Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1100 The Truth

This was Lu Weigui's first close contact with Ji Zeyu. The God of War figure who is as famous as Prince Zhongshun already makes people admire him. In addition, Ji Zeyu's extremely handsome appearance and frosty noble temperament make people only feel admiration and no other emotions.

Therefore, Lu Weigui held nothing back and respectfully explained the situation in the city in detail. When he talked about how Qin Yining resolved the crisis and made the people change their minds, his face was full of admiration and respect.

Ji Zeyu nodded, then smiled at Qin Yining, "Thank you for your hard work."

Qin Yining said Wanran: "It's not hard work. I heard Mr. Mu say that you are really worried about your situation outside the city. The Tatars suddenly came this time, do you know the reason?"

Ji Zeyu's expression stiffened for a moment, and he slowly exhaled a breath and said softly: "The Tatar soldiers and horses launched a full-scale war against the Great Zhou Dynasty. Lu Heng united with the old forces and led the Tatar cavalry into the pass. The commander of the Long Xiang Army was instigated by Lu Heng to rebel. , was trapped by the Tatars at Tianlang Pass, and more than half of their troops were lost. The Tatar soldiers and horses took this opportunity to march straight in, and guarded and occupied the cities they passed."


Ji Zeyu's words made everyone present despair.

For many years, the four passes of Northern Tianyu, Tianlang, Tianshu and Tianmen have been like four barriers, tightly guarded by Ji Zeyu's Longxiang army. How can the Tatars not feel fear when they mention these four passes and Ji Zeyu? of?

But now, Ji Zeyu has been deprived of military power by the Holy Emperor and is idle at home. The Longxiang Army, which was originally the Tiger and Wolf Division, has been handed over to a straw bag and a rebel who was instigated!

What a pity for the men of Longxiang Army! That was all Ji Zeyu's hard work, and he was plotted by Lu Heng like this!

Although Qin Yining guessed that Lu Heng might join forces with the Tatars, he did not expect that he would sit down like this. Introducing the Tatars to the land of the Zhou Dynasty is completely inviting the wolf into the house! At the moment, he is using the Tatars to deal with Li Qitian, but hasn't he thought about how he will expel the Tatars in the future?

Did he want the people of Zhou to be enslaved by the Tatars?

Qin Yining clenched his teeth, making his teeth itchy with anger.

What Lu Heng did was a heinous crime! He was only for his own selfishness and didn't consider the life and death of the people at all!

"If so, wouldn't Huichuan become the current border between the Zhou Dynasty and the Tatars?" Lu Weigui's worried voice brought Qin Yining back to his thoughts.

Qin Yining also looked at Ji Zeyu.

Ji Zeyu nodded,

Holding the riding whip that Pang Xiao had given him, he signaled everyone to go up to the city gate tower.

"The situation is indeed dangerous." Looking at the Tatar soldiers and horses gathered outside the city gate, Ji Zeyu's voice remained calm, "But although it is dangerous, it is not a desperate situation. I have just gone to Shusheng to request more troops. The mobilization of troops and horses will take time, so I'm afraid we can't count on it, but the nearest ones are the Fifth Army Camp, the Three Thousand Battalion and the Shenji Camp, as well as the Huben Army."

Looking back at Qin Yining and Lu Weigui, Ji Zeyu raised the corners of his lips with a slight arc, "The Tiger Army brought out by the prince has a good chance of winning against the Tatars."

Qin Yining nodded and said trustingly: "Everyone believes in Duke Dingguo's ability. Fortunately, you are here. If it were anyone else, I am afraid that the Tatars would have invaded. Not to mention that the people in the city will be in danger, and Huichuan will be broken. , how to deal with the surprise attack on the capital by Tatar soldiers and horses."

By then the Great Zhou Dynasty would really have perished at the hands of the Tatars.

Lu Weigui and others nodded in agreement, looking at Ji Zeyu with admiration and dependence.

Ji Zeyu thought for a moment and said, "Why haven't you seen Mr. Mu?"

"Master Mu went to the city to check the whereabouts of Lu Heng. But I guess Lu Heng has escaped."

Ji Zeyu nodded and said: "Judging from the recent situation, he should have escaped." Looking at Qin Yining and thinking about Pang Xiao's situation in the capital, Ji Zeyu said: "This is where the two armies are fighting, Princess She is a female family member, so she really shouldn’t stay for a long time. Just take advantage of the fact that the situation is not critical yet and return to the capital with you."

Lu Weigui also nodded in agreement, "Yes, Princess. Huichuan has become a battlefield now. If you stay, you will only put one more person in danger. You should go back to Beijing."

Qin Yining was a little hesitant. She was worried about the situation here and wanted to help.

But she knew her own weight better. If she stayed and encountered danger, she would have to trouble others to protect her. The wisest thing for her now is not to hold Ji Zeyu back.

Qin Yining nodded, "What you two said makes sense, so let's do it this way. I'll set off after I've sorted everything out."

Ji Zeyu nodded expressionlessly, but felt relieved in his heart. He knew how much Pang Xiao valued Qin Yining. If something happened to Qin Yining under his eyes, how sad would Pang Xiao be? I'm afraid none of their brothers will be able to do it in the future.

"I'll arrange for someone to escort you out of the city."

Qin Yining smiled and said: "Don't bother, I have enough people around me. It's not difficult to sneak me out quietly."

Just as he was talking, he saw Mu Jinghu walking briskly up to the city gate tower.

Seeing Ji Zeyu, Mu Jinghu bowed his hand and said bluntly: "Lu Heng left the city two days ago. The rebels in the city have been arrested one after another, but there may still be many people hiding among the people. If you want to be safe, you have to be more careful.”

Ji Zeyu returned the gift, nodded and said, "Thank you for letting me know."

Mu Jinghu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter."

Qin Yining said: "Then I will prepare my luggage."

Ji Zeyu and Lu Weigui both nodded.

Qin Yining met the two of them again and quickly walked down the tower. Mu Jinghu followed Qin Yining and whispered: "Lu Heng escaped, what are you going to do?"

"I can't think of a good way for a while." Qin Yining sighed: "At this moment, I still don't understand why Lu Heng came to this point. He was not such a person originally."

For power, for wealth, and to make himself stronger, Lu Heng's actions may one day achieve his goal, but he also paid a high price, including his once glorious and magnanimous gentleman's heart, and His image in Qin Yining's mind.

The group returned to the Yamen all the way without encountering any danger on the way.

But Qin Yining knew that there were still huge hidden dangers hidden in this city, and he didn't know how Ji Zeyu could deal with them to completely solve them.

When they arrived at the wing, Ji Yun and others went to pack their things, while Qin Yining talked to Mu Jinghu in a low voice.

"Mr. Mu, logically I shouldn't talk too much. But I think your mood is really not right. If you have anything that's bothering you, just tell me. The prince and I will do our best to help you find a solution."

Mu Jinghu was silent, his eyes changing. He and Qin Yining were old acquaintances. Before she and Pang Xiao got married, he had gone to work as a guard for her. Over the years, he has witnessed her relationship with Pang Xiao with his own eyes, knows her character, and trusts her in his heart.

"That's all." Mu Jinghu's voice was a little weak, and she sighed, "It doesn't matter if I tell you. I'm done with that woman. I don't want to see her again in this life."

Qin Yining frowned. Seeing Mu Jinghu so angry and depressed, he carefully considered his words and said, "Is there any misunderstanding? I can see that Boss Qiu's feelings for you are true. She hasn't given birth to you yet." Brother Yan, if a woman is willing to give birth to an heir for a man, even if there is any misunderstanding between the husband and wife, she should look beyond it."

Mu Jinghu shook his head, "You don't know. We were all taken advantage of by that woman. She was so cunning and insidious that she plotted all of us. Even this time when she was sick, she deliberately pretended to be sick in order to seduce me. Leaving the capital."

Qin Yining was dumbfounded, "What's going on?"

Mu Jinghu said: "If you imagine the relationship between the Qiu family, a hidden family, and the Lu family, a visible family, you will understand."

Qin Yining is so smart. He has already reminded him, and there is a vague guess in his heart.

Before she could speak, Mu Jinghu said angrily: "She wooed Zhi Xi in the first place just to use Zhi Xi to deal with her uncle and regain everything she had in the Qiu family. Now that Lu Heng has fallen, the Lu family Being liquidated by the Holy Emperor showed that the family suffered a devastating blow, and it was the time when the hidden family came to the forefront.

"Nowadays, many officials in the DPRK are probably related to the Qiu family. This woman's ambition and desire for power are simply astonishing!

"In the past, she had the same goal as us, to deal with the Lu family together, so she was quite devoted to us. But now that the people arranged by the Qiu family have become officials in the court, it means that she has become a member of the Holy Emperor's faction."

Qin Yining nodded and sighed softly.

Li Qitian is the emperor, and only if the emperor makes arrangements can officials in the court secure their positions. Therefore, their previous common interests with Qiu Feishan collapsed after the Lu family was destroyed. Now the person who has common interests with Qiu Feishan has become Li Qitian. When will they be able to destroy Lu Heng and settle the Tatar issue? All Qiu Feishan's grievances were completely fulfilled.

"Tell me, how did her grandfather, who loved her most, die?" Mu Jinghu mocked, "It sounds like she was some kind of filial granddaughter who wanted revenge and what she wanted to do. Who knows that now the interests are in front of her? She was even able to shake hands with the man who killed her grandfather."

Qin Yining was even more surprised, "You mean, Boss Qiu and Qiu Yuanqing have reconciled?"

"Yes." Mu Jinghu gritted his teeth and said, "This woman is simply too insidious. She has a great need for control and is not willing to listen to other people's suggestions and ideas. She thought it was dangerous for me to stay in the capital, so she lied and tricked me out. , she even pretended to be sick and made Bingtang do a lot of extra work. Now that her goal has been achieved, she naturally doesn’t care what I think."

Mu Jinghu took two deep breaths to calm down, and said in a deep voice: "She and Qiu Yuanqing have reconciled. All the efforts made in the past have become a joke. She also asked me to pretend to be sick and continue to cheat Zhixi. To put it bluntly, she just wanted to control it." I don’t want to get too close to me and Xi, after all, she and Xi had a common goal in the past, but now they don’t!”

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