Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1103 Visiting

Bingtang, Jiyun and others responded immediately upon hearing the voice and walked in quietly carrying hot water, green salt and other things.

Qin Yining turned over and sat up, yawning lazily, "It's time to go home and feel at ease. I haven't slept so soundly in a long time."

Pang Xiao smiled, still lying on the bed, tilting his head to watch her go down to the ground, put on her soft-soled embroidered shoes, and wash and change clothes under the service of the maid.

Ziyuan wanted to help Pang Xiao get up, but Pang Xiao only waved his hand, and the maid did not dare to come forward.

Qin Yining was sitting in front of the dowry, with rouge on her ring finger. She saw Pang Xiao's movements in the mirror and said with a smile: "I will help you wash and comb your hair later."

"That's fine, but I'm sorry for bothering you to serve me."

Pang Xiao tilted his head and watched Qin Yining dressing up. She was wearing a light green t-shirt and her long crow-green hair was scattered behind her. Ji Yun and Bingtang were combing her hair carefully. There was always her dowry in the bedroom, but Pang Xiao hadn't seen this peaceful scene for a long time, and her heart felt soft and warm. She really hoped that it could continue like this in the future.

Qin Yining smiled and rolled her eyes at him, carefully put on her lip makeup in the mirror, and occasionally said: "Didn't I pay attention to you before?"

Pang Xiao couldn't help but laugh when he saw her delicate and pretty appearance.

Qin Yining combed his hair, knowing that Pang Xiao would not want the maids around him to see his injuries, so he asked everyone to leave, brought medicine to change Pang Xiao's dressing, then brought hot water to help him wash, and finally took a wooden comb Comb his hair carefully.

Pang Xiao was sitting sideways, and Qin Yining was standing facing him. This angle was very convenient for him to put his arms around her waist and pinch her slender waist with his big hands. Pang Xiao couldn't help but frown: "Why have you lost so much weight?"

Qin Yining smiled, "I have been walking around a lot, so I have naturally lost some weight, but I feel that my body is recovering very well now, much better than when I just gave birth to Brother Zhao and Brother Han."

"It's a lot of work." Pang Xiao sighed.

Qin Yining didn't want Pang Xiao to think too much, so he asked, "Have I told you everything about Mr. Mu?"

"He told me as soon as he came back." Pang Xiao felt a little regretful, "Actually, Mu Mu has real feelings for his wife. But from the beginning of their first year of junior high school, I was actually a little worried, because in comparison, Mu Mu was more innocent. Many, but it happens that he has good martial arts skills and is my good friend, so he is very likely to be exploited. Now it seems that I was not a villain at the time. "

Qin Yining used a hosta to fix his bun, and then twisted away a piece of hair that fell on his shoulder.

He sat down next to him and said, "We also listened to Mr. Mu's side of the story. Maybe things are not exactly what he saw and understood, but Boss Qiu did indeed do something that hurt his heart to make his son ignore it. . I think this matter happened because of us, and we have to help them and their husbands at least."

Pang Xiao said: "Even if our relationship is involved, Qiu Feishan should not be underestimated. Her scheming is too deep, and her many years of ups and downs in the business world have made her increasingly ruthless. Maybe she has different concepts from us. She may I don’t understand the feeling of wood.”

"This is why since ancient times, there has been a saying that people with different opinions do not work together. If you want to use your own ideas to persuade another person to agree, unless what happened to the other person allows him to see clearly for himself, the consequences of just saying one word are likely to be disastrous. They broke up happily. Husband and wife were already more sensitive and had more demands on each other. Boss Qiu’s approach touched Mr. Mu’s bottom line and made him feel disappointed and unfamiliar. He wanted to change his concept in the short term. It’s unlikely.”

Qin Yining said with some helplessness and sigh, "Although I don't agree with Boss Qiu's approach, and I don't like this person very much now. But after all, they are husband and wife, and they have children. Seeing them making such a fuss, I I can’t bear it in my heart.”

Pang Xiao nodded: "I will do my best on this matter and will go and persuade him. However, there is a raging wind in the country right now, the refugee issue has not been resolved, and the Tatars are directly attacking Huichuan County. Once the city is defeated, the capital will be in danger. .The world is already in chaos, and I want to see what the Holy One has to do to deal with it."

Qin Yining lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes flickering, clearly out of anger, and said for a long time: "When you came back from Danfu County, he didn't give you a good look. He slapped you twice in a row. He didn't say anything about us, even if outsiders saw it. It will be chilling. Now the Tatars are coming. If he thinks of returning to you to meet the enemy, he will be wrong. Pay attention, I will never give up!"

In Pang Xiao's eyes, she looked like a little beast with teeth and claws. She was trying to protect him, which really moved him.

"Okay, am I okay? Besides, if you don't want to give up, what do you want to do with it?"

Qin Yining sneered, "Disposal is out of the question. He is the emperor, what can I do with him? But one day I will let him have a taste of making a fool of himself in public."

Qin Yining is still holding grudges at this moment. Pang Xiao was pinned to the Jinluan Palace to fight. With his pride and the image he has established for many years, Li Qitian trampled on his dignity to this point. Qin Yining will never give up.

Pang Xiao suddenly felt like he was being protected. She is obviously a weak woman, but she can give him this feeling of mutual support and reliance every time. Pang Xiao has not seen this feeling in other people for a long time, because whether it is his family or his subordinates, they are all There is no one he can rely on.

Pang Xiao held her hand, rubbed the back of her smooth hand with his thumb, and said with a smile: "Okay, whether I can say this depends entirely on our Sister Yi."

Such a tone made Qin Yining's face heat up, and she gave him an angry look: "You know how to talk nicely."

After the two had a simple breakfast, they continued to stay in the house reading and chatting, chatting about the current situation and how Zhou should deal with the current crisis.

But just after lunch, Qin Yining and Pang Xiao were about to take a nap when Bingtang came to the door and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, Princess! There are guests outside."

"Guest?" Qin Yining asked doubtfully, "Who is here?" Why are you so anxious? "

Bingtang said: "It's Boss Qiu. Mr. Mu has gone to the front hall now."

Qin Yining's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Pang Xiao beside him questioningly.

Pang Xiao seemed to know what Qin Yining was worried about, and smiled and patted her hand: "Don't worry, Mu Mu will not be so angry that he kills his son's mother." But his straightforward temper will definitely not give Qiu Fei any Shan is just looking good.

Qiu Feishan's arrival is not a small matter. Although Pang Xiao is injured, she still needs to meet her. There are differences between men and women, so it is not convenient for her to come to the inner room.

Qin Yining ordered someone to prepare a wooden wheelchair, and asked Huzi and Tang Xiu to help Pang Xiao sit on it. Under Pang Xiao's reluctant and awkward look, they pushed the wheelchair all the way to the front hall.

As soon as he entered the door, Qin Yining saw Qiu Feishan, who was dressed as a scribe in a sky-blue long slender gown with a wide placket and rolled up hair.

Just like when they first met, Qiu Feishan resumed her daily dressing habits. Although she did not deliberately dress up as a man, the men's clothes on her body did not show any deliberate hardness or pretentiousness. Instead, she felt that even though she was a woman, Wearing men's clothing is also natural and elegant.

Mu Jinghu was wearing a gray muslin robe, standing at the door with his hands behind his hands. He seemed to be from the same world as Qiu Feishan, who was wearing cocoon silk.

Perhaps he heard the voices of Qin Yining and Pang Xiao, Qiu Feishan stood up with the help of her maid Biying, stepped forward with a smile and said: "I heard that the prince was injured, it seems that the injury is not serious. Is the prince feeling better?"

Pang Xiao was pushed to the main position by Tang Xiu and Hu Zi. Although it was uncomfortable to sit on the injured hip, it was better than walking all the way and dragging the wound. Pang Xiao is a very patient person. His expression was as usual at this time, and there was nothing wrong with him. He just smiled when he heard this: "I am fine, and Boss Qiu is fine too?"

Qiu Feishan complained of illness many times, and even Bingtang went to see her for a period of time. Everyone knew that she was pretending to be ill. Pang Xiao took this time to talk about it, but he didn't know what it meant.

Qiu Feishan narrowed her eyes slightly, then smiled openly and said: "I'm fine now. Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty." She then looked at Qin Yining and saluted, "I've met the princess."

Qin Yining sat down next to Pang Xiao and only raised his hand: "No courtesy."

Qiu Feishan was stunned for a moment by her cold attitude, but when she looked at Mu Jinghu's look, she understood.

She couldn't continue the afterglow, so she had to get straight to the point.

After everyone sat down, Qiu Feishan said bluntly: "My husband must have told the prince and the princess what happened. No matter how many reasons there are, the result is that I hid some private messages and even harmed the girl Bingtang next to the princess. After all the fuss, I felt really sorry."

Bingtang stood behind Qin Yining and rolled her eyes unceremoniously.

Qin Yining only smiled and said nothing.

If she were an ordinary woman, she would have been ashamed of herself if she encountered such a situation, but Qiu Feishan still kept her composure and said with a smile: "It seems that the princess has forgiven me."

Qin Yining didn't want to pay attention to her shamelessness and still ignored it.

Qiu Feishan said: "Actually, business matters are official matters, and family matters are family matters. Just like there were still some grudges from the previous generation between the prince and Zhi Pan'an, but they were all state affairs. In the end, the prince married Princess Song as usual. This is a family matter.

"I don't mean anything else. My husband and I have a very deep relationship. Brother Yan is now so old, and I have absolutely no intention of having any second thoughts about my husband. Even if my idea is disapproved by my husband, it can't be erased." Drop my spot.”

Mu Jinghu glared at Qiu Feishan, her eyes filled with almost uncontrollable anger.

Qiu Feishan sighed: "The relationship between you and me as husband and wife will never change in this life. The reason why the prince and I can cooperate now is because we have a common goal. There is no conflict."

When Pang Xiao heard what Qiu Feishan said, he said sarcastically: "I thought Boss Qiu came here to explain clearly because he was reluctant to part with wood. I didn't expect that you came here to discuss cooperation with me? Don't you remember when you met me?" You have cooperated before, and I don’t know what common goals I have with you.”

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