Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1104 Lobbying

Qiu Feishan naturally knew that Pang Xiao had never been easy to get along with, but she still felt a little embarrassed when he said the mocking words so straightforwardly.

Qiu Feishan suppressed her unhappiness and said: "Your Majesty, you are really busy with things. You can forget such a big thing. Don't worry about it. Whatever we did together in the past, let's put it aside for the time being. We are here for the future. "

Everyone was silent. In such an awkward atmosphere, Mu Jinghu even wanted to gag Qiu Feishan and throw her out.

Qiu Feishan didn't care at all, and continued: "Now Lu Heng colludes with the Tatars to attack the Great Zhou Dynasty. Huichuan County is so close to the capital. If it falls, I am afraid that the capital will not be able to respond in time even if it wants to take precautions. I am afraid that all lives will be ruined by then." ?

"Although Duke Ding is a fierce general and has experience in defeating the Tatars, he was well prepared at the beginning, and the situation is far from comparable to the current situation."

Pang Xiao was not moved at all, and asked calmly: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, why bother to beat around the bush?"

Qiu Feishan didn't care about his attitude and smiled slightly: "Okay, that's all I will say. Regardless of other things, the cooperation between me and the prince in the past should be regarded as quite pleasant. I hope that Continue to cooperate with the prince. As long as the prince is willing to agree to the request to go out to fight, expel the Tatars, and eliminate Lu Heng and his gang, then I am willing to fill the military salary for you privately that cannot be provided by the court."

At this point, Qiu Feishan stood up, her voice full of loyalty, and her tone was very passionate: "The imperial court can't come up with money for disaster relief, let alone money to fight off the Tatars. When the people are in danger, what they hope for most is What is it? If the prince, the god of war, descends from the sky at this time and can relieve foreign troubles at his fingertips, among other things, the reputation of the prince, the god of war, will be even greater than before!"

Taking a few steps closer, Qiu Feishan cupped her hand and said, "I know that Your Majesty is a great hero with a big heart, so I naturally know what to say when it's time. This kills two birds with one stone and we are mutually beneficial and win-win. What reason does Your Majesty have to refuse?" ?”

Mu Jinghu's hands behind her back were clenched into fists, almost making a clicking sound. This woman who was so philistine and took advantage of the national crisis to negotiate terms with Pang Xiao turned out to be the mother of his son! Mu Jinghu really wished he could strangle her to death!

Qiu Feishan waited confidently for Pang Xiao's answer. She believed that Pang Xiao was smart enough to know when to do what, and he would never give up this excellent opportunity to perform.

So when Pang Xiao's mocking smile hung on her lips, Qiu Feishan was still stunned for a moment.

"Boss Qiu's plan is good." Pang Xiao's voice was leisurely, but his words were not friendly. "Let me tell you this. Even if I have to go on an expedition in the future to quell the Tatar rebellion, it will be my fault. I want to go. It has nothing to do with you, let alone any cooperative relationship.

The money is not enough, the court has its own arrangements, and I don’t need Boss Qiu’s support. "

Qiu Feishan was stunned. She had been full of confidence since entering the door and finally fully understood the current situation. Pang Xiao is not someone who can be manipulated by others. She knows how tough he is, but she didn't expect that at this juncture, Pang Xiao still refuses to cooperate with her!

"My lord, please think carefully. The current situation is really unfavorable to the people. If it continues to be delayed, once the Tatars attack Huichuan, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"What you care about is the people?" Pang Xiao's sarcasm became more obvious, "How can such a person who has the world at heart and a sense of justice not care about the revenge of killing his biological grandfather? As far as I know, your grandfather held you in the palm of his hand. , raised carefully, and it was Qiu Yuanqing who killed your grandfather. Now you can still stand on the same front as Qiu Yuanqing, Boss Qiu’s actions are really difficult for me to see through. "

"But it doesn't matter, and I don't want to see it through. I am a reckless man, and since I am not sure about some things, there is no need to force myself. There is no need to work together in different ways, Boss Qiu, you still don't have to Please take the trouble to convince me."

Mu Jinghu stood aside, and after hearing what Pang Xiao said, her face was already flushed with embarrassment for Qiu Feishan. Obviously she was deeply ashamed of Qiu Feishan's behavior.

Qiu Feishan gradually regained her composure after being stunned. He didn't care at all about Pang Xiao's ridicule, which was even comparable to a slap in the face, but said: "Prince Zhongshun is a smart man. Think about it, if you agree to cooperate with me now, you can still get support in terms of food and salary after sending troops in the future. . But if you don’t agree, you may still have to go on an expedition in the future. Do you expect the Holy One to give you food and salary?”

On the surface, this statement seems to be presenting facts and making sense, but in fact, it is a clear threat.

Mu Jinghu had already said that the Qiu family and the Lu family gradually completed their transformation after the Lu family's failure. Now the Qiu family has become a prominent family. People who have been buried in the court for many years can finally be used. In addition, Qiu Feishan uses Qiu Feishan to With her family's financial resources and connections, if she wanted to influence something in the court, there were many people who could take the lead.

Now that Pang Xiao doesn't agree to Qiu Feishan's cooperation, she has the ability to make Pang Xiao go to war as usual! And it is very likely that the court will not be able to come up with any money at all.

If you don’t agree to cooperate, you will face an even more embarrassing ending!

"That's enough!" Before Pang Xiao could say anything, Mu Jinghu couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily, "You're not embarrassed enough!"

Qiu Feishan was immediately stunned by Mu Jinghu's roar, and looked at Mu Jinghu blankly, "You..."

"How could I marry a woman like you! You are only interested in profit, and you can take advantage of it. Is this marriage between you and me something you can use at will?"

"How can you say that?" Qiu Feishan finally lost her composure and said anxiously, "Between you and me, how have I ever harmed you? If you think about it carefully, have I ever done anything harmful to you! I did You were not involved in any of the things I did. I made it clear just now that family matters are family matters and big things are big things. How can they be confused? No matter how much I did outside, I have never harmed you!"

"That's enough! Please come back!" Mu Jinghu yelled, stepped forward, grabbed Qiu Feishan's wrist, and pushed her out.

Biying rushed to help Qiu Feishan and screamed angrily: "Uncle, what are you doing! Our young lady..."

"Shut up! What's the matter with you!" Mu Jinghu shouted back unceremoniously and kicked the two of them out. "It's not enough to embarrass you! Get out of here!"

Qiu Feishan and Biying staggered a few steps, and finally managed to stand firm. They looked up at Mu Jinghu on the steps, whose eyes were full of anger. Qiu Feishan's eyes had already gathered tears.

Qin Yining was worried that Mu Jinghu's anger was not serious, so he hurriedly asked people to push Pang Xiao and lead everyone out of the door.

Mu Jinghu said: "Go away. Don't try to take advantage of us in the future. Neither I nor Zhixi are puppets in your hands that can be manipulated at your will."

"I didn't, I told you..."

"I don't want to believe your words anymore." Mu Jinghu stepped down the steps step by step, looked at Qiu Feishan's tearful eyes, and said sarcastically: "Tell me, how much did your clever mouth deceive me in the past? I am invisible How long have you been your accomplice? If you behave like this, aren't you afraid that Brother Yan will follow suit in the future? Who else can you tell the truth to?"

Qiu Feishan's tears flowed down.

Mu Jinghu felt extremely sad and her eyes were red. To avoid losing her composure, she turned around and walked to the side courtyard.

Qiu Feishan looked at Pang Xiao and Qin Yining who looked calm, opened her mouth, and finally managed to say: "Farewell." Then she quickly left with Biying.

Qin Yining frowned and looked at Qiu Feishan's back, which seemed to be running away, and sighed quietly: "What can we do, what a good young couple..."

Pang Xiao also sighed. Mu Jinghu was his brother after all, and he felt really sorry that the young couple was in such a situation because he was involved in their affairs.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao returned to the bedroom, took off their coats, and remained silent.

After a long time, Qin Yining said: "Zhixi, I don't think Qiu Feishan will give up. Maybe she will really use her power to persuade the Holy One to order you to go on the expedition."

Pang Xiao nodded: "I think so too. Even though this woman is sad about Mu Mu's words now, can't she just do what she has to do when she looks back? She is a smart and cunning person, and she must have some backup plans. "

Just as Pang Xiao and Qin Yining had guessed, in the royal study, Li Qitian was sitting behind the desk in dark uniform, looking down at the courtiers kneeling in front of him.

Fang Shouru, the Minister of Household Affairs, is over fifty years old, but he is still as strong as ever. When he replied, his voice was loud and powerful: "...I therefore ask the Holy Spirit for permission to appoint Prince Zhongshun, and put aside for the time being the mistakes he has made in the past. , for the current plan, it is important to expel the Tatars from the country first. If Prince Zhongshun and Dingbeihou can cooperate, and the power of the Huben Army is injected, the Tatars will definitely be defeated, and the trapped Long Xiang Army will be defeated. The danger can be resolved."

Now Long Xiang's army was still trapped, but fortunately they were outnumbered, trained by Ji Zeyu, and the Tatar forces were dispersed, so they were able to barely support anyone and could not defeat anyone immediately. But if it goes on for a long time, the losses of Long Xiang's army will only become more and more huge. Wouldn't it be sad at that time?

Li Qitian rubbed his sore eyebrows.

In the past few days, more than one minister has been admonishing him to use Pang Xiao. Not only the veterans of the Northern Hebei Kingdom, but also his direct descendants thought so.

He didn't understand. Why did everyone think of Pang Xiao when it came to fighting? Could it be that without Pang Xiao in this world, there would be no way to fight a war?

Seeing that Li Qitian did not answer immediately, Fang Shouru said eagerly: "Your Majesty, my minister..."

"Okay." Li Qitian interrupted Fang Shouru, "Please step back first. I still need to think about it."

Fang Shouru's words were choked in his throat. He took a breath before finally calming down. He bowed his head respectfully and bowed before leaving quietly.

Li Qitian was silent for a long time, still sitting quietly behind the desk, seeming to be thinking about the current situation.

After Fang Shouru left the palace gate, he immediately ordered the servant to deliver a letter. Although there was nothing written on the cover of the letter, the first word on the letter cover was the word "Autumn".

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