Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1101 Go Home

The room fell into an eerie silence for a moment.

Mu Jinghu sat slumped on an armchair nearby.

Qin Yining couldn't think of how to comfort him. Mu Jinghu was not someone who would slander others at will. Since he said this, he meant that it really happened.

She had received a letter from Bingtang earlier, saying that Qiu Feishan's condition was strange. Now it seems that if she is pretending to be ill, Bingtang cannot diagnose the disease, but she complains of a headache. Of course, Bingtang doesn't know the cause and can only attribute it to a strange illness.

Qin Yining felt that there were two reasons why Mu Jinghu was being held back in this way. One reason is that Qiu Feishan does not want Mu Jinghu to be involved in Pang Xiao's matter, and the other reason may be for Mu Jinghu's safety.

Qiu Feishan is extremely intelligent, with top-notch intelligence and methods. Just because she is willing to think about her husband does not mean that she is completely careless in her treatment of Mu Jinghu.

It's a pity that Qiu Feishan miscalculated Mu Jinghu's reaction. She didn't expect Mu Jinghu to value loyalty so much. He would rather choose a loyal brother and keep his promise than favor Qiu Feishan because she is the mother of his son. . Qiu Feishan had never expected Mu Jinghu to do this, and she would be upset and heartbroken for him to run away.

Qin Yining opened his mouth. Faced with a woman who had plotted against him and Pang Xiao, it was impossible for Qin Yining to treat her as before. But if you say how much she hates Qiu Feishan, that's not the case. It's just that their positions are different. She would do such a thing. Although she doesn't agree with it, she can understand it. In the future, it's just a matter of differences and not conspiring with each other.

I just feel sorry for Mu Jinghu.

The daughter-in-law he chose, he did not hesitate to snatch her away and negotiate the terms to marry her. He must have loved Qiu Feishan very much. But the woman he loved deceived him and was even suspected of using him. He was not a man who refused to take responsibility. Qiu Feishan gave birth to Brother Yan again.

This is really a bad debt that cannot be calculated.

Qin Yining shook his head and sighed, "Mr. Mu, after all, it was my affair with Xi that brought you down. If it weren't for this, you and Boss Qiu could be an ordinary couple and live a stable life."

Mu Jinghu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You don't have to comfort me. I know her temper very well. She is not the kind of person who will live a stable life at all. Even without you and Zhi Xi's incident, her temper will not change. , she will still go looking for trouble and cause trouble. If she wants to go back to Tianji Valley with me to live a peaceful life, she will probably choke to death!"

Qin Yining was speechless.

"I don't want to pay attention to her anymore!" Mu Jinghu became angrier as she thought about it, and patted the small table heavily.

The tea bowl above him jingled.

Seeing him being so temperamental, Qin Yining couldn't help but sigh again. Mu Jinghu was not a particularly complicated person. He acted according to his own set of principles and acted according to his heart. He was heartbroken by Qiu Feishan's behavior, otherwise he would not talk about his wife like this in front of her.

"Okay, don't be angry anymore. After all, she is Brother Yan's biological mother, and Brother Yan is your eldest son. He is innocent. If you are angry, you still have to think about it. Brother Yan."

Hearing this, Mu Jinghu grabbed her hair in pain, obviously confused to the extreme.

Qin Yining didn't know whether she should continue to persuade him, because this was the first time she had seen Mu Jinghu show such an expression.

She also felt uncomfortable. After all, she regarded Qiu Feishan as her ally.

"I will never trust her again." After a long time, Mu Jinghu said in a dry voice: "I don't care about the rich life, what I care about is her feelings for me. He has been deceiving me and using me from the beginning to the end. This is me The most difficult thing to accept. I also know that Brother Yan is innocent. After finishing the work here, I will take Brother Yan to my side to teach me. From now on, I will have nothing to do with Qiu Feishan, and she will go her way. Yang Guandao, I'm crossing my single-plank bridge, even if I lead Brother Yan to live in poverty, that's the life we ​​two should live."

When Qin Yining heard this, he knew that Mu Jinghu was angry at this time and was already feeling discouraged. He didn't know how to persuade him at the moment, so he only said soothingly: "Don't get into trouble in everything, deal with it calmly. No matter what, if you have Zhixi and I are here, and you and Brother Yan have homes to go back to."

Mu Jinghu raised his head after hearing this, looked into Qin Yining's sincere eyes, and nodded after a long while.

Soon, Jingzhe and others packed their luggage, and Ji Zeyu also came to find them.

"You should leave as soon as possible. At this time, the Tatars are repairing and have no time to take care of so much. I will lead my people to protect you and leave."

Qin Yining shook his head and said with some worry: "It's easy for us to escape. But it's not easy for you to stay here. The people in the city don't have much food. If you have to guard here for who knows how long, people will eat what horses chew. A lot of expense.”

Before he finished speaking, Ji Zeyu understood Qin Yining's worries.

The national treasury is not tight anymore. All the money from the Holy Spirit was spent on building the imperial mausoleum, almost depleting the original capital. Now that the world is facing a major disaster, the people are displaced, and there are people in various states who are revolting due to hunger. These chaos have not been suppressed yet, the Tatars Taking advantage of the opportunity again, it wasn't that Li Qitian didn't want to transport food and grass to Ji Zeyu, but that he himself was stretched too thin.

"Don't worry, I will find a way." Ji Zeyu didn't say much, raised his eyebrows confidently, and then selected people to go out of the city to harass them, making all kinds of noises.

Qin Yining said goodbye to Lu Weigui, boarded the carriage and followed Ji Zeyu with Jingzhe, Liao Zhibing and others to break out.

The Tatars were tired from the long-distance attack. In addition, they had just prepared to set up camp and their defense was still weak. Ji Zeyu's men caught them off guard. During the battle, Qin Yining's team chose an inconspicuous path and fled quickly.

The shouting and killing gradually faded away. Qin Yining raised the curtain of the car and looked back worriedly. He only saw two teams of people fighting in one place. Ji Zeyu and his party were heading towards the city gate to fight and retreat. There were also people in the city who opened the city gate and came out. Answered.

Qin Yining sighed, "Now that we're leaving, it's up to Duke Ding to clean up the mess here."

"It's not your fault. The fault is that the Tatars took advantage of the opportunity and came in. Furthermore, the Holy One is stupid. If you had been willing to put some thought into it, you wouldn't have been completely helpless at this time." Ji Yun's voice got louder as he spoke. Liao Zhibing and Meng Qin, who were following the car, were all excited and started discussing.

Mu Jinghu rode her horse and followed the team, sullen and silent.

Qin Yining raised the car curtain and looked at Mu Jinghu like this, and couldn't help but sigh again.

Because they were on their way and the capital was not far from here, Qin Yining and his party camped outside for two nights and arrived in the capital soon.

However, the sight in front of them made the group even more shocked and powerless.

There was a large open space in front of me, with victims lying or sitting in various places everywhere. There was even a woman who was as skinny as a bone, with sunken cheeks, and she still held a child in her arms and rocked it gently.

There are victims of the disaster everywhere in the large open space in front of the city gate. There are even people arranged by the city to patrol the places where the victims live. Once they find a deceased victim, they will take them away by force regardless of the wishes of their families. The remains were cremated and laid to rest.

Qin Yining naturally knew that what these people did was correct. In the face of disaster, preventing epidemics was the most important thing. No one cared about the mood and tears of a few people.

But this tragic situation has extended to the capital, which still makes people feel chilly.

"Princess, let's..." Ji Yun's throat was dry and he coughed several times before he could find his voice again, "Let's go into the city right now."

Nodding, Qin Yining pursed her lips and frowned as she sat on the carriage, not daring to look at the tragic situation outside.

The city gates were closed tightly, and all vehicles coming and going were carefully checked. However, Qin Yining returned to the capital and there was a road leading him, so he was naturally allowed to pass respectfully.

As soon as he entered the city gate, he saw the still neat streets, as if a thick city wall separated the inside and outside into two worlds. Qin Yining couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he no longer saw those tragic scenes.

Ji Yun sighed: "It would be great if the whole world was like this."

Qin Yining was silent, and everyone outside the carriage was also silent.

After a long time, Qin Yining asked Mu Jinghu outside the carriage: "Is the prince in this palace now?"

"Yes." Mu Jinghu said, "He is seriously injured. He has not been in court for a long time and is recuperating in the mansion."

Qin Yining nodded. Thinking of Pang Xiao's injury, he became more and more impatient. He lifted up the car curtain and urged: "Let's hurry up. Everyone can have a good rest when we get to the palace."

Putting aside the troubles outside for the time being, everyone finally felt relaxed as they were about to arrive home.

Soon, the group arrived in front of the palace of Prince Yuci.

Menzi was a close confidant arranged by Pang Xiao. As soon as he saw Qin Yining's carriage approaching, he became vigilant, but when he saw the people following the carriage clearly, he immediately smiled and told inside: "Go and tell inside that it is the princess who is back. ” Then he came up to him and saluted.

Qin Yining talked to the car curtain and smiled: "Excuse me. How is the house? Has anyone come to visit the prince recently?"

Menzi smiled and said: "Princess, don't worry, the prince's injury is getting better." He kept silent about the visit.

Qin Yining knew it in his mind.

Qin Yining got out of the car and entered the house with everyone.

Someone had prepared a sliding pole to move around. Qin Yining had just sat down when he heard footsteps coming from the house.

Running in front was Bingtang, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. She was accompanied by two maids, Ziyuan and Hanxiao.

When Ji Yun saw Bingtang, he chuckled: "You girl, you went to the south, why does your face look rounder? Could it be that your life is too comfortable? It can be seen that Huzi has protected you and your party well."

Bingtang's face turned red and she spat at Jiyun: "You will bully me with your talkative words. Princess, why don't you let me make the decision?"

"What are you calling the shots? Why did I bully you?" Ji Yun said with a smile.

Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh, nodded and said: "Make the decision, make the decision, you two are the people around me, so I will naturally make the decision for you. You are old and should have been released to get married. You will come back to me in the future." It’s also nice to have a lady in charge around you.”

Not only was Bingtang blushing this time, Ji Yun's face was also blushing, and the two of them shyly called out "Princess!"

Everyone laughed for a while, sweeping away the gloomy mood they had just returned from.

Qin Yining took Bingtang's hand and asked, "How is the prince's injury?"

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