Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1118 Revealing the secret

When Pang Xiao heard this, he was stunned for a moment. It seemed that he couldn't understand the meaning of Qin Yining's words.

Seeing his silly look, Qin Yining smiled and shook his hand: "What's wrong?"

"Sister Yi, you mean you might have it?" His voice was a little hoarse.

That's not right, Bingtang said, after taking that kind of medicine, a woman would not be able to get pregnant for at least five years, and it might not be easy to recover in the future. He also said that his father-in-law might have been poisoned by that kind of medicine, and he would never have any children in this life. .

It's only been three years. Could it be that he has a better constitution and the medicine has no effect?

Qin Yining raised his eyebrows and carefully observed his expression.

Seems more shocked than surprised?

Thinking about the current situation, it is indeed not the best time to give birth to an heir. Qin Yining sighed softly and shook his head angrily, "Not sure, maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest these days, my food is not as refined as before, and my body has changed. Worse, there may be delays in monthly letters.”

Pang Xiao suddenly came to his senses. He was responsible for this kind of thing. He felt that he didn't have to worry about it after taking that kind of medicine, so he became more and more unscrupulous. Now if she is really pregnant, he has this attitude of not accepting and welcoming...

How much of a jerk is he?

"Sister Yi, I'm just too surprised, I..."

"I thought you could guess it. After all, you and I are both young and strong," Qin Yining's face turned red, but as her mind was turning, she suddenly thought of something, "Or do you know something and think we won't have children? "

Pang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, his wife was too smart, and she exposed her flaws with just one sentence, which was really overwhelming.

"What's there? I just feel that the past few days have been too bumpy. I didn't expect so much."

"No. You must be hiding something from me."

Qin Yining knew Pang Xiao so well that he could see even the smallest expression on his face. After thinking about it for a while, he swallowed what he was about to ask.

Could it be that her body was damaged after giving birth to twins and she won't be able to get pregnant? Pang Xiao is just afraid that she will be sad and doesn't want to tell her?

She and Bingtang were together all day long, so she could just go back and ask Bingtang.

"That's all.

It’s just that my body is out of tune, and that’s not necessarily the case. Are you going to patrol the city later? "

Seeing Qin Yining change the topic, Pang Xiao knew that she must have misunderstood.

I don't know how much I secretly spit on myself, why did I become a fool as soon as I arrived in front of my wife? I quickly pulled her into my arms and said in an urgent voice, "We'll talk about the inspection later. Don't think too much. Let's find Bingtang now." Bar?"

Qin Yining smiled and shook his head: "It's okay. Since you don't want to patrol, just take a nap. I'm bored all day long. When can't I watch when I'm with Bingtang? Besides, I'm not sick."

Qin Yining smiled naturally, but Pang Xiao knew that she must have been concerned about this matter. Rather than letting her ask Bingtang and reveal the matter, it would be better for her to just tell her.

Thinking of this, Pang Xiao stopped asking Qin Yining and directly called Bingtang loudly.

Qin Yining naturally wanted to see it without telling Pang Xiao, but to no avail, Bingtang walked in quickly. Qin Yining quickly stood up and stood aside.

"Your Majesty, Princess." Bingtang saluted and looked at Pang Xiao and Qin Yining in confusion.

The atmosphere between the masters was not quite right.

Pang Xiao coughed and said, "Let your princess check her pulse."

He stood up and helped Qin Yining to sit on the heated kang near the window, and just stood aside and watched helplessly.

The road has been bumpy these past few days, with stops and starts, and the conditions on the road are not that good for Qin Yining to maintain her usual living habits. She doesn't feel any discomfort, so the Ping'an pulse has temporarily stopped, and Bingtang has been there for half a month. Qin Yining had not seen it. Seeing Pang Xiao so nervous at this time, Qin Yining looked unnatural, so he hurriedly calmed down and went to check it seriously.

"Princess, are you feeling unwell?" Bingtang frowned and asked, "It seems from the pulse that the princess is deficient in both energy and blood, but as long as she takes care of herself, she will be fine."

Pang Xiao suppressed his doubts and uneasiness and said nothing more for the time being.

At this moment, Bingtang had arrived, and Qin Yining had no choice but to ask: "My little day has been postponed for ten days. I just want you to have a look..."

Bingtang understood immediately, subconsciously looked at Pang Xiao, and then said: "The princess has been eating rough these days and not resting well. This may not mean that there is a happy event, but the ten days are still short at the moment, and judging from the pulse If you can’t tell, it’s better for the princess to nurse her back to health these days, and my servant will keep an eye on you more frequently. After a month or so, we’ll be sure.”

Qin Yining was a little disappointed, but he also understood that having a happy pulse is not something you can just want, and depending on your personal constitution, the time it takes to see the pulse will be different, so this matter cannot be rushed.

Turning her beautiful eyes, she looked back at Pang Xiao and then at Bingtang. Qin Yining smiled and asked, "Tell me, are you two hiding something from me?"

A heroic figure like Pang Xiao was a little embarrassed at this time. There was an awkward smile on Jun's face and he couldn't help scratching the back of his head.

Bingtang lowered his head and frowned, not knowing how to respond.

Seeing the two of them like this, it would be strange not to see anything wrong.

Qin Yining pretended to be angry and asked: "What are you hiding from me? Can't you tell me here?"

"Sister Yi, don't be angry." Pang Xiao said with a smile, "Actually, there is nothing to hide from you. We are together all day long, what should I not tell you? This matter, actually..."

Pang Xiao's words were hesitant, and the color in Qin Yining's face gradually faded. Is there really something wrong with her body that makes her unable to have children in the future?

Seeing Qin Yining's face turning pale, Pang Xiao said anxiously: "Actually, I took a medicine that made it difficult for women to get pregnant within five years, so I was... a little surprised."

Qin Yining's pupils shrank, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Pang Xiao, "How long have you been taking it?"

"Three years." Pang Xiao could only answer obediently.

Qin Yining said in a deep voice: "After I gave birth to Brother Zhao and Brother Han?"

Pang Xiao nodded, looking at Qin Yining's frowning expression, he anxiously wanted to explain.

Unexpectedly, Bingtang was one step ahead of him: "Princess, don't get me wrong, this medicine was given to the prince by the servant. The princess suffered a lot during the birth. It can be said that the process was tortuous and dangerous. The prince feels sorry for you and doesn't want you to suffer." When I suffered like this again, I went to the slave girl privately and asked her if she had any medicine for men.

"My late father diagnosed and treated nobles in the palace. In fact, he also came into contact with many secrets of the prince's family in private. That kind of medicine does exist, so I prepared it for the prince to take."

Qin Yining's eyes widened and she couldn't believe that Pang Xiao would do such a thing.

What man doesn't want to have more children? It is for this reason that men take concubines and marry each other. She never imagined that Pang Xiao not only refused to take concubines, but also used this sterilization drug on herself.

The reason was just that she was afraid that if she had another child, she would go to hell!

Tears fell down, rolling down the skirt of his clothes, spreading dark tear stains.

Pang Xiao panicked when he saw her tears. He hugged her and clumsily wiped her tears with his big hands: "Sister Yi, don't cry, don't cry."

Qin Yining was angry that he would do such a stupid thing secretly and pushed his hand away.

Bingtang also realized that she had not spoken clearly, and hurriedly said: "Princess, don't worry, this medicine does no harm to the body, it just inhibits conception with its medicinal effect, and it can be recovered after the medicinal effect has expired.

"Of course, recovery varies from person to person. Some people take the medicine once and may never have children again, but some people have different physical constitutions and recover after three to five years. I guess the prince is in good health. , it will not affect the children in the future. It is unknown whether you may be pregnant this time."

Qin Yining frowned and said seriously: "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier? The heir is a big deal, what if it really affects the heir?"

Pang Xiao hurriedly hugged her and shook her, and said gently: "Don't be afraid, even if I can't have children, I still have Brother Zhao and Brother Han. I don't want you to suffer, and I don't want to have children with other women. I already have them." If you have two children, why should you care about this?"

Qin Yining couldn't stop crying after hearing this. He lowered his eyes and wiped the tears with a handkerchief. His heart felt sour and soft, moved and angry. It was a mixture of emotions.

"I hate to see you cry the most. Stop crying. There's nothing wrong with my body at all. Maybe like Bingtang said, I have a good constitution, and now the effects of the medicine are over."

Qin Yining took a deep breath, the matter was over, and it was useless to ask any more questions.

"Bingtang, do you think the prince is in good health now?"

Bingtang said: "Your Majesty has a strong body, so he should be fine."

After all, they were different between men and women, so she couldn't ask in detail about many details. Besides, Qin Yining now suspects that she is pregnant. If she is really pregnant, it will naturally explain everything.

Qin Yining said worriedly: "What if I am really pregnant this time, will the medicine have any impact on the child's body?"

Bingtang recalled the pulse case she had read at home, and recalled what her father said back then, and said with certainty: "Princess, just don't worry, this medicine was researched by my father and other colleagues at the request of the nobles. Some head wives are very worried after giving birth to children." In order to fight for the favor of his concubine, he secretly gave this medicine to his husband to give his children time to stand up. In the past, several people in the Great Yan Dynasty used this medicine. I always have the pulse record at home, so I can be sure that they The children born later are very healthy and will not be affected."

Qin Yining knew the origins of Bingtang's family and they were so familiar with each other. She had always been loyal to her and she would not lie. If it was really harmful, Bingtang wouldn't have dared to use this medicine on Pang Xiao.

Thinking about this, Qin Yining nodded slowly and urged Pang Xiao: "You go and do business, I'll take a nap." It was obvious that he didn't want to talk to Pang Xiao at this time and wanted to drive him away. "

Pang Xiao wanted to stay shamelessly, but he was afraid that Qin Yining would be even more angry. He hesitated and nodded, "Then I will take people to see the situation in the city. You can sleep for a while." He winked at Bingtang again, "Serve your princess well. .”

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