Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1116 Become famous

Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh when he saw him like this. It's true that no matter how old a man is, he always has a child-like side. Even Pang Xiao, who is calm and thoughtful, is not immune to this.

The team slowly approached Shuinan City, and the scene they encountered was even more miserable than when they were in Golden Port. The closer to the old capital of Dayan, the more serious the disaster became.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining had no intention of chatting anymore, and looked out the window at the densely populated area where the victims were.

They found that among the victims, there were very few elderly people and very few children. Most of the surviving victims were young and middle-aged men, and only a small part were women.

In the face of natural disasters, strong men are more capable of surviving than weak women. However, the elderly and children cannot withstand such disasters without the careful care of their families.

Qin Yining looked heavy.

When the victims saw Pang Xiao's relief team arriving, they looked over with numb faces. Seeing the royal guards transporting fully loaded carriages, the victims stood up one after another, their eyes full of longing.

I don’t know who shouted: “The prince is here to provide relief!”

The victims who were still lifeless suddenly seemed to be injected with life, and like running water, they poured in at the city gate where the convoy was located.

Pang Xiao hurriedly got off the carriage and ordered the Jinghu Guards to surround the convoy. He walked side by side with Mu Jinghu to where the palace guards were at the outermost edge of the encirclement. He raised his hands to the victims who were surrounding him and said, "Fellow folks, please be patient. The king immediately ordered people to set up a porridge shed, so you can have hot porridge later!"

Originally, the victims did not believe the rumors in the north. In their impression, the imperial government had always been slow to provide disaster relief. Otherwise, they would rush to the big city from all over the country for such a long time, and many of their family members and fellow villagers would starve to death on the way. If Guan'er was so happy, he wouldn't have killed so many people in vain.

Now everyone was excited to see Prince Zhongshun so happy, and the soldiers in armor who accompanied him were happily unloading food from the carriage.

The rumors turned out to be true!

Looking at the food, the victims in the front row could no longer bear it.

Pang Xiao went to disaster relief all the way, and he saw many victims who were looted. With a wave of his hand, the royal guards immediately stepped forward, raised their weapons, and kept the people out of the encirclement.

Pang Xiao said loudly: "Don't worry, everyone, the food brought by the king is sufficient, and everyone will have something to eat! If someone does not abide by the order now, it will delay the relief time, and everyone will rob, then when will the porridge be ready? Smart? People now help set up stoves and carry food,

This is not to cause trouble! "

The victims whose eyes turned red when they saw the food were still difficult to control, but they were afraid of the swords in the hands of the royal soldiers and did not dare to act rashly.

Some people listened to Pang Xiao's words and their sense prevailed, and spontaneously told people around them to maintain order. There were also a few young people who stood up and asked for help.

Pang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and his men organized the victims to find a place to set up a stove.

If someone takes the initiative, some victims who can still do some activities will come forward to help, and order outside the city gate will improve immediately.

Pang Xiao returned to the carriage. Qin Yining was looking out of the window. When he saw him coming, he gave a thumbs up, which made Pang Xiao couldn't help laughing.

When they arrived at the city gate, Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi posted a notice with others. Qin Yining was so curious that he got out of the car and saw a list of "sponsors" on the notice.

The language is simple, and he praises the wealthy businessmen who sold the grain to Pang Xiao along the way, but does not say that they sold the grain, but "subsidized" the grain.

Change the word and even the meaning changes. The man who has made it difficult for the country to make a fortune has become a great philanthropist in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yining looked back at Pang Xiao and couldn't help but said in a funny tone: "Is this the solution Mr. Xie came up with?"

"Exactly." Pang Xiao nodded with a smile.

Qin Yining praised: “Mr. There is another layer that has not been said in public.

This approach will also cover up how much money Pang Xiao used. If asked, it can be inferred that someone funded the food and supplies.

Anyway, in front of Li Qitian, no matter how much goodwill and loyalty Pang Xiao has, he will be misunderstood, and he will be found guilty if he has no crime. At the moment, he just needs an explanation to stop Youyou's mouth.

And this statement can not only distract attention, but also mobilize enthusiasm. Why not?

As soon as Pang Xiao and his party entered the city, Hu Zi, who was first sent to buy food, came over with his people.

"Your Majesty, the food is being shipped here. This is the account book." He said, holding up a blue-covered book with both hands.

Pang Xiao didn't even look at it, "Just keep it, don't lose it."

Huzi knew that this was Pang Xiao's trust in him. This account book could be said to be evidence of Pang Xiao's use of treasures. The total amount of records of the purchase of grain and materials there added up to a huge amount.

Nodding with a smile, he put the account book into his arms. Huzi smiled playfully, but his eyes were serious, "Don't worry, sir, I won't lose this account book even if I lose my head."

Pang Xiao slapped him on the forehead: "Nonsense."

Huzi rubbed his forehead and saw Bingtang behind Qin Yining from the corner of his eye. He smiled even more stupidly. Even his ears turned red, causing Bingtang to also blush and lower his head.

Qin Yining couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and followed Pang Xiao to see the local magistrate.

Pang Xiao found a way to raise food and supplies, and the disaster relief went very smoothly. He went all the way to the old capital and provided relief all the way. The victims were all grateful to Pang Xiao, and the reputation of the loyal and obedient prince among the people was unparalleled.

When the relief arrived at the old capital of Dayan, it was already the first month of the ninth year of prosperity. The convoy came through the snow. Before it even approached the city gate, there were already victims waiting along the way to greet them.

"Prince Zhongshun is here!"

"The prince has come to save us with food!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Princess!"

"Your Majesty is our benefactor. When the Earth Dragon came to power, it was your Majesty who came to save us. Now that there is a famine, it is your Majesty who comes to save us!"

"You all don't know that the princess has actually arranged for people to come to rescue people. When the floods first started last year, the shopkeeper under the princess had already rescued many people to go to her village, and there were also people who specially taught how to cultivate terraced fields. Otherwise, this year We have to kill more people!”

"The prince and princess are really good people!"

The people were talking, and their gratitude was beyond words. I don’t know who shouted the first voice. Soon someone in the crowd shouted: "Long live the prince! Long live the prince!"

This shout of "Long Live Long Live" really shocked the accompanying Jinghu Guards and counselors.

Only the emperor can say long live the emperor. If this word reaches the capital, Pang Xiao will not be able to take off his label of "rebellion".

But despite being shocked, those who sincerely follow Pang Xiao also feel proud.

This is the Ming Lord they follow!

He has sacrificed a lot, but he is also loved by the people!

These words are spoken by the people from their hearts, and no one teaches them to say them.

At this time, even their followers, who sometimes went hungry along the way and had to raise food and grass, were satisfied in their hearts and felt that everything was worth it.

The counselors headed by Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi now have mixed feelings.

"Brother Xu, Brother Xie, if I hadn't followed your advice, I'm afraid we would have made a big mistake."

"Exactly. Although we also thought wholeheartedly about the prince, our knowledge was limited and the decision we made almost caused the prince to miss a good opportunity. Looking at this scene now, I am really scared."

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi both said, "I don't dare to praise you too much."

Xu Weizhi added: "In fact, everything comes from the heart of the prince. During the initial disaster relief, the prince was dedicated to the people and decided to take from the people and use them for the people. If the prince's heart is not for the people, even if you and I try our best to advise, the prince I won’t listen either.”

Xie Yue also nodded and pointed to the sky: "That person is just an example."

When everyone thought of the emperor, they couldn't help but sigh.

"As an emperor, he can really be ruthless and not care about the life and death of the people."

"We went all the way, and all the food and grass were paid for by the prince himself. The emperor actually gave eight carts to the prince at the beginning, and also set a trap for the prince. In the past few months, the prince has saved so many people, and the emperor did not respond at all. Disaster relief They didn’t give me any money or food!”

Several counselors were very angry when they thought of what Li Qitian had done.

Xie Yue smiled cheerfully and pointed to the cheering people on the roadside outside the carriage, "Is this what you sow melons and reap melons and sow beans and reap beans?"

When several people heard this, they all laughed out loud.

Qin Yining was wrapped in a large fur collared cloak, holding a hand warmer that was already a little cold, and felt a little worried when listening to the cheers outside.

"This is a big city, so there must be Li Qitian's spies. What's more, the prefect in the city has just arrived. Everyone we know has already been convicted due to the disaster. We don't know which side he is on. If Shangshu impeaches you It’s not good.”

Pang Xiao put his big hands around Qin Yining's shoulders and patted her, pinching her cold face. "Okay, don't worry, I'll go out and say a few words. No matter what the people think, my attitude must be clear."

"That's right." Qin Yining nodded.

Pang Xiao grabbed his big cloak and put it on, and ordered the car to stop outside.

The welcoming people lined the streets and saw the team slowly stopping, and couldn't help but stop cheering. I saw a man wearing a black fur-collared cloak, tall, graceful and handsome, getting off the carriage.

Pang Xiao stood in the open space and raised his hands to the surrounding people: "Fellow fellow villagers and elders, I am so virtuous and capable that I can withstand the wind and snow of all of you."

The people cheered when they heard this.

The people in the old capital still remember the days when they were under the rule of the Yuchi family of the Yan Dynasty. At that time, Prince Zhongshun led his troops to attack. They were extremely panicked. This was actually because this prince had a terrible reputation, and everyone seemed to see him when they mentioned him. With the Evil God, it seems that this person can eat human flesh and drink human blood anytime and anywhere.

But many years later, looking back, when the two countries were at war, this prince never massacred civilians. There were also people who survived in Liangcheng and other places to clarify for the prince. There is absolutely no basis for saying that he massacred the city at every turn. In order not to massacre the city, he even resisted the order and was removed from the military power as emperor and returned to Beijing to "report on his duties."

When the two countries were at war, Yuchi naturally refused to speak well of the enemy. But the eyes of the people are sharp. He did not massacre the poor when he attacked the city, and even transported food to relieve the famine after the drought in the old capital.

Later, the earth dragon turned around, and it was he and the princess who came to relieve the disaster.

Now before the flood, the princess had ordered people to come and make preparations in advance, and now it was the prince and the princess who came to provide relief.

It can be said that the reputation of Prince Zhongshun as a "bad boy" many years ago has been gradually erased, but now his reputation as brave and good at fighting, benevolent, righteous and caring for the people has been widely spread.

"Everyone." Pang Xiao said in a loud voice: "You will defeat me. I am also under the orders of the emperor to provide disaster relief. I really cannot afford to say 'Long live'. Only the emperor can live as long as the sky and can be called long live. Your thoughts are based on this." The king accepted it and was very moved, but please be careful with your words and don't offend the power of the emperor."

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