Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1115 Public Opinion

Qin Yining ate half of the bowl of dry rice, poured the remaining half of the rice directly into the earthen jar held by Pang Xiao, and picked up the white porcelain cup to rinse his mouth.

Pang Xiao frowned: "Why do you eat so little? Now that we have food, you don't have to be as naked as before. I'm a grown man, and I'll be fine even if I don't eat or drink for a few days, but look at how thin you are."

With that said, he served porridge to Qin Yining.

Qin Yining shook his head: "I really can't eat anymore. Maybe I'm used to eating less these days. If I eat so much more unexpectedly, it won't be easy for me to overcome it. We will have more and more food in the future, are you worried that I won't eat well? It will be better later. I asked Bingtang to cook herbal porridge to eat."

Hearing this, Pang Xiao felt somewhat better, but the thick porridge that had just tasted sweet in his mouth also lost its taste.

He really didn't want Qin Yining to suffer any more with her, but every time she showed up, she always hit him hard. He was even doubting himself, had he done something wrong to get to this point?

Qin Yining saw that Pang Xiao seemed distracted at the speed with which he was eating. He knew what he was thinking about without even thinking about it. He came forward and hugged his arm, resting his chin on his shoulder and tilted his head to look into his eyes.

As soon as she came closer, Pang Xiao came back to his senses. When he saw her clinging to his Aijiao like a soft and cute milk cat, his heart almost melted.

For such a good Sister Yi, he can make decisive decisions even if he doesn't want to make them!

Pang Xiao kissed her face to face, finished the porridge almost fiercely, called Bingtang aside and whispered to her about Qin Yining's body, and then hurriedly went outside again.

Bingtang and Jiyun came into the house, called Ziyuan and Hanxiao to come in and clean up, and then talked with Qin Yining.

"The prince looked a little scary just now, as if someone had angered him." Ji Yun was still frightened.

Bingtang smiled and shook her head: "The prince clearly feels sorry for the princess."

Qin Yining tightened Yun Jian's collar, with a faint smile on his face: "He always makes a fuss out of a molehill like this."

"Why are you making a fuss out of a molehill?" Bingtang smiled and took Qin Yining's hand, placing his fingers on her right next to her, "Your Majesty will feel distressed for a while when he sees you losing a hair, and he will feel that he failed to protect you. Now. You have lost so much weight, your complexion is not good, and you are starving with him all day long, how can you not feel sorry for him?"

Ji Yun nodded repeatedly, not to mention Pang Xiao, even Tang Xiu had secretly sent her dry food several times, which he had saved from the rations.

Jiyun's face turned red when he thought of Tang Xiu.

When Qin Yining saw Bingtang checking his pulse, he smiled and said nothing. How could she not understand Pang Xiao's thoughts? It's just that this is the situation now. Everyone is satisfied if they can survive. It's not like she has never experienced famine before, and the hardship is only temporary.

Bingtang explored Qin Yining's hands, shook her head and said: "The princess eats too little and is too worried, so she is so weak. You have to listen to me, slave. Nothing is more important than your own body. It's not for anything else." , even for Brother Zhao and Brother Han, you have to take care of yourself. Let me tell you, people who are worried all day long will age very quickly. Don’t let the children recognize you when you see these two young masters next time. It’s your turn.”

Of course, what Bingtang said was exaggerated. He just wanted to use the two children to stimulate Qin Yining and make her stop putting her own body first.

But Qin Yining's heart skipped a beat after hearing this.

They hadn't seen each other for such a long time, and the child was already very young when she left. When they reunite in peace, which is not sure how long it will be, the children may not really recognize her by then.

What's more, their current situation is so tense that it's not certain whether they can save their lives. If something goes wrong, they may never see each other again.

Thinking of this, Qin Yining's eyes turned red.

Bingtang was startled by Qin Yining's appearance and said hurriedly: "Princess, I'm sorry, I'm just afraid that you'll be depressed. I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

"That's right, Princess, you don't know Bingtang yet, this girl loves to be alarmist. Doctors always try to scare people in order to treat patients and are afraid that the patients will not be obedient." Ji Yun secretly winked at Bingtang and asked her to persuade her quickly.

She knew that the princess was thinking about the child all day long, but she couldn't show it in front of the prince. It was true that the disaster area was not well-fed, and Li Qitian pressed forward step by step. The situation was also tense, but who can say that Qin Yining was not worried and depressed? Because where are the children?

This girl Bingtang is too reckless.

Seeing that both of them were very nervous, Qin Yining smiled and said: "What are you doing? I know you are doing it for my own good. Bingtang is right, even if it is for Brother Zhao and Brother Han, I have to cheer up Come."

"Yes," Bingtang nodded repeatedly, "It's still growing all the way to the south. If you look like this now, how will you have the energy to help the prince with advice in the future?"

Qin Yining smiled and nodded in agreement, "I'll try to eat more next time."

Bingtang smiled and said, "I'll give you a few injections later to clear up the stagnation."

The three of them chatted and laughed for a while, then took some needle and thread to work on.

In the next few days, Pang Xiao was as busy as a spinning top. He not only purchased grain and grass nearby, but also planned the route to the south for disaster relief in advance. He then selected the towns he would pass through on the way and ordered people to explore the disaster situation in advance. , the situation of local officials, and what nearby houses are collecting grain to make money for the country, all of which must be clearly shown on the maps led by the various scouts.

Qin Yining also followed Bingtang's instructions and gradually increased her food intake. Xu's belief became more persistent. She seemed to be full of strength. When she had nothing to do, she would take people to the porridge sheds in the city and outside the city to help.

In order to keep everyone fed, the prince paid for it out of his own pocket, and the princess, who was as exquisitely beautiful as a jade, spent every day doing menial work in the porridge shed, and sometimes organized men who had had enough to go to the city for repairs. Houses and shacks were built to accommodate disaster victims from other places as the weather turned colder.

It is really touching that the prince and princess are so hands-on.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining's reputation around Jingang is even louder than before, and everyone gives thumbs up to the couple when they mention it.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the relief from the court still had not arrived, but the people of Jingang had already seen the hope of survival, and these were brought to everyone by Prince Zhongshun.

"Your Majesty, thanks to you and the princess these days, the people of Jinggang have been settled well, and the victims from other places have been properly accommodated and registered. We all only have to save a little this winter, but we can survive. All of this is thanks to I have to leave you. You are leaving now, and the people of Xiaguan and Jingang are really reluctant to leave."

What Chen Zhixian said was heartfelt and touching, and everyone around him couldn't help but get hot in his eyes.

Pang Xiao said with a smile: "I have been ordered to provide disaster relief and cannot stay in one place. There are still many places in the south that need me. Chen Zhixian is a man with a kind heart, coupled with his outstanding ability and dedication to the people, he will definitely make great achievements in the future and bring Jinggang to the forefront. I am very relieved to leave it to Magistrate Chen."

Chen Zhixian blushed at the praise. For him, the evaluation of Pang Xiao by such a high-ranking prince, a godly warrior, and a noble character actually made him happier than the performance evaluation.

After bidding farewell to Chen Zhixian, Pang Xiao set off with Qin Yining according to the original plan.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the city gate, he saw skinny people on both sides of the road. The wind was very cold in the autumn, and the victims were all wearing thin clothes, but everyone craned their necks to look at the city gate, and no one wanted to leave first.

Seeing Pang Xiao and his entourage exiting the city gate, someone in the crowd said "Come on, come on", and then someone took the lead. A group of people knelt down and shouted "A Thousand Years Old Lord", and some people were so grateful that they burst into tears and shouted loudly. Thank you for your life.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao were sitting side by side in the car. When they heard the shocking voice and saw such a lively scene, they were both very moved. The counselors who followed Pang Xiao were all proud of themselves at this time, and felt that they had made the right choice to follow such a kind and wise master.

Because Pang Xiao had already prepared, although the next journey of disaster relief was bumpy, everything was still under Pang Xiao's control.

However, when Pang Xiao had just left the mainland and arrived at the next town, Li Qitian in the capital also received news from Jinggang.

"He sells grain at his own expense?" Li Qitian vented his anger and threw the book on the table, "Does this show his benevolence? Isn't it the king's land in the world? I am the master of the world, and I have no place to waste money. He Where is it?"

Xiong Jinshui lowered his eyebrows and tried his best to reduce his presence. The other servants in the royal study also lowered their heads, fearing that they would become the next target of the Holy Emperor's wrath.

Li Qiqian was pacing back and forth, the Tatar war was tense, and Gao Wenliang was useless. The same Tiger and Camp troops could not exert 10% of their strength in Gao Wenliang's hands. Ji Zeyu gritted his teeth and persisted, but in the end the military pay could not keep up, and the soldiers were hungry. How much can you achieve if you fight on your stomach?

But the Tatars had Lu Heng to help them fight, and Siqin himself was cunning and cunning. With the fox-like Lu Heng and the financial support of the Lu family, this battle was really too difficult.

"Xiong Jinshui. "

"My servant is here." Xiong Jinshui couldn't hide away, so he had to bow his head and come forward to salute.

Li Qitian said: "Go and call Lei Guoneng and Song Deqiu to me."

"According to the order." Xiong Jinshui immediately agreed and ran to find these two adults.

While Qin Yining was staying here in Pang Xiao, he came to a new city and found that the impact of what Mr. Chen said that day had spread so far, and Qin Yining was a little worried.

"The people trust you and think highly of you. These are all good things. But I'm still a little worried. I want fame, but I don't want the emperor to wonder where your money comes from. If he doesn't say it's a treasure, Instead of falsely accusing you of being greedy for ink these years?"

Pang Xiao nodded: "These are all possible, but fortunately Mr. Xie came up with a good idea."

"What method?" Qin Yining was curious.

Pang Xiao gave it a try: "If I don't tell you now, you will see it when you enter the city later."

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