Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1112 Method

All the counselors had more or less opinions on Pang Xiao's decision. After all, no matter who it is, they have worked so hard to get the treasure, and even the princess has taken a warship out to sea, but in the end, she has not spent a penny on her own troops and horses. No matter how much she thinks about it, she will feel at a loss.

But everyone is understanding. The prince is so kind to the people, and everything he does is completely opposite to Li Qitian. The two have high moral standards. Thinking of this, everyone felt that they had chosen the right person. After all, no one wanted to follow a master who regarded human life as nothing. Even if such a person ascends to a high position, what will happen if he becomes a cabinet minister?

In this way, everyone has made a decision in their hearts, and now they can think about something that was previously unthinkable.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Pang Xiao still smiled calmly on his face, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. These counselors in front of him are the elites that Pang Xiao has valued after years of hard work.

Their recognition is crucial to Pang Xiao.

If he cannot get the support of the people he trusts around him, his actions in the future may be full of loopholes. Just like Tao Hanshan did it because he disagreed with his idea and felt that Qin Yining, a woman, had interfered too much in the previous affairs. Assassination, if it weren't for Sakurai, Qin Yining would be gone long ago.

Pang Xiao absolutely does not want this to happen again. That such an accident happened in the first place already showed his mistakes and incompetence. Now they seem to be walking on a knife's edge. If he can't even control internal troubles, how can he eliminate external troubles?

After making up his mind, Pang Xiao discussed with everyone in low voices, and finally decided to send two teams out, one team to go to the desert island, quietly transport the treasures in batches, and place them in different areas. Another group of people went to various places to investigate and found that there were wealthy merchants who were stocking grain, or that there were people who were trying to make a fortune by reselling grain, so they secretly noted it down so that Pang Xiao could purchase grain in a targeted manner in the future.

The island where the treasure is located is near Jingang. It is not difficult to transport part of it first. Pang Xiao also ordered people to check if anyone in Jingang has food. After making the decision, Pang Xiao felt much better.

However, everything he did had to be done in secret, and he could not reveal the slightest detail to Magistrate Chen.

Seeing that Chen Zhixian was hesitant to speak every time he saw him, scratching his head and ears anxiously, and not knowing what to do, Pang Xiao thought for a while, then wrote another letter and ordered someone to hurry up and send it to the capital.

When Chen Zhixian saw Pang Xiao on the road again, he felt very mixed in his heart.

The capital is not far from Jinggang, so there is no news at all for three or four days. In just a few days, the prince submitted several petitions asking the Holy One to send food and relief, but the Holy One did nothing.

Although Chen Zhixian is upright,

But he is not a fool. The holy emperor's attitude was completely different from the attitude Chen Zhixian believed an emperor should have. The huge gap and the long-awaited supplies were wearing away the patience and hope of this loyal minister.

"How many innocent people starve to death in one day without food and grass? Why hasn't the Holy One made arrangements?"

"Don't be anxious. Your Majesty is also raising food and grass. He must have thought of a way. We still need to hold on these days."

Pang Xiao didn't have time to shave in the past two days. He casually wore a green cotton robe with arrow sleeves and a jade belt buckle around his waist. It could be seen that his whole body had slimmed down a lot.

Everyone eats porridge these days. Chen Zhixian would never give Pang Xiao and Qin Yining all the food because of their high status. At first, Chen Zhixian’s close confidants had tried to persuade them, and even Mrs. Chen secretly told Chen Zhixian to do something good. Don’t be too harsh if you send the princess some dry food and fish.

But Chen Zhixian, with his bullish temperament, didn't listen to this at all.

As time went by, people realized that the prince and princess were not the kind of pampered aristocrats they had imagined. They could eat porridge together and help in the porridge shed, unlike those aloof nobles.

Nowadays, Pang Xiao's image in Chen Zhixian's mind has been greatly improved. Therefore, Chen Zhixian was also extremely convinced by Pang Xiao's words.

"That's what the prince said. There is no way His Majesty will not allocate any food or grass."

But the facts proved that Chen Zhixian was still too naive.

They waited for another three days, which was enough time to transport food from the capital and back. There was still no movement at Li Qitian's place. There was no mention of any food or fodder being delivered, and there was not even a single reply.

Chen Zhixian only felt disheartened.

"The last bit of food in the city has been taken out, and together with the dried fish, it only allows the people to survive for an extra day or two." As Magistrate Chen spoke, he drank a large bowl of warm water by himself to ward off the hunger in the mansion. "Your Majesty, why haven't you received any news from Your Majesty? It's cold and there's no food. I'm really scared."

Jingang is in the north, and the weather at the end of October is full of autumn colors. But in such a mature season as autumn, they have no harvest.

In a time of great hope, they were starving and waiting to die.

The person who should save them the most did not say anything.

Pang Xiao also drank a bowl of warm water. Seeing that Chen Zhixian, an official who was full of righteousness and seemed to have endless energy at all times, was now like an eggplant beaten by frost, he couldn't help feeling sympathy. For such a good official, managing an important hub town like Jingang, his position is not easy to occupy.

And such a responsible person, of course, cares most about the life and death of the people. It can be said that every death of ordinary people is a thorn in Chen Zhixian's heart. The more people die, the more holes his heart becomes. Pang Xiao really couldn't bear to see such an upright person collapse.

After thinking about the replies he had received in the past few days, and counting the days, Pang Xiao suddenly stood up and said, "Master Chen, why don't you go with me?"

"Leave? Where do you plan to go?" Chen Zhixian didn't understand what Pang Xiao meant. body

Pang Xiao's eyes were full of the arrogance of someone who had been in power for a long time and the ruthlessness of using any means to achieve his goals. He turned back to look at Chen Zhixian and said: "I remember there is a place called Minhui Village near Jingang. There lived a man from a fairly well-off family. Rich man? Known as Liu Yuanwai?"

Master Chen's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he stammered nervously: "My lord, my lord, why are you asking this? Don't think too hard about it. Don't let your reputation be ruined by robbing the rich and giving to the poor!"

Robbery from the rich and giving to the poor?

"Do you think that I am a bandit? Can you still rush in and rob me?" Pang Xiao was amused and laughed.

Seeing Pang Xiao acting like this, Mr. Chen thought for a while and felt that his statement was a bit stupid. He couldn't help but smile awkwardly: "My lord, don't blame me. This official is outspoken and full of nonsense."

Pang Xiao waved his hand and interrupted Mr. Chen, and said with a smile: "How can I robbing the rich and giving to the poor? The people are starving to death. I believe that these rich people who have accumulated wealth also want to contribute to the people, but It’s just that I have no way out. Of course I have to pay a visit now, so that kind-hearted people who want to donate money and food will have no place to donate. Do you think this is true?"

Master Chen was stunned when he heard this. He was almost stunned by Pang Xiao's statement.

Isn’t this called “robbing the rich and giving to the poor”? It's just a more euphemistic way of saying it.

They have been unable to wait for the relief materials, and the Holy Spirit refused to give them. As a prince, Pang Xiao was forced to think about such heresies.

Mr. Chen even had a very disrespectful thought for a moment: Could it be that His Majesty deliberately delayed not providing food and grass, so as to force the prince to do such a thing, so as to take the opportunity to punish him?

As soon as the idea came up, Mr. Chen himself shook his head and rejected it. The king of a holy country wouldn't be so afraid of his heroes, right? If you don’t even have the tolerance to tolerate others, how will the people have a good life in the future?

Pang Xiao saw Mr. Chen lost in thought and seemed to be stunned, so he couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head. This Master Chen is really one of the few such simple officials that Pang Xiao has seen in these years.

Having made up his mind, Pang Xiao immediately darkened his face and called Hu Zi in.

"Go, order a hundred royal guards, and let's set off to Minhui Village to visit Yuan Liu."

Huzi immediately responded, turned around and hurried to make arrangements.

Pang Xiao also strode out of the house.

Chen Zhixian was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly chased after him, "Your Majesty, I will go with you."

Pang Xiao shook his head with a smile, patted Chen Zhixian on the shoulder and said: "No need. Chen Zhixian still needs to be in charge of Jingang. No matter what happens in the future, I believe that as long as Mr. Chen is here, the people of Jingang will survive. hope."

What he said was as if Pang Xiao was going to the dragon's pond and the tiger's den.

Mr. Chen said anxiously: "Your Majesty, this can't be done. The idea was discussed by us, but at the critical moment, you are the only one to take the lead. Who have become the lower officials? Don't worry, even if the emperor blames the blame, there are also lower officials. I will bear this responsibility with you. I will never let you top the tank by yourself."

When Pang Xiao saw what Mr. Chen said, he cherished this man's sincerity even more. He smiled and persuaded: "Mr. Chen, I am the special envoy for disaster relief sent by the Holy Father. I am originally responsible for these things. You are the people of Jingang. Spiritual support. There must be no chaos in Jinggang right now. So you and I should divide our forces into two groups."

"Your Majesty..." Mr. Chen was very moved, and his eyes were already a little red.

Pang Xiao smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir. I know the right rules and will not harm innocent people. This time, I will not use force. It is just for the sake of courtesy first and then fighting."

In fact, all the guards in the palace are masters. How can an ordinary country squire resist an elite like the Jinghu Guard? What Pang Xiao brought was small but powerful, and his momentum was enough to overwhelm anyone. Even less afraid of taking action.

Pang Xiao asked someone to go back and tell Qin Yining, and then took Huzi and others to Huimin Village.

When Qin Yining heard that Pang Xiao took people to Huimin Village, he couldn't help but sighed: "I guessed that he would definitely find a way to solve the famine. But going this time is full of dangers, and it is easy to be left behind." What a talking point."

Seeing Qin Yining's brows furrowed, Bingtang smiled and persuaded: "Princess, relax, the prince will act cautiously, nothing will happen."

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