Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1099 Morale

The common people made up their mind not to speak, and looked at Qin Yining and his entourage with eyes full of fear and hatred.

Obviously, their emotions were still difficult to control, and they regarded Qin Yining and his party as lackeys of the imperial court.

Qin Yining said with a stern face: "Blowing up the imperial mausoleum is the responsibility of Lu Heng alone. Originally, the Holy One wanted to question Lu Heng for the crime of treason. The Lu family had rebelled in the past, and this time they came here to blow up the imperial mausoleum." What does the mausoleum have to do with you? But he is so cunning that he drags all the people in the county into trouble to distract the attention of the Holy One. This man is really too hateful!"

Some of the people were slightly shaken after hearing this, and some were still stubborn and unmoved.

There was even a prickly head who was dissatisfied with Qin Yining's statement and said loudly: "You are from the imperial court. Of course you speak for the imperial court. Your Majesty does not care about the life and death of the people. He is willing to spend money to build the imperial mausoleum, but not to feed us. Such a foolish king , even if the imperial mausoleum is bombed, it won’t be a pity!”

"But you are so innocent." Qin Yining frowned sadly and said loudly, "I have to drag you into the water for something that has nothing to do with you. You are caught. Where is the person who dragged you into the water? He has escaped long ago. He has disappeared! He loaded gun powder for you to set fire to, and in the end he was clean and relaxed. Everyone has a simple mind, but he took advantage of him!"

The people looked at each other, a little shaken.

"Look around, are all those arrested ordinary people you are familiar with? How many rebels are there in the Lu family? They only leave a small number of people here, but you are the ones guarding the city gate. Someone who deserves to be protected.”

Qin Yining walked quickly towards the city gate, pointed in the direction outside the city and said: "But do you know what you are guarding? What you don't know is that the Tatar troops outside the city are already approaching the city! Do you think Dingguo is here to kill you? Sir, we are leading your resentful soldiers of the country to fight in a bloody battle, resisting the Tatar attack with their lives and blood!

"Don't they have horses and can't they escape? Yes! But why don't they escape? It's not because of you people! And you guard the city gate, but don't let the soldiers and horses protecting you enter the city. Seeing that they have no way to retreat. If we retreat, we can only fight to the death with the Tatars! Folks, do you think this is a benevolent act?

"We have all been responsible people for generations! But because of Lu Heng's monstrous words, he confused everyone's mind and was used by him. He did such unkind things as sitting down and involved himself and his family in the rebellion. You I don’t care about my own life, I don’t care about what future generations will say about us people in Huichuan County, and I don’t care about the life and death of the family members!?”

There was silence in front of the city gate.

Qin Yining's sonorous and powerful question hit their hearts like a drum.

I was still a little angry at first,

But now there was only regret and despair.

"I, we..." A man said with a bleak look on his face, "Please show me a way to survive, Princess!"

The man knelt down with a plop.

Someone started the conversation, and those who had begged for mercy first because of their embarrassment finally lost their psychological burden and knelt down one by one. Qin Yining had a very good reputation during his time in Huichuan County, and he had done benevolent and righteous deeds under the oppression of Mrs. Lu. Moreover, Pang Xiao had accumulated a good reputation over the years. When these people calm down and think about this, they really regret it. He was frightened and kept kowtowing.

Qin Yining shook his head and said: "Everyone has been deceived by others' words, and has committed treasonous and unethical things. By collaborating with the rebels, isn't it true that you have also become a rebel against the imperial court? Do you know how the imperial court treats those who rebel against it? "

"Kill, behead..." someone trembled and spoke.

The scene was silent for a moment, and everyone began to sob in despair.

"No, we don't want to die. We were also confused for a moment! Please have mercy on the princess, please have mercy on the princess!"

Everyone finally became afraid and knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly to beg for mercy.

Seeing that the people who had just been tied up on the city wall were still unconvinced, they finally confessed their crimes due to Qin Yining's words. Lu Weigui, who came closer, finally realized the power of Princess Zhongshun.

Lu Heng stirs up people's hearts to achieve his goals, and Princess Zhongshun also has the same ability!

Lu Weigui's respect for Song Qin Yining increased a lot. He came to Qin Yining's side and saluted, and whispered: "Princess, do you want to open the city gate now, or do you want someone to go out and explore first?"

Qin Yining looked back, smiled and said, "What do you think, Mr. Lu?"

Lu Weigui said seriously: "For the sake of safety, I think it would be better to investigate first and get in touch with Duke Dingguo."

"Master Lu is absolutely right." Qin Yining nodded in agreement, "Just do what you said."

Lu Weigui agreed, feeling extremely excited. He guessed that Qin Yining might have the same idea, but by giving him the chance to speak, she was giving him the credit for putting down the rebellion here and welcoming Duke Ding and his entourage into the city. Although it would be of little use for a woman to have such merit, she would not pursue an official career. But her willingness to give up the credit was a sign of great respect and recognition for him. Lu Weigui was truly grateful and admired.

Qin Yining arranged the matter for Lu Weigui, and then looked at the people: "Everyone, get up. If I wanted to kill you, I would have already done it on the tower just now. Why did I waste so much effort and let everyone come here to listen? Did I say this?

"We are all ordinary people. We have suffered an unreasonable disaster this time. We all have young and old at home. I really can't bear to see you being taken advantage of without knowing it."

The people raised their heads and looked at Qin Yining, hesitantly daring to get up.

Qin Yining sighed: "Everyone, please get up. I will do what I say, and I will definitely protect you in front of Duke Ding, but everyone must see the current situation clearly. The Tatars are now approaching the city. Duke Ding is dying. Resistance! If the Tatars are allowed to enter Huichuan County, think about the consequences."

The people finally calmed down and realized the seriousness of the matter.

The leading man stamped his feet and lamented regretfully: "Wrong! I'm so confused! The Tatars are outside. Everyone has heard about the lives of the people at the border who have been threshed by the Tatars for years. Why are you so confused now! Will Lu Heng lower his head?"

Everyone regretted it endlessly and wished they could beat their chests and feet.

Seeing that more than half of his goal was achieved, Qin Yining kept up his efforts and said: "For the sake of our family and children, Huichuan County must be defended. The Holy Father originally ordered the Duke to capture the rebels, so he sent troops because he wanted to capture Lu Heng's small group of people. Not many. But knowing that the Tatars are coming here, the Holy One will definitely arrange for reinforcements. Before the reinforcements arrive, I also ask all brothers and elders to help Duke Dingguo and the soldiers of the court. This is not only an opportunity for you to make meritorious deeds. It’s also for the parents and children at home.”

At this point, Qin Yining knelt down and saluted, "Everyone is so honorable, I would like to thank you."

Where have the common people ever seen a noble lady from the court saluting ordinary people? In addition, Qin Yining never pointed out their faults and accused them from the beginning. He always understood that they were deceived and found a way for them to survive by committing crimes. Their gratitude to Qin Yining became even deeper!

Everyone nodded repeatedly and said loudly: "Princess, don't worry, we will definitely guard the city gate and prevent the Tatars from going further!"

"Yes, I will help Duke Ding to guard the city gate!"

Not only the people who were tied up in a string, but also the police officers and other people who came after hearing the noise also got excited and shouted loudly that they must guard the city gate and protect their homes.

Once people unite, the power they create is huge. Even if Ji Zeyu has three heads and six arms, he can't prevent someone from stabbing him in the back. Now Qin Yining's impassioned words have aroused everyone's emotions. They may not care who becomes the emperor or the life and death of the rest of the court, but they cannot care about themselves. family.

Even if they fight for their family, they will never hold Ji Zeyu back again.

Qin Yining nodded repeatedly, moved and shouted slogans angrily, cursing Tatars.

At this time, there was a sound of shouting and killing outside the city gate. The city gate official was ordered to open the city gate a crack, and the cavalry sent by the court and the soldiers and horses of the three thousand battalion ran in exhausted one by one.

The people were stunned for a moment.

Qin Yining hurriedly ordered: "Quickly untie everyone, everyone goes to help, be sure to guard the city gate, and don't let a Tatar come in alive!"

"Yes! We can't let the Tatars come in and harm our people! Young and old men, you are copycats!"

One by one, the strong men went to find something to do. Some got shovels, hoes, door bolts, and even the long iron spoons used for cooking at home. Some were very smart and used wooden pots to cook. Gai is also used as a shield.

This group of people looked like a ragtag group of people. In order to defend their homeland, they burst out with more passionate fighting spirit than the imperial army. They rushed forward one after another, bypassed Ji Zeyu and brought soldiers and horses to the city gate. They were not able to let a single Tatar pass. People enter the city.

Ji Zeyu, like Pang Xiao, always stayed behind when retreating from battles and never escaped first. When he picked off the approaching Tatar cavalry with a sword, he turned around and galloped into the city, shouting "Close the door!" Close the door!" What I saw were ordinary people holding formal "weapons."

These common people saw Ji Zeyu riding through the door. He immediately used all his strength to push the heavy city gate.

Seeing the Tatar cavalry approaching, these peasant men, even though they had not had a full meal for a long time, were still so tired that they closed the city gate with a bang at the critical moment.

Ji Zeyu turned over and jumped off the horse. He looked at these people with an expressionless face and surprised eyes, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

Qin Yining and Lu Weigui quickly walked closer.

Lu Weigui raised his hands and saluted: "Lu Weigui, the magistrate of Huichuan County, has met Duke Dingguo."

Qin Yining also knelt down and said, "I have met Duke Dingguo."

Ji Zeyu turned around and raised his hand to indicate to the two of them that there was no need to be polite. Although his attitude was cold, it was not offensive. He raised his riding whip and pointed at the common people, looking at Lu Weigui questioningly.

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