. People can be selfish for themselves, but they cannot lose the bottom line. If you achieve your goal by harming innocent people, wouldn't you feel guilty if you stand on their corpses and enjoy the glory and wealth in the future?

The atmosphere in the room became depressed again for a while.

Qin Yining ordered everyone to go outside and listen to what the rebels arranged by Lu Heng outside the wall had to say.

When there was no one else in the room except Ji Yun, Qin Yining asked: "Mr. Mu, did something happen to Boss Qiu?"

"Don't mention that woman." Mu Jinghu's face darkened instantly.

Qin Yining was surprised. Mu Jinghu's temperament could not be called gentle, but there was no such thing as his treatment of his wife. Qiu Feishan was the daughter-in-law that Mu Jinghu had snatched away, and she had worked so hard to save Brother Yan for him. When Qiu Feishan gave birth to After getting sick, Mu Jinghu seemed to be in a hurry, so she hurriedly took Bingtang to treat Qiu Feishan. Why did she become like this now?

Qin Yining considered it and said, "Did we quarrel? There are quarrels between young couples. The prince and I also quarreled sometimes, but we turned around and let it go. Boss Qiu is a woman who has been treated like this by her family. You have to manage the four-way number, take care of Brother Yan, and even deal with Qiu Yuanqing. She is still sick, so you should be considerate of her."

"Considerate? I never want to see her again in this life." Mu Jinghu gritted her teeth and stood up, then walked away.

Qin Yining looked at Mu Jinghu's back in shock, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Ji Yun was also surprised, and after a while he said: "Master Mu also has such a bad temper sometimes... what's going on."

Qin Yining shook his head, with some worry in his eyes.

Although Qiu Feishan's position was unclear at the beginning, her marriage to Mu Jinghu was also forced at the beginning, and it was also mixed with a lot of interests. But she could tell that Qiu Feishan had real feelings for Mu Jinghu, and Mu Jinghu liked Qiu Feishan very much. After all, she hopes that Mu Jinghu's family can be harmonious and happy.

Seeing Mu Jinghu like this now, there must be something wrong, and she still has to find a way to reconcile.

Another night passed, and in the early morning of the next day, Jingzhe, Liao Zhibing and others heard bad news from Qiang Gen.

"Princess, the army of Duke Dingguo is fighting with the Tatars and is on the verge of defeat. The people in the city are panicking now. The Tatars have defeated Duke Dingguo. Will the next one attack the city? Then? What should the people do?"

When Qin Yining heard this, he immediately stood up and said with a serious face: "No, we must find a way as soon as possible. Ji Lan and his troops are being attacked from both sides outside the city. They are also from the Zhou Dynasty. People in Huichuan County But the crowd is holding him back, how can this continue?"

Qin Yining immediately led the crowd to find Lu Weigui.

Lu Weigui was not accompanied by his master or the county magistrate. Qin Yining sent people to protect Lu Weigui. When he found out that the county magistrate had killed Lu Weigui and took his head to surrender to the Tatars, he immediately tied him up. Lu Weigui was very grateful to Qin Yining, so he was very grateful when he saw Qin Yining, and his attitude was a little more respectful than before.

Qin Yining told all the news she got.

Lu Weigui's face was as wrinkled as the skin of a bitter melon, "Princess, what should we do? This official is really useless. He should rush out with a knife at this moment and kill Lu Heng, the traitor who has failed to achieve anything but is more than capable of being exposed." Take it! But the official is just a scholar."

Qin Yining said: "Master Lu has done a great job. But now is really not the time for us to defend the Yamen. I think we should rush out, occupy the city gate, double the doors and let Duke Ding's troops enter the city. Otherwise Dingguo If the Duke is defeated, the Great Zhou Dynasty will lose a major force in its fight against the Tatars. This is no longer a simple matter of quelling the rebellion, it involves the great Zhou Dynasty's national rule. "

"Yes, what the princess said is absolutely true." Lu Weigui sweated, and although he was afraid, he still said uprightly: "I gathered my men and tried my best to rush out. Even if I risk my life, I can't let the Tatars succeed. "

Seeing Lu Weigui's statement like this, Qin Yining felt a lot more relaxed. As long as he didn't object or hold back, things would turn around.

Qin Yining smiled reassuringly and said: "Master Lu, don't worry, the prince has arranged for experts to come." Pointing to Mu Jinghu behind him, who had transformed into an ordinary appearance, "This knight is very skilled in martial arts, and the defenders outside are no match for him." This is a problem that can be solved with just a few moves. If your Excellency agrees, we will gather the brothers together. After the knight has dealt with some of the people outside, we can take the opportunity to rush out, first find a way to capture Lu Heng, and occupy In the county seat, open the city gates to welcome Duke Ding into the city."

Lu Weigui's eyes widened when he heard this, "This hero, can he resist hundreds of people outside the Yamen by himself?"

Mu Jinghu said nothing, turned around and walked out.

Qin Yining immediately said: "Master Lu, hurry up and arrange for the officers to follow. Leave a few people to guard the back office, and the rest will go out together."

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