Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1117 The future is promising

These words brought the people who were dizzy with excitement back to their senses, and everyone was a little uneasy.

The prince is right, only the emperor can say long live the emperor. If they were shouting in excitement just now, if someone with a heart listens to it and accuses the emperor, they will not be treason...

Seeing that everyone realized the seriousness of the matter, Pang Xiao explained: "I can understand everyone's excitement. After a long period of famine, we are naturally happy to see the Holy One sending food. What we want to express is that the Holy One cares about the people and is wise. I think everyone can understand the meaning of long live.”

The steps were paved, and many smart people among the crowd nodded in approval.

"Your Majesty is right, what everyone wants to say is the wise Lord!"

"Thanks to Your Majesty, we can survive!"

The common people who came to their senses also agreed.

But facing Prince Zhongshun who gave them food and shelter and helped them cover up, the admiration and gratitude in my heart were indescribable. The mountains were high and the roads were far away, and the emperor ignored them. The one who really helped them was this man who had been wronged and suppressed. Prince.

It is said that Prince Zhongshun was deprived of his military power and official position, and was even beaten in public by the Holy Emperor in the Jinluan Hall for unfounded charges. Now the prince is still focused on speaking for the Holy One and thinking about the people. The sincere heart of such a benevolent and righteous man has been trampled on in every possible way. The people all felt that it was not worth it.

"Your Majesty." At this moment, the gate of the old capital opened wide, and a man about the same age as Pang Xiao, wearing regular clothes and a dark gray fine cotton cloak, came quickly with a group of followers.

"Yun Yancai, the magistrate of the old capital, has come to see the prince."

Everyone behind Yun Yancai also saluted.

How can Pang Xiao let the dignified magistrate salute him? He hurriedly extended his hand to help, "Master Yun, there is no need to be polite. It was my mistake, which disrupted the order of the old capital. Please bear with me, Master Yun."

A flash of surprise quickly flashed in Yun Yancai's eyes.

There are several sayings in the old capital generation. Some say that Prince Zhongshun killed without blinking an eye, while others praise him for loving his people like a son. No matter how many rumors there are, nothing can be as direct as seeing someone in person.

He didn't know anything else, but being a prince was an opportunity to be a good person, and the reputation of benevolence and righteousness outside might not be in vain.

Now that I have met him, I find that this person really knows how to behave.

Your Majesty,

He was treated with such courtesy in front of a small prefect, which gave him enough dignity and earned him enough favor in front of the people. The rumors were indeed true and he was a wonderful man.

Yun Yancai returned the courtesy respectfully, turned sideways and stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is really too polite. I am late to welcome you. Your Majesty, please come into the city."

Pang Xiao nodded, leading Qin Yining in front, and everyone followed Pang Xiao into the old capital.

Looking at the familiar streets, after several wars and famines, the old capital is no longer as prosperous as it was when Qin Yining returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion at the beginning of the year. Now it is the coldest time of the year, and the falling white snow is spread on the roofs, streets, and walls. There is a layer of snow-white, and everywhere you look is gray, making people feel cold and lonely.

"Your Majesty, the magistrate has prepared the prefect's Yamen. Please don't be dissatisfied with the princess and move to the Yamen to rest, right?"

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Yun. However, I have already ordered people to come and make preparations. Zhuo Jing's mother-in-law has a house here and has not lived there for a long time. I plan to accompany her back to have a look."

"I see, the princess is from the old capital, and the official actually forgot about it." Yun Yancai smiled and said, "If the prince has any instructions, just ask, and the official will definitely do it for you."

Pang Xiao smiled and said, "There's nothing else. Lord Yun, be prepared. The food and grass I ordered to buy in advance will arrive in the next two days. Let's use the food I brought to make porridge first so that the people can have a full meal first." Don’t be too stingy about food, food will be delivered tomorrow.”

Yun Yancai nodded hurriedly: "Yes, I will take care of it now."

Pang Xiao thought for a while and then said: "In addition to fixed porridge sheds, such as ruined temples in the city, firewood must be prepared in abandoned and unoccupied houses for the refugees to keep warm. The people who have homes in the old capital can still say that if they come from nearby refugees, I’m afraid there won’t even be a place to escape the cold during the first month of the year.”

In fact, before they arrived, a batch of corpses had been processed in the city. The area on the outskirts of the city that is always filled with smoke and dust is the place where corpses are burned. Just like when the earth dragon turned over, in order to prevent epidemics, the corpses had to be burned.

Fortunately, the severe winter has gradually entered after the famine broke out. If we catch up with the midsummer, I am afraid that in addition to the famine, the epidemic will be even more difficult.

Pang Xiao and Yun Yan just gave some advice and then went to the Qin Mansion with Qin Yining.

Next to Yun Yancai, there was a master who was over his age and dressed as a scribe. He smiled and said, "What do you think of this prince? Is it really what Shopkeeper Qiu said?"

"Whether it's the same or not, it's not like he's lying for the sake of the people. If he's lying, it's really not easy to be able to act so realistically all the way."

Yun Yancai took his men and made preparations according to Pang Xiao's instructions.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao returned to the Qin Mansion.

They were in the capital, but Qin Yining never forgot to repair this place. Although it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times, and experienced famines, shopkeeper Zhong Da has always been in the farm in the old capital, and often comes back to check on the people in the farm, and has people look at the house carefully. Therefore, she and When Pang Xiao and his party came back, the house was clean and tidy, as if they had returned home less than an hour ago.

The guards of the palace and the Jinghu Guard lined up and stood in front of the palace gate. As soon as Pang Xiao ordered the door to be opened, the door was pushed open. Shopkeeper Zhong Da came out with a group of familiar faces and saluted Qin Yining and Pang Xiao happily.

"See the prince, see the princess."

"Shopkeeper Zhongda, please get up quickly." Qin Yining hurriedly stepped forward to help, and nodded to Lu Dehan, Liu Jiuer and others who were looking excited behind Shopkeeper Zhongda, and said with a smile: "It's great that you are all here. Long time no see, how are you all?"

"Okay, everything is okay. Thanks to the princess's care, we are working on Zhuangzi, and Ningyuan has also planted terraced fields. Although the season is not good, we are self-sufficient and can still feed many people." Liu Jiuer still has a cheerful temperament. Seeing that, Qin Yining didn't hesitate.

When Lu Dehan saw Pang Xiao beside him, he was a little restrained at first, but Liu Jiuer was such a relaxed woman, so there was no reason for him to be cautious.

Therefore, Lu Dehan also said bluntly: "Thanks to the princess and shopkeeper Zhong Da. Not only our Zhuangzi, but also the workers in the factory under the princess have been well taken care of during these days."

Qin Yining looked at Shopkeeper Zhong Da with a smile on his temples, but he was still hale and hearty, and said with a smile: "I am busy in the capital. The mountains are high and the roads are far away, so I often don't care about here. The factory has stopped working, and everyone has nowhere to go. Go, thanks to shopkeeper Zhong Da for finding a solution."

Shopkeeper Zhong Da smiled and held up his hands: "Before coming out, the princess gave all the instructions to the old man. Most of the workers in the factory are the victims who were rescued from the disaster in the past, as well as the disabled soldiers and family members who went to war with the prince. Everyone is grateful to the prince and the princess, so they are especially willing to listen to the old man and go wherever the dispatch leads. It is precisely because the prince and princess have laid a good foundation for the old man to act more conveniently. "

Qin Yining smiled and said, "You are still so humble."

Shopkeeper Zhong Da blushed a little, but he was happy in his heart. After following Qin Yining for so many years, shopkeeper Zhong Da has never regretted anything she accomplished, and feels lucky that he followed the right master.

"Your Majesty, Princess, the food has been prepared in the kitchen. It's a cold day, and you must be cold and tired after a long journey, so why don't you go eat and rest first?"

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining did not refuse after hearing the words. The Qin Mansion was so big that it could naturally accommodate all the people they were traveling with. Bingtang, Jiyun, Hanxiao and Ziyuan followed Qin Yining and Pang Xiao to Xueliyuan, while the others liked to live in Wherever you live. Shopkeeper Zhong Da helped Hu Zi and Tang Xiu arrange the arrangements, arranged the accompanying elite tiger guards and palace guards, and arranged the people from the Qingtian League and the silver-faced spies. Everything was arranged properly, and Qin Yining didn't have to worry about it.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao freshened up, changed into home clothes, and came to the bright hall of Xueliyuan.

There is a charcoal pot burning in the middle of the ground, and the room is as warm as spring. On the table are three plates of pickles, a plate of salted fish, and the porridge is thick mixed rice porridge.

The candlelight flickered, and under the warm light, everything seemed quiet and peaceful.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao sat down at the Eight Immortals table and said with a smile: "I was just brought back by my father and lived here."

"I know." Pang Xiao gave Qin Yining a piece of salted fish with picked fish bones, "You were bullied after you returned home, and I saw it."

Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh when she remembered that she was left cold by the bamboo forest by Jin's mother.

"Nowadays, things have changed, and Mother Jin is no longer here. When I think of all the things that happened in the prosperous days, I just feel sad. We can't look back on the past."

Pang Xiao took a big mouthful of porridge and smiled: "But we can look forward to the future."

Qin Yining looked at Pang Xiao's beautiful face when she smiled, and the soft emotions he only had when facing her, and felt very happy and moved in his heart.

"Yes, the future is promising."

After the two of them had eaten, Jiyun and Bingtang came to clear the dining table and then retreated.

They all lived with Qin Yining in the Qin Mansion. Now they feel like going home, their mood is relaxed, and even their steps are brisk.

Pang Xiao took Qin Yining to the bedroom. The quilt was spread out on Babu's bed and covered with heated pebbles.

"Let's sleep for a while." Pang Xiao turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, slowly untied his belt and looked at Qin Yining standing in front of him.

His eyes were deep, and Qin Yining blushed at the sight, and hurriedly took his hand as he took off his robe: "No, it's still early."

Pang Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Qin Yining's face became hotter and hotter. He fiddled with the blood jade gourd hanging at the corner of her skirt with one hand, and said with some hesitation: "And I can't serve you. My little day is already ten days late this month."

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