Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1107 Guess

"Hey, Prince Zhongshun, long time no see." Several ministers smiled and came forward to salute, "I haven't seen you for many days. Is your prince feeling better?"

Pang Xiao smiled and nodded, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm much better now."

Then someone lowered his voice and said with a smile: "The great court meeting arranged by the Holy One, even though the body is not yet healthy, the prince has to come because of the Holy One."

Pang Xiao looked at this man sideways. Those who could come to Fengtian Gate to listen to politics during the great court meeting were all Beijing officials above the fourth rank. This man was a veteran of the Ministry of Personnel, and belonged to the faction of veterans of the Northern Hebei Kingdom.

"Master Lin knows me well." Pang Xiao smiled lightly, making it difficult to tell whether he was happy or angry.

But anyone with a discerning eye could tell that what this person said was quite ambiguous, and it could easily make people think that he was sarcastic. And Pang Xiao did not show any dissatisfaction.

When the noble generals passing by saw Pang Xiao being so tolerant, they couldn't help but be filled with anger that they could hardly suppress.

While they were bleeding and fighting outside to protect their home and country, these civil servants only knew how to scheming, not helping, and even stumbling behind their backs. They are the ones who fight desperately, but it is these guys who are in high positions and have great power. What kind of person is Pang Xiao? It was the God of War Prince who made people fear him, and everyone called him evil behind his back! Now, he was repeatedly suppressed and mistreated by the Holy Emperor. His family was ruined and his family was destroyed. At this time, even the prince's temper was worn away.

How many grievances did it take to make the prince bow his head? What is the difference between the prince who lowered his head and the tiger and wolf whose teeth were pulled out?

The generals and nobles felt uncomfortable. Some were good at forbearing and just walked over with their heads lowered. Others had bad tempers and spat on the spot without naming them. They just said: "A bunch of silverfish!"

Pang Xiao looked amused and didn't say much. He shook his head and went to where the meeting was taking place, taking the first place among the generals according to his status.

These days, the ministers of Japan and North Korea are all concerned about the situation of the Tatar War. Although Ji Zeyu has long been experienced in defeating the enemy, Pang Xiao is in the capital, and the chance of success is higher if he joins forces with himself. Therefore, many people, whether they express their stance or not, Whether he had gone to the palace to lobby or not, he hoped from the bottom of his heart that Pang Xiao would stand up and fight against the Tatars together with Ji Zeyu.

Pang Xiao didn't care what other people thought. He was mentally prepared. If the Holy Emperor issued an order, he would just follow it immediately and carry out the errands. His thoughts are simple. No matter what Li Qitian has done, the land of the Great Zhou Dynasty belongs to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Anyone who wants to help him must be mentally prepared to have his hand chopped off. The Tatars are foreigners no matter what, and he will never allow the people to fall into the hands of the Tatars. in human hands.

It was particularly quiet in front of Fengtian Hall today. Everyone has an account in their heart.

At this moment,

The hoarse, high-pitched voice unique to the internal prison resounded throughout the square.

"Your Majesty, come to court, all ministers, kneel down!"

Everyone shouted long live the mountain and knelt down in order to salute.

Although Pang Xiao was not seriously injured, he still saluted and kowtowed with the others, and did not violate the rules at all.

Li Qitian, dressed in bright yellow, walked up the royal steps. After sitting at the front seat, he first looked at the leader of the military generals. Sure enough, Pang Xiao didn't push back and actually came. He felt a lot more comfortable.

The ministers waited quietly for instructions, and only after waiting for the words "If you have a book, you should report early and withdraw from the court without a book", they would make a recommendation to the Holy One to allow Prince Zhongshun to go to the Tartars.

But no one can know what Li Qitian is thinking today.

He coughed, and the eunuchs stepped back one after another. Li Qitian stood up and said impassionedly: "Today's court meeting, I have several decisions to announce."

Everyone was anxious, waiting for Li Qitian's next words.

Pang Xiao lowered his eyes, looked at his nose and heart, as steady and self-possessed as before, as if the sword was still in its scabbard, as if he was not touched by this moment at all.

Pang Xiao could keep his composure, but some officials became nervous.

Li Qitian clearly saw everyone's performance. He was able to arouse the tension of so many people with just one sentence. Li Qitian was very satisfied.

But seeing that Pang Xiao still had the same expression as before, as if nothing could shake him, Li Qitian felt that his heart was filled with an atmosphere that was difficult to suppress.

It's like this again, as if he has been laughing at himself, mocking himself, and he doesn't care about his will at all!

At this time, Li Qitian was more and more sure that his decision was correct!

Li Qitian stood up and spoke first: "Order Gao Wenliang to be the commander-in-chief of the Huben Army, and command an army of 100,000 to reinforce Huichuan!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire court fell silent. Everyone was stunned, their mouths opened wide, and they couldn't react for a long time.

The Huben Army is indeed brave, but the only one who can bring the capabilities of the Huben Army to its fullest is Pang Xiao, who single-handedly leads the Tiger Army!

Before today's court meeting, many people believed that Pang Xiao would definitely go out to fight according to the order and regain control of the Hu Ben Army. But no one could have imagined that the Holy Sage would be so afraid of Pang Xiao. Ning Yuan was threatened by the Tatars and refused to teach him the Huben Army again!

Those civil servants and generals who hoped that Pang Xiao would go on an expedition could not recover from their shock. And those officials who secretly belonged to the Qiu family were in even more panic at this time, trembling nervously.

They have done enough homework, and the Holy Spirit has ordered people to persuade them. Who would have thought that now, the Holy Spirit has not considered their ideas at all! There is no way to safely arrange for Pang Xiao to go into battle!

As for Gao Wenliang, he was beyond shocked at this time. He used to be Ji Zeyu's subordinate, and later his official career went smoothly, and he admired both Ji Zeyu and Pang Xiao in his heart. This is not surprising. Is there any general in the entire Zhou Dynasty who does not admire Ji Zeyu and Pang Xiao?

But he never thought that one day he would be the head coach of the Tiger Army!

"Your Majesty, I..." Gao Wenliang strode out, saluted, and said in a rough voice: "I am scared, I..."

"Why, Marshal Gao still wants to resist the decree?"

Before Li Qitian could finish his words, he lowered his face and reprimanded in a deep voice: "Aren't you willing to go on an expedition to fight against the Tatars with Duke Ding?"

"Of course I am willing, but I am still inexperienced, so I am afraid that..."

"It doesn't matter. Just take the order!"

Hearing Li Qitian's voice rose, Gao Wenliang didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only salute like rushing a duck to the shelf.

During this period, Li Qitian has been observing Pang Xiao's situation. Li Qitian became even more angry when he saw Pang Xiao standing with his hands down, looking at his nose and heart, as if he didn't seem to notice anything unexpected.

Isn't Pang Zhixi not from the Zhou Dynasty, and doesn't he have any emotional fluctuations about the expedition?

In this case, Li Qitian no longer hesitated, "Pang Zhixi."

"I'm here." Pang Xiao strode forward and saluted respectfully.

All civil and military personnel looked in Pang Xiao's direction.

Li Qitian said: "The disaster in the south is serious. When the earth dragon came back, you were out there providing disaster relief. Your experience must have been much richer. I will also be more confident in dealing with disaster relief. The people are the foundation of the Zhou Dynasty, and I will take this job Leave it to you, you will be sent to the south as a special envoy for disaster relief to control and quell the floods so that the people will not suffer!"

Everyone was even more exaggerated than they were in shock just now.

They are all smart people, what else don’t you understand at this point?

The Holy One is clearly afraid of Prince Zhongshun and does not dare to let him get even a little bit involved in the Tiger Army. He would rather let him, a very capable God of War who is very likely to expel the Tatars, go to relieve the disaster!

Indeed, Pang Xiao has experience in disaster relief and is rich in experience. But when we went to the south to provide disaster relief, it was because the earth dragon had turned over, and the area affected by the disaster must be limited in size.

But what about now? This year, there have been many natural and man-made disasters in the Zhou Dynasty, and the Holy One used the money that was not enough to build the imperial tomb. The treasury was empty and they did not come up with a proper way to solve the problem. Instead, they let it go, resulting in the treasury not being fully supplied with food. At the critical moment, the granaries in various places in the Great Zhou Dynasty were unable to survive!

The people have no food to eat, and there are unscrupulous businessmen from all over the country who are hoarding food and selling it at high prices to make the country hard to make money! Ordinary people have to calculate their daily meals, not to mention the sky-high prices sold by unscrupulous merchants? They couldn't afford it, so they had to endure it and eat tree roots and turf. Some people ran away because they couldn't survive in their hometowns. Others organized attacks on government offices in various places and started rebellions. This month alone, I heard about four places.

Now that the Holy One has given this job to Pang Xiao, it is self-evident what he will do.

To resist foreign enemies, even if you are poor, the Holy Spirit will still spend money.

But when Pang Xiao goes to provide disaster relief, and the Holy Spirit does not provide money, the disaster relief cannot be carried out. If the disaster relief cannot be carried out, who will the people in the world resent? When the time comes, the first person they will resent is Pang Xiao, the official who hosted it!

This move of the Holy Spirit is too vicious. He took advantage of this chaos and wanted Pang Xiao to be fully confessed here, so that he could have enough time to accuse Pang Xiao Luo, so that he could get rid of his big worries.

However, at a time of such internal and external troubles, the Holy Emperor only focused on eliminating Pang Xiao, a hidden danger to the throne, in order to consolidate his position. Is this really responsible?

Pang Xiao raised the corners of his mouth mockingly.

Should he lament his importance in Li Qitian's mind at this moment?

It's so difficult to target him with such strength, he really should be honored.

But does Li Qitian really not care about Tatar foreign enemies?

Pang Xiao thought about it and understood.

It’s not that Li Qitian doesn’t care about the Tatars, nor does he want to destroy the Tatars to boost the country’s prestige. What he made was a "two-pronged approach" decision. Ji Zeyu defeated the Tatars once before, and this time the Tigers and Ben troops joined. Li Qitian was determined that even if Pang Xiao was not around, Ji Zeyu and Gao Wenliang could easily defeat the Tatars. .

When the outside world is cleared and Pang Xiaoan is charged, Li Qitian can really sit back and relax.

He smiled, thinking through this in the blink of an eye, and his face became calmer than ever before.

"I obey." Pang Xiao bowed and saluted, touching the wound on his hip, which made him feel pain for a moment. However, Pang Xiao stood up as if nothing happened, and then asked: "Your Majesty, the disaster in the south is serious. How much rice, grain, money, and medicinal materials have your Majesty prepared for disaster relief? With this order, I can go and take stock and make preparations in advance."

When Li Qitian heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

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