Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1098 Occupation

Lu Weigui was still a little dazed at this time. This knight looked ordinary in appearance but had an unusual temperament. He turned around and left without saying a word, not even giving him time to arrange for someone to help him. Is this person too individualistic or too capable that he doesn't care if someone helps him?

Feeling puzzled in his heart but unable to show it on his face, Lu Weigui immediately ordered his men to follow him quickly.

Qin Yining, like Lu Weigui, knew that he was only causing trouble for others when he went out, so he waited quietly here, listening to the movement outside the wall with bated breath.

Soon, a burst of scolding came from across the wall:

"Damn it! How come you don't have eyesight! This is the place designated by the head of the Lumen family. Not even a bird can fly out. You guys have eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard. Don't you even want to survive!" "

"Go back and stay there honestly, maybe your lives can be spared. If you don't want to listen to me and wait and rely on me, and dare to break in, then I will have no choice but to kill without mercy!!"

Hearing what the other party said, Qin Yining's heart skipped a beat. Mu Jinghu's martial arts skills are indeed superb, but the opponent is actually outnumbered. It wasn't that Qin Yining didn't trust Mu Jinghu, but the incident of "beating the master to death with random punches" was not a special case.

She didn't hear Mu Jinghu's answer, but in the blink of an eye, she heard bursts of fists and feet clashing and howls coming from outside.

Ji Yun was curious and excited when he heard this. He wanted to watch the excitement, but he was worried about Qin Yining's safety.

Seeing her itchy look as if she had been scratched by a kitten, Qin Yining couldn't help but smile and said, "Go take a look and tell me the situation when you come back."

Ji Yun's face turned red, but he immediately nodded and ran to the base of the wall briskly, found a ladder and climbed up to see what was going on outside.

Seeing this, Ji Yun was shocked and dumbfounded.

Where Mu Jinghu was, all he could see was his fallen body, like chopping melons and vegetables. The Yamen servants were following Mu Jinghu with their knives in hand, without even a chance to take action. Although there were many rebels arranged by Lu Heng, they could not withstand Mu Jinghu's martial arts crushing. However, after a while, his fighting spirit had been lost, and he became more and more decadent.

Ji Yun hurriedly told Qin Yining what he saw.

Qin Yining's fair face broke into the brightest smile for the first time in many days: "Very good! This opportunity cannot be missed, so we will take this opportunity to rush out." Turning around, he asked Lu Weigui, "Order people to stay and guard the courtyard gate." Keep it safe and ask the female relatives at home not to go out easily, and arrange for people to protect them."


Thank you for your concern, Princess. I will make arrangements right now. Lu Weigui nodded excitedly, and after giving some instructions, he followed Qin Yining and his party out of the Yamen.

At this time, there were rebels everywhere on the ground, and there was not a single living person on the ground. The smell of blood was very pungent. Qin Yining frowned slightly, but his face was calm.

But Lu Weigui was not as calm as Qin Yining.

This is the first time in his life that he has seen such a scene with corpses everywhere. In addition, those rebels had their necks twisted, their lumbar vertebrae broken, their chests torn with bare hands... there were simply all kinds of miserable ways to die. If it wasn't for his face, there would be so many people around him watching, Lu Weigui almost jumped up.

Everyone was silent for a while and followed Qin Yining forward. They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Fortunately, this knight was one of their own. If he was the one arranged by Lu Heng, would they still have a chance to defend the Yamen? I'm afraid it would have been torn apart long ago!

Qin Yining knew what Mu Jinghu was capable of, but this was the first time she had seen him kill his opponent in such a cruel way. Mu Jinghu had a soft sword at his waist, but he didn't use it, preferring to use his hands. Such violent and hearty killings not only frightened his enemies, but also made his own people feel apprehensive after watching it.

Qin Yining suddenly remembered that he had just asked Mu Jinghu about Qiu Feishan. Mu Jinghu was already very irritable at that time, right?

Perhaps he was just taking this opportunity to vent his emotions.

Qin Yining sighed.

A young couple's quarrel can cause Mu Jinghu to have such a big reaction. Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty.

While thinking wildly, the group of people had successfully followed Mu Jinghu out of the Yamen.

At this time, the rebels arranged by Lu Heng had already fled for their lives.

Mu Jinghu grabbed a handkerchief to wipe the blood on his hand, threw it away, and walked towards Qin Yining.

Lu Weigui and others behind Qin Yining all took a step back, their eyes filled with fear.

Mu Jinghu didn't seem to care about other people's eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to others. He only asked Qin Yining: "Shall we seize the city gate now?"

Qin Yining nodded, his eyes full of worry. He wanted to ask what happened to Mu Jinghu and Qiu Feishan, but he opened his mouth and swallowed the question.

Mu Jinghu seemed to be aware of what Qin Yining was thinking, but his expression was covered by a thin mask.

Mu Jinghu turned around and strode towards the city gate.

Lu Weigui immediately shouted to his officers: "Hurry up! Take back the city gate and resist the Tatars! If the Tatars are allowed to enter the city, the entire city will be in danger!"

The officers naturally know this truth. Everyone is from Huichuan, and their families are all in the city. Naturally, they are also the ones who care most about the survival of the people here.

The crowd rushed to the city gate in great numbers. At this time, the people were hiding in their homes. Even if they heard the noise outside, few had the courage to come out to check.

The people near the Yamen smelled the strong and pungent smell of blood in the air, and they were so frightened that their three souls and seven souls went to heaven.

Only those strong men who were incited by Lu Heng to defend the city against the imperial troops were still guarding the city gate without fear.

Seeing the city gate in front of him, Qin Yining said to Mu Jinghu who was walking in front of him: "Don't kill the civilians here. On the one hand, it will arouse the anger of the people and make it inconvenient for us in the future. In addition, 'capture the thief first, capture the king', we need to Try to find a way to find Lu Heng's whereabouts, and if you catch him, you can know his deployment, and also know what kind of cooperation he has reached with the Tatars."

Mu Jinghu nodded, "I will help these people capture the city first, and then I will go find Lu Heng's whereabouts."

"There are many masters around Lu Heng, so you should be more careful."

"Don't worry, this won't stop me." Mu Jinghu smiled, turned around and stepped onto the steps first.

When the officers saw the chivalrous man with strong martial arts rushing ahead, their blood and lungs ached for a moment, and they all rushed forward with their swords drawn.

Qin Yining was carefully protected by Ji Yun, Jing Zhe, Liao Zhibing and others. They could not see the situation on the city wall, but they could hear screams and exclamations.

Not long after, Qin Yining saw Mu Jinghu stepping down the steps quickly.

"It has ended?"

Mu Jinghu nodded and said: "All the ordinary people above have been tied up and the city has been taken back. But I see that something is not right about the situation now."

"Is something wrong?" Qin Yining's voice was slightly higher.

Mu Jinghu said: "It was too easy to recapture the city gate. In such an important place, there were not many defenders arranged by Lu Heng. Most of them were strong men captured from the city and common people who volunteered to defend the city. .”

Qin Yining's eyes sharpened, "When did this situation start?"

"It started with the Tatars' sneak attack on Duke Dingguo."

Qin Yining lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes like crow feathers cast two rows of small fan-like shadows on his fair face.

Her lips turned pale, and after a long time she said, "I have a bad guess. I'm afraid that all the cities in the north are in danger of being lost."

Lu Weigui and his people were cleaning up the mess on the city wall at this time. Seeing that only the people he brought and Mu Jinghu were around, Qin Yining whispered: "Lu Heng obviously withdrew his main force after the arrival of the Tatars. This city wall The person guarding the palace is nothing more than an abandoned son. His real purpose is not to destroy the imperial mausoleum, but to lure the Tatars here."

Silence is like a winding vine, entangling everyone in it, getting tighter and tighter.

They could not imagine that the head of the Lu family, who was once a loyal uncle and a noble gentleman like the moon, would now do something to lure the Tatars into the land of the Great Zhou Dynasty, without caring about the lives of the people.

This person once had such a valuable character in Qin Yining's heart, but now his image has fallen to pieces.

A person should not be so selfish that he does not care about the life or death of others in order to achieve his goals. What's more, what Lu Heng was planning was not just a human life. Ever since he blew up the imperial mausoleum, no, maybe even earlier, he had wanted to repay blood for blood, using the blood of innocent people to repay the lives of those in the Lu family who were liquidated by Li Qitian.

"Princess, what should we do now?" Ji Yun said with some anxiety, "I always feel that this place is a bit eerie. Do you think Lu Heng will bring someone back to kill him? He deliberately led us here, for I'll take you down."

"No." Qin Yining said, "His goal has been achieved, and the people in the city have been used enough by him. He will not make any moves in the short term. He is a smart man. He knows how to add firewood from left to right and sit back and watch. The benefits of tiger fighting.”

At this moment, Lu Weigui's excited voice came from the city tower, and he shouted: "Open the city gate and send scouts to report to Duke Ding. He said that Huichuan County has been initially controlled. Please invite Duke Ding to march into the city." .”


After everyone agreed, someone immediately went to the military camp outside the city and informed Ji Zeyu that he could enter the city at any time.

Qin Yining looked at the large group of living people being led down the city wall by Lu Weigui and tied with rice dumplings, and his worried heart gradually relaxed.

"Princess, these are the people in the city, what should be done?" Lu Weigui came to Qin Yining and saluted respectfully.

Qin Yining raised his eyebrows and walked slowly in front of the hundreds of people. Seeing that most of these people were strong men, and a few women and old people, he smiled and said: "You just helped Lu Heng's rebels to deal with the imperial court." Duke Dingguo was sent to quell the chaos?"

The common people lowered their heads one by one, pursed their lips and said nothing. It was obvious that the emotions stirred up by Lu Heng's words had not yet subsided.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qin Yining smiled and said: "Okay, since you can't realize the mistakes you have committed, I will not let you go lightly. The country can only be at home, so what good will you do to yourself by collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country?" "

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