Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1111 Persuasion

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi sighed heavily, while the other counselors also looked solemn.

"To be honest, what I saw and heard along the way was really depressing. For many years, Lao Chan and others have been following the prince, and all they want is not to see such miserable scenes again."

"That's right. I don't know what the Holy One is thinking. Doesn't this old man know that the world is so miserable?"

Speaking of this, several counselors were filled with righteous indignation and rebuked one after another with dissatisfaction: "What the Holy Lord did is really heartbreaking. As an emperor, what he thinks about all day long is not how to benefit the people, but how Concentrate all your efforts and don’t care about the life or death of the people below.”

"Yes, acting like this and being so petty is really despising."

They followed Pang Xiao for a long time, and headed by Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi, they were able to come into contact with many secret things that no one else had access to, such as the treasure. Those present were the insiders. Pang Xiao trusted them so much that they allowed them to After being exposed to the most secretive things, everyone naturally felt that their status was higher than that of other uninvited counselors.

Therefore, when talking about these things in person at this time, everyone has no scruples and says whatever comes to mind.

Pang Xiao allowed everyone to vent out all their thoughts, and then said in a deep voice: "Now that the matter has come to this, it is useless to think about the reasons for what the Holy One has done. The disaster is raging now, and you must have seen it clearly along the way. "

After Pang Xiao spoke, everyone fell silent and looked at Pang Xiao questioningly.

"The natural disaster is raging, and the Holy Emperor's relief food has only been given to this bastard. It has been exhausted after walking here from the capital. It is a long way to the south, and it is impossible for the court's relief to be delivered for a while. The weather has been cold for a day. One day, the people were hungry and cold, how could they survive?"

Hearing this, Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi and others vaguely guessed Pang Xiao's intention to talk to them today. They did not speak for a moment, but carefully weighed the pros and cons in their hearts.

The counselors are all sharp-minded and good at planning. There is no need to explain what Pang Xiao said. Everyone knows that Pang Xiao plans to use the treasure in order to relieve the victims.

"My lord, I deeply admire you for your kindness and your dedication to the people. But you also have to think about how difficult it was to get that treasure. And this treasure is your trump card!"

"Yes, my lord."

When one person spoke, others followed.

"The prince is a benevolent and righteous man, and he doesn't care about gold and silver for the sake of the people.

But the emperor has always been afraid of you, and has wanted to kill you several times. You are not doing it for anything else, even if it is just for the princess, you must preserve your strength. "

"That's right. My lord, those who achieve great things cannot be kind enough to women. They just pass the opportunity to others, sacrificing themselves to make wedding clothes for others."

"It's not easy for you to come this far. How much have you sacrificed for the Great Zhou Dynasty and to be loyal to the Holy One? But how did the Holy One treat you? This relief to the victims should have been done by the Holy One, but he refused to do anything. We don’t have enough food, but we ask you to come to provide disaster relief, just so that your efforts can be in vain.”

"Such a foolish king is really not worthy of your assistance. The Tatars have already reached Huichuan, but the foolish king only wants to fear the heroes and refuses to give you a chance to go to Huichuan."

The few people spoke to each other and expressed all the dissatisfaction that had been accumulated in their hearts for a long time.

Pang Xiao naturally knew that all those people who were willing to follow him to this day were loyal. What they said was true.

If he took out the treasure this time because he couldn't bear to see it and didn't want the people to suffer, the result would probably be what the counselors were worried about. He gave the money, but all the credit was taken by Li Qitian.

And even if everyone doesn’t say it, they understand it in their hearts. The money for disaster relief is simply a bottomless pit. There were so many people affected by the disaster in the Zhou Dynasty. How many places would Pang Xiao have to pass on his way to the old capital of the Yan Dynasty? No matter how much treasure there is, how long can he sustain it?

Xie Yue sighed and said: "Your Majesty, the matter of food for the people in this world really shouldn't be all on your shoulders."

"Your Majesty has sacrificed too much for the people and the Great Zhou Dynasty." Upon hearing Xie Yue say the same thing, the other counselors immediately had a backbone.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi are the two most trusted people around Pang Xiao. It can be said that when all the counselors make decisions or are unsure of the direction, they will first look at the opinions of these two people. What they guessed was basically what Pang Xiao thought.

So as soon as Xie Yue spoke like this, the other counselors all started criticizing Li Qitian with their words, saying that he was selfish and heartless, but when the hero did not care about the life and death of the people, he was criticized for being incompetent, and some even slapped the table and stood up to curse the emperor. .

"My lord, you must not be so benevolent as a woman! You think of doing it for the people, but maybe in the end those people will eat the food you tried to get, and they won't be grateful to you in the end!"

When Pang Xiao heard this, he raised his hand, and everyone's voices gradually stopped, looking at Pang Xiao expectantly.

Pang Xiao looked at Xu Weizhi and smiled: "Mr. Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Weizhi raised his eyes and looked at Pang Xiao's handsome face. Seeing that he had a gentle smile and no emotion at all, he blinked and thought about it for a moment, and he understood immediately.

"Your Majesty, I think there is something very good that I said." Xu Weizhi stood up and bowed.

Pang Xiao wanted to smile and raise his eyebrows: "Oh? That's what Mr. Xu said."

"'Water can carry a boat but also capsize it.' There is another saying, the world is dominated by those who win the hearts of the people." Xu Weizhixiao was so scheming that he sat back down without going into details.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Xu Weizhi in confusion.

But everyone is understanding, and they understood Xu Weizhi's meaning in the blink of an eye.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Those with a calmer temper can still hold back and say nothing.

The more impatient one said anxiously: "Your Majesty, you have to think clearly. The treasure is unfavorable, and it may be the basis for your use of troops in the future. I will use it now to save those irrelevant people." People, you might want to put gold on your face. What are you trying to do?"

"Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. My lord, you must not be as kind as a woman!"

Xie Yue shook his head: "You may have forgotten what our original intention was in following the prince."

Several people's eyes turned to Xie Yue.

Xie Yue said: "What you brothers said makes sense. We are all doing this because of the great things of the prince. The reason why the prince is worthy of our following, and we would rather shed our blood for him, isn't it because of his character?

"If the prince doesn't care about the life and death of the people at this time, and only thinks about preserving the treasure, what is the difference between what he does and what a foolish king does?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. For a moment, I couldn't find anything to say to refute.

Xie Yue said: "I agree with Brother Xu. Now is the time for the prince to win the hearts of the people. He will come back after all the money has been spent. The prince has a bright future, so why should he stick to these yellow and white things now?"

There was silence in the room, everyone was analyzing what Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi said.

It can be seen that the prince has already made a decision.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Pang Xiao stood up and spoke slowly: "I followed the emperor in the beginning, and it was because the Hunjun of Northern Hebei was stupid and ignorant. He was a slave to the people, and there was no peace in the world. I want to return this world. After a clear day, he inherited his father's legacy and followed the emperor.

"Over the years, my gang has acted not for merit, but for no fault. Even if I sacrifice my family and suffer some grievances, I can endure it. Because I know what I want. What I want is never Personal glory, but the world will become what I expect.

"The world is so big and the mountains and rivers are magnificent. If there are no people, how can the fields be cultivated? How can future generations reproduce? How can a Zhou Dynasty without people resist the invasion of foreigners? By then, the Tatars will thresh the grass and just ride their horses to arrive. Capital City?”

Everyone's blood boiled with excitement as they listened to Pang Xiao's sonorous and powerful words.

yes. For many years, they have followed Pang Xiao, made suggestions, and gone through ups and downs. Although they want to follow the dragon's merits, when they first followed Pang Xiao, who was not full of passion and made decisions for the world?

After so many years, they are getting closer and closer to success, but they have forgotten their original idea.

"Everyone knows what we are doing." Pang Xiao said in a deep voice: "This king has decided to use Dayan's treasures to provide disaster relief, and truly take it from the people and use it for the people. Do you have any objections?"

After a long conversation, who could not understand what Pang Xiao was thinking?

Some people object in their hearts. I don't think it's worth spending the money here. However, Pang Xiao's high-spirited posture and calmness, and the most important thing is that he always maintained his original goal of letting the people live a good life, really impressed them.

Several people who have been calculating their future from Longzhi Gong now truly understand what passionate pride is. Even diluting their inherent thoughts.

Seeing that no one objected, Pang Xiao said: "In that case, I plan to order people to send the treasure back quietly. The season is not good this year, and most people have nothing to gain from their homes. Some wealthy businessmen have already lost money when the disaster first appeared. A large amount of food has been stored. There is not a lot of food in the world, but it is not in the hands of the Holy One.

"Now that I plan to get the treasure back, I will start asking people to go around to find suitable people to buy food and grass. Even if the price of rice is expensive, how can that large amount of treasure be sustained for a while. After this winter, next year When spring comes, the flowers bloom, and the victims can return to their hometowns and start farming again, then life will get better."

"What the prince said is reasonable. There are many profiteers who are struggling to make money for the country. I'm afraid that if the prince goes to buy food, one of them will end up covered in fish." Xu Weizhi warned.

Pang Xiao smiled, "I know it. I will naturally have a way to deal with these people."

When the counselors saw that Pang Xiao had made up his mind and that no matter how much they said, they could not change Pang Xiao's mind, they all calmed down and stopped gesticulating. They only thought about how to help Pang Xiao get things done.

"My lord, this matter is not difficult to handle. It's just a normal purchase of grain. When we set up the porridge shed in the future, we will use more grain. I don't believe those profiteers will not take this opportunity to make a fortune."

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