Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1119 Battle Situation

Seeing Pang Xiao's cautious look, Bingtang nodded helplessly.

After Pang Xiao turned around and walked away, he said to Qin Yining: "Princess, don't be angry with the prince. You suffered too much when you gave birth to the two young masters, and you really frightened the prince. He is a grown man, and in order to prevent you from suffering, he even came up with such a method, which shows his sincerity towards you."

Seeing Qin Yining, he just bowed his head and refused to speak. Bingtang said again: "I'm afraid that you will blame yourself if you find out, so I won't tell you. The prince is devoted to you, so you can't ruin his heart. Besides, the Yao slave is really confident that she won't hurt the prince's foundation. I just think that it would be a good thing if I didn’t let you get pregnant these years. Firstly, the government is unstable and you have lived too many wandering days, so it is not suitable for you to have children at this time. Secondly, I also want to nurse you back to health."

"I understand you have good intentions." Qin Yining sighed softly, "We have been together since the morning. Although I had no choice but to accept you as a maid, I have always regarded you as a sister in my heart, so I naturally trust you."

Bingtang's heart was full of emotion when she thought of what happened back then. Her long eyelashes flickered and her big eyes were covered with a layer of mist.

"Princess. I know your difficulties, and I know that you are a kind person. I also know your difficulties. Over the years, no one knows about the suffering you have suffered for the sake of the prince. I have been by your side all day, how could I not know?

"Fortunately, Your Majesty has always been loyal to you, and his feelings have never diminished due to prosperity, nor have they changed with the passage of time.

"When the prince asked me about this kind of medicine, the reason why I dared to give it to me was because I knew that the prince cared about you and how you felt. Even if the prince didn't care about me, he would tolerate me for your sake."

Qin Yining was moved by Bingtang's sincere words. He took her hand and said, "I understand everything. I can also understand the thoughts of the prince and you at that time. I just... I can't express this feeling. I am also very worried, in case. If he can't have any more heirs in the future, it will be my fault. I don't doubt his feelings for me. Look at my father, in the end, he spent his whole life for heirs..."

Bingtang nodded. She has an apple-shaped face and a petite figure. She looks like she is only fourteen or fifteen years old. However, because she has studied medicine for many years and has seen many kinds of illnesses, she has a better understanding of people's birth, aging, illness and death. The understanding of worldly affairs should also be deeper.

"Princess, the most sincere thing in this world is emotion, but the most fragile thing is also emotion. The prince is really good to you, but no one can guarantee whether it will change in the future. I am not saying this to warn you. After all, the feelings in this world are so elusive. I just want to say that there is nothing wrong with you having these concerns, but you really don’t need to take them too seriously."

Qin Yining felt that he seemed to have entered a misunderstanding and couldn't help but think wildly.

Can't even control my emotions. This situation is not the time for her to think wildly. It would be inappropriate for her to think about these things.

"I understand everything you said, but my emotions are not so easy to control. Thinking about it, I really shouldn't have done it. The prince has been very good to me. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? I may not necessarily press the button. If we want to develop as I want, it would be too early to start worrying about the future."

Bingtang smiled and nodded. Seeing Qin Yining's worried brows, she couldn't help but said: "Princess, there is no happy pulse in your pulse now, but I think you are the same as when you were pregnant with your brother." It’s very emotional, and my mind becomes more sensitive and soft.”

Qin Yining's slender white hand caressed her lower abdomen and smiled: "This kind of thing, even if it can't be seen from the pulse, the feeling of being a mother is very accurate. I also felt that I might really have it. At first If I don’t tell you, I don’t want to be happy in vain.”

Bingtang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Princess, don't worry, I will work hard to adjust it for you, so you should listen to me, eat whatever I tell you, and sleep as long as I tell you, so that you will be safe when you really want to give birth in the future. .”

Qin Yining's mood suddenly brightened and he nodded repeatedly.

Pang Xiao was very uneasy. When he came back after dark, he saw that Qin Yining was no different from before. Bingtang also nodded to him to indicate that it was okay, and he felt relieved.

After a simple dinner, Qin Yining served Pang Xiao to undress.

"Has there been any battle report from the imperial court? How is the battle going at Dingbeihou?"

Pang Xiao was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a snow-white tunic, but Qin Yining threw the robe in her hand on the screen, pulled her into the bed warmed by Mrs. Tang, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The battle report hasn't arrived yet. Perhaps the cold weather has delayed our journey. But the situation ahead will definitely not be much better."

During this period, the war between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Tatars was in a state of decline. Although Zhou Dynasty had just been founded, it was the time when the army and horses were strong, but the court did not have enough money, and the Tatars seemed to have realized that Zhou Dynasty did not have money to fight a protracted war. Instead, they avoided the sharp point and deliberately delayed time with Zhou Dynasty. .

No matter how capable Ji Zeyu is, he can't lead soldiers who are hungry and full of resentment.

After several battles, Huichuan County had already been lost. Zhan Zhan continued to retreat for hundreds of miles, and was already very close to the capital.

If there is no improvement, I am afraid that the Tatars will attack the capital directly. Wouldn't it be dangerous then?

Thinking of the anxious war, the two of them felt a little heavy for a moment.

After a good night's sleep, the latest battle report was sent early the next morning.

When Pang Xiao saw it, he couldn't even eat breakfast.

"The situation is not good. Ah Lan and Gao Wenliang have led the Huben army to retreat to the last city outside the capital."

"What?" Qin Yining was so shocked that he even dropped his chopsticks, "The Tatars are almost reaching the capital?"

Pang Xiao nodded solemnly, put down the battle report, and opened a secret report. It clearly stated the situation of coming to the capital today, the attitudes of all parties, and the public opinion of the people.

Pang Xiao glanced at it and handed it to Qin Yining: "Sister Yi, take a look."

Qin Yining handed the picked up chopsticks to Bingtang to wash, then turned back to receive the secret report that Pang Xiao denied.

At one glance, she laughed angrily.

"It's really interesting. The foolish king has spent all his money. He can't use the money to buy food to help the victims, and he can't use the money to feed the army. Instead, he blames you!"

The secret report clearly stated: The prince is providing disaster relief and purchasing grain and grass from all over the world. Although many wealthy grain merchants are located in the north, they would rather send grain to the prince for disaster relief than sell it to the imperial court to feed the Tiger Army and resist. Tartar.

"Those wealthy households and businessmen are most concerned about profits, and they are not stupid. Of course, they will choose the one with a reasonable price to sell the same grain. The emperor only talks about how much money he will give, but what he does is no different from plundering, isn't it? Forcibly lowering the price is like issuing an IOU. If he doesn't pay for the grain, he will always be in debt. It's no different from risking it for others. Of course, those people will sell the grain to the party who can get cash."

Qin Yining returned the secret report to Pang Xiao and frowned: "Once such news spreads, I'm afraid the ministers in the DPRK will also resent us. Along the way, you worked hard to raise food and deal with those people, and gradually opened the door In this situation, I have saved so many people with the food I bought. But now that they say it, you have become a sinner."

"Okay, I can't be angry about this." Pang Xiao smiled openly, "Anyway, I have a clear conscience. Besides, the money is used on the people, and I feel very comfortable."

He was so cheerful that Qin Yining also laughed, "God has given you the best reward for what you have done. You have won the love and trust of the people and your subordinates. If Li Qitian knew this again, he would probably flip the table in anger. He I didn’t want you to regain control of the Tiger Army, but unexpectedly you won the hearts of the people. However, Gao Wenliang’s ability is not as good as yours, and the war is becoming more and more intense. Seeing that the Tatars have defeated the last city and are about to attack the city, Li Qitian is afraid that he will be angry again. And helpless.”

Pang Xiao smiled and nodded. He knew Li Qitian's character very well. At this time, he was afraid that his intestines would turn green. But the original decision was made by himself, no one influenced his thoughts, and he couldn't blame anyone at this point.

The relief work in the old capital was proceeding in an orderly manner. While Pang Xiao and Qin Yining were busy feeding and resettling the people, the court was already in chaos.

At the great court meeting, Li Qitian was sitting in the Jinluan Hall, and the courtiers were quarreling about the war.

Some people agreed to remove Gao Wenliang and send Pang Xiao back to help Ji Zeyu, while others tried to figure out what was going on and described Pang Xiao's return to military power as a scourge, as if Pang Xiao would rebel as soon as he came back.

Li Qitian was shocked to hear that the situation these days was too anxious. He hadn't slept well for two days. He came to court and made a noise at the court meeting. After returning to the harem, the female relatives in the harem were even more frightened and forced to smile, as if the Tatars were about to invade the palace.

The Queen Mother even held his hand and asked him to send someone to send the female family members out of the palace for secret protection.

Li Qitian became more angry in his panic. As an emperor, he didn't even think about running away. The Queen Mother and the concubines were a bunch of freeloaders. They couldn't help him. Instead, they made trouble for him. They were the first to run away when something happened.

Li Qitian now feels that he has no energy to even quarrel. However, he did not settle the matter in the palace in the future, but just gave instructions: The Tatars cannot invade, and even if they do invade, the royal family would rather die than live in poverty.

The Queen Mother and Li Helan hugged each other and cried when they heard about it.

Li Qitian was so annoyed that his brain ached. Now the ministers are still arguing endlessly and can't make any useful suggestions. He really couldn't bear it and reprimanded in a deep voice: "Shut up, everyone. I raised you to let you speak freely for the sake of the country in times of crisis. Thank you for your efforts, what are you thinking about now?"

Long Yan was furious, and the noisy people had to stop.

Li Qitian felt that he could not count on these people, so he simply issued an order directly: "The Tatar war is tense. In order to maintain the authenticity, the garrison from all over the country is ordered to go to Beijing to serve the king and jointly resist the Tatars."

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