Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1106 Choice

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining were also thinking about how to deal with it, but they thought about it for a while by linking Qiu Feishan's working habits with recent events, and finally came to the same conclusion.

"It seems that there is a high chance that the Holy Emperor will arrange for you to go on an expedition. If there is really a decree, what will you do then?" Qin Yining pursed his lips and leaned against Pang Xiao. "The national treasury is empty, and the Holy Emperor's internal funds have probably been emptied to build the imperial mausoleum. If you are allowed to go to the battlefield and you are not given food and salary, what will the soldiers eat and drink?"

In fact, Pang Xiao was also worried in his heart, but the matter was already at this point. No matter how worried he was, there was no need to show it in front of Qin Yining. It would only make her worry too.

Holding her delicate shoulders, Pang Xiao pressed a kiss on her cheek, "Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion."

Proper? What can he do if he is measured? A clever woman can't make a living without rice, so the soldiers go to war hungry. These people will probably be full of complaints, right?

Qin Yining sighed quietly and said in a low voice: "If it really doesn't work, there is a way. The things we hide outside Golden Port can also solve urgent needs at critical moments."

"It's not that I haven't thought about the method you mentioned. It's just that so much money appears out of thin air, no matter who you are, you will be suspicious."

Seeing Qin Yining looking at him seriously, Pang Xiao was also worried that she would misunderstand that he was reluctant to use the silver from the treasure. He explained with a smile: "I am not reluctant to use the silver. The silver was taken from the people, so naturally it should be used for the people. I Just considering our own safety, we want to use a safe method."

"I understand." Qin Yining laughed, thinking that Pang Xiao was trying to say something, "Don't I understand who you are? That's what I wanted to say. It's important to save others, but at least we must preserve ourselves. That way you can do more.”

Pang Xiao couldn't help but chuckle: "You're right, I won't act rashly, don't worry."

The two looked at each other and smiled. Although the situation in the court was chaotic and the war was tense, it seemed that they could find peace as long as they could get together.

In the next few days, Qin Yining has been taking good care of Pang Xiao's body. Perhaps with Qin Yining by his side, Pang Xiao's mood has been very good. His injury has improved a lot compared to the previous two days, making everyone around him feel relieved. One breath.

Since Pang Xiao was beaten by the emperor, he has been recuperating behind closed doors and will no longer participate in court meetings. But the most intense dispute in successive court meetings was the Tatar issue. Pang Xiao got some information from his contacts and knew that Li Qitian was having a heated discussion with his ministers about whether to use him.

Pang Xiao didn't care and waited for the news without any panic. But many ministers could not remain calm.

For several days in a row, the originally deserted palace was suddenly flooded with visitors. Even the stewards of the palace and the ladies in the tea room were busy, having to entertain and see off guests every day.

Another adult was sent away, and Pang Xiao sighed tiredly.

Qin Yining came out of the inner room and said with a smile: "How are you? Are you exhausted these days?"

Pang Xiao took advantage of the situation and leaned on Qin Yining, who was approaching him. He nodded as if he had been greatly wronged, "Isn't it? It's too tiring to talk to these people. They only care about a few things. I want to put my words into words." Turn it over and over, break it into pieces, and tell them."

Qin Yining was so amused by him that he couldn't help laughing, "So many people who visit you either want to persuade you to fight for the country for the sake of the country's justice, or they think that you may revolt, so they come here specifically to curry favor with you, and they are more meaningful to calm your emotions. Yes. I think these people don't care about your feelings at all. This is going to be a war, and you need to take action. They just came here like this. It seems like everyone else is a fool."

"They probably thought of me because they couldn't think of any reliable way to achieve their goals." Pang Xiao shook his head indifferently, "I just feel that the situation in the court of Zhou Dynasty is very sad now. People are all looking for a little bit of profit for themselves, but they don't see how much care and love they have for the people of Zhou Dynasty. You think of such a court and such officials, they can really lead the people to live a good life. Days?"

Qin Yining patted his hand reassuringly, "When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Isn't that how the adults in the court have always gotten along with each other. For their own petty gains, they would abandon and sacrifice the more important things of the Zhou Dynasty. They I am afraid that only you are in your eyes, and only the white snowflakes and silver are the real benefits. Those who deliberately make such a gesture in front of you have ulterior motives. This is also the majority of people in the court today. "

"I understand the truth, but after thinking about it, I still feel helpless." Pang Xiao held Qin Yining's shoulder and sighed quietly.

Just as the two of them were talking in a low voice, Ji Yun's slightly anxious voice suddenly came from outside: "Your Majesty, Princess, Manager Xiong next to Your Majesty is here, and we are sipping tea at the front right now."

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao looked at each other, their hearts skipping a beat.

They knew that Li Qitian finally lost his temper.

Pang Xiao thought for a while, turned over and lay down on the soft couch, and said to the outside: "Go and tell Manager Xiong that I have difficulty moving at the moment. If you don't mind, please ask Manager Xiong to come to the inner house to talk about it."

"Yes." Ji Yun quickly went to the front hall and repeated Pang Xiao's words to him.

Xiong Jinshui has always been tactful, so he was not angry after hearing this. He had made up his mind to have both sides, and it was no secret that Pang Xiao was beaten. He had made various psychological preparations on the way when he came, and even thought about it. If Pang Xiao is angry, even if he kicks himself, he cannot retain any anger to avoid losing his life in the future.

As soon as Ji Yun said this, Xiong Jinshui immediately smiled and said, "It's because our family didn't think carefully. We should have gone to the prince's resting place to disturb him."

Jiyun knew that this man was a man and that he had passed the test, so he smiled and led the way, leading Xiong Jinshui to the inner house where he saw Pang Xiao lying on the couch with a pale face.

Xiong Jinshui did not dare to be negligent and saluted, "I have met the prince."

"It turns out it's Eunuch Xiong, no need to be polite." Pang Xiao waved his hand, signaling Xiong Jinshui to stand up, and said with a smile, "I'm still injured, so I couldn't greet Eunuch Xiong in person. It's really rude."

Xiong Jinshui hurriedly said that he didn't dare, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, our family is here to disturb you this time to convey the Holy Master's wishes."

As he spoke, he raised his hands in the direction of the palace to show respect and reverence: "Tomorrow is the day of the great court meeting. Your Majesty has asked your servant to inform the prince that you will attend the court meeting on time tomorrow."

Qin Yining frowned displeased, deliberately acting domineering: "Of course I have to obey the Lord's instructions, but the prince's injury... Mr. Xiong, please don't take it to heart, I'm just worried about the prince these days. I have a high fever and it hasn’t gotten better yet. If I go to attend a large court meeting and my injuries get aggravated by moving and tossing, what should I do?"

At this point, the overbearing dissatisfaction turned into full of grievance, and Qin Yining should have quickly shed two lines of tears: "Our whole family has sacrificed their lives for the Great Zhou Dynasty, even my poor son... now The prince's injury is so serious that he cannot be cared for by a good general, but he has to attend the court meeting. If Mr. Xiong can discuss it with the Holy One, please spare my prince."

Xiong Jinshui felt cold sweat running down his forehead when he heard this, and almost wanted to call Qin Yining "aunt."

"Please spare me. You think too highly of me. Who is my status? How can I discuss anything with the Holy One? I just follow His Majesty's instructions." Xiong Jinshui couldn't help but kneel down as he spoke. "Please have mercy, Your Majesty. For the sake of us working together for the Holy Master, please don't let this servant be in trouble!"

Pang Xiao hurriedly supported him with one hand: "General Manager Xiong is also in a difficult situation. What's more, since the imperial edict is issued, I just obey it."

When Xiong Jinshui saw that Pang Xiao was willing to speak for him and Qin Yining didn't seem to be able to refute, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and saluted Pang Xiao gratefully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding!"

"What are you talking about?" Pang Xiao smiled and said, "You are the one who serves the Holy One, and you have always served him with all your heart. To be honest, if there is no support from the Holy One, how can the Holy One be able to do everything smoothly and take advantage of everything? You We are both ministers of the Holy Emperor, so it is natural for us to understand each other."

Xiong Jinshui couldn't tell whether what Pang Xiao said to him was true or false, but he knew that he had passed this test.

After exchanging pleasantries with Pang Xiao, Xiong Jinshui bowed and left.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, Qin Yining gave him another small purse, which contained a hand-sized Pixiu that was exquisitely carved in gold and inlaid with emerald.

Just looking at the carving of the Pixiu and the emerald head, Xiong Jinshui's heart skipped a beat. He suppressed the corners of his mouth that couldn't help but turn up in joy and said with a smile, "Thank you, Princess."

"It's nothing like that. I'm a woman. Sometimes my brain doesn't work well and I don't think about what I say. I just said that in a hurry. Please don't take it to heart." Qin Yining said with a smile.

Xiong Jinshui didn't mind ironing too much, but he would never believe it if Princess Zhongshun was said to have a bad mind. It can only be said that at this juncture, the princess can still act towards the prince and never leave her. This kind of relationship is something that even a prisoner like him would envy.

"In any case, it is understandable that the princess and the prince have a deep love for each other. They are worried about the prince's concerns and think about the prince's thoughts. I admire the prince and princess very much and will not spread it indiscriminately."

Qin Yining secretly thought that if the people around Li Qitian were not more transparent, they might not be alive now, and smiled and politely sent Xiong Jinshui away.

When he returned to the bedroom, he saw Pang Xiao frowning, as if he was thinking about something important.

Qin Yining knew that he was also in a dilemma at this time, so she didn't give much advice. She believed that Pang Xiao would always make the most appropriate decision.

The next day at the court meeting, while everyone was still talking about it, Pang Xiao arrived outside Fengtian Gate in a small sedan carried by two people.

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